Society for American Archaeology 89th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (2024)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 89th Annual Meeting was held in New Orleans, Louisiana from April 17–April 21, 2024.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1,201-1,300 of 2,774)

  • Documents (2,774)

  1. Imperial Water: Fountains as an Expression of British Colonial Control in Cyprus in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (2024)
  2. Impermanent Architecture, Monumentality, and Landscape Transformation in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia (2024)
  3. The Implementation and Distribution of Thermoregulatory Technology in the Paleoindian Period (2024)
  4. The Importance of Archipelagoes (2024)
  5. The Importance of Collaboration: Reflections from a World War II Forensic Archaeology Field School (2024)
  6. The Importance of Different Ontologies for Heritage Conservation in the Maya Area (2024)
  7. An Important Cave Skeletal Assemblage Sees the Light of Day: A Reanalysis of Dos Pilas (2024)
  8. Improvisation and Creativity at an Emergent Andean Center (2024)
  9. In Field Photogrammetry (2024)
  10. In Process: The Development of an Automatic Deep-Learning Phytolith Analysis Workflow (2024)
  11. In Support of a Holistic Approach to Bioarchaeology: The Distribution of Bacterial Genera by Presence of Material Culture in the Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery (2024)
  12. In the Beginning: Stuart Struever and the Lower Illinois River Valley (LIV) (2024)
  13. In the Many Realms of John Pohl: An Introduction to a Double Symposium (2024)
  14. In the Realm of Three Hills: Civic-Religious Architecture at Llano Grande, Copan, during the Late Classic Period (ca. AD 650–850) (2024)
  15. Inca Hydrodynamics at the Chachabamba Archeological Site (Machu Picchu National Archeological Park, Peru) (2024)
  16. Inclusion of Indigenous Knowledge and Perspective in Cultural Resource Management: A Laboratory Perspective (2024)
  17. Incorporating Indigenous Feminist Theory into Rock Art Interpretation (2024)
  18. Incorporating Knowledge about Future Weather Conditions on Navigational Decisions in an Agent-Based Seafaring Simulation: Comparison to Simpler Navigation Strategies (2024)
  19. Incorporating Multiple Data Sources to Identify Social Boundaries in a Prehistoric Landscape: A Case Study from the Nacimiento River, Camp Roberts, California (2024)
  20. Incorporating Soil Micromorphology into First American Research: A Tale of Two Sites (2024)
  21. Increasing Inventory Together: Recent Co-stewardship Efforts at Channel Islands National Park (2024)
  22. Increasing Public Access to the Treasures of Edgar L. Hewett's American Southwest (2024)
  23. Indicadores arqueológicos de la identidad de los pobladores de Xochitecatl-Cacaxtla durante el Epiclásico (2024)
  24. Indigenizing Heritage: A Perspective from Cochiti Pueblo, New Mexico (2024)
  25. Indigenous Archaeology, Memory, and Ethnoarchaeology: A Multivocal Research in Collaboration with the Guarani for Land Repatriation in Brazil (2024)
  26. Indigenous Knowledge: Scaling the Impact of Archeological Research Up, Out, and Across (2024)
  27. The Indigenous Worldview of Water in the Isthmus of Panama (2024)
  28. Individual and Collective Insights Lost through Commingling (2024)
  29. Industry Challenges for Cultural Heritage Consulting Firms in North America (2024)
  30. An Industry-Focused Approach to Piling Recordation along the Shorelines of Grays Harbor County (2024)
  31. Information Transmission Rates in the Early Colonial Southeast: Estimating On-Foot Travel Time over Established Native American Trails across the Region (2024)
  32. Injecting Rationality into a Reevaluation of Chalchihuites Mining (2024)
  33. Inka Dynamics in the Cochabamba Valley (2024)
  34. The Inka Road and Mobility of a Fisher Community in the Cañete Valley, Peru (2024)
  35. Inner Asian Nomads and World-System Analysis (2024)
  36. Innovation, Not Imitation: The Classic Period Ceramics of Belize (2024)
  37. Inside and Out: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Injured Bodies in Industrializing London (1760–1901) (2024)
  38. Insights from the Classic to Postclassic Pottery of Belize (2024)
  39. Insights into Early Medieval Irish Glass: Preliminary Findings, Promises, and Limitations of an Archaeometric Analysis (2024)
  40. Inspiration from Beyond the Border or Innovation from Within? Reconsidering the Paracas-Nasca Transition on the Peruvian South Coast (2024)
  41. Institutional Analysis of the Social Property System and its Application for the Management of Cultural Resources in Mexico (2024)
  42. The Institutional Basis of Sustained Farming Systems (2024)
  43. Institutional Dimensions of Northern Iroquoian Confederacies and Implications for Contact Period Geopolitics (2024)
  44. An Integrated Approach to Urban and Artifact Analysis of Residential Buildings in Late Postclassic Guiengola, Tehuantepec, Oaxaca (2024)
  45. An Integrated Study of Late Archaic to Early Woodland Lithics and Ceramics of the Coastal Savannah River Valley (2024)
  46. Integrating Categorical Legacy Data in Spatial Models: A Unique Dataset from Southeast Asia (2024)
  47. Integrating GIS and QField for Enhanced Archaeological Surveys in the Maya Lowlands: A Methodological Approach for the El Tigre Project. (2024)
  48. Integrating Isotope Analysis with Empirical Measures of Vitamin D Status: New Directions in the Study of Diet and Deficiency (2024)
  49. Integrating Isotopic Data across Ancient Anatolia for Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction (2024)
  50. Integrating Low- and High-Precision Chronologies in North American Archaeology (2024)
  51. Integrating Neandertal Legacy: From Past to Present (2024)
  52. Integration of Resilient Bodies in Pathological Narratives around Disability (2024)
  53. The Intensification of Mimbres Cave Ritual: Empirical Phenomenon or Disciplinary Artifact? (2024)
  54. Intensive Regionalism Amongst Hunter-Gatherer Groups in Eastern Oklahoma (2024)
  55. Intentional Sustainability in Human Behavioral Ecology: Modeling Athabascan Caribou Predation (2024)
  56. Inter Duo Maria: Rethinking Early Medieval Settlement in the Forth-Clyde Zone through an Environmental Lens (2024)
  57. Inter-site Relationships on the Madaba Plain: Surveys Around the Ancient Town of Nebo (Khirbat al-Mukhayyat, Jordan) (2024)
  58. Interacción Socioeconómica Costa-Sierra en el Valle Medio del Rio Mala Durante Periodos Tardíos (2024)
  59. Interaction and Exchange between Tingambato and the Central Michoacan Area in West Mexico (2024)
  60. Interaction and Isolation in Manislan Mariånas: 1500 BC–AD 1769 (2024)
  61. Intercambio de materiales pétreos durante el Posclásico Temprano (900-1200 EC) al sur de la cuenca de México: El caso de Acatla-Tulyehualco (2024)
  62. Interconnections between Indigenous Women and Traditional Fire Practices in the Far North (2024)
  63. Interconnectivity between Seclusive Iron Age Communities and Burgeoning Greek Colonies in the Eastern Adriatic Illustrated through Analysis of Ceramic Material Culture (2024)
  64. Interdisciplinary Collaboration between Educators and Archaeologists (2024)
  65. Interdisciplinary Investigations in Teotihuacan’s Tlajinga District: Disentangling Public and Private Uses of Space (2024)
  66. Interdisciplinary Research, Zooarchaeology, Electronic Databases, and the Impacts of Struever's Vision (2024)
  67. Interdisciplinary Science and Fishers’ Local Ecological Knowledge of Sawfishes in the Yucatán Peninsula (2024)
  68. “Interesting Characters Find Graves in the Potter’s Field”: The Value of Storytelling in Historical Bioarchaeology (2024)
  69. Interior Chumash Faunal Exploitation: The View from SBA-2464 (2024)
  70. Internal Networks and the Materiality of Imported Gold in the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia (AD 600–1600) (2024)
  71. Interpretative Approaches in Rock Art and Geoglyphs of the Atacama Desert: Between Theories and Methods (2024)
  72. Interpreting Burned Commingled Ancestral Remains in the American Southwest (2024)
  73. Interpreting Prospect Bluff (2024)
  74. Interpreting Recycling in the Roman Glass from Colchester (2024)
  75. Interpreting the History of Stolen Land: A Collaborative Project Between the New Mexico State Land Office and New Mexico Highlands University (2024)
  76. Interrelationships among Histories of Landscape Evolution, Environmental Change, and the Cultural Record in the Illinois River Valley and Beyond (2024)
  77. Interrogating the Past: Intercampus Collaborations to Understand the Impacts of the Pedagogical Narrative in Archaeology Classrooms and Departments (2024)
  78. Interspecies Relationships in Nordic Bronze Age Iconography (2024)
  79. Intervening Impersistence on the St. Johns River, Florida (2024)
  80. Interwoven Networks: Obsidian Exchange and Overlapping Economies among the Ancient Maya of Western Belize (2024)
  81. Into the Darkness: Analyzing the Midnight Terror Cave Artifact Assemblage and its Spatial Implications (2024)
  82. Intrasite Spatial Analysis of the 13,800-year-old Component at Shég' Xdaltth’í’, Central Alaska (2024)
  83. Introducing The Ancient Maya Kinship Project Consultation, Engagement, and Outreach Program (2024)
  84. An Introduction to Archaeology at Holtun, Guatemala (2024)
  85. An Introduction to Failure in the Archaeological Record (2024)
  86. An Introduction to the Comparative Urban Traditions Project, with Emphasis on the East and Southeast Asian Case Studies (2024)
  87. An Introduction to the Cultural Sequence of the Cañoncillo Archaeological Complex, Jequetepeque Valley, Peru (2024)
  88. Introduction: Wetlands, Cultural Heritage, and the Power of Archaeology (2024)
  89. Introduction: What Happened after the Fall of Teotihuacan? (2024)
  90. Investigating Beringian Hunting Toolkits from Experiential Perspectives (2024)
  91. Investigating Camelid Herding Strategies in the South-Central Andes Using Stable Isotope Analysis (2024)
  92. Investigating Ceramic Standardization at Bombon Church, Philippines (2024)
  93. Investigating Childhood Metabolic Health during the Rise of the Athenian Democracy (2024)
  94. Investigating Geological Sources and Sociotechnical Dimensions of Mica Pottery Inclusions from Late Bronze Age (LBA, 1500–1100 BC) Fortresses in Northern Armenia (2024)
  95. Investigating Human Subsistence Strategies in Panamá during the Late Holocene (2024)
  96. Investigating Interaction through Multilayer Material Culture Networks in the Western Pueblos (2024)
  97. Investigating Middle Preclassic Domestic Occupations of the Puuc Region, Yucatán, Mexico (2024)
  98. Investigating Possible Hopi “Neighborhoods” at Pottery Mound (LA 416), New Mexico (2024)
  99. Investigating Precontact Resource Conservation of Deer Populations in the San Francisco Bay Area (2024)
  100. Investigating Southeastern United States Early Pottery Uses through Lipid Residue Analysis (2024)