Society for American Archaeology 82nd Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC (2017)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2017 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 82nd Annual Meeting was held in Vancouver, BC, Canada from March 29–April 2, 2017.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1,901-2,000 of 3,437)

  • Documents (3,437)

  1. Mas alla de la Arqueologia (2017)
  2. The Mass Grave at Kulleet Bay: Bioarchaeological Evidence of Human Catastrophe (2017)
  3. Mass Procurement and Feasting at Houtaomuga site, Northeast of China (2017)
  4. Material Culture Correlates of Polity Restructuring and Decline: Changes in Ceramic Production and Use at the End of the Late Classic Period in the Copan Valley (2017)
  5. Material elaboration and monumentality: Mortuary beads, pastoralists, and social innovation in northwest Kenya (2017)
  6. Material Encounters and Indigenous Transformations in Early Colonial El Salvador (2017)
  7. Material Technology As An Indicator of Past Species Size (2017)
  8. Materiality and Movement: Indigenous Concepts in Archaeological Analysis and Interpretation (2017)
  9. The Materiality of Domestic Space: Indor Khera, North India, 200 BCE- 500 CE (2017)
  10. The materiality of life and death: Dress ornaments and shifting identities at Hasanlu, Iran (2017)
  11. The Materiality of Sound: Detecting Performing Patterns On Two Mesoamerican Bone Rasps (2017)
  12. Materialization of social resistance: trends on NW Iberia late Prehistory and Protohistory and beyond (2017)
  13. Materializing ideas. Preliminary analysis of roof tiles images from the Nuestra Señora de Loreto I and San Ignacio Mini I missions (1610 – 1631) (2017)
  14. Materializing Nationhood: the Many Roles of Built Landscape Management Policy in Post-Partition India and Pakistan (2017)
  15. Materializing Ritual: Sorcery, Transformation, and Divination in Greater Nicoya (2017)
  16. Materials Processing in the Production of Ceramic Bronze-Casting Molds from the Zhouyuan area, China, c. 1100-771 BCE (2017)
  17. Mats, trays, bowls, and patches: results from the analysis of over 9,000 years of Catlow Twine basketry in the archaeological record (2017)
  18. Maverick Mountain Phase Ceramics from Point of Pines Pueblo: A Preliminary Report (2017)
  19. Maya Architecture in the Northern Lowlands (2017)
  20. Maya Child Sacrifice Via Cranial Punctures (2017)
  21. Maya E-Groups and the Nature of Science -- Ours and Theirs (2017)
  22. Maya Lithic Economies at Piedras Negras, Guatemala: Production and Exchange in an Elite Architectural Complex (2017)
  23. Maya metals: A Comparative Analysis from Tipu and Lamanai, Belize (2017)
  24. Maya Monument Production: Techne and the Birth of Meaning (2017)
  25. Maya Mortuary Practices over Time and Space: The Effects of Socio-Political and Environmental Change on Mortuary Practices and the Statistical Analysis of Trends in Mortuary Characteristics (2017)
  26. Maya Palaces at Aguateca and Ceibal, Guatemala (2017)
  27. Maya Palaces: Royal Courts of the Ancient and Not-So-Ancient Maya (2017)
  28. Maya Peasantry: Crop Diversity Past and Present (2017)
  29. Maya Shell Trumpets: An Interpretative Pivot (2017)
  30. The Maya: Historic Archaeology and Archaeology of Historic Periods (2017)
  31. The meaning of the plants around the death: the case of the Offer 149 (2017)
  32. Measuring Gesture: Stroke Quantification in Lithic Use-wear Experiments (2017)
  33. Measuring Household Inequality in Hohokam Society: An Analysis of Domestic Architecture at Pueblo Grande (2017)
  34. Measuring household wealth using mound accumulation rates in Skagafjörður, North Iceland (2017)
  35. Measuring Human Impacts on Islands Relative to Size (2017)
  36. Measuring Mobility: Comparing Indices Developed from Architectural and Paleoethnobotanical Datasets (2017)
  37. Measuring Risk to Food Security in the Prehispanic U.S. Southwest: The Salinas Region in the Broader Southwest World (2017)
  38. Measuring the Impact of Ancient Colonization in Central-West Sicily (2017)
  39. Medieval fishweirs in Britain and Ireland: exploring practice, power, and identity amongst fishing communities (2017)
  40. The Medieval Necropolis of Mouweis (Shendi Area, Sudan): Bioarchaeological Insights (2017)
  41. Medieval worldbuilding and cosmopolitics: Armenia on the Silk Road (2017)
  42. A megalithic cemetery with a cult house in early Neolithic Denmark (2017)
  43. Memento Mori: Scalar reference, architectonic persistence and the continuity of ritual memory at Huaca Colorada, Jequetepeque Valley, Peru (2017)
  44. Memory and Materiality in Rock Art and Ghost Dance Performances (2017)
  45. Mercury pollution and the ancient Maya: where, why and how. (2015)
  46. Merit Making at Ancient Bagan, Myanmar: A Consideration of Socio-Religious Entanglements and the Rise and Fall of a Classical Southeast Asian State (2017)
  47. Mesa Grande and Its World: An Analysis of Intrusive Pottery Types Recovered from Mesa Grande and Their Social Implications (2017)
  48. Mesoamerican contact on the Southwest Northern frontier (2017)
  49. A Mesoamerican Culture Hero Legend in Western U.S. Rock Art (2018)
  50. Mesoamerican Figurative Plaques: Elites’ Legitimization Strategies during the Epiclassic Period (600 to 900 a.C). (2017)
  51. Mesoamerican Plants of the Night: A Paleoethnobotanical Perspective (2017)
  52. Mesoamerican Spindle Whorls from a Technological and Ideological Perspective (2017)
  53. Mesopotamian Clay Tokens, Pilgrimage, and Interaction (2017)
  54. Mesopotamian Megasites before Uruk (2017)
  55. Metagenomic analysis of pre-contact diet using ancient dental calculus from Prince Rupert Harbour, British Columbia (2017)
  56. Metal Sensing and Indigenous Copper from Isle Royale National Park and Gila National Forest (2017)
  57. Metallurgical Production at Mayapan, Yucatan, Mexico: New Discoveries from the R-183 Group (2017)
  58. Metallurgy in America: What do We Know about its Development and Diffusion? (2017)
  59. Method and Theory in the Archaeology of Interior Salish Rock Art Sites on the British Columbia Plateau. (2017)
  60. A Method for Identifying Surface Scatters in the Jungles of Belize: A Case Study from the Medicinal Trail Community (2017)
  61. A Method to Extract Collagen from Archaeological Leather for Species Identification with ZooMS (2017)
  62. Methods for Intensive Data Collection on Terminal Deposits in the Belize River Valley, Belize (2017)
  63. Methods for the identification of dog and dog/wolf hybrids from wild canids in the Northern Plains (2017)
  64. The Metlakatla first nation and archaeology: an Indigenous Community's Views in the course of 50 years of archaeological and related research in the Prince Rupert Harbour Region (2017)
  65. Mica Symbolism from a Late Irene Mortuary Site (2017)
  66. Micro Computed Tomography in Archaeological Ceramic Studies: A Case Study on Ontario Late Woodland Borderlands (2017)
  67. Micro-History and Macro Evolution: Material Geographies of Multi-Family Neolithic Households (2017)
  68. Micro-Sampling Dentine to Reconstruct Life Histories of Holocene Hunter-Gatherers in Siberia (2017)
  69. Microarchaeology applied to foumier deposits: the use of phytoliths, spherulites and ash pseudomorphs as a tool for reconstruct livestock practices. (2016)
  70. Microfossil analysis of sediments from a Qaraqara terrace site, Viti Levu, Fiji (2017)
  71. Microhistories of the "Funnel Effect": Tracing the banal materialities of U.S. border enforcement, 2000-present (2017)
  72. Micromorphological Analysis of Thin Sections from Bear Creek (45KI839), Redmond, King County, Washington (2017)
  73. Micromorphological study of concotto surfaces protected by the Avellino Eruption in 3,780 BP at the Afragola village in Southern Italy (2015)
  74. Micromorphology and isotopic geochemistry of the Yangguanzhai moat deposit (2017)
  75. Micromorphology of Hearth Features and FTIR Analysis of Clays at Xianrendong and Yuchanyan Cave: Reconstructing Pyrotechnology and Human Behaviour Connected with the Earliest Pottery (2017)
  76. Microregions and Materiality: Artifact Analysis at Panchmata, India (2017)
  77. Microscopic Analysis of Sherds from Pit H85 (2017)
  78. Microscopic Leftovers: Exploratory Starch Grain Analysis on Ceramic Vessels from the Shangshan Culture, China. (2017)
  79. Microstratigraphic Investigation of Nomadic Pastoral Campsites in Eastern Mongolia (2017)
  80. Microwear Analysis of Mica Lamented Quartzite Scrapers from Slocan Narrows, Upper Columbia River Area (2017)
  81. Microwear on Shell Beads at Cluny Fortified Village (EePf-1) (2017)
  82. The Mid-Atlantic Steatite Belt: Archaeological Approaches to Traditional Knowledge and the formation of Persistent Landscapes (2017)
  84. Midden Muddle (2017)
  85. A Middle and Later Stone Age sequence from Iringa, southern Tanzania (2017)
  86. The Middle Fork Geophysics Project, Central Idaho (2017)
  87. Middle Grant Creek: a rare example of a single component Huber phase site on the Illinois prairie (2017)
  88. Middle Holocene Hunter–Gatherer Archaeology in the Baikal Region, Siberia: Recent Developments and Future Directions (2017)
  89. Middle Horizon "local" and "exotic" styles in Castillo de Huarmey and Pachacamac: Menzel’s ideas revised (2017)
  90. The Middle Paleolithic artifacts from Manot Cave (Western Galilee), Israel (2017)
  91. Middle Pleistocene Lifeways in the Azraq Oasis, Jordan (2017)
  92. A Middle Yangshao Cemetery of the Yangguanzhai Settlement (2017)
  93. The Middle-Upper Paleolithic transition in southern Iberia: New dates from Lapa do Picareiro, Portugal (2017)
  94. Migration and Cultural Change: Effects of Migration on Ritual Practices in Early Medieval Britain and Colonial America (2017)
  95. Migration and Cultural Emplacement on the Mississippian Periphery: A Fort Ancient Example (2017)
  96. Migration and Diversity in Ancient Xinjiang: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Investigation of Adunqiaolu Population (2017)
  97. Migration and Interaction in the Epiclassic of the Tula Region: Preliminary Data as Evidenced by Dental Non-Metric Analysis (2017)
  98. Migration and Isolation in the Okhotsk Tradition of Hokkaido and the Kuril Islands (2017)
  99. A Millennium of Fishing: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Faunal Remains from the Shaktoolik Airport Site (NOB-072), Norton Sound, Alaska (2017)
  100. Millets and Rice on the Move: Adaptive Strategies in the Past and Future (2017)