Society for American Archaeology 82nd Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC (2017)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2017 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 82nd Annual Meeting was held in Vancouver, BC, Canada from March 29–April 2, 2017.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 201-300 of 3,437)

  • Documents (3,437)

  1. The Archaeology of Aztec North (2017)
  2. An Archaeology of Becoming (2017)
  3. Archaeology of British Military Logistics in the French and Indian War (2017)
  4. The archaeology of colonialism and capitalism in the Southwest Pacific: the Compagnie Calédonienne Nouvelles-Hébrides (CCNH) on Malakula, Vanuatu. (2017)
  5. The archaeology of dogs at the precontact Yup’ik site of Nunalleq, Western Alaska (2017)
  6. The Archaeology of Ecological Imperialism in Central Mexico (2017)
  7. An Archaeology of Illegal Garbage Dumping in the Twenty-First Century (2017)
  8. Archaeology of Iron in the Lingnan Region and the Imperial Strategy of the Han Dynasty in its Southern Peripheries (2017)
  9. Archaeology of Religion in Nicaragua (2017)
  10. Archaeology of Salmon Ceremony in the Japan Sea Coastal Regions: A Comparative Study with the Northwest Coast of North America (2017)
  11. Archaeology of Smoking Behaviors on Putlic Parks of Santiago, Chile (2017)
  12. Archaeology of the Port des Morts Lighthouse Ruins (47DR497) – A Mid-19th Century Lighthouse Site (2017)
  13. Archaeology's Digital Interfaces (2017)
  14. Archaeology, A Bone to Pick: Pitfalls of a Destructive Science (2017)
  15. Archaeology, Accessibility and 3D Imaging (2017)
  16. Archaeologyin3 Minutes: Multimedia Storytelling in Public Archaeology (2017)
  17. Archaic Fishing in the Eastern Woodlands: An Examination of Social Causes and Environmental Variation (2017)
  18. Architecting the Underworld: What is a Southern Maya Lowland Chultun? (2017)
  19. Architectural Communities of Practice: Identifying Kiva Production Groups in the Northern Southwest (2017)
  20. Architecture and Figurine art in Central Veracruz (2017)
  21. Architecture and Spatial Organization of Urban Cercaduras at the Early Horizon Center of Caylán, Nepeña Valley, Peru (2017)
  22. Architecture and Urban Transformation in Formative Central Mexico: New Findings from the Tlalancaleca Archaeological Project, Puebla (2017)
  23. Are Lithics and Fauna a Match made in Prehistoric Heaven? (2017)
  24. "Are You There Gods?" Offerings and Communication Between Worlds in Protohistoric France (2017)
  25. Arm Chair Archaeology: GIS-ing the 1733 St. Jan Slave Rebellion (2017)
  26. An Army of Winged Souls: Butterfly Iconography in Teotihuacan (2017)
  27. Around the Lower Pecos in 1,095 Days: A Baseline Rock Art Documentation Project (2017)
  28. Arqueología de los repartos mercantiles en los Andes coloniales: endeudamiento, elites locales y cultura material. (2017)
  29. Arqueología en la Sierra Sur de Oaxaca: El sitio fortaleza de Quiavicuzas (2017)
  30. The Arrival of Belief:religion and art at the extremities of the Silk Roads, AD 500-800 (2017)
  31. "An Arson, A Wig, and a Murder": The Search for Particia Calloway (2017)
  32. Art in the Time of Promontory Cave: Enhancement of Rock Art Figures Using DStretch (2017)
  33. Artifact Density and Predictive Modeling in Old Kiyyangan Village (2017)
  34. Artifact Geographies of the Viking Age (2017)
  35. Artifact-Based Measures for Scaling Research in the Rio Grande Pueblos (2017)
  36. Artifacts Talk Back: Technological Analysis of Flakes and Flake Scars (2017)
  37. Artifactual Composition of Terminal Deposits from the Classic Maya site of Baking Pot, Belize. (2017)
  38. Artificial cranial modifications of human remains from archeological sites in China (2017)
  39. Artiodactyl Exploitation in Northeastern California during the Terminal Prehistoric/Protohistoric Time Periods: Evidence of Environmental Rebound? (2017)
  40. Artisan production and morphological changes in skeletons from San Jose de Moro (North coast of Peru) (2017)
  41. Arts and Sciences of Ancient Plants at McMaster University (2017)
  42. Arukhlo: Neolithic Settlement and Ritual Place in Georgia, Southern Caucasus (2017)
  43. Ascendancy through Ancestry: Evidence of Late Classic Sociopolitical Change at the Ancient Maya Site of Pacbitun, Belize (2017)
  44. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust : the role of wood in ancient maya funerary sequences (2017)
  45. "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust" –Natufian Cemeteries and Human Perceptions of Nature (2017)
  46. Aspectos bioarqueológicos de los grupos prehispánicos del semidesierto queretano durante el Epiclásico (2017)
  47. Aspects of Carved Paddle Stamped Designs from the Middle Mississippi Period (2017)
  48. Assembling conceptual tools to examine the moral and political structures of the past (2017)
  49. Assembly sites: arenas of interplay between the elite and wider community in Late Iron Age Scandinavia (2017)
  50. Assessing Age Related Changes in the Strength of Relationship for Dental, Skeletal, and Chronological Age using Bivariate Correlations. (2017)
  51. Assessing Defensibility: Geospatial Analyses of Preclassic to Colonial Highland Maya Settlement Patterns (2017)
  52. Assessing differential fragmentation of mammal bone: a new proxy (2017)
  53. Assessing Edge Damage in MSA Lithic Assemblages: Experimental Proxies for the Analysis of Use and Post-Depositional Damage (2017)
  54. Assessing Human-Animal Interactions in Mesoamerica: Ancient Maya Use of the Black-Throated Bobwhite (Colinus nigrogularis) (2017)
  55. Assessing hunter-gatherer mobility in Australia's Western Desert using historic aerial imagery from the 1950s (2017)
  56. Assessing prehistoric herding strategies through stable isotope analysis: a case study from the Dry Puna of Argentina (2017)
  57. Assessing Response of Tse-whit-zen's Large-bodied Fish to Environmental Change using Sampling to Redundancy (2017)
  58. Assessing Stable Isotope Data from Archaeological White-tailed Deer Remains as a Palaeoenvironmental Proxy at the Site of La Joyanca, Northwestern Peten, Yucatan Peninsula (2017)
  59. Assessing the Population History of the Atacama Desert using 3D Geometric Morphometric Methods (2017)
  60. Assessing the Strength of Prehistoric Glues (2017)
  61. Assessment of lateral edge grinding on hafting performance using experimental Clovis points (2017)
  62. An Assessment of Prehistory at Historic Hanna's Town (2017)
  63. An Assessment of small game exploitation at Gruta Nova da Columbeira in the Middle Paleolithic (Portugal) (2017)
  65. At the Heart of the Ikaahuk Archaeology Project (2017)
  66. At the Intersection: Destabilizing White Creole Masculinity at the 18th-Century Little Bay Plantation, Montserrat, West Indies (2017)
  67. At the Margin of a World System: Cultural Histories between the Eurasian Steppe and Northwest China (2017)
  68. An Attempt at Digitally Associating Skeletal Elements: A Study of Photogrammetry and Articular Surface Area (2017)
  69. Attempt of Modelization of the First Settlements in America at Pleistocene Based on the New Archaeological Sequences in Piaui (Brazil) (2017)
  70. Attractive Salt: What the magnetic susceptibility and stratigraphy of the Witz Naab and Killer Bee mounds reveal about ancient Maya salt production and economy. (2017)
  71. The Aurignacian lithic industry from Area E (2017)
  72. Authentication of Museum-Curated Tsantsas Utilizing Next Generation Sequencing Technology (2017)
  73. Automated archaeological feature extraction from LiDAR. (2017)
  74. Avances en el estudio de la organización sociopolítica prehispánica en la región del Río Tampaón, S.L.P., México (2017)
  75. The Avocational Atelier: a portrait of lithic collection practice (2017)
  76. Awanyus, Kachinas and Birds, oh my: Exploring Changes in Iconography in the Contact Era Rio Grande Pueblo World (2017)
  77. Aztec Aesthetics: Historical Reconstructions and Contemporary Cultural Recovery Movements (2017)
  78. Aztec at the End of Days: Great House to Crossroads (2017)
  79. Aztec’s Textiles, Baskets, and Other Perishable Traditions: Contributions of Recent Perishables Research to a New Understanding of the West Ruin (2017)
  80. The Baalche’ Group: An Investigation of a Preclassic Maya Palace at Yaxnohcah, Campeche, Mexico (2017)
  81. Back to Basics: Analyzing knapped stone recovered during survey in southeastern Senegal (2017)
  82. Back to the Earth: Construction and Closure of a Late Shang Dynasty Structure. (2017)
  83. "Bai Kui", the True Garden; "Ava-Ti", the White Population: Horticultural Intensification in Lowland South America (2017)
  84. Ballgames and the Social Networks of the Sierra Sur: What Can Ballcourts Tell Us About Political Negotiation in Southern Oaxaca? (2017)
  85. The ballistic performance of prehistoric weapons: first results of a comparative study. (2017)
  86. Bands of brothers: the socio-political and military organisation of Viking armies during the 9th century (2017)
  87. Barrow Roads and Bronze Age Wayfaring (2017)
  88. Baseline Remote Sensing Survey of the Mayan Biosphere Reserve (MBR) in Petén Guatemala (2017)
  89. Basket Case? Finding Funding for Archaeological Projects—A European Perspective (2017)
  90. Battlefield Archaeology in Ancient Europe and Southeast Asia: The Challenge of Remote Histories and Personification of War Events (2017)
  91. Bayamanaco and the Cayman: The Mythic origin of Manioc Cultivation, Amazonia-Antilles (2017)
  92. Bayesian Analysis and Chronological Revisions in Southern Mesoamerica (2017)
  93. A Bayesian Approach to the Interpretation of Andean Faunal Assemblages (2017)
  94. Bayesian Approaches for Chronology-Building in Maya Archaeology: Direct AMS 14C Dating of Burials in the Belize River Valley (2017)
  95. A Bayesian model sensitivity study of non-static diet-collagen isotope fractionations factors used to assess breastfeeding and weaning practices among fisher-gatherers populations, western Cuba (2017)
  96. A Bayesian Model-Based Comparison of Radiocarbon Chronologies for the Earliest Complex Societies in the Maya Lowlands (2017)
  97. A Bayesian Solution to the Controversy over the Identification of Bone Surface Modification in Paleoanthropology (2017)
  98. BC "Rock" Stars: The Next Generation (2017)
  99. Beach Party: A Review of Previous Relict Shoreline Surveys, and Excavations in the 2016 Field Season at McCargoe Cove, Isle Royale National Park (2017)
  100. Beads all the way down: reassessing the economics of Shell Bead Production on Santa Cruz Island (2017)