EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 5,501-5,600 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Realitätsverlust in der Darstellung archäologischer Erkenntnisse im Freilichtmuseum (Fallbeispiel Gross Raden, Mecklenburg) (1993)
  2. Recent Developments in the Analysis of Lithic Artifacts (1993)
  3. Reflexión sur l'animation en archéologie (1993)
  4. Rekonstruktionen und archäologische Experimente nach Grabungsbefunden in der Langobardenwerkstatt Zethlingen (1993)
  5. Replica versus reconstruction (1993)
  6. The Resistance/Speed Curve of Olympias (1993)
  7. reviving the village museum in Dar es Salaam (1993)
  8. Riconstruzione sperimentale di un mantice greco del V sec. a.C. Antiche officine del bronzo. Materiali, strumenti, tecnice (1993)
  9. Roar og Helge af Roskilde - om at bygge og sejle med vikingeskibe (1993)
  10. Roar og Helge af Roskilde - om at bygge og sejle med vikingeskibe (1993)
  11. Rowing Astern (1993)
  12. Rowing Olympias: a matter of skill (1993)
  13. Rowing Olympias: further lessons of the sea trials (1993)
  14. Römerzeitliche Eisenverhüttung in der Altmark. Schmelzversuche nach Grabungsbefunden (1993)
  15. Römische Darre aus Bad Wimpfen im Vergleich mit rezenten Beispielen (1993)
  16. Römische Handwerker im germanischen Thüringen: Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen in Haarhausen, Kr. Arnstadt. 2 parts (1993)
  17. Römisches Kochen wiedererlebt - Rezepte nach Apicius (1993)
  18. The sailing rig of Olympias (1993)
  19. Schmelzversuche zur römerzeitlichen Eisenverhüttung (1993)
  20. The Sea Trials of the reconstructed Athenian Trireme Olympias: A reply to Lucien Basch (1993)
  21. Seminario de parques arqueológicos (1993)
  22. A Sengokubune replica from Japan (1993)
  23. Shimin no tameno shiseki [Historical monuments and sites for the sake of the general public] (1993)
  24. Ships and sea-power before the Great Persian War: the anchestry of the ancient trireme (1993)
  25. A Simple Shaving Horse for Bowmaking (1993)
  26. Simulated use of experimental maize grinding tools from southwestern Colorado (1993)
  27. Skansen 1891 - 1991 ; [report of the conference 1991] Report 15th Meeting / Tagungsbericht 15. Tagung, Skansen, Sweden 1991 (1993)
  28. Some Further Thoughts or Reconstructions, Replicas and Simulations of Ancient Ships (1993)
  29. Some Thoughts on Danish Flint Technology (1993)
  30. Sound reflection as an explanation for the content and context of rock art (1993)
  31. Spears, Darts, and Arrows: Late Woodland Hunting Techniques in the Upper Ohio Valley (1993)
  32. Splits and wedges: the techniques and technology of early Aurignacien antler working (1993)
  33. Spontning i London under vikingatid och medeltid (1993)
  34. Stalking the Wild "One-Leggeds" (1993)
  35. Stereotypes in pictorial reconstructions of human origins (1993)
  36. Stone Tools Basics: Chart (1993)
  37. Stone tools, steel tools. Contact Period household technology at Helo´ (1993)
  38. Strength Analysis of the Transwestern Ceramic Assemblage (1993)
  39. The strength of the past and its great might: an essay on the use of the past (1993)
  40. Strings (1993)
  41. Studies in ancient technology, Volume 3. Cosmetics and Perfumes in Antiquity: Food, Alcoholic Beverages, Vinegar: Fermented Beverages 500 B.C.-500 A.D. (1993)
  42. Studies of wear on grinding stones (1993)
  43. A study on lost wax casting processes in Mali and Burkina Faso (Western Africa). Workshops and casting techniques as ethno-archaeological demonstration material. (1993)
  44. Středověká výroba dehtu na Přibramsku II. (1993)
  45. A Tapestry of Winter (1993)
  46. Tatort Stonehenge – ein archäologisches Denkmal als moderner Bedeutungsträger (1993)
  47. Teaching Chronology through Timelines (1993)
  48. Technologie und Ergologie (1993)
  49. Tekniska framsteg inom jordbrukskulturerna I sydöstra Europa under kopparstenåldern (1993)
  50. Tierhaltung und Züchtung im Museumsdorf Düppel (1993)
  51. Tir Expérimental de Sagaies et de Flèches Emmanchées de Pointes de la Gravette (1993)
  52. Tourism and Heritage Attractions (1993)
  53. Toward understanding the technological development of manos and metates (1993)
  54. Towards a Theoretical Framework for Archaeological Management (1993)
  55. Travail de la peau avec des grattoirs emmanchés. Réflections sur les bases expérimentales et ethnographiques (1993)
  56. The Trials of Flax (1993)
  57. Trieres: the evidence from Antiquity (1993)
  58. The trireme - an experimental form? An answer to Sean McGrail (1993)
  59. The Trireme Project. Operational Experience 1987-90, Lessons Learnt (1993)
  60. Tule Boats (1993)
  61. Töpferzentrum Wildeshausen: nordwestdeutsche Keramik aus dem 17. bis 19. Jahrhundert (1993)
  62. Umweltanpassung arabisch-sprachiger Rindernomaden (Shuwa) im nigerianischen Tschadsee-Gebiet (1993)
  63. Une experience l'agriculture sur brulis dans la vallee de l'Aisne (1993)
  64. The Unsung Shelter (1993)
  65. Updated Fracture Mechanics: From Hertz to Archaeology to Cones (1993)
  66. Use-wear traces: process of development and post-depositional alterations (1993)
  67. Utblick (1993)
  68. Vad händer inom experimentell arkeologi i Danmark idag? (1993)
  69. The value of a tradition in iron making. Smelting in Budalen, according to O. Evenstad's description from 1782 (1993)
  70. Vergangenheit in der Gegenwart? Überlegungen zum interpretatorischen Potential der Ethnoarchäologie (1993)
  71. Versuche zur Rekonstruktion von Terra Sigillata (1993)
  72. Versuchsbohrungen an Originalscherben von Zürich-Mozartstrasse (1993)
  73. Vikingers kniv (1993)
  74. Vikingetidens kniver i Danmark (1993)
  75. Vom "Machen" zum Ausnutzen der Vergangenheit (1993)
  76. Vom Experiment zur Erkenntnis (1993)
  77. Vom Körperschutz zum Kleiderschutz. Teil 1: Anfänge der Schürze (1993)
  78. Vorschäfte für Kerbspitzen der Hamburger Kultur (1993)
  79. Weapon technology, prey size selection and hunting methods in modern hunter-gatherers: implications for hunting in the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic (1993)
  80. Westdeutsche Museen - objektiv und belanglos? (1993)
  81. Western Wampum (1993)
  82. Wiederaufbau. Denkmalpflege an archäologischen Statten 2 (1993)
  83. Znalecký štandard: Stanovenie hodnoty strojov a strojových zariadení (1993)
  84. Zum Beginn experimentalarchäologischer Untersuchungen einer bronzezeitlichen Kupferverhüttungsanlage in Mühlbach, Salzburg (1993)
  85. Zur Herkunft verkohltes Getreidekörner in urgeschichtlich Siedlungen: eine alternative Erklärung (1993)
  86. Zur Herstellungstechnik von Kleidung und Ausrüstungsgegenständen (1993)
  87. Zur Technologie der jungpaläolithischen Speerschleuder: eine Studie auf der Basis archäologischer, ethnologischer und experimenteller Erkenntnisse (1993)
  88. Древние культуры Бертекской долины (Горный Алтай, плоскогорье Укок) (1994)
  89. Палеолитоведение: введение и основы (1994)
  90. A 1500's Lenape Indian Village (1994)
  91. The 1994 Trireme Trials. Research Results and Discussion (1994)
  92. 30 års forsøg med fortiden. Temanummer (1994)
  93. "Abo Ethics" (1994)
  94. Abraham Lincoln as Authentic Reproduction: A Critique of Postmodernism (1994)
  95. The accomplished Art. Gold and gold-working in Britain and Ireland during the Bronze Age (c. 2500-650 BC) (1994)
  96. Adventures With the Versitile Tule (1994)
  97. Agricola and the study of early metallurgy (1994)
  98. Analysis and reconstruction of two tabletwoven bands from the Celtic burial Hochdorf (1994)
  99. Analytisch-technische Untersuchungen an der großen Bronzestatuette des Attis im Rheinischen Landesmuseum Trier (1994)
  100. The Ancient Art of Split Willow Sculpture (1994)