Browse all Coding Sheets in tDAR
Pueblo Colorado Temporal Periods (2010)
Quarai ceramic portion (2015)
Quarai ceramic surface codes (2015)
Quarai ceramic vessel form (2015)
Quarai ceramic ware types (2015)
Quarai chipped stone raw materials (2015)
Quarai Ground Stone Condition (2015)
Quarai ground stone material types (2015)
Quarai Ground Stone Presence/Absence data (2015)
Quarai ground stone type (2015)
Quarai Ground Stone Utilized Surface (2015)
Quarai lithic type/form coding key (2015)
Quarai mineral type (2015)
Quarai Miscellaneous Artifact Condition (2015)
Quarai Miscellaneous Artifact Type (2015)
Quarai Ornament Type (2015)
Quarai Potlid Condition (2015)
Quarai Provenience Type (2015)
Quarai taxon coding key (1996)
Raw material color (2015)
Raw Material Quality/Matial (2015)
RCAP Ceramic Type Coding Sheet (2016)
RCAP Coding Sheet - Context (2006)
RCordero faunal coding sheet_age criteria (2012)
RCordero faunal coding sheet_burning (2012)
rcordero faunal coding sheet_completeness (2012)
RCordero faunal coding sheet_digestion (2012)
RCordero faunal coding sheet_element (2012)
RCordero faunal coding sheet_gnawing (2012)
rcordero faunal coding sheet_LB fusion (2012)
rcordero faunal coding sheet_proximal distal (2012)
RCordero Faunal Coding Sheet_side (2012)
RCordero faunal coding sheet_taxa (2012)
RCordero faunal coding sheet_weathering (2012)
Recovery technique (Shell Mound Archaeological Project) (2016)
Region Coding Sheet (Valley of Mexico Project)
Region Coding Sheet (Valley of Mexico) (2010)
Resource Type (Shell Mound Archaeological Project) (2016)
Rodent gnawing (Shell Mound Archaeological Project) (2016)
Rowe Pueblo Fauna Age (2013)
Rowe Pueblo Fauna Side (2013)
Rudd Creek Pueblo time (2014)
San Antonio Animal Location (2014)
San Antonio Burning Degree (2014)
San Antonio Burning Location (2014)
San Antonio Completeness (2014)
San Antonio Fragment (2014)
San Antonio Modification (2014)
San Antonio Procesing Type (2014)
San Antonio Processing Location (2014)
San Antonio Taxon (2014)
Sand Canyon ComponID coding sheet, CCAC fauna (2002)
Sand Canyon locality testing project ComponID coding sheet, CCAC fauna (2011)
SCARP All Gnawing (2018)
SCARP Breakage (2014)
SCARP Burning (2018)
SCARP Class (2014)
SCARP Element (2014)
SCARP Fusion (2014)
SCARP Gnawing (2014)
SCARP Portion (2014)
SCARP Rodent Gnawing (unmapped) (2018)
SCARP Side (2014)
SCARP Size (2014)
SCARP Taxon (2014)
SCARP Taxon Revised (2014)
SCARP Weathering (2014)
SCARP Worked Bone (2014)
SGA Age (2013)
SGA Breakage (2013)
SGA Burning (2013)
SGA Butchering (2013)
SGA Element (2013)
SGA Feature Type (2013)
SGA General Size or Class Category (2013)
SGA Gnawing (2013)
SGA ID Question (2013)
SGA Identifiability (2013)
SGA Percent of Burning (2013)
SGA Portion (2013)
SGA Recovery Method (2012)
SGA Segment (2013)
SGA Side (2013)
SGA Taxon (2013)
SGA Time Periods and Phases (2013)
SGA Weathering (2013)
Shields Pueblo ComponID coding sheet, CCAC fauna (2005)
Side coding sheet for Crow Canyon Archaeological Center fauna through 2008 (2005)
Sierra Blanca revised coding sheet (2014)
Site Coding Sheet (2010)
Size Class Codes (2015)
Size Coding Sheet (TAG Workpackage 2) (2010)
Size Grade (2015)
Soil Systems, Inc .Cremation Interment Type Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Artifact Type Coding Sheet (1997)
Soil Systems, Inc. Ceramic Temper Coding Sheet (2008)
Soil Systems, Inc. Ceramic Ware and Type Coding Sheet (2008)
Soil Systems, Inc. Collection Unit Method Coding Sheet (2007)
Soil Systems, Inc. Collection Unit Size Coding Sheet (2007)
Soil Systems, Inc. Collection Unit Type Coding Sheet (2007)
Soil Systems, Inc. Context Coding Sheet (2007)
Soil Systems, Inc. Cremation Fill Type Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Cremation Grave Orientation Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Cremation Grave Shape Coding Sheet (1987)
Soil Systems, Inc. Cremation Grave Type Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Cremation Location for Remains Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Cremation Pit Burning Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Cremation Pit Integrity Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Fauna Age Coding Sheet (2008)
Soil Systems, Inc. Faunal Anterior/Posterior Coding Sheet (2008)
Soil Systems, Inc. Faunal Artifact Type Coding Sheet (2008)
Soil Systems, Inc. Faunal Bone Portion Coding Sheet (2008)
Soil Systems, Inc. Faunal Bone Side Coding Sheet (2008)
Soil Systems, Inc. Faunal Dorsal/Ventral Coding Sheet (2008)
Soil Systems, Inc. Faunal Element Size Coding Sheet (2008)
Soil Systems, Inc. Faunal Element With Teeth Coding Sheet (2008)
Soil Systems, Inc. Faunal Elements Coding Sheet (2008)
Soil Systems, Inc. Faunal Front/Hind Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Faunal Historic Period Coding Sheet (2008)
Soil Systems, Inc. Faunal Medial/Lateral Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Faunal Proximal/Distal Coding Sheet (2008)
Soil Systems, Inc. Faunal Remains Burning Coding Sheet (2008)
Soil Systems, Inc. Faunal Remains Condition (Completeness) Coding Sheet (2008)
Soil Systems, Inc. Faunal Remains Modification Coding Sheet (2008)
Soil Systems, Inc. Faunal Sex Coding Sheet (2008)
Soil Systems, Inc. Faunal Species Coding Sheet 2008 (2008)
Soil Systems, Inc. Faunal Superior/Inferior Coding Sheet (2008)
Soil Systems, Inc. Faunal Upper/Lower Coding Sheet (2008)
Soil Systems, Inc. Feature Type Coding Sheet (2007)
Soil Systems, Inc. Flotation/Botanical Analysis Type Coding Sheet (1996)
Soil Systems, Inc. Flotation/Botanical Condition Coding Sheet (1996)
Soil Systems, Inc. Flotation/Botanical Part Coding Sheet (1996)
Soil Systems, Inc. Flotation/Botanical Specimen Completeness Coding Sheet (1996)
Soil Systems, Inc. Flotation/Botanical Taxon Coding Sheet (1996)
Soil Systems, Inc. General Artifact Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Inhuamtion Skeletal Disturbance Type Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Inhumation & Cremation Multiple Burial Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Inhumation Alcove Position Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Inhumation Arm Position Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Inhumation Body Position Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Inhumation Burial Pit Integrity Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Inhumation Burning Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Inhumation Color of Minerals & Staining Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Inhumation Grave Fill Type Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Inhumation Grave Planview Shape Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Inhumation Grave Profile Shape Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Inhumation Head Facing Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Inhumation Head Location Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Inhumation Impressions Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Inhumation Leg Positions Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Inhumation Location of Minerals & Staining on the Body Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Inhumation Minerals & Staining Coding Sheets
Soil Systems, Inc. Inhumation Pit Disturbance Type Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Inhumation Pit Integrity Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Inhumation Skeletal Completeness Codes (2012)
Soil Systems, Inc. Inhumation Skeletal Preservation Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Inhumation Superstructure Position Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Inhumation Superstructure Type Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Inhumation Surrounding Fill Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Lithic Condition Coding Sheet (2007)
Soil Systems, Inc. Lithic Material Type Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Lithic Rough Sort Artifact Type Coding Sheet (2007)
Soil Systems, Inc. Ornament Burning Coding Sheet (2001)
Soil Systems, Inc. Ornament Condition Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Ornament Decoration (other than shell umbo) Coding Sheet (2001)
Soil Systems, Inc. Ornament Material Type Coding Sheet (2001)
Soil Systems, Inc. Ornament Shape Coding Sheet (2001)
Soil Systems, Inc. Ornament Type Coding Sheet (2001)
Soil Systems, Inc. Presence/Absence Coding Sheet (2011)
Soil Systems, Inc. Projectile Point Analysis Basal Edge Form Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Projectile Point Analysis Basal Thinning Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Projectile Point Analysis Blade Shape Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Projectile Point Analysis Condition Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Projectile Point Basal Grinding Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Projectile Point Cross-Section Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Projectile Point Fracture Type Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Projectile Point Resharpening Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Projectile Point Stem Shape Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Provenience Elevation Reference Coding Sheet (2007)
Soil Systems, Inc. Provenience Integrity Coding Sheet (2007)
Soil Systems, Inc. Pueblo Grande Age at death coding sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Pueblo Grande Burial Time Period Assignments Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Pueblo Grande Burial Types Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Pueblo Grande Sex Identification Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Shell Ornament Drilling Method Coding Sheet
Soil Systems, Inc. Shell Ornament Umbo Shape Coding Sheet (2001)
Soil Systems, Inc. Sherd Temper Coding Sheet (2008)
Soil Systems, Inc. Structural Unit Type Coding Sheet (2007)
Soil Systems, Inc. True/False Coding Sheet (2011)
Soil Systems, Inc. Vessel Form Coding Sheet (2008)
Soil Systems, Inc. Vessel Rim Angle Coding Sheet (2008)
Soil Systems, Inc. Vessel Rim Fillet Coding Sheet (2008)
Soil Systems, Inc. Vessel Rim Lip Shape Coding Sheet (2008)
Species Coding Sheet (TAG Workpackage 2) (2010)
Spitalfields Project Periods Coding Sheet
Stratum Description, Coding Sheet, Gillespie Dam (2010)
String Code Coding Sheet - Text Box
Subperiod I & II Coding Sheet (Valley of Mexico Project) (2010)
SUDesc coding sheet for Crow Canyon Archaeological Center fauna through 2008 (2001)
Survey Code Coding Sheet (Valley of Mexico) (2010)
SUType coding sheet for Crow Canyon Archaeological Center fauna through 2008 (2001)
Symmetry: Arizona State Museum Faunal Coding Key (2012)
Taxon Codes (2013)
Taxon coding sheet for Crow Canyon Archaeological Center fauna through 2008 (2005)
Taxonomic Class (Shell Mound Archaeological Project) (1992)
Taxonomic Identification (Shell Mound Archaeological Project) (1996)
Taxonomic Level 1 (2010)
Taxonomic Level 2 (2010)
Technological Classification (2015)
Technological Means of flake production (2015)
Thickness coding sheet for Crow Canyon Archaeological Center fauna through 2008 (2005)
Tool Classifications (2015)
Tool Mark Orientation: Pacasmayo Coding Key (2004)
Tool Mark Types: Pacasmayo Coding Key (2004)
Tosawihi Bifaces Blank Type (1990)
Tosawihi Bifaces Hafting Element (1990)
Tosawihi Bifaces Locality 26/27 Fragment Type (1990)
Tosawihi Bifaces Locality 26/27 Manufacture Failure (1990)
Tosawihi Bifaces Locality 26/27 Measurement Completeness Codes (1990)
Tosawihi Bifaces Locality 26/27 Reduction Stage Intensity - Side 1 (1990)
Tosawihi Bifaces Locality 26/27 Reduction Stage Intensity - Side 2 (1970)
Tosawihi Bifaces Locality 26/27 Reduction Stage Morphology (1990)
Tosawihi Bifaces Locality 26/27 Side Codes (1990)
Tosawihi Bifaces Locality 26/27 Thermal Alteration (1990)
Tosawihi Bifaces Material Color Codes (1991)
Tosawihi Bifaces Material Type (1990)
TUTORIAL Coding Sheet Context (2011)
TUTORIAL Coding Sheet Context (2011)
TUTORIAL Coding Sheet Size (2011)
TUTORIAL Color Coding Sheet (2011)
TUTORIAL Element Coding Sheet (2011)
TUTORIAL Element Coding Sheet (2011)
TUTORIAL Element Coding Sheet (2011)
TUTORIAL Screen Size (2011)
Type of Excavation, Johnston Site Archaeology (2013)
Type of Retouch (2015)
UA Tree Ring Lab Species Coding Sheet (2015)
Valley of Mexico Region Coding Sheet V. 2
Weathering codes (2013)
Weathering, Johnston Site Zooarchaeology (2013)
Woods Canyon ComponID coding sheet, CCAC fauna (2000)
Yellow Jacket Pueblo ComponID coding sheet, CCAC fauna (2001)
Yes/no variables (2015)
Yes/no variables capitalized (2015)
Zone Coding Sheet (TAG Workpackage 2) (2010)