Society for American Archaeology 88th Annual Meeting, Portland, OR (2023)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2023 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 88th Annual Meeting was held in Portland, Oregon from March 29 - April 2, 2023.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1,501-1,600 of 2,109)

  • Documents (2,109)

  1. Preliminary Results of an Integrated Approach for the Study of Ceramic Vessels of Fishing Communities in Prehispanic Huanchaco, North Coast of Peru (2023)
  2. Preliminary Results of Household Excavations at the Lithic Production Community of Took’ Witz at El Palmar, Mexico (2023)
  3. Preliminary Results of Metal Detector Survey at Fort Lancaster, Texas (2023)
  4. Preliminary Results of Skeletal Analysis from the Early Muslim Period Cemetery of Bukhara (Uzbekistan) (2023)
  5. A Preliminary Study on Food and the Emergence of Archaic States in the Hawaiian Islands (2023)
  6. Preliminary Survey of Puerto Inka (2023)
  7. A Preliminary Zooarchaeological Analysis of the Houck Sites in Northeastern Arizona (2023)
  8. Preserving History with Virtual Reality: The Future of Archaeological Public Outreach at the Historic United Comstock Merger Mill (2023)
  9. Prioritization Frameworks and Archaeological Decision-Making in a Changing North (2023)
  10. Pristine Forests of Southern Chile? Evidence for a Millennium of Anthropogenic Woodlands (2023)
  11. Privy to the Details: Biographies of the Teager/Weimer Site (45SN409) in Arlington, Washington (2023)
  12. Problematizing Past Human-Landscape Interactions in the Lower Belize River Watershed: An Interdisciplinary Approach (2023)
  13. Proboscideans, Drought, and Cyanobacteria: Natural Death Events both Present and Past (2023)
  14. The Production and Exchange of Obsidian in the Monumental Zone of Tenam Puente, Chiapas, Mexico (2023)
  15. Production, Use, and Microwear Analysis of Experimental Quartz Tools (2023)
  16. Profiling the Past: About the Importance of Excavating Side View and Sieving with a Small Mesh for Retrieving Blade/Bladelet Production in Middle Paleolithic and Early Upper Paleolithic Contexts (2023)
  17. Projectiles or Pikes? Clovis Point Attributes and Braced Weapon Use (2023)
  18. Prospects for Dendrochronology and Isotopic (14C) “Wiggle-Matching” in the Southwest/Northwest (2023)
  19. Prospects for the Recovery of aDNA from Asphaltic Faunal Remains (2023)
  20. Proyekto Paisahe Kultural di Kòrsou: The Environmental Legacy of Curaçao’s Cultural Landscapes (2023)
  21. Ptghavan-4: A Middle Paleolithic Open-Air Site in the Debed River Gorge, Armenia (2023)
  22. Public Archaeology at Iosepa: Community Collaboration in Artifact Display and Analysis (2023)
  23. Public Engagement and Research Efforts within Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (2023)
  24. Public Outreach and Rock Art: Shumla Archaeological Research & Education Center’s Commitment to Public Engagement (2023)
  25. Public Outreach by Federal Cultural Resource Specialists from the Wells Field Office (2023)
  26. Public/Private Consumption in the Performance of Respectability and Gentility at 71 Joy Street, Boston, MA (2023)
  27. Publication Trends in Research on Human Environment Interactions in Early China (2023)
  28. The Pueblo Farming Project: Research, Education, and Native American Collaboration (2023)
  29. The Pueblo of Acoma’s Cultural Inheritance and Archaeological Partnership in “The Lands Between” of Southeastern Utah (2023)
  30. Putting Life into a Stone Age Dwelling Construction: A Joint Venture of Local Volunteers and Archaeological Scientists (2023)
  31. Quality Control: The Impact of Raw Material Quality on Inter-analyst Variation and Interpretation of Lithic Assemblages (2023)
  32. Quantification of Use-Wear on Experimental Shell Tools: First Results Using Focus Variation Microscopy and Surface Roughness Analysis (2023)
  33. A Quantitative Analysis of the Association between Pottery Motifs and Communal Identity during the Third Millennium BCE at Abu Fatma, Sudan (2023)
  34. Quantitatively Modeling the Relationship between Watershed Size and Site Size in Sixth–Tenth-Century Gila and Mimbres Regions, Southwestern New Mexico (2023)
  35. Quaternary Vegetation and Climate in the Lesser Caucasus, an Update (2023)
  36. Querencia: Community Reciprocity in Management of the Cultural Landscape by East Sandia and Manzano Land Grant Communities (2023)
  37. Quichunque: Un santuario inca de altura en la sierra norte de Lima (2023)
  38. The Quivira Connections (2023)
  39. Racism, Climate Change, and More-Than-Human Agency in Tropical West Africa (2023)
  40. Radiocarbon Dates and Freshwater Resource Use within Prehistoric Diets (2023)
  41. Radiocarbon Dates from the Necropolis of Ancón, Peru (2023)
  42. Radiocarbon Wiggle-Matching on a Dendrochronologically Dated Timber Sample from Paquimé (2023)
  43. Ramey on the Frontier: A Pilot Study of Select Ramey Incised Technology from Cahokia’s Southern Neighbors (2023)
  44. Re-documenting the Pleistocene–Holocene Occupations of Arma dello Stefanin in Liguria, Italy (2023)
  45. Reanalyzing Dry Creek Rockshelter: A New Path Forward for Idaho Archaeology (2023)
  46. Reaping the Rewards of Incipient Agriculture from the Land to the Sea and the Mangroves In Between (2023)
  47. Reappraising Mobility during the Ninth and Tenth Centuries CE among Lowland Maya Populations: A Bioarchaeological and Isotopic Approach (2023)
  48. Reassembling Salado: Salado Polychrome Ceramics in the Phoenix Basin (2023)
  49. Reassessing Evidence for Early Iron Production in the Near East (2023)
  50. Reassessing Mimbres Mogollon Red-Slipped Pottery (2023)
  51. Recent Archaeological Research in Gorgona Island, Colombia (2023)
  52. Recent Archaeological Work in the Kingdom of Sak Tz’i’ and the Santo Domingo-Lacanja Valley (2023)
  53. Recent Developments in Small and Low-Cost 3D Scanning Systems (2023)
  54. Recent Documentation Efforts at Greybull South, Wyoming (2023)
  55. Recent Insights and Research on Paleolithic of Istria: Examples from Romuald’s Cave (2023)
  56. Recent Investigations at 41AN162, a Middle Caddo Site in East Texas: Implications for Late Mississippian Settlement-Subsistence Behavior and Precision Dating (2023)
  57. Recent Investigations at AZ U:9:173(ASM)/Crismon Ruin, Arizona (2023)
  58. Recent Investigations of Maya Archaeological Site Looting in Petén, Guatemala (2023)
  59. Recent Trends in North American Great Plains Archaeological Research (2023)
  60. A Reclassification of the High Plains Upper Republican Ceramics from Buick Campsite: Buick Collared and Buick Straight (2023)
  61. Recognizing Debitage Diagnostic of Particular Reduction Technologies at Lithic Scatter Sites in the National Forests of Eastern and Central Oregon (2023)
  62. Recognizing Variability: Experiment-Based Insights into Debitage Analysis (2023)
  63. Reconfiguring Communities in the Postclassic at Aventura (2023)
  64. Reconsidering the Ideal Despotic Distribution on Agricultural Frontiers (2023)
  65. Reconsidering Time, Matter, and Community in the Monumental Architecture of Coastal Oaxaca, Mexico (2023)
  66. A Reconstructed Chaîne Opératoire for Mesoamerican Cochineal (2023)
  67. Reconstructing a Paleoindigenous Communal Space: Living under the Trees in the Atacama Desert, Chile, 12,800–11,200 cal yrs BP (2023)
  68. Reconstructing Ancient Pottery Transfer Patterns through Petrographic Analysis: A Case Study of New Caledonian Lapita Pottery Assemblages (2023)
  69. Reconstructing Funerary Practices from a Heavily Looted Tomb: A Case from the Upper Nepeña Drainage, Ancash, Peru (2023)
  70. Reconstructing Glass Manufacturing Patterns in India through Raw Materials Sourcing and Ethnoarchaeological Investigations (2023)
  71. Reconstructing Holocene Coastal Adaptations: An Evaluation of the Archaeological Shell Midden Record along Guyana’s Northwestern Coast (2023)
  72. Reconstructing Multiregional Pastoral Strategies in the South-Central Andes (2023)
  73. Reconstructing Synchronous Ritual Events in a Central Honduran Chiefdom: An Analysis of Conjoined Artifacts (2023)
  74. Reconstructing Technological Traditions and Interaction in the Precolonial Middle Orinoco: Ceramics in Mono- and Multiethnic Communities in the Amazon Basin (AD 1000–1500) (2023)
  75. Reconstructing the Ancient Maya Wetland Fields of the Central Rio Bravo, Belize (2023)
  76. Reconstructing the Habitual Workspaces of a Middle Caddo Period Structure at Site 41FN244 (2023)
  77. Reconstructing the Social Life of Death at Ancient Aksum through Micro-CT Imaging (AD 50–400) (2023)
  78. Reconstructing “Negro Fort”: A Geophysical Investigation of the Citadel at Prospect Bluff (8FR64) (2023)
  79. Recovering Lost Excavations: Reconstructing Burials from the University of California Excavations at Guatacondo, Chile (1967–1969) (2023)
  80. Recovering Social and Political Structures on the Precolumbian North Coast of Peru (2023)
  81. Recuperando el rompecabeza: Un análisis de la escalera jeroglífica de El Resbalón (2023)
  82. Recycling Woodlands: Timber Use and Reuse in Timber Framed Buildings in West Suffolk, England (2023)
  83. Red Metal, Domestic God: Prehistoric Copper Use in the Middle Atlantic Region (2023)
  84. Redating the Jones-Miller Site: Multiple Hell Gap (2023)
  85. Redrawing the Arrows of Mississippianization to and from the Central Illinois River Valley (2023)
  86. Reducing Collective Action Problems among Larger-Scale Societies: Building Trust, Assurance, and Cooperation at Late Postclassic Tlaxcallan, Mexico (2023)
  87. Reevaluating Precolumbian Pottery of the Florida Keys (2023)
  88. A Reevaluation of Viejo Period Architecture and Construction in the Casas Grandes Region (2023)
  89. A Reexamination of the Distribution of Jade Artifacts at the Maya Site of Blue Creek in Northwestern Belize (2023)
  90. Reexamining the Chacmool, One More Time (2023)
  91. Reexamining the Organization of Ornament Production at Chaco Canyon: Insights from Pueblo Bonito’s Lapidary Tool Assemblage (2023)
  92. Refining Archaeological Data Collection and Management (2023)
  93. Refining the Chronology of Basketmaker II Perishable Craft Production in Southeastern Utah (2023)
  94. Refining the Regional Ceramic Chronology of the Postclassic Basin of Mexico to account for Spatial-Temporal Variability (2023)
  95. Reflections on My First Summer of Fieldwork (2023)
  96. Refuse Disposal and Activity Area Patterns in a Fur Trade Period Pithouse on the Nechako Plateau, British Columbia (2023)
  97. Regimes and the Classic Maya Market Economy “Writ Large” (2023)
  98. Regional Agricultural Potential at the Aguacate Sites, Western Belize (2023)
  99. Regional Comparison of Ritual Closure in American Southwest (2023)
  100. Regional Patterns in Lithic Procurement and Production in the Middle Usumacinta (2023)