Nellis AFB - Survey Reports
Site Name Keywords
26CK4984 •
26NY1492 •
26NY9127 •
26NY9123 •
26CK4999 •
26CK4973 •
26CK4974 •
26CK5007 •
26CK5010 •
Site Type Keywords
Archaeological Feature •
Lithic Scatter •
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Artifact Scatter •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Isolated Artifact •
Domestic Structures •
Rock Shelter •
Quarry •
Isolated Feature
Other Keywords
No historic properties •
Silver Flag •
DACA63-95-D-0022 •
Gatecliff Series •
Humboldt Series •
Elko Series •
Pinto Series •
Toolstone Quarry •
fiber optic line •
Las Vegas to Tonopah Railraod
Culture Keywords
Western Shoshone •
Southern Paiute •
Ancestral Puebloan •
Beatty Mountain Shoshone •
Yuman •
Mojave •
Owens Valley Paiute •
Vanyume •
Virgin Branch Anasazi •
Kawich Range Shoshone
Investigation Types
Reconnaissance / Survey •
Records Search / Inventory Checking •
Systematic Survey •
Environment Research •
Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis •
Site Evaluation / Testing •
Archaeological Overview •
Historic Background Research •
Heritage Management •
Data Recovery / Excavation
Material Types
Chipped Stone •
Obsidian •
Ceramic •
Ground Stone •
Dating Sample •
Macrobotanical •
Wood •
Lithic Scatter •
Fauna •
Temporal Keywords
Prehistoric •
Historic •
Middle Archaic •
Late Archaic •
Gypsum Period •
Early Archaic •
Shoshonean Period •
Pinto Period •
Paleoindian Period •
Geographic Keywords
United States of America (Country) •
Nevada (State / Territory) •
North America (Continent) •
USA (Country) •
Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada •
Clark (County) •
Nye (County) •
Las Vegas, Nevada •
Cactus Flat •
Pahute Mesa
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-100 of 410)
- Documents (410)
Additional Seismic Exploration Lines Near the Spring Mountains Clark County, Nevada (1981)
In January of 1981, Northland Research, Inc. (Northland) conducted an archaeological survey of five seismic lines located by Petroleum Geophysical Company on the northern slope of the Spring Mountains in Clark County, Nevada. The report of the results of that survey is dated 3 February 1981. This report contains the results of the survey of two additional seismic lines located within the same seismic program, and is a supplement to the original report. This survey, which totalled 9.35 miles...
Amended Final Draft Report: A Class III Archaeological Inventory of 720 Acres for Borrow Pit Infrastructure on Range 61, Nevada Test and Training Range, Lincoln County, Nevada (2016)
Nellis Air Force Base (NAFB) has proposed construction of a borrow pit and associated infrastructure elements within Range 61 (R61) on Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR), Lincoln County, Nevada. Associated elements will include two access roads and two staging areas. Figure 1 Illustrates the extent of the area of potential effects (APE).
Archaeological Collections From Nellis Air Force Base (1997)
This report describes the results of an investigation into the status of archaeological collections from archaeological sites located on Nellis Air Force Base (AFB) and Range, Nevada.
Archaeological Data Recovery at Drill Pad U19AN Nye County, Nevada (1987)
The data recovery conducted at Ul9an mitigates the impacts to the archaeological sites in danger of direct impacts. If the project is conducted as planned, there will be no further impacts to cultural resources.
Archaeological Data Recovery Related to the U20at Project, Nye County, Nevada (1992)
The area, located on the west side of the Nevada Test Site, actually consists of four project areas. Three are contiguous (the U20at drill pad, the access road/ skid trail, and the borrow location #2), and one is east of the main survey area {the borrow location #1 ). The survey identified and recorded 16 sites. Of these, 13 were isolates or localities with two artifacts.
An Archaeological Inventory Along Forty Miles of Proposed Fence Line Construction Along the North Boundary of the Nellis Air Force Range in Nye County, Nevada (1976)
ln response to Contract Number NV050-417, received from the Las Vegas District Office of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), an intensive cultural resource inventory, or surface archaeological survey, was conducted along forty miles of a proposed fence line construction along the northern boundary of the Nellis Air Force Range from the Tonopah Highway (U.S. 95) to three miles east of Silver Bow, Nevada.
Archaeological Investigations Along Paleoshorelines of Three Dry Lakes on the North Nevada Test and Training Range (2008)
This document presents a research design for investigating the archaeological nature of three relict pluvial lake basins on the North Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR) (Figure 1) for cultural resources potential. This research is in support of the mission of Nellis Air Force Base (NAFB) to provide combat air training on the largest Air Force land based training facility in the United States (U.S.).
Archaeological Investigations at a Toolstone Source Area and Temporary Camp: Sample Unit 19-25, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada (1993)
Archaeological investigations were initiated at Sample Unit 19-25 to retrieve information concerning settlement and subsistence data on the aboriginal hunter and gatherers in the area. Studies included collection and mapping of 143,400 m2 (35.4 acres) at site 26NY1408 and excavation and mapping of 83 m2 (0.02 acres) at site 26NY7847. Field work was conducted intermittently between July 1991 and October 1992.
Archaeological Investigations at Sample Unit U19ax, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada (1992)
This report documents the procedures and findings of archaeological investigations by the Desert Research Institute for sample unit U19ax on Pahute Mesa, Nevada Test Site during the summer of 1991 . Data recovery was conducted at sites 26NY 4182, 26NY5428, 26NY7842, and 26NY7843. The investigation consisted of mapping and surf ace collection at sites 26NY 4182, 26NY7842, and 26NY7843, a subsurface scrape at site 26NY4182, and one test excavation at site 26NY5428. Four surface artifact...
Archaeological Investigations of the Historic Las Vegas & Tonopah Railroad, Clark and Nye County, Nevada (1999)
The project described herein was designed to document the history and significance of this railroad, as well as to assess its physical remains. To do this, we first provide a synthesis of available literature, including historic documents such as newspaper articles, photographs, and other related records. This synthesis includes the history of the railroad, the reasons for construction and abandonment, the politics that played a role in its development, and the effects of the railroad's arrival...
Archaeological Project Index for the Nellis Air Force Bombing and Gunnery Ranges in Clark, Lincoln, and Nye Counties, Nevada (1992)
Index for a series of mylar map overlays that were plotted on the current inventory of cultural resource surveys and sites known to exist on the NAFB properties. Maps not included.
Archaeological Reconnaissance of a 1500' Radius Around Drill Pad U20AL (1982)
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Archaeological reconnaissance of a 1500' radius around drill pad U20AL. The skid trail connecting the pad to the Pahute Mesa Road, and the enlargement of an existing borrow pit.
Archaeological Reconnaissance of RDU Test Site, Ralston Valley, for Army Corps of Engineer, Tonopah (1981)
Has duplicate NY Site, see Site book 26NY653B.
Archaeological Reconnaissance of Six Proposed Hydrologic-testing Drill Hole Sites in the Yucca Mountain Area of the Nevada Test Site (1979)
No cultural materials were observed during present survey. However, it is noteworthy that any archaeological site in this area would have been severely damaged prior to survey by off-road vehicle traffic .
An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Groom Range, Lincoln County, Nevada (1986)
Results of a Class II cultural resources reconnaissance covering 6% of approximately 362.75 square km of land in the Groom Range, Lincoln County, Nevada, in support of a land withdrawal from public access.
An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the NNWSI Yucca Mountain Project Area Southern Nye County, Nevada (1982)
An archaeological reconnaissance of the 4,368 hectare NNWSI Yucca Mountain Project Area has disclosed 178 prehistoric and 6 historic cultural resources. The prehistoric archaeological sites include temporary campsites, tinajas, knapping stations, toolstone quarries, millingstations, caches, isolated artifacts and diffuse lithic scatters of unknown function. The patterning of these prehistoric sites on the landscape is interpreted to reflect at least three distinct aboriginal settlement...
Archaeological Sampling in the Kawich Range, Nellis Air Force Base (1996)
Predictive site location modeling and sample survey conducted in the Kawich Range of the Central Great Basin resulted in the identification of over 200 largely pristine archaeological sites containing a diversity of features and artifacts. Identified sites range in age from the Pre-Archaic to the Ethnohistoric period. Site distribution patterns correlate well with the predictions of the model and, together with information shared by Native American participants, serve to document the extensive...
Archaeological Site Disturbance Evaluation at Nellis Air Force Range and Nearby Bureau of Land Management Lands (2001)
Nellis Air Force Range archaeological sites are compared with Bureau of Land Management sites in southwestern Nevada based on data collected from site records and site visits. Of 105 sample sites, 86 were evaluated based only on site forms. Nineteen sites were visited; four were examined in detail. Data showed a trend towards NAFR sites being less disturbed and in better condition. NAFR has more sites in “excellent” condition than BLM; the proportion of disturbed BLM sites is greater than NAFR...
An Archaeological Study of Targets and Support Facilities on the Nellis Air Force Bombing and Gunnery Ranges, Nye, Lincoln and Clark Counties, Nevada (1981)
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It is hoped that with the distribution of archaeological sites recorded during the study, together with field observations and the background research, can be used to expand present knowledge of human adaptations to environmental change within the study area.
Archaeological Survey and Evaluation of Six Parcels on Nellis Air Force Base, Lincoln, Clark, and Nye Counties, Nevada (1988)
Cultural resources surveys of six areas on the north and south ranges of Nellis Air Force Base scheduled to be impacted by construction and/or mission related activities. Fourteen previously unrecorded archaeological sites were found during the surveys. Twelve of the sites were isolates or scatters of a few flakes and were collected. The remaining two archaeological sites are considered potentially significant sites and were recorded and mapped. One site at Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary...
Archaeological Survey and Evaluation of Six Patriot - Hawk Parcels North of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada (1988)
The National Park Service, Western Region (NPSWR), contracted with the Social Sciences Center, Desert Research Institute (ORI), Reno, Nevada to perform cultural resources surveys of six areas north of Nellis Air Force Base for scheduled Patriot - Hawk exercises. With the exception of the Hawk South area (Nellis AFB), all the parcels are managed by the BLM. Five archaeological sites were found in the course of the survey. Four of the sites are isolated occurrences. One site is a small lithic...
Archaeological Survey in the Vicinity of Wild Horse Ranch Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1980)
The Social Sciences Center of the Desert Research Institute conducted a cultural resources inventory of several proposed radar sites and road extensions on the Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada.
Archaeological Survey of Leach Lake (2011)
Includes Archaeological Survey Report of Leach Lake Observation Post Located at U.S. Army Fort Irwin, San Bernardino County, CA, An Archaeological Survey of Selected Target Areas of the Leach Lake Tactical Range, Fort Irwin, California, photos, and SHPO correspondence.
Archaeological Survey of Proposed Drill Hole Sites and Geologic Study Areas on the Nevada Test Site (1979)
Conducted the archaeological survey of three proposed drill hole sites and three geologic study areas on the Nevada Test Site. These areas were surveyed for prehistoric and historic archaeological sites subject to possible direct or indirect impact. A brief description of individual survey areas, survey methodology, and archaeological sites follows.
Archaeological Survey of Proposed Drill Hole Sites on Paiute Mesa (1978)
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Archaeological Survey of proposed drill hole sites on Paiute Mesa. Three proposed drill hole sites were surveyed for archaeological and historical sites subject to possible impact.
Archaeological Survey of the Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field (1996)
Class III survey report documenting the results of the inventory and providing recommendations on National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility for sites within the project area.
An Archaeological Survey of the Red Flag and Hospital Parcels at Nellis Air Force Base, North Las Vegas, Nevada (1988)
In June of 1988, Retrospect Research Associates conducted an archaeological survey of two parcels slated for development by Nellis Air Force Base. The survey areas, referred to herein as the Red Flag and Hospital parcels, are located in North Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada. No archaeological sites were discovered during the course of the survey, and no impact mitigation was recommended.
An Archaeologist's Field Guide to Playa Features Nellis Air Force Base (2008)
The purpose of this document is to offer archaeologists a basis for understanding natural features in playa systems. Nellis Air Force Base previously commissioned a study that describes in text and photographs the geology for source materials on the NTTR and in the southern Nevada region (Dickerson 2003). Its purpose was to provide archaeologists with descriptive data to identify locations of source materials most likely used by the aboriginal inhabitants of the Great Basin. This field guide...
Archaeology of Areas II and III Nellis Air Force Base Clark County, Nevada (1995)
Archaeology of Areas II and III Nellis Air Force Base Clark County, Nevada.
Archaeology of the Moody Dunes Site, 26Ny4844, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1986)
Moody Dune, 26Ny4844, is a small lithic scatter situated on a low sand dune in Cactus Flat on the Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada. Surface co 11 ect ion, subsurface scrapes, and a 1x2 meter test pit yielded a total of 301 artifacts and indicate that the site is a single task locality where bifaces were made from tool stone of local origin. Moody Dune site dates to within the last 1500 years of human occupation in the area.
Archaeology of the SA-5 Target Project Area, Nellis Air Force Range Nye County, Nevada (1992)
Environmental Solutions, Inc. conducted archival research and an intensive pedestrian survey for historic properties within the SA-5 Target project area. Encompassing 2.59 km2, the project area is situated in central Nye County along the eastern margin of Stonewall Flat, about 37 km east of the town of Goldfield, Nevada. As a result of the research, 11 historic properties were recorded. Ten of these are isolated finds of historic or prehistoric materials such as broken bottles or flake tools,...
The Area II Quarry (26Ck4984) Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada (2002)
Site 26Ck4984 is a prehistoric chert quarry located in Area II on Nellis Air Force Base. A detailed core analysis and debitage study, including core type, flake type, and comparisons of core facet to flake measurements was performed in order to determine if the site had been utilized by hunter-gatherer subsistence strategy. An adjunct to this project was the collection of raw material for the purpose of building a database of geochemical signatures of raw material people or by people...
The Area II Quarry (26Ck4984) Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada (2002)
Site 26Ck4984 is a prehistoric chert quarry located in Area II on Nellis Air Force Base. A detailed core analysis and debitage study, including core type, flake type, and comparisons of core facet to flake measurements was performed in order to determine if the site had been utilized by local people or by people traveling long distances. Research results suggest that the site was used predominantly by local inhabitants, probably as an embedded activity in their hunter-gatherer subsistence...
Assessing the Relationship between Vegetation Zones and Archaeology on the Nevada Test and Training Range (2008)
Geo-Marine, Inc., Las Vegas, Nevada, conducted intensive cultural resources inventories on 10,624 acres and an experimental inventory on an additional 2,220 acres near Black Mountain (for a grand total of 12,844 acres) within the Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR). As a result of this effort, 143 archaeological sites were recorded; an additional 41 site locations were noted but not fully recorded during experimental inventories in the Black Mountain area.
Belted Range Site Reports (1979)
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Combined site reports for Belted Range.
The Black Mountain Characterization Study (2007)
The Black Mountain Characterization Study.
Black Mountain Radar Site and Associated Road (1978)
Cultural resources report field worksheet.
Black Mountain South ACMI Site (1985)
Land Case N-42721 Black Mountain South (east part of Clover Range) ACMI Communications Site-USAF/Construction of a 15' x 15' solar powered communications tower (leveling and trenching) and 110' x 120' helicopter landing zone (brush-clearing only).
Bureau of Land Management/Nellis Air Force Range North Boundary Fence Line Archaeological Inventory (1976)
ln response to Contract Number NV050-CTG-1203, received from the Las Vegas District Office of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), an intensive cultural resource inventory (surface archaeological survey) was conducted along approximately forty miles of proposed fence line construction on the northern boundary of Nellis Air Force Range.
Cedar Peak Photographs (2020)
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Cedar Peak Photographs.
Civet Cat Cave Archaeological Site Ranges 71 & 76 Nevada Test and Training Range (2007)
Civet Cat Canyon is a 5-mile long large drainage of the Cactus Range, located on north Pahute Mesa, Nye County, Nevada, on the Nevada Test and Training Range managed by Nellis Air Force Base. The Civet Cat Canyon road has become an integral passageway for personnel assigned to mission-related field work. At the intersection of Ranges 71 and 76, the canyon narrows to a view of a prehistoric and historic archaeological site that utilized the volcanic basalt canyon walls in an atypical process,...
A Class ID Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for a Buried Fiber Optic Line between the P-9 and P-10 Facilities, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1996)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to place a buried fiber optic line between the P-9 and P-10 facilities on the Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada. The general location of the project is presented in Figure 1. The proposed route of the )ine is 1.24 km (0.77 miles) long, and was inspected for cultural resources by two parallel transects spaced 15 m (50 ft) apart. No cultural resources were found during the reconnaissance. The project will have no effect on known historic properties provided all...
A Class ID Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for a Substation Target, an Electronic Grid Target and Two Tracker Stations on Range 71 North, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1996)
The US Air Force proposes to construct a substation target, an electronic grid target, and a tracker station on the Nellis Air Force Range (Figures 1 and 2). The areas proposed for the placement of these facilities, including an alternate location for the tracker station, were inspected for cultural resources by pedestrian transects spaced 30 m (100 ft) apart. Access to the facilities, except for the alternate location for the tracker station, will be along existing roads that will not need to...
A Class ID Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for Proposed Power lines to the P-66 and Gold Mountain Facilities, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1997)
The areas proposed for the placement of these facilities were inspected for cultural resources by pedestrian transects covering a 30 m (98 ft) interval. No cultural resources were found at along the route to the Gold Mountain facility.
A Class ID Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the P-38 Project Area, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1995)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to conduct training exercises in the P-38 project area, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County. These training exercises will not require construction that disturbs the ground surface; access will be by existing roads. The P-38 area was inspected for cultural resources by parallel, pedestrian transects spaced about 30 m (100 ft) apart. The cultural resources reconnaissance found two isolated artifacts, 072795HD01 and 072795HD03, one small knapping station, site 26NY9297, and...
A Class ID Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed P-51 Electronic System Site on Cedar Peak on Nellis RangeR-4807, Nye County, Nevada (1995)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to construct an electronic system (P-51) atop Cedar Peak in the Kawich Range on Nellis Range 4807, Nye County, Nevada (Figure 1). Construction will involve the removal of an existing facility, additional leveling of the area now occupied by that facility, the pouring of concrete slabs, the construction of a tower and building on those pads, and the installation of utility lines. Although over 90 percent of the area proposed for this facility has already been disturbed...
A Class II Archaeological Reconnaissance of a Portion of Area 20 Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada (1987)
This monograph describes a Class II cultural resources reconnaissance of a 9.75 km2 land parcel in Area 20 of the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada. The Social Sciences Center, Desert Research Institute, examined a 30% sample of this sagebrush and juniper covered area on Pahute Mesa in order to identify a representative sample of the cultural and archaeological resources there. This information was then used to develop alternative strategies through which the U.S. Department of Energy might...
Class II Inventory for North Las Vegas Proposed Flood Detention Basin and National Guard Armory Sites (1987)
This report describes the cultural resource inventory for two applications involving a total of 3,120 acres in North Las Vegas. Due to the close proximity of the two project areas to one another, the combined acreage was treated as one project for cultural resource purposes. Application N-46070 (880 acres) was filed by the City of North Las Vegas for a proposed flood control detention basin. Application N-43395 (2,240 acres) was filed by the Nevada Military Department for a proposed National...
A Class III Archaeological Inventory of 2,621 Acres for a Proposed Maneuver Area, Range 71 North, Nevada Test and Training Range (2015)
Includes site forms, crit response, and photos.
A Class III Archaeological Inventory of 3,621 Acres for a Proposed Maneuver Area, Range 71 North, Nevada Test and Training Range (2016)
The NAFB Range Wing has proposed training that requires clearance for a maneuver area within Range 71 North on the Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR) Nye County, Nevada. The area of potential effects (APE) encompasses 3,621 acres of land within the Ralston Valley, extending south from Mud Lake.
A Class III Archaeological Inventory of 720 Acres for Borrow Pit Infrastructure on Range 61, Nevada Test and Training Range, Lincoln County, Nevada (2015)
Nellis Air Force Base (NAFB) has proposed construction of a borrow pit and associated infrastructure elements within Range 61 (R61) on Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR), Lincoln County, Nevada. Associated elements will include two access roads and two staging areas. This report presents the results of the Class III archaeological inventory that was conducted prior to construction of the proposed project. Within the proposed project area, no prehistoric lithic scatters were present, but...
A Class III Archaeological Inventory Of The Range 71 Desert Training Operations Area (2013)
Nellis Air Force Base (NAFB) has proposed to construct training and maneuver areas within the Range 71 North(R71 N), located in the Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR) Nye County, Nevada. The concept for the Range 71 Desert Training Operations Area is to integrate current existing target arrays and road infrastructure with three new target areas in addition to the construction of a ground water well site. Figure 1 shows the location of three new target pads, a new 19,508 foot (ft) road, and...
A Class III Archaeological Survey in Sample Unit U19ax, Pahute and Rainier Mesas, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada (1991)
The PA implements the Long Range Study Plan (LRSP), in which an 11 % sample of the NTS wIII be investigated for cultural resources. In accordance with this sampling strategy, sample unit U19ax (Figure 1 & 2) was surveyed by the Desert Research Institute (DRI) for archaeological properties. The U19ax sample unit is an area of 914 m by 579 m (3000 ft x 1900 ft). However, a large part of the sample unit was previous surveyed under the U19an and U19ba projects. Therefore, this U19ax sample unit...
A Class III Cultural Reconnaissance of the Proposed Underground Test Area Subproject Well 1 Pad and Access Road on the Nellis Air Force Range EC South Nye County, Nevada (1998)
The Desert Research Institute (DRI) was requested by the Department of Energy, Nevada Operations Office (DOE/NV) to conduct a cultural resources reconnaissance of the proposed underground test area (UGTA) subproject well 1 pad, borrow pit and access road on the Nellis Air Force Range (NAFR) EC South. The DOE/NV through its UGTA project, is proposing to conduct a well drilling campaign to characterize the area between western Pahute Mesa and Oasis Valley. The data acquired will assist the DOE/NV...
A Class III Cultural Reconnaissance of Three Areas in Cactus Flat Near Antelope Lake, Nye County, Nevada (1990)
The Department of Energy (DOE) has proposed to develop a 2.92 km2 area on the east side of the Antelope Lake playa in Cactus Flat on the Tonopah Test Range, Nevada. Additionally, two small areas in low hills to the east are proposed as camera station locations.
A Class III Cultural Resource Investigation of Approximately 57.4 Acres in Association with United States Air Force Red Flag Exercises in Lincoln County, Nevada (2007)
As a result of the survey two new cultural resource sites (26LN5341 and 26LN5342) and nine isolated occurrences were identified and recorded. Site 26LN5341 is recommended eligible to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) under criterion (d). Because 26LN5341 was found to be located at ADA 112G, an alternate site (ADA 112G Alternate) was selected and inventoried to avoid or lessen adverse impacts to the cultural resource. Site 26LN5342 is not recommended eligible for the NRHP. HRC...
Class III Cultural Resource Reconnaissance of 38 Targets on Ranges 75 and 76 of the Nellis Bombing and Gunnery Range, Nye County, Nevada (1984)
The Air Force is conducting its semi-annual maintenance on ranges 75 and 76. This maintenance includes, among other things, the construction of 38 new targets in areas previously undisturbed (see Maps 1-4). These targets usually are composed of dummy vehicles and tanks constructed of plywood. Access to the target is generally cross country; no roads are built.
A Class III Cultural Resource Reconnaissance of the Contraves, FULL CLIP Extension Add-on. FULL CLIP Borrow Pit and Access Road Projects, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1990)
Sandia National Laboratories requested an archaeological reconnaissance from the Desert Research Institute (DRI) to survey five areas on the Tonopah Test Range. These areas consist of a small add on to the FULL CLIP Extension, the FULL CLIP Borrow Pit and access road, and Contraves 49S and Contraves 49N (Figures 1-4). Site 26NY7638 (Figure 2) was located on the access road; this site is comprised of an isolated chert flake and has been fully recorded. No further archaeological work is necessary...
A Class III Cultural Resource Reconnaissance of Two Aggregate Pits at the Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1984)
The expansion of these aggregate pits will be gradual and when completed will involve considerable area (160 hectares). The purpose of this reconnaissance was to inspect enough of the proposed expansion area to insure adequate supplies of aggregate are available for several years of construction.
A Class III Cultural Resource Reconnaissance of Two Proposed Radiological Environmental Monitoring Stations in the Yucca Mountain Project Area (1990)
The Department of Energy (DOE) requested that the Desert Research Institute (DRI) conduct cultural resource reconnaissance on two proposed Radiological Environmental Monitoring Stations (REMS) in the Yucca Mountain Project area (Figure 1). No cultural resources were identified in the project areas.
A Class III Cultural Resources Inventory for the Angel Peak Fiber Optic Reinstallation Project (2009)
A cultural resources inventory of a 1500-ft long by 50-ft wide corridor (1.7 acres) was conducted in accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. The project consists of replacing the existing fiber optic line in the project corridor, with disturbance confined to the area previously disturbed. No historic properties were found.
A Class III Cultural Resources Inventory of the Proposed Underground Test Area ER-EC-11 Well Pad and Access Road, Range EC South, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada (2008)
The archaeologists found site 26NY13154, a special purpose site, that is eligible to the National Register or Historic Places (NRHP) (Figure 3). DRl recommends that a new location be chosen for the well pad and access road and that site 26NY13154 be avoided by all construction activities. If the new location is near site 26NY13154, DRl recommends monitoring after all construction activities are completed. lf a new location can not be found and avoidance of the site is not possible, data recovery...
A Class III Cultural Resources Inventory of the Proposed Underground Test Area ER-EC-13 Well Pad and Access Road, Range EC South, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada (2009)
The Desert Research Institute (DRI) received a request from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), National Nuclear Security Administration Nevada Site Office (NNSA/NSO) to conduct a Class III cultural resources inventory of the proposed Underground Test Area EREC- 13 Well Pad and Access Road, Range EC South, Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR), Nye County, Nevada (Figures 1-2). On August 11 and 12, 2009, DRI archaeologists surveyed the proposed well pad and access road and found site 26NY13697,...
A Class III Cultural Resources Inventory of the Proposed Underground Test Area ER-EC-14 Well Pad and Access Road, Range EC South, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada (2009)
The Desert Research Institute (DRI) received a request from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), National Nuclear Security Administration Nevada Site Office (NNSA/NSO) to conduct a Class III cultural resources inventory of the proposed Underground Test Area EREC- 14 Well Pad and Access Road, Range EC South, Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR), Nye County, Nevada (Figures 1-2). On August 10 and 12, 2009, DRI archaeologists surveyed the proposed well pad and access road and found two sites and...
A Class III Cultural Resources Inventory of the Proposed Underground Test Area ER-EC-15 Well Pad and Access Road, Range EC South, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada (2010)
The Desert Research Institute (DRI) received a request from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), National Nuclear Security Administration Nevada Site Office (NNSA/NSO) to conduct a Class III cultural resources inventory of the proposed Underground Test Area EREC- 15 Well Pad and Access Road, Range EC South, Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR), Nye County, Nevada (Figures 1-2). On November 16, 2009, DRI archaeologists and the American Indian Coordinator surveyed the proposed well pad and access...
Class III Cultural Resources Inventory Report 5-1786 (P) (1988)
Construction of proposed metal stake and barbed wire western boundary fence for U. S .F. W.S. Desert National Wildlife Range. No impacts from livestock trailing or trampling along fence line is anticipated since no grazing exists in the area. Potential impacts are limited to construction activities where sub-surface cultural resources may exist. Fence being constructed to ensure USAF personnel do not encroach on to the U.S.F.W.S refuge land.
Class III Cultural Resources Inventory Report Borrow Pit (1986)
Proposed borrow pit for use in the construction of tank ranges and range improvements at Indian Springs AFB.
Class III Cultural Resources Inventory Report for Multiple Threat Site Expansion North Range, Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR), Nye County, Nevada (2016)
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Class III Cultural Resources Inventory Report for Multiple Threat Site Expansion North Range, Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR), Nye County, Nevada. CH2M HILL, Inc. (CH2M) conducted a Class III cultural resources pedestrian survey and assessment to address potential effects to historic properties at 17 Nevada Test and Training Range Threat Sites, located at Nellis Test and Training Range (NTTR), Nye County, Nevada. The combined project locations, consisted of approximately 24-acres, which...
Class III Cultural Resources Inventory Report N-43395 (1986)
N-43395; a proposed Recreation and Public Purposes Act lease to the Nevada Military Department for the construction of a armory complex.
Class III Cultural Resources Inventory Report Rachel Road Right-of-Way (N-43646) (1988)
Rachel Road Right-of-way (N-43646). Right-of-way requested to construct direct access route to Area 51 of the U.S.A.F., Nellis Bombing and Gunnery Range. Disturbances to vegetation and soils anticipated along 6-mile right-of-way corridor.
Class III Cultural Resources Inventory Report USFWS Refuge Boundary Fence (1988)
USFWS Refuge boundary fence.
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance at Drill Pad U19an and an Associated Borrow Pit, Pahute Mesa, Nye County, Nevada (1984)
This reconnaissance covers a 1 km square centered around the center point of U19an, and the proposed borrow pit located to the northeast. Any access roads necessary for the construction already exist, or are covered in the areas above
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for a 167 Km Fiber Optic Line Between the Air Force Auxiliary Field at Indian Springs and the Cedar Pass Gate on the Tonopah Test Range, Nellis Air Force Range, Nevada (1997)
The U. S. Air Force proposes to emplace an approximately 167 km (103.8 mile) long fiber line (FOL) between the U.S. Air Force Auxiliary Field (AFAF) at Indian Springs (R-4806) and the Cedar Pass Facility at the Tonopah Test Range (R-4807). The proposed route for this line runs due north from Indian Springs, traverses the entire length of Indian Springs Valley, crosses the Fallout Hills at Hungry Hill Summit, and then traverses the length of Emigrant Valley past Chalk Mountain (White Blotch...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for a Proposed Fiberline between the P-41 and P-26 Facilities, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1996)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to construct a fiberline on the west side of an existing two-track road between the P-41 and P-26 facilities on the Tonopah Test Range (TTR), Nye County, Nevada. The general location of the project is presented in Figure 1 . Portions of the proposed route have already been examined during previous investigations for the P-26, P-39, and P-41 facilities. The portion inspected during this investigation is about 1.3 km (0.8 miles) long and is between the P-41 and P-39...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for a Proposed Sewer Line Between the P-3c and P-2 Facilities, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1997)
Activities associated with the construction of the sewer line have the potential to disturb any cultural resources located within the proposed right-of-way.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for a Proposed System Site, Powerline and Access Road at P-68 and a Fiber Optic Line Between P-68 and the P-71 Facility, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1997)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to erect an electronic system site P-68 in the northern portion of Kawich Valley on Nellis Range 4807. Plans also include construction of an above ground powerline and a graded access road extending from the existing paved Gold Reed Road to the P-68 facility and the emplacement of a fiber optic line between P-68 and the existing P-71 facility. The P-68 facility will occupy two graded pads on the top of Rhyolite Knob. An access road and overhead powerline will lead...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for an Emergency Runway on Mud Lake, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1996)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to use a portion of Mud Lake on the Nellis Air Force Range for an emergency runway. The general location of the project is presented in Figure 1. The proposed runway is 1.8 km (1.1 miles) east to west and 1.7 km (1.1 miles) north to south, and is near and incorporates a portion of a previously designated emergency runway on the lakebed. No cultural resources were found during the reconnaissance. Access to the runway for motor vehicles, including emergency vehicles, is...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for an Expansion of the P29/30 Facility, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1994)
Map figures for the Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance report for the P29/30 Facility at Nellis Air Force Range.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for Construction of Borehole USW UZ-14 in Association with the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project, Nye County, Nevada (1993)
The project area wIII utilize the present location of drill pad USW UZ-1 and its access route. This survey cleared the areas adjacent to these locations so that the necessary widening and modifications may occur. No cultural resources were found as a result of this survey. As no cultural resources wIII be impacted by project activities, we recommend that the project proceed as planned without additional archaeological work.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for Construction of Proposed Borehole USW SD-12 in Association with the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project, Nye County, Nevada (1993)
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for Construction of Proposed Borehole USW SD-12 in Association with the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project, Nye County, Nevada.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for Construction of Trench GOF-T1 on Whaleback Ridge in Association with the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project, Nye County, Nevada (1994)
In response to a request (#94-013} from the Department of Energy's Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project Office (YMPO), archaeologists from the Desert Research Institute (DRI) conducted a Class III cultural resources reconnaissance of the proposed location for trench GDF-T1 . The project area access route and boundaries were marked by YMPO staff prior to survey with yellow environmental flagging tape. No archaeological sites are previously known from the project area, and no new...
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the Assessment of Effects of the P70A Facility, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (2008)
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the Assessment of Effects of the P70A Facility, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the Expansion of the P-11 Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1995)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to expand the existing P-11 facility on the Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada. The general location of the project is presented in Figure 1. The project area, measuring about 120 x 210 m (394 x 689 ft), was inspected for cultural resources by parallel, pedestrian transects spaced about 30 m (100 ft} apart. No cultural resources were found. The project will have no effect on known historic properties provided all construction activities are restricted to the...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the P-49 Facility, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1995)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to construct a facility, designated P-49, on the Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (Figure 1). The Desert Research Institute (DRI) was tasked to conduct a cultural resources reconnaissance for the proposed facility. The area of survey included a square pad next to an existing powerline and access road. The area was surveyed for cultural resources by parallel, pedestrian transects spaced about 30 m (100 ft) apart. The cultural resources reconnaissance found no...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the P-80, P-80a, P-80b, and P-80b Alternate Facilities, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1995)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to construct several facilities, designated P-80, P-80a, and P-80b, on the Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (Figure 1). An alternate location for the P-80b facility has also been proposed. The Desert Research Institute (DRI) was tasked to conduct a cultural resources reconnaissance for the proposed facilities. Each of the four areas of survey was inspected for cultural resources by parallel, pedestrian transects spaced about 30 m (100 ft) apart.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the P-80a Boresite Tower, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1996)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to construct a boresite tower for the P-80a facility on the Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (Figure 1). An access road and powerline wIII also be placed between the tower and the facility. The tower is located in the middle of an old bombing target. The project area, including the tower location and the access road and powerline, was inspected for cultural resources by parallel, pedestrian transects. The reconnaissance failed to discover any cultural resources....
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the Proposed Expansion of the P-23 Facility, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1996)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to expand the existing P-23 facility on the Tonopah Test Range (TTR), Nye County, Nevada. The general location of the project is presented in Figure 1. The project area, measuring about 170 x 170 m (558 x 558 ft), was inspected for cultural resources by parallel, pedestrian transects spaced about 30 m (100 ft) apart. No cultural resources were found during the reconnaissance. The project will have no adverse effects on known historic properties provided all...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the Proposed P-39 and P-40 Boresite Towers and Associated Underground Utility Lines, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1997)
The areas proposed for the towers and utility lines were inspected for cultural resources by pedestrian transects covering a 30 m (100 ft) interval. No cultural resources were found in the P-39 project area. One small prehistoric knapping station (26Ny10546) and an isolated flake were found during the P-40 survey. Neither of these resources is recommended as eligible to the National Register of Historic Places.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the Proposed P-40 Facility, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1995)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to construct the P-40 facility on the Tonopah Test Range (TTR) . The general location of the project is presented in Figure 1. The project area, measuring 200 x 200 m (656 x 656 ft), was inspected for cultural resources by parallel, pedestrian transects spaced about 30 m ( 100 ft) apart. No cultural resources were found during the reconnaissance. No buildings, structures, or foundations were identified within the project boundaries. The project will have no adverse...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the Proposed P-41 Facility, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1995)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to construct the P-41 facility on the Tonopah Test Range (TTR), Nye County, Nevada. The general location of the project is presented in Figure 1. The project area, measuring about 100 x 200 m (328 x 656 ft), was inspected for cultural resources by parallel, pedestrian transects spaced about 30 m ( 100 ft) apart. No cultural resources were found during the reconnaissance. No buildings, structures, or foundations were identified within the project boundaries. The...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the Proposed P-47a Facility and Powerline, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1995)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to construct a second facility, designated P-47a, north of the existing P-47 facility on top of HIII 5626 and place an underground powerline from the existing P-4 7 facility to an existing powerline at the bottom of the hill. The top of the hill and the powerline route were inspected for cultural resources. One cultural resource, site 26NY9313, was found, but it is not recommended to be eligible to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The project will have...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the Proposed P-49 Fiber Optic Line, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1995)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to construct an underground fiber optic line to the P-49 facility. The proposed route is from the existing P-4 7 fiber optic line at the south base of HIII 5626, follows along a two-track road circling the hIII to a transformer at the east base of the hIII, and then along an existing powerline to the P-49 facility. The reconnaissance consisted of two parallel transects following along the route around the hIII. The section from the transformer to the P-49 facility was...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the Proposed P-49 Temporary Calibration Points and Associated Unimproved Access Routes, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada. (2004)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to erect two temporary calibration points near the existing P-49 system site on the Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR), Range-4809A (Figure 1). Equipment at these points will consist of a small tripod mounted antenna and a small portable gas-powered generator which will be placed within a 10m x 10m (30 ft x 30 ft) area.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the Proposed P-53 Facility, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1996)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to construct the P-53 facility on the Tonopah Test Range (TTR), Nye County, Nevada. The general location of the project is presented in Figure 1. The project area, measuring about 150 x 150 m (492 x 492 ft), was inspected for cultural resources by parallel, pedestrian transects spaced about 30 m (100 ft) apart. No cultural resources were found during the reconnaissance. The project will have no adverse effects on known historic properties provided all construction...
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the Proposed P-66 Facilities and Access Road on Coots HIII, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1996)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to construct five 0.2 hectare (0.49 acres) sized facility pads, jointly designated P66, on top of Coots HIII in the Gabbard Hills on the Tonopah Test Range {TTR) and to grade a 6 m (20 ft) wide access road to those facility pads (Figures 1 and 2). Each pad will require grading and compacting. Modular units, motor generator buildings, utility substations and concrete slabs also will be placed at each locality. Access to the sites will be along a newly constructed...
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the Proposed P-70 Facility and Utility Lines, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1996)
Based on previous studies in the vicinity of P70, it was anticipated that the area may contain prehistoric and/or historic age remains, but that these remains should not be very large or complex. The prehistoric remains may relate to a small scatter of four lithic artifacts (26NY9350) that were identified along an ephemeral drainage approximately 0.9 km (0.5 miles) northeast of the project area or to a pattern of widely separated isolated artifacts and small sites that tend to characterize this...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the Proposed P-80c System Site and Associated Underground Utility Lines and the P-80 to P-20 Fiber Optic Line Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1997)
Both project areas were inspected for cultural resources by pedestrian transects covering a 30 m (100 ft) interval with the exception of the southern end of the P-80 to P-20 fiber line and northern two-thirds of the P-80c utility corridor. These areas had been previously examined for cultural properties during the P-80 facility survey.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the Proposed Placement of a Watering Trough on the Nellis Air Force Base, Nye County, Nevada (1990)
The Nellis Air Force Base proposes to develop Cliff Spring and place a semi-permanent to permanent water source for wild horses approximately one kilometer south-west of Cliff Spring. The placement of this new watering station is not covered under the data recovery plan for the mitigation of effects on the Cliff Spring Site, 26Ny377 (Rhode and Amick 1990), and also was not covered under previous surveys conducted by ORI (Rhode 1989). Consequently, a cultural resource survey was conducted to...
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the Proposed TPK-38 Facility, Tolicha Peak Electronic Combat Range, Nye County, Nevada (1996)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to construct a 60 x 60 m (200 x 200 ft) facility pad, designated TPK-38, on the Tolicha Peak Electronic Combat Range (TPECR) to house the existing S13 radar unit now located at TPK-6 (Figure 1). The moving of this unit is necessary because of the congestion around the existing TPK-6 facility pad due to the recent construction of TPK-40 (see Drollinger 1995, Pippin 1995b). Two alternative locations have been proposed for the TPK-38 facility pad.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the Site 4 Fencing Project Nevada Test and Training Range, Lincoln County, Nevada (2003)
The U. S. Air Force proposes to erect four, one mile long (1,609 m), sections offence along either side of two planned automated gates on the main access roads leading to Site 4 on the Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR). Three of these fence sections are proposed to be placed in the previous disturbed rights-of-way of the existing access roads (Figures 1,2 and 3). Because these fence sections will be placed in previously disturbed areas, they will have no effect on any known historic...