USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office
Alternate Names: Arizona Projects Office, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix , Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office, Archaeologist , USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Arizona Projects Office , U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Arizona Projects Office , Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Colorado Region, Arizona Projec , USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office , Bureau of Reclamation, Central Arizona Project , Arizona Projects Office, U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation , Bureau of Reclamation, Arizona Projects Office, Phoenix, AZ , USDI Bureau Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office, Archaeologist , Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix, AR , Arizona Projects Office, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation , USDI Bureau Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office , U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Arizona Projects Office, Phoenix , Bureau of Reclamation-Phoenix Area Office , Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of the Interior, Phoenix, AZ , United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Arizona Projects Office , U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix, AZ , Arizona Projects Office, Bureau of Reclamation , Bureau of Reclamation-Phoenix Area Office, Navajo Nation Department of Water Resources , Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix , Bureau of Reclamation - Phoenix Area Office , USDI, Bureau of Reclamation, Arizona Projects Office , Arizona Projects Office, Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix, AZ , U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Arizona Projects Office , Phoenix Area Office, Bureau of Reclamation , Bureau of Reclamation, Arizona Projects Office , Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office , USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Ofice , United States Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Colorado Region, Phoenix Area Office , Phoenix Area Office , United State Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office
351-400 (860 Records)
- Photolog for the Photos from the Cultural Resources Assessment of 59 Archaeological Sites Located Along Reaches 1 and 2 of the Tucson Aqueduct (Phase A) (2010)
- Photolog for the Photos from the Relocation, Reassessment, and Remapping of 74 Archaeological Sites Located Along Reaches 3, 4, and 5 of the Tucson Aqueduct (Phase B) (2013)
- Picacho Reservoir Archaic Project, Annual Report, September 22, 1983 - September 30, 1984 (1985)
- Picacho Reservoir Archaic Project, Annual Report, September 22, 1983 - Stemper 30. 1984 (1985)
- The Place of the Storehouses, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study: Report on the Schoolhouse Point Mound, Pinto Creek Complex, Parts 1 and 2 (1996)
- The Place of the Storehouses: Roosevelt Platform Mound Study, Part 1 (1996)
- The Place of the Storehouses: Roosevelt Platform Mound Study, Part 2 (1996)
- Plan for Archaeological Investigations at Historic Dam Construction Camps in Central Arizona (1987)
- A Plan for Archaeological Investigations at Historic Dam Construction Camps in Central Arizona (1987)
- Poster: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's Farm Rehabilitation Project Collaborations with the Navajo and Tohono O'odham Tribes in Arizona, as Implemented by Archaeological Consulting Services (2010)
- Poster: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s Long-Term Section 106 and 110 Survey and Public Outreach Efforts at Lake Pleasant Regional Park near Phoenix, Arizona: 26 Years of Research By Archaeological Consulting Services (2010)
- Preliminary Report for Phase 1 Data Testing at AZ U:15:1(REC) on Private Land and Mapping of Historic Architecture at AZ AA:3:215(ASM) and AZ U:16:303(ASM) on Federal Land near Ashurst-Hayden Diversion Dam, Pinal County, Arizona (2011)
- Preliminary Report on Archaeological Survey of Bureau of Reclamation Lands Near Cochran (1998)
- Recovery of Additional Information from the Gila River Farm Expansion Area (1988)
- Redacted Pages for Letter Preliminary Report of Phase 2 Data Recovery at AZ U:15:1(REC) on SCIDD Property and Trenching for Additional Canal Exposures on Federal Land Near Ashurst-Hayden Diversion Dam, Pinal County, Arizona (2012)
- Relocation and Assessment of Twelve Sites on the Fort McDowell Indian Reservation Maricopa County, Arizona: Report (1994)
- Relocation of an Historic Navajo Grave at Captain Tom Dam, Navajo Nation, San Juan County, New Mexico: Letter Report (2007)
- Relocation, Reassessment, and Remapping of 74 Archaeological Sites Located Along Reaches 3, 4, and 5 of the Tucson Aqueduct (Phase B) (2013)
- Report of Findings for the San Carlos Irrigation and Drainage District Phase 1 Eligibility Testing, Data Recovery, and Archival Research along Reaches 1 and 2 of the San Carlos Irrigation Project Rehabilitation, Pinal County, Arizona: Photo Log and Contact Sheets (2016)
- Report of Findings for the San Carlos Irrigation and Drainage District Phase 1 Eligibility Testing, Data Recovery, and Archival Research along Reaches 1 and 2 of the San Carlos Irrigation Project Rehabilitation, Pinal County, Arizona: Report (2016)
- Report on Archaeological Survey of Bureau of Reclamation Lands Along the Middle Gila River Near Cochran and Winkelman (2000)
- Report on Archaeological Survey of Bureau of Reclamation Lands Along the Middle Gila River Near Cochran and Winkelman, Pinal County, Arizona. (2000)
- Research Design and Plan of Work for Testing AZ U:6:87, U:6:105, U:6:253, and U:6:83(ASM), Fort McDowell Indian Reservation: Report (1995)
- Research Design and Work Plan for Archaeological Survey on the Gila River Indian Community (1995)
- A Research Design and Work Plan for Cultural Resource Studies, Distribution Division, Central Arizona Project (1984)
- Research Design and Work Plan for Intensive Testing of the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project, San Xavier District, Tohono O’odham Nation, Pima County, Arizona: Report (2004)
- Research Design for the Investigation of Cultural Resources Along the Granite Reef Aqueduct and Transmission Lines, Central Arizona Project (1978)
- Research Design for the Roosevelt Community Development Study (1992)
- A Research Design for Tucson Aqueduct, Phase B Data Recovery (1986)
- Research Design: Cultural Resource Studies Indian Distribution Division, Central Arizona Project (1981)
- Research Design: Papago Water Supply Project: Class III Archaeological Survey for Schuk Toak and San Xavier Districts (1985)
- Results Of Archaeological Testing and Plan of Work for Excavation at AZ BB:13:16(ASM)-Locus F, Tohono O'odham Indian Reservation, San Xavier District, Tucson, Arizona: Report (1999)
- Results of Archaeological Testing for Site AZ T:12:184 (ASM) Associated with the USA Fee Property Relocation that is Part of the Proposed City of Phoenix Improvements, Maricopa County, Arizona (2003)
- Results of Archaeological Testing for the Proposed San Xavier Farm Cooperative Water Pond, San Xavier District, Tohono O’odham Nation: Letter Report (2004)
- Return To Butte Camp: A Japanese-American World War II Relocation Center: Report (1993)
- The Roosevelt Bajada Survey, Tonto Basin, Gila County, Central Arizona (1991)
- The Roosevelt Community Development Study, Number 13, Volume 1: Introduction and Small Sites (1994)
- The Roosevelt Community Development Study, Number 13, Volume 2: Meddler Point, Pyramid Point, and Griffin Wash Sites (1994)
- The Roosevelt Community Development Study, Number 14, Volume 1: Stone and Shell Artifacts (1995)
- The Roosevelt Community Development Study, Number 14, Volume 2: Ceramic Chronology, Technology, and Economics (1995)
- The Roosevelt Community Development Study, Number 14, Volume 3: Paleobiological and Osteological Analyses (1995)
- The Roosevelt Community Development Study: New Perspectives on Tonto Basin Prehistory (1995)
- The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study, Volume 1: Research Design (1990)
- The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study, Volume 2: Prehistoric Rural Settlements in the Tonto Basin, Part 1 (1994)
- The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study, Volume 2: Prehistoric Rural Settlements in the Tonto Basin, Part 1 (1994)
- The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study, Volume 2: Prehistoric Rural Settlements in the Tonto Basin, Part 2 (1994)
- The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study, Volume 2: Prehistoric Rural Settlements in the Tonto Basin, Part 2 (1994)
- The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study, Volume 3: Changing Land Use in the Tonto Basin (1994)
- The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study, Volume 3: Changing Land Use in the Tonto Basin (1994)
- Salado Ceramics and Social Organization: Prehistoric Interactions in Tonto Basin, The Roosevelt Archaeology Studies, 1989 to 1998 (1998)