Society for American Archaeology 89th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (2024)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 89th Annual Meeting was held in New Orleans, Louisiana from April 17–April 21, 2024.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 2,501-2,600 of 2,774)

  • Documents (2,774)

  1. Traditional Sports in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona (2024)
  2. Traditional Subsistence Economies on Southwest Madagascar have Long-term Impacts on Ecological Productivity (2024)
  3. Trajectories of Zooarchaeological Research across Central America: The Influences and Interests of Richard Cooke (2024)
  4. Trans-species Archaeologies and Ritual Bone Deposits: Respecting the Animal Ancestral Dead (2024)
  5. Transcending the Niche of a Wild Progenitor: An Ecological Niche Perspective on the Spread of Archaeological Soybeans in China (2024)
  6. Transformations in Professional Archaeology (2024)
  7. The Transformations of the Sacred Spaces Linked to the Ancestors in Mitla, Oaxaca: A Historical and Phenomenological Perspective (2024)
  8. The Transformative Power of Learning Assemblages, Relational Pedagogies, and Universal Design for Learning in Archaeology (2024)
  9. Transforming Archaeological Institutions: The Path toward Tribal Collaboration (2024)
  10. Transforming Policy and Museum Practices: Decolonizing Frameworks and UNDRIP in Canada (2024)
  11. Transiciones en cuerpos y espacios: Acercamiento a las prácticas funerarias desplegadas en Chavín de Huántar a finales del Formativo (2024)
  12. Transitions in Past and Present: The Introduction of Huaca Dos Cruces and Huaca Tronco Prieto (2024)
  13. Transnational Labor in Maya Archaeology, 1910–1930 (2024)
  14. Transported Landscapes and Globalized Foodways in the Settlement of Western Indian Ocean Islands (2024)
  15. Trapichillo: Una mirada hacia las interacciones interregionales tempranas en el valle de Catamayo durante el 1ro y 2do milenio BCE (2024)
  16. The Treasured Contribution of the Inner Ear to the Study of the Morphological Variation among Ancient Individuals from Brazil (2024)
  17. Tree Resin in Mesoamerican Religion: Blurring Ontological Boundaries in Ceremony and Beyond (2024)
  18. Trees among the Cereal Fields: Arboriculture Reframed as Integral to the Food and Economic Systems of the Indus Civilization of South Asia ca. 3200–1500 BC (2024)
  19. Trials and Tribulations: Navigating Instruction of Archaeology Courses for Rising Scholars in a Post-Pandemic Educational Environment (2024)
  20. Triangulating Piipaash History along the Lower Gila River, Southwestern Arizona (2024)
  21. Tuber Cultivation and Tropes of Fragmentation in Mesoamerica (2024)
  22. TULAR: Transculturality and Social Innovation in Proto-Etruscan Areas of Pre-Roman Italy (2024)
  23. The Tumultuous Times: The Shifting Alliances of Caracol Monarchs in the Sixth and Seventh Centuries (2024)
  24. The Tunnels in Teotihuacan: Geology and Technology to Extract Tezontle (2024)
  25. The Turbulent Archaeological History of Relations between Chupícuaro and Cuicuilco Revisited through Ceramics: An Overview (2024)
  26. The Turpin Project: A Tribal Perspective (2024)
  27. Turtles all the Way Down: Tracing Long-Term Genetic Change in Southern Caribbean Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) Populations and Applications to Modern Conservation (2024)
  28. Turtles, Faces, and Hieroglyphs: 3D Recording of Monuments from La Tortuga and San Isidro (2024)
  29. Tut on Tour: 30-years of Demand Creation through Exhibition (2024)
  30. Twelve Metrics for Creating Effective and Sustainable Public Archaeology (2024)
  31. Twenty Years of Interpretations from the Late Formative period Site of Jatanca (JE-1023), Jequetepeque Valley, Peru (2024)
  32. Twenty Years of Mesoamerican Obsidian Research at the EAF (2024)
  33. Two Balades in the Same Landscape: Perspectives of Oral History and Archaeological Survey on the Cultural Landscapes of the Dog Island Region, Nunatsiavut (2024)
  34. A Two Decade Assessment of Maya Cave Archaeology (2024)
  35. Two Decades (Almost) of Regional Clay Surveys by the EAF: Successes, Challenges, and Opportunities (2024)
  36. Two Examples of Recent O’odham Participation in Archaeological Projects in Southwestern Arizona (2024)
  37. Tzintzuntzan Archaeological Site: An Approximation to Its Astronomical Orientations (2024)
  38. The Tzotzopaztli as a Sacrificial Instrument in Religious Ceremonies of Prehispanic Nahuas (2024)
  39. Tz’ite and Sib’aq: The Wrong Materials to Create People in the Popol Wuj (2024)
  40. The U.S. Navy and Cultural Resources Overseas (2024)
  41. Un balance crítico del estudio del género en la arqueología peruana (2024)
  42. Un taller de Spondylus dentro de un edificio ritual en Pachacamac, Costa Central del Perú (ca. 1470-1533 dC) (2024)
  43. Una Frontera Permeable: Multiple Modes of Exchange in Prehispanic Tumbes, Peru (2024)
  44. Uncertainty Specialists: A Diversity of Late Upper Paleolithic Adaptations in the Dinaric Alps (2024)
  45. Uncovering the Foundations (Literally) of Higher Education in Michigan: The Discovery of Michigan State University’s First Campus Observatory (2024)
  46. Under One Roof: The Physical and Digital Reorganization of the Historic St. Mary's City Archaeological Collections (2024)
  47. Under the All-Seeing Eye: The Archaeology of Native Californian Resistance at Mission Santa Clara (2024)
  48. Under the Lens: A Preliminary Approach to De "Objectifying" Bone Implements (2024)
  49. The Underestimated Utilization of Aquatic Resources in Neolithic Northern China: Evidence from Stable Isotopes (2024)
  50. Undergraduate Reflections on Archaeological Ceramics through Experimental Archaeology (2024)
  51. Understanding Ancient Maya Expedient Lithic Technology: Raw Material, Production, and Use (2024)
  52. Understanding Animal-Human Interactions during the LIP in the Central Coast of Peru (2024)
  53. Understanding Climatic Condition, Ecosystems, Subsistence Strategies and Human Adaptation thru Micro-Botanical Analysis in Late-Holocene, Northern Mesopotamia (2024)
  54. Understanding Ecological and Social Diversity in the Virgin Branch Puebloan Region (2024)
  55. Understanding Food Production in Teotihuacan: New Approaches (2024)
  56. Understanding La Playa through 2,000 Years of Ceramic Production and Exchange (2024)
  57. Understanding Livestock in Political Economies in West Africa: Archaeological Insights Inspired by the Legacy of Richard Redding (2024)
  58. Understanding Reindeer Riding in the Archaeological Record of Northeast Asia through Ethnoarchaeology (2024)
  59. Understanding Resource Allocation and Dietary Stress through the Presence of Scurvy in Nonadults from Gać and Dzwonowo, Poland (Fourteenth to Sixteenth Centuries) (2024)
  60. Understanding the Forecasted Labor Shortage: Undergraduate Views of Archaeological Careers (2024)
  61. Understanding the Transition to Villages: A Comparison of Maize between Basketmaker III Sites and an Early Pueblo I Village (2024)
  62. Underwater and Above-Water: Archaeology and Ethnography of Underwater Gathering and Diving Practices along the Coast of Southernmost South America (2024)
  63. Undiscovered Country: The Ground Stone Tools Assemblage from Hell Gap National Historical Landmark (2024)
  64. Unearthing Difficult Histories: The Delicate Balance of Public, Community, and Campus Archaeology in West Philadelphia's Black Bottom (2024)
  65. Unearthing Earthen Architecture: A Geoarchaeological and Environmental Perspective (2024)
  66. Unearthing Maya Rituals: The Power of Ethnographic Analogy (2024)
  67. Unearthing Potential: Using Earth Rock Ovens as a High-Impact Practice in the Undergraduate Archaeology Course (2024)
  68. Unearthing the History of Mokil Atoll: A Fresh Perspective through Zooarchaeological Exploration (2024)
  69. Unearthing the Past at Shiloh Mound, Tennessee: Collaborative Insights from Partnering with David G. Anderson (2024)
  70. Unearthing the past: Tracing Settlement Continuity in Dutsen Kura Hill, Central Nigeria. (2024)
  71. Unexpected Discoveries and Partnerships: A Revolutionary War Discovery in Coastal Georgia (2024)
  72. Unfreezing Archaeological Palimpsests: A View from the Iberian Peninsula during the Third and Second Millennia BCE (2024)
  73. A United Europe of Things: Similarities and Differences in Small Finds across Later Medieval Europe (2024)
  74. “United with Them in Good Feeling and Friendship”? Material Insights into 17th century Onöndowa'ga:' Hodinöhsö:ni' Incorporations (2024)
  75. Universal Access to Archaeological Parks and Sites: A State of the Question Part II (2024)
  76. Unlocking the Secrets of Maya Writing: Justin Kerr and the Decipherment of Maya Script (2024)
  77. Unraveling Indigenous Histories in the Upper Itajai Valley (Santa Catarina State, Brazil): Insights from Archaeological Research at the Tobias Wagner Site (2024)
  78. Unraveling Neolithic Cultures in the Taipei Basin through Pottery Technology at Tzufakung (2024)
  79. Unraveling the Political and Economic Complexities of Late Formative (600 BCE–CE 200) Cusco: A View from Muyumoqo (2024)
  80. Unravelling the Complexity of Magdalenian Engravings on Gönnersdorf Plaquettes: Investigating through Manual and Controlled Robotic Experiments (2024)
  81. Unstable Frontiers: Isotopic Model of Agricultural Dispersal in the Subtropical Andes (2024)
  82. Unsung Heroes of Cahokian Cuisine: The Materials and Methods for Nixtamalization in the American Bottom (2024)
  83. Untangling the Collection: French-Associated Ceramic Assemblages at Fort St. Frédéric (2024)
  84. Untold Stories from L’Anse aux Meadows: Highlights from the Wooden Collections (2024)
  85. Unveiling Silenced Narratives: Ethical Codes and the Challenge of Knowledge Dissemination Facing Middle Eastern Archaeologists (2024)
  86. Up in Smoke: Dating Pipe Stem Fragments from Fort St. Joseph (2024)
  87. Updated Demographic Profile of a Commingled Assemblage from Durango, Mexico (2024)
  88. Updates from the Southeastern NAGPRA Community of Practice (SNACP): Successes and Challenges (2024)
  89. Updates on the Geoarchaeology of the Latest Pleistocene and Earliest Holocene at the Page-Ladson site, Florida (2024)
  90. The Upland Agricultural Revolution of the Fourteenth Century (2024)
  91. The Upper Marañón after Chavín and before the LIP: Glimpse into Poorly Documented Times (2024)
  92. The Uprising: A Role-Playing Game as an Educational Aid in an Archaeology Seminar Course (2024)
  93. Upstairs, Downstairs: Excavations of a Throne Room and Kitchen in the Kuche Palace, Kiuic, Yucatán (2024)
  94. The Urban Grid: Connecting Water Management and City Organization in Nixtun-Ch'ich' (2024)
  95. Urban Organization and Agricultural Practices at Las Huacas, Chincha Valley (AD 1100-1570) (2024)
  96. Urban Political Systems in the Huaxtec Region: Large-Scale Settlements and Royal Sculpture (2024)
  97. Urban Poverty in Historic New Orleans: Revisiting Magnolia/C. J. Peete (2024)
  98. Urban Renewal, Historical Preservation, and the Erasure of Indigenous Modernity (2024)
  99. Urbanism without Cities in Ancient Amazonia (2024)
  100. Urbanization in Ancient Tonga: The Tongatapu Low-Density Urban System (2024)