Society for American Archaeology 82nd Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC (2017)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2017 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 82nd Annual Meeting was held in Vancouver, BC, Canada from March 29–April 2, 2017.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 801-900 of 3,437)

  • Documents (3,437)

  1. Decolonizing Archaeological Methodologies: The Making and Remaking of Research Practices with Tribal Communities (2017)
  2. Decolonizing Mohenjo Daro: A Participatory Approach to Archaeology in Pakistan (2024)
  3. ​The decoupling of environment ​and political change in the prehistoric southern Titicaca Basin (2017)
  4. Deep Histories from Shallow Sites: Archaeological Investigations of Later Sites in Eastern Djibouti (2017)
  5. Deep Impacts of Mohegan Archaeology: Indigenous Knowledge and its Influence on the Past (2017)
  6. Deep Time Versus Archaeological Time: Disentangling Stratigraphy, Periodization, and Historical Narrative (2017)
  7. Defining Identity during Revitalization: Taki Onqoy in the Chicha-Soras Valley (Ayacucho, Peru) (2017)
  8. Defining Territories: Exploratory Analysis in Polynesia (2017)
  9. Defining the Anthropocene on California's Northern Channel Islands (2017)
  10. Defining the Local Experience: A Distributional Analysis of Late Prehistoric Activities at the Topper Site (38AL23) (2017)
  11. Demographic Collapse and Deintensification in Protohistoric Alta California (2017)
  12. Demystifying Southern Lowland Chultunes: The Ritual Space Hypothesis (2017)
  13. Dendrochronological Dating of a Burned Native American Structure at Fort Ouiatenon, Indiana (2017)
  14. Densidad poblacional y sus implicaciones socio-económicas en la primera capital olmeca de San Lorenzo, Veracruz. (2017)
  15. Density, Discard and Distraction: How Do We Form Inferences of Behavior from the Early Pleistocene Record (2017)
  16. Dental Micro-wear Analysis and Diets of Dacaozi Ancient Population in Qinghai, China (2017)
  17. Dependent Independence? Identity, Interconnection, and Isolation in Iceland (AD 870-1800) (2017)
  18. A Depositional Analysis of Pit Features at the Pocumtuck Fort (2017)
  19. Desarrollo de Santa Cruz Atizapan: un centro regional en la margen occidental de la Ciénaga de Chignahuapan, valle de Toluca (2017)
  20. Descendant Communities and Curriculum Development; Working Towards a Culturally Relevant Development Process (2017)
  21. Designer Antiquities: A Current Trend in the Not so Honest Antiquities Trade (2017)
  22. Desperate Times, Distinctive Places: Human Landscape Interaction at Tzak Naab, Belize (2017)
  23. Despotism and Territorial Behavior: Low Population Density Foragers and Territorial Maintenance (2017)
  24. Detecting spatially local deviations in population change using summed probability distribution of radiocarbon dates (2017)
  25. Detecting the functions of patios in a Classic Maya regal palace at La Corona, Guatemala. (2017)
  26. Determination of Burial Locations Using Soil Analyses at the Loyola Plantation in French Guiana, 1668-1763 (2017)
  27. Determination of Use-Wear Evidence on Quartzite Tools: Experimental and Archaeological Studies (2017)
  28. Determining local marine reservoir effect ΔR correction factors for Cuba (2017)
  29. Developing a Legacy Collection of Traditional Rice Cultivation: Implications for Archaeobotanical Study (2017)
  30. Developing dialogue: A developer, First Nation band member, and archaeologist discuss the role of meaningful consultation in CRM (2017)
  31. Developing Long-Term Public Archaeology in Slippery Rock, PA (2017)
  32. The Developing Tale of Sayles Adobe (2017)
  33. Developing Typologies of Temple Features of Angkor, Cambodia. (2017)
  34. Development and Praxis of Community-Based Archaeology at Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park (2021)
  35. The Development and Resilience of Complex Polity in the Southern Maya Lowlands: A Decade of Research at Uxbenká, Toledo, Belize (2017)
  36. Development of a Classic Maya secondary polity at Itzimte (2017)
  37. Development of Craft Specialization during the Pre-Aksumite Period in Eastern Tigrai, Ethiopia: Insights from Modern Hide-Workers (2017)
  38. Development of Maritime Networks and Human Migration in Wallacea and Oceania during Neolithic to Early Metal ages (2017)
  39. A Diachronic Interdisciplinary View of Maya Foodways (2017)
  40. Diagnostic Elements and Interobserver Variation in the Indentification of Fish Bones (2017)
  41. Did Bears Make the Fur Trade Possible? Seasonal Resource Scheduling during Wisconsin’s Early and Middle Historic Periods (2017)
  42. Did Increased Landscape Management through Pyrodiversity Lead to a Rise in Deer Procurement in the San Francisco Bay Area? (2017)
  43. Did Tlingit and Haida eat sea otters during the pre-contact period? an issue of intellectual property and cultural heritage (2017)
  44. Diet and Adaptations in a High Altitude Rockshelter of Southern Peru, Based on Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes (2017)
  45. Diet and Dentition on the Black Sea: An examination of dental health and dietary reconstruction at Medieval Mesambria (2017)
  46. Diet and in-migration in the Tlajinga District of Teotihuacan: New insights from stable isotope analysis and AMS radiocarbon dating. (2017)
  47. Diet and Migration in Coastal Oaxaca: Identifying Effects of Political and Social Collapse through the Utilization of Stable Isotope Analysis (2017)
  48. Diet and Mobility in Roman and Byzantine Turkey (2017)
  49. Diet and mobility on the Canadian Plateau: Isotopic analysis of domestic dogs and other fauna from the Bridge River site (2017)
  50. Diet in Coastal Arequipa, Peru, at the Dawn of the Wari Empire (2017)
  51. Dietary DNA Analysis of Mississippian Dog Coprolites (2017)
  52. Dietary Ethnogenesis? An Examination of Dietary Patterns at the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Potter’s Field, California (2017)
  53. Dietary variability through isotopic analysis of modern human hair from Nicaragua: exploring significant differences in diet between and among demographic groups in a single population (2017)
  54. Different but similar? Colonisation processes on islands and continents compared (2017)
  55. A Different Kind of Poor: A Multi-Method Demographic Analysis of the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Historic Cemetery (2017)
  56. Different Methods for Different Strokes: Petroglyphs in the Northern Cape, South Africa (2018)
  57. Differentiating Commingled Human Remains through EDXRF (Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence) (2017)
  58. Digging deeper: The use of rock art in archaeological contexts to understand past lifeways on Murujuga, Northwest Australia. (2015)
  59. Digging for Community Engagement (2021)
  60. Digging for Shells: Recovering Indigenous Wampum Technologies in Museum Collections (2017)
  61. Digging into the Supernatural World. Cinema's Intrinsically Religious Depiction of Archaeology. (2017)
  62. Digital Archaeological Data in All the Classrooms: Case studies using the Digital Index of North American Archaeology (DINAA) for Teaching Digital Methods in Graduate and Undergraduate Curricula (2017)
  63. Digital Archiving for Archaeological Projects (2017)
  64. Digital Documentation of Ancient Ritual Landmarks: Modeling Senses of Place with Photogrammetry, LiDAR, and Virtual Tours. (2017)
  65. The Digital Evolution at Chan Chich, Belize (2017)
  66. Digital History and Digital Storytelling: the Future of Geospatial Technologies in the Study of the Past (2017)
  67. Digital on-site presentation of the invisible past (2017)
  68. The Dimensions of Tektaş Burnu: The Benefits of Computer Generated Modeling in Archaeology (2017)
  69. Ding Dung: Animal Enclosures, Digested Bones and, Where was the Livestock in the Archaeological Site? Evidences from Experimentation and Zooarchaeology from Late Prehistory in the Western Mediterranean (2017)
  70. Dining Out in the Desert: Results From Protein Residue Analysis at the Azraq Oasis, Jordan (2017)
  71. Dinámicas medioambientales, infraestructura de almacenamiento y paisaje agrario en Cajamarquilla (Siglos VII- IX d.C.) (2017)
  72. Direct Comparison of LA-ICP-MS and Handheld XRF Elemental Analysis of Copper Artifacts: A Methodological Case Study in the Exploration of Hopewell Valuables Exchange Systems (2017)
  73. Direction, Gender, and Cosmology in the Pre-Columbian Textile Technologies of Mesoamerica (2017)
  74. Dirt, dynasties, and devastation in North China: Geoarchaeological perspectives from the Luoyang Basin (2017)
  75. Dirt, Rocks, and Water: Irrigation Here, There, Then, and Now (2017)
  76. Disappearing Historic Archaeology (2017)
  77. Disaster Struck: Smithsonian Museum Support Center Earthquake Response and Recovery (2017)
  78. Discovering Hidden Layers with X-Ray Vision: New Applications of pXRF to Rock Art Studies (2015)
  79. Discovering the Archaeologists of the Americas: Pilot Project (2017)
  80. Discussing early societies Fishtail points and early social practices seen from the Southern Cone (2017)
  81. Disentangling the demographic consequences of subsistence stress and parasite epidemiology among the ancestral Alutiit of the Kodiak Archipelago (2017)
  82. The Dismal River Complex and the Continuing Debate of Early Apachean Presence on the Central Great Plains (2017)
  83. Displays of identity: A community-engaged approach to studying identity through photo diaries (2017)
  84. Dittman Cache Replication (2017)
  85. Diversity and Development of Property Rights and Money in the Southern Pacific Northwest Coast (2017)
  86. Diving into the PAST: public engagement with Florida’s historic shipwrecks (2017)
  87. DNA Linkage: Incorporating North American Ancient DNA Data into DINAA (2017)
  88. DNA preservation in archaeological dental calculus and dentine (2017)
  89. Do Good Fences Make Good Neighbors? Pilot Osterøy Field Project (PILOST) and Redefining boundaries in Southwestern Norway (2017)
  90. Documentando la Destrucción de Montículos con Detección Remota (2017)
  91. Documentation of Rock Art Complexes in the Mongolian Altai (from the unknown to World Heritage Status) (2015)
  92. Documentation, methodology and interpretation of rock art from Castle Rock Community, Canyons of the Ancients National Monument, Colorado (2018)
  93. Documenting Archaeological Contexts with 3D Photography (2017)
  94. Documenting Classic Maya Urban Landscapes: Comparing and Integrating the Results of LiDAR and Topographic Survey at El Perú-Waka’, Petén, Guatemala (2017)
  95. Documenting Dietary Effects of Imperial Collapse and Drought: Bioarchaeology and Stable Isotope Analysis at Huari-Vegachayoq Moqo, Peru (2017)
  96. Documenting the Forced Migration of Enslaved Peoples at the Grassmere Plantation, Nashville, Tennessee Using Strontium and Lead Isotope Analyses (2017)
  97. Does technology hinder or assist story-telling? A critical theory approach to archaeological representation and relational data (2017)
  98. Does the Site-Size Hierarchy Concept Mask the Complexity of Urban-Hinterland Relations? (2017)
  99. Dogoszhi-Style Ceramics as Markers of Elite Status within the Chacoan Regional System (2017)
  100. Doing it the old-fashioned way: Dating Paleoindian Rock Art in Eastern South America (2015)