Welcome to the Department of Defense (DoD) Cultural Resources Program Collection.
The DoD maintains thousands of historic and culturally significant resources that form an integral part of mission support and readiness. The Department's cultural resources are the Nation's heritage and DoD holds these assets in trust for all Americans. As stewards of the Nation's largest inventory of federally managed historic properties, DoD strives to maintain, promote, and interpret the cultural resources it manages, both to support the defense mission and to preserve the country's military heritage for future generations. Cultural resources are mission enhancing assets that connect our fighting men and women with their proud history and traditions.
The Federal Preservation Officer for DoD is responsible for cultural resources management and historic preservation policy across the Department. Mr. Richard Kidd is the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Environment & Energy Resilience and is located within the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations & Environment.
The DoD historic property portfolio includes 49 individual National Historic Landmarks, 3,171 National Historic Landmark contributing properties, 2,396 individual and contributing historic assets listed in the National Register of Historic Places, over 15,000 historic assets determined eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places, and over 132,000 recorded archaeological sites. Military Services and other DoD Components manage these cultural resources at the installation level and work closely with public stakeholders, including American Indian and Alaska Native tribes, Native Hawaiian Organizations, State Historic Preservation Officers, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. Sound cultural resources stewardship ensures DoD’s compliance with applicable historic preservation Federal laws, Executive Orders, and regulations in support of the defense mission.
For more information, please visit: https://www.denix.osd.mil/cr/index.html
Site Name Keywords
14GE0170 •
14RY2117 •
14RY2136 •
14RY2138 •
14RY2140 •
47MO286 •
47MO465 •
47MO704 •
47MO848 •
Site Type Keywords
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Non-Domestic Structures •
Archaeological Feature •
Water-Related •
Shipwreck •
Funerary and Burial Structures or Features •
Submerged Aircraft •
Rock Art •
Cemetery •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features
Other Keywords
Department of Defense •
Historic Context •
Cultural Resources Management •
National Historic Preservation Act •
National Register of Historic Places •
Cultural Resources •
military installations •
Archaeology •
Archaeological Sites •
Historic Buildings
Culture Keywords
Historic •
Prehistoric •
PaleoIndian •
Woodland •
Archaic •
Euroamerican •
Historic Native American •
Investigation Types
Heritage Management •
Historic Background Research •
Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis •
Archaeological Overview •
Architectural Documentation •
Reconnaissance / Survey •
Research Design / Data Recovery Plan •
Site Stewardship Monitoring •
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Environment Research
Material Types
Metal •
Ceramic •
Wood •
Glass •
Building Materials •
Chipped Stone •
Macrobotanical •
Fauna •
Textile •
Ground Stone
Temporal Keywords
19th Century •
20th Century •
World War II •
Cold War •
Early-Mid 20th Century •
Vietnam War •
Prehistoric •
Civil War •
18th Century •
Geographic Keywords
United States of America (Country) •
North America (Continent) •
USA (Country) •
United States •
Virginia (State / Territory) •
District of Columbia (State / Territory) •
South Carolina (State / Territory) •
North Carolina (State / Territory) •
New York (State / Territory) •
Delaware (State / Territory)
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 201-300 of 375)
- Military Historic Context Emphasizing the Cold War Including the Identification and Evaluation of Above-Ground Cultural Resources for Thirteen Department of Defense Installations in the State of Georgia (Legacy 03-175)
- Military Historic Context Emphasizing the Cold War Including the Identification and Evaluation of Above-Ground Cultural Resources for Thirteen Department of Defense Installations in the State of Georgia - Report (Legacy 03-175) (2006)
- Military Training Lands Historic Context (Legacy 05-265)
- Military Lands Historic Context - Training Village, Mock Sites, and Large Scale Operations Areas - Report (Legacy 05-265) (2010)
- Military Training Lands Historic Context - Large Arms Ranges - Report (Legacy 05-265) (2010)
- Military Training Lands Historic Context - Small Arms Ranges - Report (Legacy 05-265) (2010)
- National Historic Context for Hush Houses and Test Cells on DoD Installations (Legacy 07-342)
- National Historic Context for Hush Houses and Test Cells on DoD Installations - Report (Legacy 07-342) (2009)
- National Historic Landmarks Data Reconciliation (Legacy 07-375)
- National Historic Landmarks Data Reconciliation - Inventory (Legacy 07-375) (2007)
- National Historic Landmarks Data Reconciliation - Report (Legacy 07-375) (2007)
- Nationwide Context and Evaluation Methodology for Farmstead and Ranch Historic Sites and Historic Archaeological Sites on DoD Property (Legacy 17-837)
- Nationwide Context and Evaluation Methodology for Farmstead and Ranch Historic Sites and Historic Archaeological Sites on DoD Property - Presentation (Legacy 17-837) (2020)
- Nationwide Context and Evaluation Methodology for Farmstead and Ranch Historic Sites and Historic Archaeological Sites on DoD Property - Report (Legacy 17-837) (2020)
- Nationwide Context, Inventory, and Heritage Assessment of Works Progress Administration and Civilian Conservation Corps Resources on Department of Defense Installations (Legacy 07-357)
- Built by WPA-CCC, 1933-1943 New Deal Historic Resources on Department of Defense Installations - Booklet (Legacy 07-357) (2009)
- Nationwide Context, Inventory, and Heritage Assessment of Works Progress Administration and Civilian Conservation Corps Resources on Department of Defense Installations - Report (Legacy 07-357) (2009)
- Non-Invasive Burial Determination Using Near Surface Geophysical Survey and Soil Chemical Testing at Fort Hood, Texas, and Camp Lejeune, North Carolina (Legacy 03-193)
- Non-Invasive Burial Determination Using Near Surface Geophysical Survey and Soil Chemical Testing at Fort Hood, Texas, and Camp Lejeune, North Carolina - Report (Legacy 03-193) (2004)
- Army Alternate Procedures (2001)
- Army Ammunition and Explosives Storage During the Cold War, 1946-1989 - Report (2009)
- Army Program Comment for Capehart and Wherry Era Army Family Housing and Associated Structures and Landscape Features (1949-1962) (2001)
- Army Program Comment for Inter-War Era Historic Housing, Associated Buildings and Structures, and Landscape Features (1919-1940) (2020)
- Army Program Comment for World War II and Cold War Era (1939-1974) Ammunition Production Facilities and Plants (2006)
- Army Prototype Programmatic Agreement for the Privatization of Army Lodging (2012)
- Army Prototype Programmatic Agreement Regarding Building Interiors (2011)
- Basic Methods of Conserving Underwater Archaeological Material Culture - Report (1997)
- California Historic Military Buildings and Structures Inventory - Report (2000)
- Context Study of Quartermaster General Standardized Plans 1866-1942 - Report (1997)
- Department of Defense Guidelines for the Curation of Archaeological Soil Samples (2000)
- Department of Defense Programmatic Memorandum of Agreement for Demolition of World War II Temporary Buildings (1986)
- DoD Cultural Resources Training Overview - Public Document (2022)
- DoD Program Comment for Cold War Era Unaccompanied Personnel Housing (1946 - 1974) (2006)
- DoD Program Comment for World War II and Cold War Era (1939-1974) Ammunition Storage Facilities (2006)
- DoD Report to Congress on Historic Preservation - Report (2022)
- Federal Register Notice for DoD Program Comments for Cold War Era (1946-1974) Unaccompanied Personnel Housing, World War II and Cold War Era (1939-1974) Ammunition Storage Facilities (2007)
- Fort Bliss Main Post Historic District - Form (2000)
- Historic Contexts & Histories Catalog for DoD's Historic Built Environment - Catalog (2011)
- Housing an Air Force and a Navy: The Wherry Capehart Era Solutions to the Postwar Family Housing Shortage (1940-1962) - Report (2007)
- Integrated Cultural Resource Management Plan Molokai Receiver Station Palayau, Molokayi Island, Maui County, Hawai'i (2005)
- Mokapu: A Paradise on the Peninsula - Pamphlet (2014)
- National Guard Bureau Nationwide Programmatic Agreement for Army National Guard Readiness Centers Maintenance and Repair (2010)
- National Register of Historic Places Historic Context and Evaluation for Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, NM (2008)
- Navy and Air Force Program Comment for Capehart and Wherry Era Housing and Associated Structures and Landscape Features (1949-1962) (2004)
- Navy Program Comment for the Disposition of Historic Vessels (2010)
- Perspectives in Underwater Archaeology - Report (2004)
- Safeguard Missile Training Program, Fort Bliss, Texas - Brochure (2008)
- Study of Antiterrorism/Force Protection (ATFP) Base Entrance Improvements in a Historic District - Report (2003)
- Technologies for Prehistoric and Historic Preservation - Summary, 1986 (1986)
- Tularosa Basin and Coe Ranch, Ft. Bliss, TX - Brochure (2008)
- OCONUS Data Layer for Cultural Resources: A Feasibility Study (Legacy 05-266)
- OCONUS Data Layer for Cultural Resources: A Feasibility Study - Presentation (Legacy 05-266) (2005)
- An Optimal Foraging Model of Hunter-Gatherer Land Use in Carson Desert (Legacy 92-0497)
- An Optimal Foraging Model of Hunter-Gatherer Land Use in Carson Desert - Report (Legacy 92-0497) (1995)
- Paleontology Resources: A Key to Unlocking the Past (Legacy 92-0482)
- Paleontology Resources: A Key to Unlocking the Past - Report (Legacy 92-0482) (1994)
- Patriotic Legacy: The Navajo Code Talkers and the Use of Native American Languages in Defense of America (Legacy 94-0311)
- Patriotic Legacy: The Navajo Code Talkers and the Use of Native American Languages in Defense of America - Report (Legacy 94-0311) (1995)
- The Penobscot Expedition Archaeological Project: Field Investigations 2000 and 2001 (Legacy 01-133)
- The Penobscot Expedition Archaeological Project: Field Investigations 2000 and 2001 - Report (Legacy 01-133) (2003)
- Performance Testing of Historically Appropriate Blast-Resistant Windows (Legacy 04-219)
- Performance Testing of Historically Appropriate Blast-Resistant Windows - Report (Legacy 04-219) (2007)
- Prioritizing Site Treatment Actions (Legacy 10-122)
- Prioritizing Site Treatment Actions (Legacy 10-122) (2012)
- Procurement Guidelines for the Reuse of Historic Building Materials (Legacy 06-316)
- Procurement Guidelines for the Reuse of Historic Building Materials - Guide (Legacy 06-316) (2006)
- A Programmatic Approach to Determine Eligibility of Prehistoric Sites in the San Diego Subregion, Southern Coast Archeological Region, California, for the National Register of Historic Places (Legacy 05-251)
- A Programmatic Approach to Determine Eligibility of Prehistoric Sites in the San Diego Subregion, Southern Coast Archeological Region, California, for the National Register of Historic Places - Report (Legacy 05-251) (2007)
- Programmatic Approaches to the Management of Cold War Historic Properties (Legacy 13-701)
- Programmatic Approaches to the Management of Cold War Historic Properties - Report (Legacy 13-701) (2015)
- A Proposal to Safely Recover the H.L. Hunley Submarine Located in Charleston, South Carolina (Legacy 00-106)
- H.L. Hunley General Recovery Procedures - Plan (Legacy 00-106) (2000)
- A Proposal to Safely Recover the H.L. Hunley Submarine Located in Charleston, South Carolina - Report (Legacy 00-106) (1999)
- Protecting the Past to Secure the Future: Best Management Practices for Hardening Archaeological Sites on DoD Lands (Legacy 06-303)
- Protecting the Past to Secure the Future: Best Management Practices for Hardening Archaeological Sites on DoD Lands - Report (Legacy 06-303) (2007)
- Protocols for 3D Visualization as Alternative Mitigation and Public Interpretation (Legacy 14-733)
- Protocols for 3D Visualization as Alternative Mitigation and Public Interpretation - Report (Legacy 14-733) (2017)
- Recording the Cold War: Identifying and Collecting Cold War Resources Data on Military Installations (Legacy 07-285)
- Recording the Cold War: Identifying and Collecting Cold War Resources Data on Military Installations - Report (Legacy 07-285) (2008)
- Regional Analysis of Historic Farmstead Archaeological Site Characteristics on DoD Installations (Legacy 12-508)
- Regional Analysis of Historic Farmstead Archaeological Site Characteristics on DoD Installations - Report (Legacy 12-508) (2014)
- Regional Analysis of Historic Farmstead Archeological Site Characteristics on DoD Installations - Brochure (Legacy 12-508) (2014)
- Regional Cold War History for Department of Defense Installations in Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands (Legacy 09-454)
- Regional Cold War History for Department of Defense Installations in Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands - Report (Legacy 09-454) (2011)
- Removing the Veil: Interest of Military Land Managers in Using Declassified and Classified Imagery (Legacy 99-1749)
- Removing the Veil: Interest of Military Land Managers in Using Declassified and Classified Imagery (Legacy 99-1749) (2000)
- Report on the Reconnaissance Investigation of the CSS Alabama (Legacy 99-1880)
- Report on the Reconnaissance Investigation of the CSS Alabama - Report (Legacy 99-1880) (1999)
- Reveille to Taps: Camp Forrest, TN 1940-1946 (Legacy 92-0442)
- Reveille to Taps: Camp Forrest, TN 1940-1946 - Report (Legacy 92-0442) (1992)
- Rock Art Study on DoD Property Located in LANTOPS, EFA Chesapeake, and NORTHDIV Areas of Responsibility (Legacy 94-0021)
- Rock Art Study on DoD Property Located in LANTOPS, EFA Chesapeake, and NORTHDIV Areas of Responsibility - Report (Legacy 94-0021) (1997)
- Rural Industries of the Sand Hills of Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina Context (Legacy 09-436)
- Rural Industries of the Sand Hills of Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina Context - Report (Legacy 09-436) (2009)
- Rural Industries of the Sand Hills, Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina - Pamphlet (Legacy 09-436) (2009)