Dead Horse Ranch State Park: An Archeological Overview

Author(s): Timothy J. Price

Year: 1988


On February 27, 1974, the Arizona State Parks Board adopted a Master Plan for Dead Horse State Ranch. The park covers some 320 acres. Though the proposed development plan has been altered on several occasions, it has included the construction of three man-made lakes for public fishing, the preservation of natural wildlife habitats and archaeological sites with appropriate interpretive programs, as well as the creation of hiking trails to afford recreational opportunities. Camping areas with drinking water, electrical hookups, and rest room facilities, together with picnic ramadas containing tables and fire pits,were also designed. In addition, a small tree nursery and a central visitor center were planned.

The planned park was located on land which had been cultivated historically and, therefore, necessitated extensive development before it could be utilized as a public park. Unfortunately, development often means destruction of archaeological remains. The interest in the area's cultural resources was of major concern to the Parks Board, which approved archeological reconnaissance followed by some mitigation. The work was conducted by several individuals, but their individual findings were not combined as a single report. Recognizing the benefit of a single document, the Parks Board recently recommended that all notes, preliminary reports, and maps be compiled together.

Cite this Record

Dead Horse Ranch State Park: An Archeological Overview. Timothy J. Price. Dragoon, AZ: The Amerind Foundation. 1988 ( tDAR id: 399340) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8SQ926C

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min long: -112.04; min lat: 34.732 ; max long: -111.997; max lat: 34.77 ;

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Contact(s): Arizona State Parks

Prepared By(s): The Amerind Foundation, Inc.

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  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
Dead-Horse-Ranch-State-Park-Arch-overview.pdf 1.56mb Apr 8, 1988 Sep 23, 2015 11:34:57 AM Confidential
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Dead-Horse-Ranch-State-Park-Arch-overview_Redacted.pdf 4.86mb Apr 8, 1988 Feb 23, 2016 1:58:46 PM Public
Text and figures on pages 9-10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 21, 27-28, 30, and 32-33 have been redacted in this file.

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