School of Human Evolution and Social Change


This collection serves as a digital archive of archaeological investigations carried out by faculty, staff, and students from the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University.

The collection includes resources from projects around the globe and includes documents, images, and data.

SHESC strives to meet the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) and CARE (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsible, Ethical) principles of data stewardship.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 3,701-3,800 of 5,282)

  1. EMAP Recording Guidelines - AUD (2013)
  2. EMAP Recording Guidelines - Ceramic Recording Instructions (2013)
  3. EMAP Recording Guidelines - Soil (2013)
  4. EMAP Recording Guidelines – Agricultural Feature (2013)
  5. EMAP Recording Guidelines – C14 (2013)
  6. EMAP Recording Guidelines – Cabin Survey (2013)
  7. EMAP Recording Guidelines – Chipped Stone (2013)
  8. EMAP Recording Guidelines – Dendro (2013)
  9. EMAP Recording Guidelines – Fauna (2013)
  10. EMAP Recording Guidelines – Flotation (2013)
  11. EMAP Recording Guidelines – General (2013)
  12. EMAP Recording Guidelines – Groundstone (2013)
  13. EMAP Recording Guidelines – Historic Artifacts (2013)
  14. EMAP Recording Guidelines – Obsidian (2013)
  15. EMAP Recording Guidelines – Other Artifacts (2013)
  16. EMAP Recording Guidelines – Photographs (2013)
  17. EMAP Recording Guidelines – Survey (2013)
  18. EMAP Recording Guidelines – Unit Summary (2013)
  19. EMAP Report on the Petrographic Analysis of Chupadero Black-on-white Ceramics from the Palomas Site and Old Town, South-central and Southwestern New Mexico (1996)
  20. EMAP Ronnie (LA45103) - Analysis Tables
  21. EMAP Ronnie (LA45103) - Field Notes
  22. EMAP Ronnie (LA45103) - Maps
  23. EMAP Ronnie (LA45103) - Photographs
  24. EMAP Ronnie (LA45103) - Unit Summaries
  25. EMAP Ronnie (LA45103) Unit 1 - Analysis Tables (2013)
  26. EMAP Ronnie (LA45103) Unit 2 - Analysis Tables (2012)
  27. EMAP Ronnie - LA 45103 Unit 1 (1991)
  28. EMAP Ronnie - LA 45103 Unit 2, 1991 (1991)
  29. EMAP Ronnie - Site Map (2012)
  30. EMAP SJ (LA45028) - Field Notes
  31. EMAP SJ (LA45028) - Maps
  32. EMAP SJ Hamlet (LA45028) - Photographs
  33. EMAP SJ Hamlet (LA45028) - Unit Summaries
  34. EMAP SJ Hamlet (LA45028) Maps (2012)
  35. EMAP SJ Hamlet - LA45028 Unit 10 & 11, 1998 (1998)
  36. EMAP Survey Notes (1992)
  37. EMAP – LA3949 Unit 17 writeup 2017 (2017)
  38. EMAP – LA3949 Unit 30 writeup 2017 (2004)
  39. EMVPP 2003-2004 Flotation Log (2004)
  40. EMVPP 1998 Survey LZ1200-1247 Survey Forms (1998)
  41. EMVPP 1998 Survey Supplemental Documents (1998)
  42. EMVPP 1999 Survey LZ1250-1297 Survey Forms (1999)
  43. EMVPP 1999 Survey Supplemental Documents (1999)
  44. EMVPP 2003 Ceramic Field Tabulation Forms (2003)
  45. EMVPP 2003 Groundstone Tabulation Forms (2003)
  46. EMVPP 2003 Lithic Tabulation Forms (2003)
  47. EMVPP 2003 Small Site Testing (2003)
  48. EMVPP 2003 Survey LZ1298-1316 Survey Forms (2003)
  49. EMVPP 2003 Survey LZ1317-1347 Survey Forms (2004)
  50. EMVPP 2003 Survey Supplemental Documents (2003)
  51. EMVPP 2003-2004 Excavation Specimen Log (2004)
  52. EMVPP 2003-2004 Faunal Analysis (2004)
  53. EMVPP 2003-2004 Photography Log (2003)
  54. EMVPP 2003-2004 Survey and Testing Ceramic Tabulations LZ1228-1347, CS195 (2003)
  55. EMVPP 2004 Excavated Ceramic Tabulation Forms LZ1200-LZ1209 (2004)
  56. EMVPP 2004 Field Tabulation Forms (2004)
  57. EMVPP 2004 Groundstone Tabulation Forms (2004)
  58. EMVPP 2004 Lithic Tabulation Forms (2004)
  59. EMVPP 2004 Small Site Testing (2004)
  60. EMVPP Ceramic CollType Coding Sheet (2016)
  61. EMVPP Ceramic Database (2016)
  62. EMVPP Ceramic Type Coding Sheet (2016)
  63. EMVPP Coding Sheet for Macrobotanical Database (2016)
  64. EMVPP Fauna (2006)
  65. EMVPP Fauna Species Coding Key (2006)
  66. EMVPP Field & Lab Manual (2003)
  67. EMVPP Field & Lab Manual (2003)
  68. EMVPP LZ 1201 Excavation Forms, Testing LZ1205,1206,1207,1208,1210,1211 (2003)
  69. EMVPP LZ1200 Excavation Forms (2004)
  70. EMVPP LZ1204 Excavation Forms (2004)
  71. EMVPP LZ1209 Excavation Forms (2003)
  72. EMVPP Macrobotanical Database (2016)
  73. EMVPP Obsidian Sourcing Data Table (2005)
  74. The End of Casas Grandes: The Legacy of Charles C. Di Peso Fifty Years after the Joint Casas Grandes Project (2009)
  75. End of Field Work Report, Data Recovery for the Las Canopas Project, Phoenix, Arizona (2006)
  76. End of Field Work: Report Data Recovery for the GWH Project, Las Cremaciones, Phoenix, Arizona (2006)
  77. End Of Fieldwork Interim Report: Archaeological Data Recovery And Burial Removal For A Proposed Building Footprint And Utilities Along A New Alignment Of Monroe Street, East Of 44th Street, at Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)), Phoenix, Arizona - DRAFT REPORT (2007)
  78. End of Fieldwork Interim Report: Archaeological Data Recovery and Clearance of the SunAmerica Washington Park Property, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2006)
  79. End of Fieldwork Interim Report: Archaeological Data Recovery at AZ U:9:264 (ASM) and a Portion of La Lomita [AZ U:9:67 (ASM)], for the Centergate Distribution Park Property in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2007)
  80. End of Fieldwork Report, Data Recovery of the North End of the Frank Luke Addition, City of Phoenix Housing Department (2012)
  81. End of Fieldwork Report: Archaeological Data Recovery and Burial Removal for a Proposed Building Footprint and Utilities Along a New Street Alignment; Excavations Related to Monitoring For Other Utilities Installations; and Excavations Related to Unanticipated Discoveries in the Washington Park Development at Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:7[ASM]), Phoenix, Arizona, 2007-2008 (2008)
  82. End of Fieldwork Report: Archaeological Data Recovery at AZ AA:12:311 (ASM) for the Coventry Homes Sewer Line (1996)
  83. End of Fieldwork Report: Archaeological Testing at AZ AA:12:130 (ASM) for the Effluent Pipe Outfall Realignment, Pima County Landfill, Pima County, Arizona (1997)
  84. Environment and Subsistence in the Classic Period Tonto Basin, The Roosevelt Archaeology Studies, 1989 to 1998 (1998)
  85. Eolian Deposition and Soil Fertility in a Prehistoric Agricultural Complex in Central Arizona (2012)
  86. Erratum sheet for "R code for Phillips, Wearing, and Clark essay on EIDs in the prehistoric SW/NW" (2017)
  87. The Esteban Park Apartments Data Recovery Project: End of Fieldwork Report (2005)
  88. Ethics and Permission to Access MimPIDD (2022)
  89. The Evolution of Hohokam Ceremonial Systems (1987)
  90. An Examination of the Archaeology of Northwestern Mexico and Southern Arizona and New Mexico (1957)
  91. An Examination of the Relationship Between Data Recording Strategies and Intrasite Spatial Analysis: San Xavier Archaeological Project (1985)
  92. Excavaciones de casas postclásicas en la zona urbana de Yautepec, Morelos: informe final (2006)
  93. Excavated Archaeofaunal Data from the Agua Fria National Monument (2004)
  94. Excavated Paleoethnobotanical Data from the Agua Fria National Monument (2004)
  95. Excavation of the Gibbon Springs Site: A Classic Period Village in the Northeastern Tuson Basin (1996)
  96. Excavations at AZ BB:13:74 (ASM): An Examination of Three Middle Rincon Phase Loci (2003)
  97. Excavations at Casa Buena: Changing Hohokam Land Use Along the Squaw Peak Parkway Volume 1 (1988)
  98. Excavations at Casa Buena: Changing Hohokam Land Use Along the Squaw Peak Parkway Volume 2 (1988)
  99. Excavations at Casa Grande Arizona, 1906-1907 (1907)
  100. Excavations at Gu Achi, Appendix B: Prehistoric Maize from the North-Central Papagueria (1980)