The Department of the Air Force (DAF) is charged by federal law and statutes to identify, evaluate, and protect important cultural and historical properties on DAF land for the benefit of this and future generations of Americans. In executing these mandates, DAF has produced several thousand professional quality monographs, reports, and studies that record valuable data and insights on our Nation’s history and prehistory, as reflected on our installations and ranges. The Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) has partnered with Digital Antiquity and Argonne National Laboratory to curate these resources in the Digital Archaeological Record (tDAR).
Since 2011, Digital Antiquity has worked with Air Force installations to establish a system for digitally curating DAF cultural resources documents and making those documents available to approved users. Installations have the ability to organize their file types in a way that is useful for their needs, while providing controlled levels of access to approved users.
This is the main collection for DAF. Here you can find collections of documents, data, images, and other digital information generated from and/or related to archaeological and other cultural resources and investigations on or nearby DAF facilities. The collection was created by the Center for Digital Antiquity in cooperation with US Air Force, US Space Force, and Air National Guard Cultural Resources Management personnel.
Site Name Keywords
Belle Chance •
Scott Air Force Base Historic District •
Building 1966 •
Building 1967 •
18PR447 •
Chapel II •
Building 1968 •
50-80-15-4853 •
LA 38135 •
Site Type Keywords
Non-Domestic Structures •
Governmental Structure •
Historic Governmental Structure •
Archaeological Feature •
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Military Structure •
Artifact Scatter •
Domestic Structures •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Other Keywords
National Register of Historic Places •
Melrose Air Force Range •
Cannon AFB •
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station •
Site Records •
Map •
Camp Bullis Survey •
Site Form
Culture Keywords
Historic •
Archaic •
Woodland •
PaleoIndian •
Prehistoric •
Late Archaic •
Euroamerican •
Middle Woodland •
Middle Archaic •
Early Woodland
Investigation Types
Heritage Management •
Reconnaissance / Survey •
Architectural Documentation •
Historic Background Research •
Architectural Survey •
Site Evaluation / Testing •
Archaeological Overview •
Records Search / Inventory Checking •
Systematic Survey •
Material Types
Chipped Stone •
Ceramic •
Chert •
Glass •
Metal •
Building Materials •
Fauna •
Shell •
Fire Cracked Rock •
Ground Stone
Temporal Keywords
Historic •
Prehistoric •
Cold War •
20th Century •
Cold War Era •
World War II •
19th Century •
Archaic •
18th Century
Geographic Keywords
United States of America (Country) •
North America (Continent) •
USA (Country) •
Texas (State / Territory) •
Bexar County (County) •
Texas •
San Antonio •
Bexar (County) •
New Mexico (State / Territory) •
California (State / Territory)
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 401-500 of 8,683)
- Cultural Resources Inventory and Determination of Eligibility of Post World War II Cultural Resources at Wake Atoll (2008)
- Cultural Resources Management Plan for Five Satellite Installations of the 15th Air Base Wing Hickam Air Force Base, Hawai'i (2000)
- Cultural Resources Management Plan for Wake Island Airfield Volume 1 and 2 (2000)
- Cultural Resources Management Plan White Alice Communications System, Alaska (2002)
- Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the Oooguruk Development Project, North Slope, Alaska, for the Year 2005 (2006)
- Defending Attack from the North: Alaska's Forward Operating Bases During the Cold War (2021)
- The Defense of Wake (1947)
- DEW Line As-Built Drawing Index U.S. Air Force January 1993 DE-3A/2827A/0256A (1993)
- DEW Line Photographs Index: List of all Photos in DEW Line Collection (1993)
- The Distant Early Warning (Dew) Line: A Bibliography and Documentary Resource List (2005)
- Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line: Bullen Point/Flaxman Island (POW-3) Building 1 Blueprints (2021)
- Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line: Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan (2013)
- Drawing of a 90 mm AMTB (2006)
- Drawings Bar-1 Distant Early Warning System Line Radar Station (1996)
- Eareckson Air Station Location Map (2010)
- Executive Order 3284: Delegation of Management Responsibility for the Pacific Remote Island Marine National Monument, Rose Atoll Marine National Monument and the Marianas Trench Marine National Monument (2009)
- Final Cultural Resources Management Plan Distant Early Warning (DEW) System (2000)
- Final Cultural Resources Management Plan Distant Early Warning (DEW) System (2000)
- Final Cultural Resources Management Plan For Eareckson Air Station, Alaska May 1999 (1999)
- Final Historic Building and Evaluation of the Distant Early Warning (DEW) System (1999)
- Final Historic Building Inventory and Evaluation for Aircraft Control and Warning (AC&W) Sites (1998)
- Final Historic Building Inventory and Evaluation of King Salmon Airport, Alaska (1999)
- Final Natural and Cultural Resources Reports of Survey Stage I Site Inspection for Petroleum, Oils, and Lubricants Sites Wake Island Airfield Wake Atoll (2001)
- Final Report for Interpretive Prospectus for Wake Island Airfield (1997)
- Final Report: Archaeological Pedestrian Survey of Mt. Ka'ala and Koke'e LRRSs, Hawaii (2017)
- Final Summary and Assessment of Peale Island Historic Resources (2015)
- Foragers of the Terminal Pleistocene in North America (1994)
- Galena Air Force Station Historic Building Inventory and Evaluation (1998)
- Grain Size Analysis of Archaeological Soil Samples from Shemya Island (2006)
- Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) Cobra Dane Upgrade (CDU) Eareckson Air Station (EAS) - Shemya, Alaska (2003)
- Historic American Building Survey Barter Island Long Range Radar Site Building Train "A" (2021)
- Historic American Building Survey Point Lay Long Range Radar Site (2021)
- Historic American Buildings Survey Oliktok Long Range Radar Site (2021)
- Historic American Landscape Survey, Wake Island: Photographs, Written Historical and Descriptive Data (2010)
- Historic Building Inventory and Evaluation for Selected Buildings: Eareckson Air Station, Alaska (2007)
- Historic Building Inventory and Evaluation for Selected Buildings: Eareckson Air Station, Alaska Shelia A. McCarthy (2007): Updated Historic Context for Hangar Two (Building Number 502) (2007)
- Historic Building Inventory and Evaluation: Alaska Radar System (ARS) Late Cold War Facilities (2014)
- Historic Context and Evaluation for the Long Range Aid to Navigation-A Station on Wake Atoll (Peale Island) 1951-1977, United States Air Force PACAF Regional Support Center (PRSC) (2019)
- Historic Overview and Inventory: White Alice Communications System (1988)
- Historic Preservation Plan for Wake Island Airfield Wake Island (1996)
- Historic Property Discovery Procedures for MDA Wake Island Flight Communications Test Facility (2021)
- Historical Evaluation of Two Shipwrecks at Eareckson Air Station, Shemya Island, Alaska (2014)
- History of Alaska's Operating Bases (FOBs): The Soviet Bomber Threat and North American Air Defenses during the Cold War (2001)
- History of the Aircraft Control and Warning System in Alaska: Air Defense of Arctic Skies (2002)
- History of the Aircraft Control and Warning System in Alaska: Air Defense of Arctic Skies, 2013 Update (2013)
- Hunting the Soviet Bear-A Study of Soviet Aircraft Intercepts near Alaska 1961-1991 (1992)
- Integrate Cultural Resources Management Plan: Aircraft Control and Warning (AC&W) System, Alaska (2010) (2010)
- Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan (2004-2008) Eareckson Air Station, Alaska (2004)
- Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan (2004-2009) Aircraft Control and Warning Installations, Alaska (2004)
- Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan Distant Early Warning (DEW) System, Alaska (2006) (2006)
- Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan Distant Early Warning (DEW) System, Alaska (2013) (2013)
- Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan Eareckson Air Station, Alaska (2010) (2010)
- Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan Eareckson Air Station, Alaska (2015) (2015)
- Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan King Salmon Air Station, King Salmon Alaska (2013)
- Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan October 2015 - September 2020 for Wake Island Airfield (2015)
- Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan: Aircraft Control and Warning (AC&W) System, Alaska (2015) (2015)
- Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan for Wake Atoll (2008)
- Inventory and Evaluation: Utopia Creek Mining District (MLZ-140), Alaska (2014)
- Inventory to the United States, Air Force, Distant Early Warning (DEW) System, BAR-1 Auxiliary Station Fonds (1995)
- Japanese Economic Exploitation of Central Pacific Seabird Populations, 1898-1915 (1998)
- King Salmon Airport Photograph Log and Photographs, 2005 (2005)
- Letter: Demolition of 11 Buildings at Eareckson Air Station (2021)
- Letter: Demolition of Building 613, Alaska Heritage Resources Site (AHRS) Number ATU-00139 (2005)
- Letter: Demolition of Buildings at Eareckson Air Station No Longer Meeting Mission Support (2005)
- Letter: Demolition of Several Buildings at Eareckson Air Station (2021)
- Letter: Inventory and Evaluation of Selected Buildings Eareckson Air Station (2008)
- Level 2 Architectural Recordation Form Alaska Historic Buildings Survey (1996)
- Level II Cultural Resources Survey of Sterling Landing, Alaska (2015)
- Life on Wake Island - From a Japanese Diary (1945)
- Map of Peale Island (1941)
- Map of Shemya Island (2003)
- Marine Toxins From the Pacific II: The Contamination of Wake Island Lagoon (1969)
- Memorandum of Agreement Between the U.S. Air Force and the Alaska State Historic Preservation Officer Regarding the Conversion of Selected Former DEW Line Stations Submitted to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Pursuant to 36 CFR 800.6(a) (1996)
- Memorandum of Agreement Between the US Air Force and the Alaska State Historic Preservation Office Regarding the Environmental Restoration of Seven Distant Early Warning Sites, Alaska (2005)
- Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Demolition of Nineteen Installations in the White Alice Communications System, Alaska (1988)
- Memorandum of Agreement: North Warning System Unattended Radar (NWSUAR) Bullen Point Alaska Submitted to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Pursuant to 36 CFR Part 800.6(a) (1992)
- Military Development in Alaska 1867-1939 Draft Chronology Compiled by John Haile Cloe and the 3rd Wing History Office (2008)
- The Military in Alaska Draft Chronology, Being Compiled by John H. Cloe Office of History, 3rd Wing (2003)
- New Evidence for the Timing of Arctic Small Tool Tradition Coastal Settlement in Northwest Alaska (2016)
- North Slope Borough Commission on History and Culture, Kaktovik, Alaska An Overview of Relocations (1977)
- An Overview of Alaskan's Prehistoric Cultures (2018)
- People at the End of the World (2010)
- Photo Log of White Alice Communication System (WACS), Pillar Mountain Alaska, 1997 (1997)
- Photographs of World War II Hangers at Eareckson Air Station (2007)
- Preservation Briefs #36 - Protecting Cultural Landscapes: Planning, Treatment and Management of Historic Landscapes (1994)
- Proclamation 8336 of January 6,2009 Establishment of the Pacific Remote Islands Marine Nation Document (2009)
- Programmatic Agreement on Protection of Historic Properties During Emergency Response Under the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (1997)
- Programmatic Agreement Regarding Archaeological Properties Among the U.S. Air Force 611th Air Support Group: the Alaska State Historic Preservation Officer, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, for the Implementation of the Environmental Compliance and Restoration Programs (1998)
- Programmatic Memorandum of Agreement Among the United States Department of Defense The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers (1986)
- Radiocarbon Dating Results for Sample UNITAL2, UNITBL4, UNITEL2, UNITHL2, UNITHL2A, UNITHL2B, UNITHL3 (2005)
- Radiocarbon Dating Results for Samples 738304, 738317 (2007)
- Shemya Island and the Question of Inland Sites (2008)
- Shemya Island Location Map (2005)
- A Special Study of the Sale of the White Alice Communications System (1985)
- Strategic Plan for Archaeological Survey of Installations of the 611th Air Support Group Alaska (2000)
- Strategic Plan for Archaeological Survey of Installations of the 611th Air Support Group Alaska (1998)
- Summary of PRSC Installations Addressed in the Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan and Natural Resources Considerations (2020)
- Survey and Documentation of World War II Defensive Fortifications at Eareckson Air Station, Shemya Island, Alaska (2016)
- "This is the Most Important Part" Commemorating the Industrial Heritage of the Cold War Bar-1 Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line Auxiliary Radar Station, Komakuk Beach, Yukon Territory, Canada (1995)
- Top Cover and Global Engagement - A History of the Eleventh Air Force (2000)