Eastern Archaic Faunal Working Group
Datasets uploaded by Eastern Archaic Faunal Working Group Members as part of NSF grant BCS 1430754 between 2014 and 2017.
Site Name Keywords
Modoc Rock Shelter (11R5) •
Koster •
Little Freeman Cave •
Bear Creek Site •
20SA1043 •
Weber 1 (20SA581) •
20BY28/387 •
Napoleon Hollow (11PK500) •
Campbell Hollow (11ST144) •
Sachsen Cave
Site Type Keywords
Archaeological Feature •
Midden •
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Artifact Scatter •
Hearth •
Pit •
Refuse Pit •
Settlements •
Other Keywords
Faunal Remains - Prehistoric •
Faunal Analysis (Prehistoric) •
Freshwater Mussel Shell Midden •
Gastropod Shells •
Faunal Remains Prehistoric •
Faunal Remains -Prehistoric •
Cave •
Fauna •
Gastropod •
Early Archaic
Culture Keywords
Archaic •
Middle Archaic •
Late Archaic •
Early Archaic •
Woodland •
Late Woodland •
Middle Woodland •
Early Woodland •
PaleoIndian •
Investigation Types
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Environment Research •
Research Design / Data Recovery Plan •
Site Evaluation / Testing •
Heritage Management •
Archaeological Overview •
Site Stabilization •
Site Stewardship Monitoring
Material Types
Fauna •
Shell •
Dating Sample •
Chipped Stone •
Macrobotanical •
Fire Cracked Rock •
Ground Stone •
Ceramic •
Human Remains •
Temporal Keywords
Late Archaic •
Middle Archaic •
Early Archaic •
Archaic •
Late Woodland •
Late Archaic-Middle Woodland •
Archaic Period •
Woodland •
Archaic, Middle •
Terminal Middle Archaic
Geographic Keywords
United States of America (Country) •
North America (Continent) •
USA (Country) •
Illinois (State / Territory) •
Randolph County (County) •
Randolph County, southwestern Illinois •
Central Mississippi River Valley, USA •
Michigan (State / Territory) •
Greene County (County) •
Green County, Illinois
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 201-300 of 897)
- Coding Sheets (803)
- Datasets (61)
- Documents (6)
- Ontologies (6)
- Projects (21)
This study uses faunal remains from Horizons 11-8A of the Koster Site, Greene County, Illinois, as the basis for examining subsistence change during the Early-Middle Archaic transition in the Midwest. Two related issues are considered. First, did significant changes in subsistence strategies occur? Second, what were the probable causes of subsistence change? Current evidence from the lower Illinois River Valley suggests that subsistence change is closely related to changes in settlement or...
Eastern Archaic Context Types (2015)
Context types for sites in the Eastern Archaic Faunal Working Group Collection
Eastern Archaic Excavation Level/Unit Type (2016)
This ontology allows EAFWG datasets to be sorted by whether the excavated unit or level was cultural or arbitrary.
Eastern Archaic Resource type ontology (2015)
Resource types (economic and habita)
Eastern Archaic Site Type (2015)
Archaic period site type list
Hill Horizon 11 (2015)
This dataset is comprised of samples taken from the faunal assemblage excavated at the Koster Site and identified for Frederick Hill’s dissertation research (Hill 1975) as well as for the Koster Project prior to 1975. The data in this file are part of the combined Horizon 11 Macro and Micro files already, and thus, duplicate part of that file. Methods used to collect macro and micro faunal remains from the original Horizon 11 units included trowel and shovel excavation, screening through ½...
Horizon 11 Recovery Technique (1979)
Recovery Technique Coding Sheet
Horizon Eleven Trial Dataset (1979)
The assemblage used in this dataset represents part of the sample excavated from Horizon 11 in 1978 from units 161, 180, 253 and 254 and duplicates identifications otherwise included in the combined Horizon 11 Macro and Micro dataset also preserved in tDAR. All materials were collected either by trowel or by screening through ½ “ mesh. No flotation remains from Horizon 11 are included in this dataset. Trowel excavations were conducted for the Horizon 11 material, which was bagged in 18” by 18”...
IUP Cult Modification (2016)
IUP's version of cultural modification used in creating this file.
Element Coding
Taxonomic coding
Kos-N Priority Ident Portion Coding (2016)
Portion coding for Kos-N Hor 8A-10B Identified remains as modified for EAFWG work
Koster Burning test2
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Sarah Neusius
no description provided
Koster Horizon 11 Abnormality (1979)
Abnormality of skeletal elements
Koster Horizon 11 Axiality (1979)
Skeletal element Axiality
Koster Horizon 11 Burning (1979)
Koster Horizon 11 Skeletal Element Burning Degree
Koster Horizon 11 Burning Location (1979)
Location of Skeletal Element Burning
Koster Horizon 11 class (1979)
Koster Horizon 11 class
Koster Horizon 11 Completeness (1979)
Completeness of skeletal element
Koster Horizon 11 Deliberate Modification (1979)
Deliberate Modification of Skeletal elements
Koster Horizon 11 Element (1979)
Faunal Skeletal Element coding sheet for Horizon 11 of the Koster site
Koster Horizon 11 Element Digestion (1979)
Digestion of Skeletal elements
Koster Horizon 11 Element Preservation (1979)
Koster Horizon 11 Element Preservation Coding Sheet
Koster Horizon 11 Element Symmetry (1979)
Symmetry of skeletal element
Koster Horizon 11 Food Processing Mark Location (1979)
Location of Food Processing Marks on Skeletal Elements
Koster Horizon 11 Food Processing Marks (1979)
Type of Food Processing Marks on Skeletal Elements
Koster Horizon 11 Fracture Age (1979)
Age of Fractures on Skeletal Elements
Koster Horizon 11 Gnawing (1979)
Koster Horizon 11 Skeletal Element Gnawing
Koster Horizon 11 Portion Proximity (1979)
Koster Horizon 11 Portion Proximity
Koster Horizon 11 Reliability (1979)
Reliability of Taxon ID
Koster Horizon 11 Taxon (1979)
Taxon Identification
Koster Site Fauna Analyst Coding Sheet (2008)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Shelby Manney
Koster Site Fauna Burning Coding Sheet (2008)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Shelby Manney
Koster Site Fauna Certainty Coding Sheet (2008)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Shelby Manney
no description provided
Koster Site Fauna Element Coding Sheet (2008)
Koster Site Fauna Feature/Midden Coding Sheet (2008)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Shelby Manney
Koster Site Fauna Horizon Feature/Midden Coding Sheet (2008)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh
Horizon Feature/midden
Koster Site Fauna Integrity Coding Sheet (2008)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Shelby Manney
Koster Site Fauna Other Info Coding Sheet (2008)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Shelby Manney
OTHER information on modification, maturity etc.
Koster Site Fauna Side Coding Sheet (2008)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Shelby Manney
Koster Site Species Coding Sheet (2008)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Shelby Manney
SPECIES coding sheet
Koster-N HILL Other Horizons (4,6,9AB and 12) Macro (2015)
Combined dataset of combined Horizons 4, 6, 9A/9B and 12 from 1971-1974 excavations. All identifications are of macro remains and were done in Fred Hill's lab. Identification sheets have been transposed by S. Neusius and her students during 2015-2016 using PDFs of the Hill entry sheets. The format used generally matches that used for other Koster Horizons, except the identified materials from Hors 8A-10B that were used in Neusius' 1982 dissertation.
Koster-N Horizon 11 Flotation (2011)
Faunal identifications from flotation made by Andrea Boon as part of her MA thesis research. There are no other flotation bone identifications for this horizon.
Koster-N Horizon 11 Macro (2016)
This dataset is a combination of Horizon Eleven faunal identifications made by Sarah Neusius, Andrea Boon and Frederick Hill. It was created by Sarah Neusius and her students in late 2015 and early 2016 and modified for use by the EAFWG. The original datasets from which this is created are also stored in tDAR.
Koster-N Horizon 8A-10B Macro Identified File (1981)
Data includes Faunal Analysis at Site. Site Description: The Koster site is a deeply stratified site located in the lower Illinois River valley containing cultural deposits that span most of the Holocene. This site has provided significant information about the Archaic period in the Midwest as well as human-environment interactions at this time. Due to excellent preservation Koster gives us a complex record of the technologies and food sources of its inhabitants over time. The Koster site is...
Koster-N Horizon 8A-10B Macro Indeterminate File (2015)
This file contains reconstructed indeterminate faunal identifications for the Koster Site Priority Horizons Horizons 8A-10B. These data were recorded by Sarah Neusius in her dissertation work and by Fred Hill and his assistants, but were not included in the Kos-N Priority Horizon file created by John Hewitt. They have been entered from notes, tallies and identification sheets available during 2015 and 2016 by Neusius and her students at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Additional columns...
Koster-N Horizons 8A-10B Micro (2016)
This dataset provides faunal identification summaries for Horizons 8A, 8B,8D, 8E, 8F, 10A and 10B that were completed by S. Neusius when working on her dissertation. The original datasheets have not been relocated so this file has been created from the summaries in Neusius 1982 (see documents attached to this project). Because this is summary data the actual contexts within horizons are unknown, but except for the Indeterminate remains, Feature vs Midden contexts were separated. No flotation...
Kramer Mound Site, IN (12Sp7)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Tanya Peres
Faunal materials from the Kramer Mound Site, Indiana (12Sp7) excavations.
Coding sheet for Completeness (Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset) (2017)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Tanya Peres
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for completeness - VARCHAR 98512 column from Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset dataset (394425) on 1/12/17 8:27 AM
Coding sheet for Context type (Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset) (2017)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Tanya Peres
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for context_type - VARCHAR 98510 column from Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset dataset (394425) on 1/12/17 8:27 AM
Coding sheet for CultAffil (Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset) (2017)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Tanya Peres
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for cultaffil - VARCHAR 98509 column from Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset dataset (394425) on 1/12/17 8:27 AM
Coding sheet for Element (Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Sarah Neusius
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for col_element - VARCHAR 59630 column from Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset dataset (394425) on 7/30/16 2:23 PM
Coding sheet for Food processing mark (Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset) (2017)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Tanya Peres
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for food_processing_mark - VARCHAR 98516 column from Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset dataset (394425) on 1/12/17 8:29 AM
Coding sheet for Gnawing (Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset) (2017)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Tanya Peres
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for gnawing - VARCHAR 98517 column from Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset dataset (394425) on 1/12/17 8:29 AM
Coding sheet for Heat Alt (Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset) (2017)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Tanya Peres
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for heat_alt - BIGINT 98378 column from Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset dataset (394425) on 1/5/17 8:23 AM
Coding sheet for Heat Altered (Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset) (2017)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Tanya Peres
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for heat_altered - VARCHAR 98391 column from Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset dataset (394425) on 1/12/17 8:29 AM
Coding sheet for Heat Altered (Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset) (2017)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Tanya Peres
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for heat_altered - VARCHAR 98391 column from Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset dataset (394425) on 9/30/17 8:04 AM
Coding sheet for Heat Altered (Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Sarah Neusius
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for heat_altered - BIGINT 59636 column from Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset dataset (394425) on 7/30/16 2:23 PM
Coding sheet for Prox/Dist (Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset) (2017)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Tanya Peres
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for prox_dist - VARCHAR 98513 column from Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset dataset (394425) on 1/12/17 8:29 AM
Coding sheet for Recovery (Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset) (2017)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Tanya Peres
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for col_recovery - VARCHAR 98508 column from Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset dataset (394425) on 1/12/17 8:26 AM
Coding sheet for Resource Type Taxon (Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset) (2017)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Tanya Peres
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for resource_type_taxon - VARCHAR 98511 column from Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset dataset (394425) on 1/12/17 8:27 AM
Coding sheet for Taxon (Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Sarah Neusius
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for taxon - VARCHAR 59629 column from Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset dataset (394425) on 7/30/16 2:23 PM
Coding sheet for Weathered (Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset) (2017)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Tanya Peres
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for weathered - VARCHAR 98393 column from Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset dataset (394425) on 1/12/17 8:29 AM
Coding sheet for Worked bone (tool) (Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset) (2017)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Tanya Peres
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for worked_bone__tool_ - VARCHAR 98515 column from Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset dataset (394425) on 1/12/17 8:29 AM
Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset (2010)
Faunal data recovered from Kramer Mound Site, IN (12Sp7). Zooarchaeological identifications and analyses (including bone tools) were conducted by and under the direct supervision of Dr. Tanya M. Peres. From the report (Bergman, C., Peres, T., & Schmidt, C. (2014). Scientific Recovery Investigations at the Kramer Mound (12Sp7): Prehistoric Artifact Assemblages, Faunal and Floral Remains, and Human Osteology. Indiana Archaeology, 9(1), 13-101. Retrieved from...
Little Freeman Cave, MO (23PU565) Project
Little Freeman Cave (23PU565) is a large cave (25 m x 28 m with a current ceiling height of 6 m) situated in the oak-hickory forest on the south facing bluff overlooking the Big Piney River in the Central Ozark Highland in the Fort Leonard Wood military reservation in Pulaski County, Missouri. Phase II testing at the site in 1996 and more extensive excavations in 1997 by the Illinois State Museum (under the direction of Dr. Steven Ahler), under contract with the United States Army Corps of...
Coding sheet for Burn (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for burn - VARCHAR 85504 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot dataset (405914) on 6/14/16 1:30 PM
Coding sheet for Completeness (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for completeness - VARCHAR 85500 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot dataset (405914) on 6/14/16 1:30 PM
Coding sheet for Context (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for context - VARCHAR 85488 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot dataset (405914) on 6/14/16 1:05 PM
Coding sheet for ContextType (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Fauna dataset-1/4" screen ) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for contexttype - VARCHAR 80802 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Fauna dataset-1/4" screen dataset (401048) on 2/18/16 2:02 PM
Coding sheet for ContextType (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for contexttype - VARCHAR 80833 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen dataset (402196) on 2/18/16 3:55 PM
Coding sheet for Cultural Affiliation (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Fauna dataset-1/4" screen ) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for cultural_affiliation - VARCHAR 79566 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Fauna dataset-1/4" screen dataset (401048) on 2/18/16 2:02 PM
Coding sheet for Cultural Affiliation (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for cultural_affiliation - VARCHAR 85492 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot dataset (405914) on 6/14/16 1:30 PM
Coding sheet for Cultural Affiliation (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for cultural_affiliation - VARCHAR 80837 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen dataset (402196) on 2/18/16 3:55 PM
Coding sheet for Cultural Affiliation (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Vertebrate Fauna, 1/16" Flot) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for cultural_affiliation - VARCHAR 79300 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Vertebrate Fauna, 1/16" Flot dataset (400878) on 5/31/16 8:48 AM
Coding sheet for Cut (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Fauna dataset-1/4" screen ) (2015)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Bonnie Styles
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for cut - VARCHAR 79549 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Fauna dataset-1/4" screen dataset (401048) on 12/16/15 3:44 PM
Coding sheet for Cut (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for cut - BIGINT 85511 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot dataset (405914) on 6/14/16 1:30 PM
Coding sheet for Cut (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Vertebrate Fauna, 1/16" Flot) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for cut - BIGINT 79545 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Vertebrate Fauna, 1/16" Flot dataset (400878) on 5/31/16 8:48 AM
Coding sheet for Digest (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for digest - BIGINT 85507 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot dataset (405914) on 6/14/16 1:30 PM
Coding sheet for Element (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Fauna dataset-1/4" screen ) (2015)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for col_element - VARCHAR 79575 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Fauna dataset-1/4" screen dataset (401048) on 12/10/15 3:32 PM
Coding sheet for Element (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for col_element - VARCHAR 85498 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot dataset (405914) on 6/14/16 1:30 PM
Coding sheet for Element (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for col_element - VARCHAR 80843 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen dataset (402196) on 2/18/16 3:55 PM
Coding sheet for Element (Little Freeman Cave(23PU565)- Fauna dataset-1/16" Flot) (2015)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for col_element - VARCHAR 79306 column from Little Freeman Cave(23PU565)- Fauna dataset-1/16" Flot dataset (400878) on 11/20/15 3:05 PM
Coding sheet for Gnaw (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for gnaw - BIGINT 85506 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot dataset (405914) on 6/14/16 1:30 PM
Coding sheet for Portion1 (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Fauna dataset-1/4" screen ) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for portion1 - VARCHAR 79560 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Fauna dataset-1/4" screen dataset (401048) on 2/22/16 9:08 AM
Coding sheet for Portion1 (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for portion1 - VARCHAR 85501 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot dataset (405914) on 6/14/16 1:30 PM
Coding sheet for Portion1 (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for portion1 - VARCHAR 80846 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen dataset (402196) on 8/5/16 1:48 PM
Coding sheet for Portion2 (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Fauna dataset-1/4" screen ) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for portion2 - VARCHAR 79559 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Fauna dataset-1/4" screen dataset (401048) on 2/22/16 9:27 AM
Coding sheet for Portion2 (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for portion2 - VARCHAR 85502 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot dataset (405914) on 6/14/16 1:30 PM
Coding sheet for Portion2 (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for portion2 - VARCHAR 80847 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen dataset (402196) on 8/5/16 1:48 PM
Coding sheet for Portion3 (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Fauna dataset-1/4" screen ) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for portion3 - VARCHAR 79558 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Fauna dataset-1/4" screen dataset (401048) on 2/22/16 9:27 AM
Coding sheet for Portion3 (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for portion3 - VARCHAR 85503 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot dataset (405914) on 6/14/16 1:30 PM
Coding sheet for Portion3 (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for portion3 - VARCHAR 80848 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen dataset (402196) on 8/5/16 1:48 PM
Coding sheet for Portion3 (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)-Vertebrate Fauna, 1/4" screen ) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for portion3 - VARCHAR 79558 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)-Vertebrate Fauna, 1/4" screen dataset (401048) on 7/18/16 1:16 PM
Coding sheet for Recovery (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Fauna dataset-1/4" screen ) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for col_recovery - VARCHAR 79570 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Fauna dataset-1/4" screen dataset (401048) on 2/18/16 2:02 PM
Coding sheet for Recovery (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for col_recovery - VARCHAR 85484 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot dataset (405914) on 6/14/16 1:05 PM
Coding sheet for Recovery (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for col_recovery - VARCHAR 80831 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen dataset (402196) on 2/18/16 3:55 PM
Coding sheet for Recovery (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Vertebrate Fauna, 1/16" Flot) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for col_recovery - VARCHAR 79293 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Vertebrate Fauna, 1/16" Flot dataset (400878) on 5/31/16 8:50 AM
Coding sheet for Resource Type (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Fauna dataset-1/4" screen ) (2015)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for resource_type - VARCHAR 79562 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Fauna dataset-1/4" screen dataset (401048) on 12/10/15 3:32 PM
Coding sheet for Resource Type (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot) (2016)
CODING SHEET Uploaded by: Mona Colburn
This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for resource_type - VARCHAR 85497 column from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot dataset (405914) on 6/14/16 1:30 PM