The Roeser Park Archaeological Project: Investigations in a Portion of Pueblo Viejo, AZ T:12:73 (ASM), a Hohokam Site in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona

Author(s): Thomas E. Wright

Year: 2006


In May 2004, Archaeological Research Services, Inc. (ARS) conducted a phased data recovery program in part of a large prehistoric Native American village called Pueblo Viejo in southern Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona. The site is also known as AZ T:12:73 (ASM) in the Arizona State Museum's site numbering system; the site’s name and number are used interchangeably in this report. The City of Phoenix Archaeology Office has assigned the following project number to the work performed at Pueblo Viejo by ARS: PGM 2005-82.

As part of the City of Phoenix Archaeology Office’s review of this proposal, the parcel’s location was compared to maps of known archaeological site locations in the Salt River Valley. As a result, it was determined that the 8.4-acre parcel lies within the northwestern portion of Pueblo Viejo. Furthermore, a prehistoric irrigation canal was believed to cut across the parcel from east to west. Based on this information, the City Archaeologist recommended an archaeological survey in order to evaluate the presence/absence of cultural remains on the modern site surface, and to evaluate the potential for buried archaeological features. Of particular concern was the potential presence of unmarked human graves, which are protected from disturbance by state law (Arizona Revised Statutes 41-865).

A cultural resources survey of the project area noted that prehistoric ceramics, flaked stone, and ground stone were scattered across most of the 8.4 acres, excluding only an area covered by modern fill (Wright 2004a). The types and frequencies of artifacts were consistent with a Hohokam habitation site. No human bone was noted on the site’s surface, but background research indicated that numerous prehistoric human graves had been encountered during other excavation projects in Pueblo Viejo (e.g., Zyniecki 1993). The survey report recommended that any planned ground disturbances within the project area be preceded by archaeological investigations designed to locate and evaluate buried archaeological features, and to recover their important scientific data content. After completion of these archaeological studies, the planned residential development could be constructed as originally planned.

This volume provides relevant background information about the site and the project, reports descriptive and analytical data pertaining to the features and artifacts encountered within the project area, and presents interpretations of past human occupations within and near the project area based on a synthesis of the available data. This introductory chapter describes the project's location, natural and cultural setting, and administrative background. Subsequent chapters describe the study procedures and report the results of the field work, laboratory analyses, and data synthesis.

Cite this Record

The Roeser Park Archaeological Project: Investigations in a Portion of Pueblo Viejo, AZ T:12:73 (ASM), a Hohokam Site in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona, 082. Thomas E. Wright. 2006 ( tDAR id: 448782) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8448782

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Spatial Coverage

min long: -112.077; min lat: 33.378 ; max long: -112.046; max lat: 33.42 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): City of Phoenix Archaeology Office

Contributor(s): Andrew L. Christenson; Bruce G. Phillips; K.J. Schroeder; Joshua Watts; Lyle M. Stone; Bill Wilson; Jason Torrence

Repository(s): Pueblo Grande Museum

Prepared By(s): Archaeological Research Services, Inc.

Submitted To(s): V & M Homes

Record Identifiers

ARS(s): 2004:082

PGM(s): 2005-82

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