School of Human Evolution and Social Change


This collection serves as a digital archive of archaeological investigations carried out by faculty, staff, and students from the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University.

The collection includes resources from projects around the globe and includes documents, images, and data.

SHESC strives to meet the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) and CARE (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsible, Ethical) principles of data stewardship.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 3,301-3,400 of 5,338)

  • EMAP (2003) Report to the National Geographic Society on Activities Conducted under Grant 6980-01 (2003)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Michelle Hegmon. Margaret C. Nelson. Karen Schollmeyer. Stephanie Kulow.

    Funds from grant 6980-01 enabled us to gather information about the Classic Mimbres period in Southwest prehistory and improve our understanding of the relationship between population, subsistence, and mobility. Eleven separate analyses (of subsistence remains, demography, resource use, and site use life and intensity), enabled or directly supported as part of this research, facilitate comparisons between the Classic Mimbres period settlement in villages and the Reorganization...

  • EMAP (2003) Research and Reports from the 2001 and 2002 Field Seasons (2003)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Michelle Hegmon. Margaret C. Nelson. Karen Schollmeyer.

    This is a compilation of the research and reports from the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project 2001-2002. Articles include: Abandonment is Not as it Seems: An Approach to the relationship Between Site-Level and Regional Abandonment; The Changing Socioeconomic Contexts of Mimbres Households; Game Resources, Social Interaction, and the Ecological Footprint in Southwest New Mexico; Recent Issues in the Archaeology of the Mimbres Region of the North American Southwest; eastern Mimbres...

  • EMAP (2004) EMAP 2003 Agricultural Feature Survey in the Gila National Forest, Schollmeyer (2004)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Karen Schollmeyer.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project conducted non-disturbing, non-collecting surface archaeological survey in the Gila National Forest from June 5 through June 15, 2003, in order to identify prehistoric agricultural features in the eastern Mimbres area. This research was conducted as part of the larger Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), directed by Drs. Michelle Hegmon and Margaret Nelson at Arizona State University. Previous EMAP research has focused on the Ladder Ranch (near...

  • EMAP (2006) Agriculture, Mobility, and Human Impact in the Mimbres Region of the United States Southwest (2006)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Michelle Hegmon. Margaret C. Nelson. Karen Schollmeyer. Michelle Elliott. Michael Diehl.

    The relationships among land use, population, and environment are not simple. Larger populations impact the environment more than do smaller populations, and environmental marginality promotes greater impacts from human action. While these two statements may be correct at a broad scale, the relationships are not linear. We examine the relationships among these variables using data from eleventh- through thirteenth-century villages and hamlets of prehistoric subsistence agriculturalists from the...

  • EMAP (2008) Social Transformation and Its Human Costs in the Prehispanic Southwest (2008)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Michelle Hegmon. Matthew Peeples. Ann P. Kinzig. Stephanie Kulow. Cathryn Meegan. Margaret Nelson.

    Change is inevitable, but some changes and transformations are more dramatic and fraught with suffering than others. Resilience theory suggests the concept of a “rigidity trap” as an explanation for these differences. In rigidity traps, a high degree of connectivity and the suppression of innovation prolong an increasingly rigid state, with the result that the eventual transformation is harsh. Three archaeological cases from the U.S. Southwest (Mimbres, Mesa Verde, and Hohokam) and new methods...

  • EMAP (2010) X-Ray Flourescence of Obsidian Artifacts from Las Animas Village (LA3949) and Roadmap Village (LA45157) (2010)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Jeffrey R. Ferguson.

    This project involves the analysis of 150 obsidian artifacts from 2 sites in southwestern New Mexico. Compositional analysis was conducted using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and the resulting chemical compositions were compared to known obsidian sources in the American Southwest, Northern Mexico, and surrounding regions. The majority of the samples (74%) are from Mule Creek, but Mount Taylor and Jemez Mountains sources are also present. Twenty of the samples all belong to the same group of...

  • EMAP (2011) Deer in Prehistory in the South Western United States (2011)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Karen Schollmeyer. Jonathan C. Driver.

    The southwestern United States has a spectacular arid landscape of broad desert basins, wooded plateaux and canyons, and forested mountains. When Spanish explorers first entered the region they met Native American populations who had lived for a thousand years in small agricultural settlements called pueblos, as well as mobile hunting and gathering groups that had moved into the area more recently. Despite subsequent centuries of colonization these people have maintained their cultural...

  • EMAP - Analytic Unit Coding Sheet (2012)
    CODING SHEET [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    EMAP - Analytic Unit Coding Sheet The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico...

  • EMAP - Analytic Unit Database (AUD)
    PROJECT [not managed] Michelle Hegmon. Margaret C. Nelson.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - Archeomagnetic Dating
    PROJECT [not managed] Michelle Hegmon. Margaret Nelson.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - Archeomagnetic Dating Dataset (2012)
    DATASET [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    Archeomagnetic Dating Dataset for EMAP. The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New...

  • EMAP - AUD (2012)
    DATASET [not managed] Melissa Kruse-Peeples.

    EMAP - AUD The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las...

  • EMAP - C14 Database (2013)
    DATASET [not managed] Sarah Klassen. Arizona State University (ASU).

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - C14 datasets
    PROJECT [not managed] Margaret C. Nelson. Michelle Hegmon.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - C14 Results (2013)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Klassen

    EMAP - C14 Results. The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1993, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1993 Nelson was at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995 both moved to Arizona State University, where they and...

  • EMAP - Ceramic Types Coding Sheet (2013)
    CODING SHEET [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - Ceramics Body Part Coding Sheet (2013)
    CODING SHEET [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    o Coding Sheet: EMAP - Ceramic Types Coding Sheet

  • EMAP - Ceramics Data Sheet (2012)
    CODING SHEET [not managed] Melissa Kruse-Peeples.

    Decorated Ceramics Data Sheet The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State...

  • EMAP - Ceramics Database
    PROJECT [not managed] Michelle Hegmon. Margaret C. Nelson.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - Ceramics Form Coding Sheet (2013)
    CODING SHEET [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - Complete List of Sites Excavated (2013)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Klassen

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - Dating Results
    PROJECT [not managed] Margaret Nelson. Michelle Hegmon.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - Decorated Ceramics Dataset (2012)
    DATASET [not managed] Melissa Kruse-Peeples.

    EMAP - Decorated Ceramics Dataset The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico...

  • EMAP - Dendro Samples Datasets
    PROJECT [not managed] Michelle Hegmon. Margaret C. Nelson.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - Dendro Samples Datasets (2012)
    DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: Sarah Klassen

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - Fauna Datasets
    PROJECT [not managed] Michelle Hegmon. Margaret C. Nelson.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - Field Recording Guidelines
    PROJECT [not managed] Margaret C. Nelson. Michelle Hegmon.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - Ground Stone and Grinding Stone (2012)
    DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: Sarah Klassen

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - Ground Stone and Grinding Stone Datasets
    PROJECT [not managed] Michelle Hegmon. Margaret C. Nelson.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - Ground Stone Breakage (2013)
    CODING SHEET [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The following coding guide provides important information for completing the Groundstone Analysis Data Form. Where possible, analyses of all groundstone artifact types should be completed by the same person or team of persons to ensure consistency.

  • EMAP - Ground Stone Material (2013)
    CODING SHEET [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The following coding guide provides important information for completing the Groundstone Analysis Data Form. Where possible, analyses of all groundstone artifact types should be completed by the same person or team of persons to ensure consistency.

  • EMAP - Ground Stone Shape (2013)
    CODING SHEET [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The following coding guide provides important information for completing the Groundstone Analysis Data Form. Where possible, analyses of all groundstone artifact types should be completed by the same person or team of persons to ensure consistency.

  • EMAP - Ground Stone Striation Coding Sheet (2013)
    CODING SHEET [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The following coding guide provides important information for completing the Groundstone Analysis Data Form. Where possible, analyses of all groundstone artifact types should be completed by the same person or team of persons to ensure consistency.

  • EMAP - Ground Stone Type (2013)
    CODING SHEET [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The following coding guide provides important information for completing the Groundstone Analysis Data Form. Where possible, analyses of all groundstone artifact types should be completed by the same person or team of persons to ensure consistency.

  • EMAP - Ground Stone Wear Coding Sheet (2013)
    CODING SHEET [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The following coding guide provides important information for completing the Groundstone Analysis Data Form. Where possible, analyses of all groundstone artifact types should be completed by the same person or team of persons to ensure consistency.

  • EMAP - INAA Dataset (2013)
    DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: Sarah Klassen

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - INAA Samples Datasets
    PROJECT [not managed] Michelle Hegmon. Margaret C. Nelson.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - INAA Samples Datasets (2012)
    DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: Sarah Klassen

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - LA3949 Compiled Undecorated Ceramic Counts (2017)
    DATASET [not managed] Michelle Hegmon.

    Part of LA3949 site report. This excel file contains counts of undecorated ceramics sorted by unit and context.

  • EMAP - Lithic Flakes - Stage Coding Sheet (2013)
    CODING SHEET [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - Lithic Flakes Dataset (2012)
    DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: Sarah Klassen

    This is a sample of chipped stone flakes from some of the excavated sites. The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York,...

  • EMAP - Lithics - Breakage Coding Sheet (2013)
    CODING SHEET [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - Lithics - Material Coding Sheet (2012)
    CODING SHEET [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    EMAP - Projectile Points - Material Coding Sheet The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at...

  • EMAP - Lithics Datasets
    PROJECT [not managed] Michelle Hegmon. Margaret C. Nelson.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - Obsidian Datasets
    PROJECT [not managed] Margaret C. Nelson. Michelle Hegmon.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - Obsidian Flakes (2012)
    DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: Sarah Klassen

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - Obsidian Hydration Dataset (2012)
    DATASET [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - Obsidian Inventory (2015)
    DATASET [not managed] Sarah Klassen. Rebecca Harkness.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - Obsidian Inventory (2012)
    DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: Sarah Klassen

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - Other Artifacts - Breakage (2012)
    CODING SHEET [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - Other Artifacts - Material (2012)
    CODING SHEET [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - Other Artifacts - Shape (2012)
    CODING SHEET [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - Other Artifacts - Type (2012)
    CODING SHEET [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - Other Artifacts Dataset (2012)
    DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: Sarah Klassen

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - Other Artifacts Datasets
    PROJECT [not managed] Michelle Hegmon. Margaret C. Nelson.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP - Projectile Points (2012)
    DATASET [not managed] Melissa Kruse-Peeples. Sarah Klassen.

    EMAP - Projectile Points *Obsidian artifacts are also listed in the obsidian database. The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State...

  • EMAP - Projectile Points - Form Coding Sheet (2012)
    CODING SHEET [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    EMAP - Projectile Points - Form Coding Sheet The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New...

  • EMAP - Reports
    PROJECT [not managed] Michelle Hegmon. Margaret Nelson.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1993, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1993 Nelson was at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995 both moved to Arizona State University, where they and the project reside...

  • EMAP - Undecorated Ceramics Dataset (2012)
    DATASET [not managed] Melissa Kruse-Peeples.

    Undecorated Ceramics Dataset The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State...

  • EMAP 1999 Reconnaissance Survey of Clay Sources (1999)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Tiffany Clark.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP 85NM601 (2015)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP 85NM601 - Excavation Notes
    PROJECT [not managed] Michelle Hegmon. Margaret Nelson.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP 85NM601 - Maps
    PROJECT [not managed] Margaret Nelson. Michelle Hegmon.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP 85NM601 - Site Map (1990)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Klassen

    Site map of 85NM601. The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State...

  • EMAP 85NM601 - Unit 1 (1990)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Bruce G. Reingold.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP 85NM601 - Unit 2 (1990)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Stefana L. Paskoff.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP A Report on Construction Wood Use at Classic and Postclassic Sites in the Eastern Mimbres Area (2002)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Michelle Elliott.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Alivas Canyon - LA44997 Unit 1, 1997 (1997)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Sarah Paciorek. Sarah Wille. Michael Walker.

    This is a summary of unit 1 in site LA44997, which was excavated during the summer of 1997 as a part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is co-directed by Dr. Margaret C. Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon, both of Arizona State University. All excavations were conducted by graduate and field school students. Site LA44997 is located in Avilas Canyon, a tributary of the Upper Palomas drainage area. The site is on a gently sloping part of the north side of the canyon. An...

  • EMAP Alivas Canyon - LA44997 Unit 100, 1997 (1997)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Karen Gust.

    During the 1997 summer field season of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project, three units were excavated at the site of LA44997, including Unit 100. LA44997 is a Classic period Mimbres site located in the upper Palomas drainage area. The site is situated on the lower southern slopes of a large hill. To the south and downhill from the site, a large arroyo fonns a valley bottom, separating this hill from others to the south. The two primary units excavated at the site, Units 1 and 2, were...

  • EMAP Alivas Canyon - LA44997 Unit 2, 1997 (1997)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Jennifer A. Brady. Brent Kober. Warren Lail.

    The majority of Unit 2 at LA 44997 was excavated in the summer of 1997 as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP) and the Arizona State University Archaeological Field School, directed by Dr. Margaret Nelson and Dr. Michelle Hegmon. LA 44997 is located in alluvial fan deposits on the edge of Avilas Canyon drainage, a tributary of the Palomas drainage, which flows eastward into the Rio Grande. In this area, Avilas Canyon cuts through a rich alluvial fan. Avilas Canyon drainage...

  • EMAP Alivas Canyon - LA45000 Unit 1, 1997 (1997)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Linda Grafil. Chris Brooks. Corina Hay.

    Summary of data obtained during the 1997 excavations by the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), in conjunction with Arizona State University Field School. Unit one is the northern room in an undisturbed two room roomblock at site LA 45000. This unit was excavated by undergraduate students under the supervision of the Site Director (Ms. T. Clark), and a unit supervisor (Ms. L. Grafil). The excavation was undertaken during May, June, and July of 1997 through the Eastem Mimbres...

  • EMAP Alivas Canyon - LA45000 Unit 21, 1998 (1998)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Leslie Nogue. Eric Cox. Brandy Orr. Greg Wolf.

    The following report summarizes the results of the excavation of Unit 21, a habitation room at LA 45000, Avilas Canyon Village. This is a Classic Mimbres site which is situated atop the north ridge of Avilas Canyon, a southern tributary of the Palomas drainage in the eastern Mimbres region. Excavation was carried out by graduate and undergraduate students during the 1998 field season, under the direction of Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon, directors of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological...

  • EMAP Alivas Canyon - LA45000 Unit 22, 1998 (1998)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Michelle Elliott. Lara Altizer. Amanada katsurada. Melissa Paugh.

    This report summarizes the results of the excavation of Unit 22 at LA 45000, a Classic Mimbres site located in the Eastern Mimbres area. LA 45000 was one of three sites chosen for excavation by the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP) in the both the 1998 field season, as well as the previous 1997 field season. The excavations at LA 45000 were conducted by graduate and undergraduate students under the direction of Tiffany Clark of Arizona State University. Site LA 45000 lies on the...

  • EMAP Alivas Canyon - LA45000 Unit 23, 1998 (1998)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Michelle Elliott. Lara Altizer. Amanada Katsurada. Melissa Paugh.

    This report summarizes the results of the excavation of Unit 23 at LA 45000, a Classic Mimbres site located in the Eastern Mimbres area. LA 45000 was one of three sites chosen for excavation by the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP) in the 1998 field season, as well as the previous 1997 field season. The excavations at LA 45000 were conducted by graduate and undergraduate students under the direction of Tiffany Clark of Arizona State University. Site LA 45000 lies on the northern...

  • EMAP Alivas Canyon - LA45000 Unit 40, 1997 (1997)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Kathryn Leonard. Heather LeBarge. Jim Travis. Darryl Vance.

    The following is an excavation summary and preliminary analysis of the 1997 Arizona State University field school investigation of Unit 40, a room located within site LA 45000. The 1997 field season represents the continuing efforts of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Professors Margaret Nelson, Ph.D. and Michelle Hegmon, Ph.D. of the Arizona State University Department of Anthropology. Site direction was provided by Ph.D. student Tiffany Clark, with unit...

  • EMAP Alivas Canyon - LA45000 Unit 60, 1998 (1998)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Kathryn Leonard. Debby Bradley. Nicole Swanson.

    The report summarizes the results of the excavation of Unit 60, a large jacal structure located on the easternmost margin of site LA 450000. LA 45000 is one of 3 Classic Mimbres sites chosen for investigation by the 1998 Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). The project is directed by Margaret Nelson, Ph.D. and Michelle Hegmon, Ph.D. of Arizona State University's Department of Anthropology. LA 45000 was directed by Tiffany Clark, with unit supervision by Kathryn Leonard. Two...

  • EMAP Alivas Canyon – LA45000 Unit 20, 1997 (1997)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Leslie Nogue. Mark Brosnan. Susanne Cavicchi.

    This report summarizes the results of excavation of Unit 20, located on Site LA 45000, a Classic Mimbres site in the Eastern Mimbres region. LA 45000 is one of three sites chosen for excavation by the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP). This site was excavated by graduate and undergraduate students during the 1997 field season under the direction of Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon, of Arizona State University. Site LA 45000 is located on the north ridge of Avilas Canyon, one of...

  • EMAP and Lower Palomas Textured, Corrugated bowls for Petrographic Study (1995)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Michelle Hegmon. Margaret Nelson.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Archeomag Lab Report (LA3949, LA70258,LA70259, LA45103, LA37727, LA37691) (2013)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Klassen

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Avilas Canyon (LA44997, LA45000) - Photographs
    PROJECT [not managed] Margaret C. Nelson. Michelle Hegmon.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1993, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1993 Nelson was at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995 both moved to Arizona State University, where they and the project reside...

  • EMAP Avilas Canyon (LA44997, LA45000) - Unit Summaries
    PROJECT [not managed] Margaret C. Nelson. Michelle Hegmon.

    Alivas Canyon - Unit Summaries The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1993, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1993 Nelson was at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995 both moved to Arizona State University,...

  • EMAP Avilas Canyon (LA44997/LA45000) - Field Notes
    PROJECT [not managed] Michelle Hegmon. Margaret C. Nelson.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Avilas Canyon (Old Jenn) (LA44997) - Maps
    PROJECT [not managed] Michelle Hegmon. Margaret C. Nelson.

    Avilas Canyon Maps The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University,...

  • EMAP Avilas Canyon (Old Jenn) (LA44997) - Maps (1997)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Michelle Hegmon.

    Site map of Avilas Canyon (Old Jenn). The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico...

  • EMAP Avilas Canyon (upper) (LA45000) - Maps
    PROJECT [not managed] Michelle Hegmon. Margaret C. Nelson.

    Avilas Canyon (upper) - LA45000 The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State...

  • EMAP Avilas Canyon Site (Upper) LA45000 - Map (1997)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Klassen

    EMAP Avilas Canyon Site - Map The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State...

  • EMAP Books and Book Chapter Citations (2013)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Klassen

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Buckaroo (LA70259) - Analysis Tables
    PROJECT [not managed] Margaret Nelson. Michelle Hegmon.

    EMAP Buckaroo (LA70259) - Analytic Information. The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at...

  • EMAP Buckaroo (LA70259) - Field Notes
    PROJECT [not managed] Michelle Hegmon. Margaret C. Nelson.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Buckaroo (LA70259) - Maps
    PROJECT [not managed] Michelle Hegmon. Margaret C. Nelson.

    Buckaroo - Maps The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las...

  • EMAP Buckaroo (LA70259) - Maps (1993)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Klassen

    EMAP Buckaroo - Site Plan The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State...

  • EMAP Buckaroo (LA70259) - Photographs
    PROJECT [not managed] Michelle Hegmon. Margaret Nelson.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1993, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1993 Nelson was at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995 both moved to Arizona State University, where they and the project reside...

  • EMAP Buckaroo (LA70259) - Unit Summaries
    PROJECT [not managed] Michelle Hegmon. Margaret C. Nelson.

    Buckaroo - Unit Summaries The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1993, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1993 Nelson was at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995 both moved to Arizona State University, where...

  • EMAP Buckaroo (LA70259) Unit 1 - Analysis Tables (2013)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Klassen

    EMAP Buckaroo (LA70259) Unit 1 - Analytic Information. The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon...

  • EMAP Buckaroo (LA70259) Unit 2 - Analysis Tables (2013)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Klassen

    EMAP Buckaroo (LA70259) Unit 2 - Analytic Information. The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was...

  • EMAP Buckaroo (LA70259) Unit 3 - Analysis Tables (2013)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Klassen

    EMAP Buckaroo (LA70259) Unit 3 - Analytic Information. The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was...

  • EMAP Buckaroo (LA70259) Unit 4 - Analysis Tables (2013)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Klassen

    EMAP Buckaroo (LA70259) Unit 4 - Analytic Information. The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon...

  • EMAP Buckaroo – LA 70259 Unit 1, 1989-1990 (1989)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Klassen

    85NM613 is located on the end of a ridge (running approximately north-south) that forms the first terrace of Palomas Creek (see Figure 1). Architectural remains and surface ceramics indicate a Late Classic, twelve (3X4) room pueblo with at least 4 extraneous pit structures. Unit 1 is an interior room located in the southwest corner of the pueblo. It is the westernmost of a tier of three rooms that may predate the construction of the rest of the structure. The southwest corner of the room,...

  • EMAP Buckaroo – LA 70259 Unit 10, 11, 12, 1989-1990 (1989)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Ellery Griscom.

    Units 10, 11, and 12 are arbitrarily picked bounded units extramurally located off the southern wall of the Buckaroo site. Units 10 and 11 (Loci 1 & 2) are symmetrical 1 meter x 2 meter quads oriented adjacently on an east to west axis. Unit 12 (Loci 1,2,3, & 4) began as a 1 meter x 3 meter unit (Locus 1) running lengthwise east to west along the Buckaroo’s southern wall, attached along unit 12’s southern boundary, then, were Units 10, 11 (Loci 1 & 2). Loci 2 & 3 of unit 12, then, were locus...

  • EMAP Buckaroo – LA 70259 Unit 2, 1989-1990 (1989)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Klassen

    This cobble masonry room is one of a twelve room block of rooms laid out in a 3 (east-west) by 4 (north-south) grid. From the southwest corner of the roomblock, this room is the westernmost room in the second row north. The duration of occupation is not known; however, it was remodeled at least once after the initial construction. In the remodeling, the original floor and hearth were plastered over and a new hearth was constructed near the original. This room is assigned to the Late Classic...