Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.
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Alternate Names: Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd , Archaeology Consulting & Services, Inc. Verona, WI , Archaeological Consulting & Services, Inc. Verona, WI , Archaeological Consulting Services, Tempe, AZ , Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd., Tempe, Arizona , Archaeological Consulting Service , Archaeological Consulting Services, Tempe , Archaeology Consulting & Services, Inc., Verona, WI , Archaeological Consulting Services, LTD. , Archaeological Consulting Services, Verona, WI , Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. , Archaeological Consulting Services, Inc., Verona, Wis , Archaeological Consulting Services , Archaelological Consulting Services, Ltd. , Archaeological Consulting & Services, Inc., Verona, WI , Archaeological Consulting Services Ltd. , Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd., Tempe, A , Archaeological Consulting Services, Inc., Verona, WI , Archaeological Consulting & Services , Archaeological Consulting Services, Inc. , Archaelogical Consulting Services, Ltd. , Archaeoloigcal Consulting Services
Institution Members
301-350 (524 Records)
- Research Design and Plan of Work for Testing AZ U:6:87, U:6:105, U:6:253, and U:6:83(ASM), Fort McDowell Indian Reservation: Report (1995)
- Research Design and Work Plan for Archaeological Survey on the Gila River Indian Community (1995)
- Research Design and Work Plan for Intensive Testing of the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project, San Xavier District, Tohono O’odham Nation, Pima County, Arizona: Report (2004)
- Research Design For Cultural Resource Class III Survey and Testing (1992)
- Research Design for Data Recovery for the Salt River Project and Arizona Public Service Transmission Line Facilities Along the Beeline Highway (1985)
- Research Design for on-Call Class III Cultural Resource Inventory and Testing Contract (1997)
- Results Of Archaeological Testing and Plan of Work for Excavation at AZ BB:13:16(ASM)-Locus F, Tohono O'odham Indian Reservation, San Xavier District, Tucson, Arizona: Report (1999)
- Results of Archaeological Testing for the Proposed San Xavier Farm Cooperative Water Pond, San Xavier District, Tohono O’odham Nation: Letter Report (2004)
- Results of Construction Monitoring at AZ T:7:174(ASM) for the Northern Parkway Project Near El Mirage, Maricopa County, Arizona (2015)
- Results of Cultural Resource Monitoring During Installation of FAA Runway Status Lights (Shelter 3 and Associated Duct Banks and Conduits) with the Site of Pueblo Salado (AZ T:12:47[ASM]) at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2011)
- Results of Cultural Resource Monitoring for the City of Phoenix Southern Avenue Storm Drain Project, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2011)
- Results of Cultural Resource Monitoring for the George Gervin Prep Academy Project, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2012)
- Results of Cultural Resource Monitoring for the Hermoso Park Renovation Project, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2013)
- Results of Cultural Resource Monitoring for the Palm Oasis Rehabilitation Project, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2012)
- Results of Cultural Resource Monitoring for the Westward Ho Hotel and Apartments Rehabilitation Project, City of Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2016)
- Results of Cultural Resource Monitoring for Two Fire Hydrant Installations, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2014)
- Results of Cultural Resource Monitoring, Burial Recovery and Phase 1 Data Recovery (Data Testing) for the City of Phoenix Road Detention Basin Project, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2011)
- Results of Cultural Resource Phase I Data Recovery and Monitoring for the Lindo Park Recreation Center, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2017)
- Results of Cultural Resources Monitoring for the City of Phoenix Storm Drain Project, Maricopa County, Arizona (2006)
- Results of Cultural Resources Monitoring of a Proposed New Manhole and Associated Duct Banks at Sky Harbor International Airport within the site of Pueblo Salado [AZ T:12:47 (ASM)] Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2005)
- Results of Cultural Resources Monitoring of Duct Bank Trenching, Sky Harbor International Airport, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2007)
- Results of Cultural Resources Monitoring of Proposed Remote Transmitter No. 3 (RT-3) Foundation Work and Two New Antenna Towers at Sky Harbor International Airport near the Site of Pueblo Salado (AZ:T:12:47[ASM]) Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2006)
- Results of Cultural Resources Monitoring of Two Proposed New Fiber Optic Lines and Associated Duct Banks at Sky Harbor International Airport within the Site of Pueblo Salado [AZ T:12:47 (ASM)] Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2006)
- Results of Data Recovery at Pueblo Del Rio, AZ:T:12:116(ASM) for the El Paso Natural Gas 2039 Line Relocation/Removal Project Southwest Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2005)
- Results of Eligibility Testing and Data Recovery Plan for Multiple Locations and Sites Along the Arizona Department of Transportation Red Mountain Freeway (State Route 202) Project Right-of-Way (State Route 87 to Gilbert Road) (2016)
- Results of Eligibility Testing and Data Recovery Plan for Two Archaeological Sites Along the Arizona Department of Transportation Red Mountain Freeway (State Route 202) Project Right-of-Way (SR 87 to Gilbert Road) (2000)
- Results of Phase I (Limited) Data Recovery at AZ T:12:116(ASM) for Proposed Improvements Along 43rd Avenue at the Roosevelt Irrigation District Canal, Southwest Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2004)
- Results of Phase I Data Recovery and an Addendum Work Plan for Phase II Data Recovery for the Proposed Barrister Building Development in Downtown Phoenix, Arizona (2017)
- Results of Phased Data Recovery for the Paving and Storm Drain Project, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2013)
- Results of Testing Along The EPNG 2039 Line, Southwest Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (1999)
- Return To Butte Camp: A Japanese-American World War II Relocation Center: Report (1993)
- Revised - Preliminary Results of Data Recovery at Two Sites (AZ U 9:200(ASM) & AZ U 9:201(ASM)) Along the Arizona Department of Transportation Red Mountain Freeway (State Route 202) Project Right-of-Way (State Route 87 to Gilbert Road) (2000)
- Richland Telecom - RI-030A / Heyincs - Proposed Construction of a New Telecommunications Tower - Assr Report for Phase I Archaeological Survey (2001)
- Richland Telecom -RI-031 Thompson - Proposed Construction of a New Telecommunications Tower - Sec. 33, T95N-R4W - Assr Report for a Phase I Archaeological Survey (2001)
- Salt River Project Pinnacle Peak to Papago Buttes Project, Assessment of Cultural Resources (1985)
- Salt-Gila (Fannin-McFarland) Aqueduct Central Arizona Project Mapping and Assessment: Photolog (2009)
- The San Carlos Reservoir Cultural Resources Survey: Report (1995)
- Settlement History Along Pinal Creek in the Globe Highlands, Arizona, Volume 1: Introduction and Site Descriptions (2003)
- Settlement History Along Pinal Creek in the Globe Highlands, Arizona, Volume 2: Human Remains and Mortuary Patterns (2003)
- Settlement History Along Pinal Creek in the Globe Highlands, Arizona, Volume 3: Material Culture and Special Analyses (2003)
- Settlement History Along Pinal Creek in the Globe Highlands, Arizona, Volume 4: Synthesis and Conclusions (2006)
- Settlement History Along SR 88/188 From the Globe Highlands to Tonto National Monument, Arizona (2009)
- Settlement, Subsistence, and Specialization in the Northern Periphery: Research Design for Mitigative Data Recovery at Sites in the New Waddell Dam Borrow Areas (1986)
- Settlement, Subsistence, and Specialization In the Northern Periphery: The Waddell Project. Vols. 1 and 2 (1989)
- A Status Report on Additional Cultural Resources Studies for Minnesota Segment of the Viking Voyageur Pipeline Project (1997)
- A Supplemental Class III Cultural Resources Survey and Treatment Plan for the San Xavier Farm Extension Project, San Xavier District, Tohono O’odham Nation, Pima County, Arizona (2016)
- Supplemental Study of Butte Camp at the Rivers Relocation Center: A Japanese-American World War II Relocation Center: Interim Report (1993)
- Survey and Recovery and Analysis of Human Remains Along a Portion of an SRP Lateral in Greenwood Cemetery, Phoenix, Arizona: Photo Log (2007)
- Survey and Recovery and Analysis of Human Remains Along a Portion of an SRP Lateral in Greenwood Cemetery, Phoenix, Arizona: Report (2007)
- Survey, Mapping, and Limited Testing at Three Sites on the Fort McDowell Indian Community: Report (1994)