Society for American Archaeology 89th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (2024)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 89th Annual Meeting was held in New Orleans, Louisiana from April 17–April 21, 2024.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 2,101-2,200 of 2,774)

  • Documents (2,774)

  1. The Relationship between Human Subsistence Strategies and Late-Quaternary Paleoenvironmental Changes in the Northern Chihuahuan Desert of Southwest Texas (2024)
  2. The Relationship between Isotopic Evidence of Childhood Diet and Childhood Rickets in a Nineteenth-Century Jordanian Bedouin Population (2024)
  3. Relationships and Connections through Breast Milk: An Examination of Ancient Egyptian Perspectives on Breastfeeding (2024)
  4. Relatos de Juncos y Totoras en el Desierto de Atacama: Uso y Significados en el Sitio Aragón 1 (3000 AC-1000 DC), Región de Tarapacá, Norte de Chile (2024)
  5. Religious and Political Resilience in the Ancient Moche World: Monumentality, Micro-chronology, and Environment in Úcupe, Lambayeque, Peru (200-900 CE). The Úcupe Cultural Landscape Archaeological Project. First Results of the 2022 Field Season (2024)
  6. Religious Belief and Cooperation: A View from Ancient Greece (2024)
  7. The Remains of the Transcontinental Air Mail System (2024)
  8. Remote Sensing and Ground Truthing: Re-Visiting the Middle Khabur, Northeastern Syria (2024)
  9. Remote Sensing Methods to Locate Archaeological Sites Through Vegetation Indices on the Florida Coast (2024)
  10. Remote Sensing of Archaeological Landscapes at Picuris Pueblo (2024)
  11. Remote Sensing Remote Islands: Error Analysis of Lidar-Based Archaeological Survey of the Small Cycladic Islands, Greece (2024)
  12. Remote Sensing Survey at Spring Lake, San Marcos, TX (2024)
  13. Rennes-le-Château, history and myth in competition (2024)
  14. Renovación del templo en Chavín de Huántar en el Periodo Formativo Tardío: Una interpretación desde el estudio de los materiales (2024)
  15. Repatriation and a Biological Profile of Indigenous Remains of West Texas (2024)
  16. Repatriations of Maya Antiquities to Guatemala: Successes, Pitfalls, and Significant Factors (2024)
  17. Replicating Plant Processing: Insights into Ancient Diets and Perishable Technologies (2024)
  18. Replicating Stone Tools for Use in Experimental Archaeology: The Case of End Scrapers (2024)
  19. A Report on a Late Woodland Period Dugout Canoe from Cape Porpoise, Maine, USA (2024)
  20. Representation and Distribution of Fragmented Elements from Human Skeletons in Umm an-Nar Tombs: Impact of Secondary Mortuary Practices (2024)
  21. Research and/or Stewardship of Tribal Collections? (2024)
  22. Research Fatigue in South Greenland (2024)
  23. Residential Patterning around Highly Variable Wetlands in Australia (2024)
  24. Resilience and Adaptation to Drylands: Long-Term Knowledge as a Path to Sustainable Agricultural Practices in Drylands (2024)
  25. Resilience and Empowerment: 100 Years of Archaeological Mothers in the Field (2024)
  26. Resilience and Vulnerability of Small African Islands (2024)
  27. Resource Networks of Sanxingdui (2024)
  28. Resources, Technological Traditions, and Social Networks: A Study of Late Neolithic Cooking Vessels in the Lake Taihu Region (2024)
  29. Respecting the Past, Empowering the Present: NAGPRA, College Students, and Renewed Commitment to Indigenous Heritage (2024)
  30. Respecting the Sacred Power of Indigenous Collections and Museum Staff (2024)
  31. Restoring Relationships: Connecting Nunatsiavummiut to Their (In)tangible Cultural Heritage throughout the World (2024)
  32. Restructuring the Occupation of Near Ipiutak/Norton at Point Hope: Sedentism, Warfare, and Whaling at Point Hope? (2024)
  33. Resultados preliminares de la primera temporada de campo del Proyecto Arqueológico Nestepe/Rancho Cobata (PANCO): Reutilización de monumentos Olmecas durante la transición del Formativo al Clásico (2024)
  34. Resultados Preliminares del Proyecto Arqueológico Entre Bajos: Ichkabal y su Entorno. (2024)
  35. Results of the Multiyear Study of the Ancient Maya Lithic Production Community of the Took’ Witz Group at El Palmar, Campeche, Mexico (2024)
  36. Resurrecting Kaskaskia: A GIS and Archival investigation of the Multiethnic Town of Kaskaskia, Illinois (2024)
  37. Rethinking "Hell's Four Acres": Consumerism at Whiskey Row (2024)
  38. Rethinking Caprines-As-Capital: Pastoralism and the Low-Power States of Early Mesopotamia (2024)
  39. Rethinking Egalitarianism and Segmentarity from Archaeological Analysis (2024)
  40. Rethinking Site Survey: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Site Modeling and Prediction in a Hazardous Environment (2024)
  41. Return to Aztlan: Aztec Pachuca Green Obsidian in Maya Sites at Mensabak, Chiapas, Mexico (2024)
  42. Return to Yarinacocha: A pXRF and Petrographic Study of Ceramics Artifacts from the Tutishcainyo Site Series (1400 BCE–900 CE), Ucayali, Peru (2024)
  43. Returning Home: Zooarchaeological and Bioarchaeological Insights on Nasca Domestic Foodways and Local Mortuary Traditions at Cocahuischo, Peru (2024)
  44. Reuse, Rubble, and Relations to Place at Ancient Maya Cities (2024)
  45. Reused Timber and Woodland Management in Western Suffolk (2024)
  46. Revealing La Playa's Cultural Landscape during the Early Agriculture Period through Paleoethnobotanical Research (2024)
  47. Revealing the Past Through Ceramics (2024)
  48. Revenge of the Nerds, or Why Do Modern Archaeologists Identify with Early Antiquarians? (2024)
  49. Reviewing the 2023 Intensive NAGPRA Summer Training & Education Program (INSTEP) (2024)
  50. Reviewing the Human Remains Detection Dog Workshop (2024)
  51. Revisita a Pisagua Viejo: Abordajes de arqueología histórica en la costa desértica de Tarapacá (Chile) (2024)
  52. Revisited Analysis of Early Bronze-Age Bone Tubes (2024)
  53. Revisiting Bipolar Technology‘s African Distribution and Diversity (2024)
  54. Revisiting Eastern Morelos and Teotihuacan: Recent Research at San Ignacio, A Regional Center in Teotihuacan's Rural Countryside. (2024)
  55. Revisiting the Archaeology of a Small Harbor: Cananéia (São Paulo, Brazil), Nineteenth–Twentieth Centuries (2024)
  56. Revisiting the Polychromatic Stucco of Lamanai, Belize (2024)
  57. Revisiting the Submerged Shell Midden at Sabine Pass: Preliminary Core Results from the NOAA Exploration Mission: Paleolandscapes and the ca. 8000 BP Shoreline on the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf (2024)
  58. Revisiting the Western Stemmed Tradition Component of Last Supper Cave, Nevada (2024)
  59. Richard Cooke: Archaeologist, Colleague, and Friend Extraordinaire (2024)
  60. Riego de bofedales y formas de construcción de un paisaje pastoril de origen prehispánico, Andes centro sur (2024)
  61. Riparian Protection and Restoration as a Necessary Mitigation Practice (2024)
  62. The Rise of Social Complexity in Pacific Nicaragua (2024)
  63. Rising from the East: The Preclassic Foundations of Lowland Maya Societies in Belize (2024)
  64. Risky Research (2024)
  65. Ritual and Cultural Process in the E-Group Complex at Holtun, Guatemala (2024)
  66. Ritual and Domestic Life at Usacorral: Preliminary Investigations and Community-Based Research at a Long-Occupied Community Site in the Northern Callejón de Huaylas, Peru (2024)
  67. Ritual Cave Utilization in the Middle Usumacinta Region: Socio-political Implications of Ritual Cave Use at the Maya Residential Sites Associated with Piedras Negras (2024)
  68. A Ritual Complex at Etzanoa (2024)
  69. Ritual Landscapes of the Lower Mississippi Valley: The Marksville Archaeological Project (2024)
  70. Ritual Transformation in Formative Period Oaxaca: A Comparative Analysis of Deity Impersonation, Nagualism, and Hybrid Beings (2024)
  71. Ritual y sacrificio de cocodrilos en la ofrenda constructiva del Juego de Pelota de Tlalixcoyan, Veracruz (2024)
  72. Ritual, Material Culture, and Interaction in the Epiclassic Basin of Mexico: Contextualizing a Temple Assemblage from Chicoloapan (2024)
  73. Ritual, Politics, and the Structure of Community Networks in Classic Maya Society (2024)
  74. Ritualidad acuática en Media Luna y su relación con el juego de pelota (2024)
  75. A River Runs through It: Placing Vicksburg in Context through an Analysis of Late Coles Creek Culture (1000–1200 CE) Land Use in the Lower Mississippi Valley (2024)
  76. A River Runs Through It: Recent Analyses of the Multi-Sited Líl’wat Village of Lokla in Mount Currie, British Columbia (2024)
  77. A River Runs through It: Tales of River Management Practices on the Great Hungarian Plain (2024)
  78. Riverbank Insights: Exploring Prehispanic Adaptation in Central Nicaragua’s Alluvial Landscapes through Archaeological Analysis and Local Wisdom (2024)
  79. Roads and Changing Mobility in Northwest Argentina (AD 1400-1800) (2024)
  80. Rock Art and Archaeology in the Mongolian Altai, Part 1 (2024)
  81. Rock Art and Archaeology in the Mongolian Altai, Part 2 (2024)
  82. Rock Art and Slow Science: What's the Connection? (2024)
  83. Rock Art As Place-Making Strategy: A Papua New Guinea Case Study (2024)
  84. Rock Art Distribution in the Windwards in the Caribbean: A GIS Locational Perspective (2024)
  85. Rock Art: A Biographical Perspective from Western Arnhem Land, Australia (2024)
  86. Rock Imagery, Cultural Landscapes, and Indigenous Ontologies in the North American Southwest (2024)
  87. A Role for the Machine, or, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, and Some Humans in the Loop Studying the Human Remains Trade (2024)
  88. The Role of Experimental Archaeology at the Range Creek Field Station, Utah (2024)
  89. The Role of Fire-Processed Limestone at the Shivwits Plateau, Arizona (2024)
  90. The Role of Groundwater and Sinkholes on Bronze and Iron Age Settlement Patterns in Sistan (2024)
  91. The Role of Lactating Mothers in High-Elevation Seasonal Occupational Durations in the Rocky Mountains (2024)
  92. The Role of Small Dwellings in the Viking Age Settlement of Iceland (2024)
  93. The Role of Transferable Techniques in the Process of Innovation in the Paleolithic (2024)
  94. Rollout / Not Rollout: Maya Plate Painting and the Kerr Archive (2024)
  95. The Roman, Medieval, and Early Modern Potting Site of Dieburg South of Frankfurt/Main, Hesse, Germany, and Its Geochemical Pattern with a Stable Heavy Mineral Anomaly (2024)
  96. Rythm of Youth: Childhood in Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Liguria (2024)
  97. The Río Bec Tradition in the Bajo el Laberinto Region: Preliminary Results (2024)
  98. A Sacred Frontier? Inka Settlement at Salapunqu (2024)
  99. Sacred Landscape and Ceramic Ritual Production in Cobán, Guatemala (2024)
  100. Sacred Landscape, Mesocosm, and Cosmology: The Late Formative Period at Jequetepeque-Jatanca (2024)