RACF Boxes 03076, 03077, 03078 and 03079: Inventories & Contents (AP2012.001)

Part of: Fort A.P. Hill, Caroline County, Virginia

This collection includes inventories of the contents of accession AP2012.001 for boxes 03076, 03077, 03078 and 03079. It also includes the digital resources associated with RACF accession number AP2012.001.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-100 of 207)

Additional Cultural Resource Investigations, Proposed Explosive Ordnance Disposal Range, Fort A. P. Hill (AP2012.001) Additional Cultural Resource Investigations, Archaeological Sites 44CE0591, 44CE0596, and 44CE0597, Proposed 1200-Meter Range, Fort A.P. Hill (AP2012.001) Archaeological Survey of Training Facilities at Powers Road Corner, Fort A.P. Hill (AP2012.001) Archaeological Survey Proposed Forestry Activities Training Areas 21, 23, 24, and 30, Fort A.P. Hill (AP2012.001) Archaeological Survey, Airfield Clearing, Fort A. P. Hill (AP2012.001) Archaeological Survey, American Water Administrative Building, Fort A.P. Hill (AP2012.001) Archaeological Survey, Bridge Replacements Perrin Road and Gregg/Lent Road, Fort A.P. Hill (AP2012.001) Archaeological Survey, Burma Road Bridge Replacement, Fort A.P. Hill (AP2012.001) Archaeological Survey, Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization, and Security, Fort A. P. Hill (AP2012.001) Archaeological Survey, Firing Point 1, Fort A. P. Hill (AP2012.001) Archaeological Survey, Improvised Explosive Device Training Facilities, Fort A.P. Hill (AP2012.001) Archaeological Survey, Maneuver Corridors D, E, and F, Fort A.P. Hill (AP2012.001) Archaeological Survey, Proposed Forestry Activities, Nine Blocks in the Impact Area, Fort A. P. Hill (AP2012.001) Archaeological Survey, Proposed Minehound Lanes, Fort A.P. Hill (AP2012.001) Archaeological Survey, Proposed Temporary Breacher Facility, Fort A.P. Hill (AP2012.001) Archaeological Survey, Ranges 8 & 9 Latrine Facilities, Fort A.P. Hill (AP2012.001) Archaeological Survey, UAV Airstrip and Fire Training Center, Fort A.P. Hill (AP2012.001) Archaeological Survey, Wilcox Scrap Yard, Fort A.P. Hill (AP2012.001) Cultural Resource Survey, Proposed Heth Fire House, Fort A. P. Hill (AP2012.001) Cultural Resource Survey, Water Control Structure Repair at Smoots Pond, Fort A.P. Hill (AP2012.001) Individual Resources Phase II Archaeological Evaluation, Site 44CE0062, Fort A. P. Hill (AP2012.001) Phase II Archaeological Evaluation, Site 44CE0431, Fort A.P. Hill (AP2012.001) Phase II Archaeological Evaluation, Site 44CE0465, Fort A.P. Hill (AP2012.001) Phase II Archaeological Evaluation, Site 44CE069, Fort A.P. Hill (AP2012.001) Phase II Archaeological Evaluations, Sites 44CE0551 and 44CE0555, Fort A.P. Hill (AP2012.001)