Society for American Archaeology 89th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (2024)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 89th Annual Meeting was held in New Orleans, Louisiana from April 17–April 21, 2024.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1,701-1,800 of 2,774)

  • Documents (2,774)

  1. New Directions for Archaeology at Drayton Hall (2024)
  2. New Evidence of the Northern Manteño Frontier, The Land of the Pasaos Before the Spanish Encounter (2024)
  3. New Evidence on the Early Occupation of the Lakes Basin of Pacific Nicaragua (2024)
  4. New Excavations at Fell Cave, South Patagonia, Chile (2024)
  5. New Frontiers in Ancient Diet & Nutrition. Developing innovative methods for quantitative compositional analysis of desiccated archaeobotanical remains. (2024)
  6. A New History of the Jaketown Site (2024)
  7. New Insights from Archaeology into Life in Space: The Sampling Quadrangle Assemblages Research Experiment (SQuARE) on the International Space Station (2024)
  8. New Insights into Poverty Point Exchange through Lead Isotopic Analysis of Galena (2024)
  9. New Insights on Avifauna from Picuris Pueblo (2024)
  10. A New Locus for Avocado Domestication in Mesoamerica: Evidence for 8,000 Years of Human Selection and Tree Management at El Gigante, Honduras (2024)
  11. New Observations on Ancient Maya Ceramic/Textile Composites: A Technological, Conceptual and Contextual Re-Appraisal (2024)
  12. New Orleans City Archaeology Initiatives (2024)
  13. A New Paradigm for South Asian Glasses: Mineral Soda Alumina Revisited (2024)
  14. A New Perspective on the Ore Source Supply and Potential Provenience of Han Bronzes from the Broader Lingnan Region (2024)
  15. New Perspectives of Monte Albán-Atzompa Complex through New Lidar Mapping Survey (2024)
  16. New Perspectives on Bonfire Shelter, Texas (2024)
  17. New Perspectives on Precolonial Trade in Eastern Africa (2024)
  18. New Research on Andean Mummies at the Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels, Belgium (2024)
  19. A New Twist for Ancient Maya Yarns (2024)
  20. Nineteenth-Century New Orleans in the Lower Mid-City Neighborhood (2024)
  21. No Country for Old Crones: Exploring the Presence of Grandmothers in the Ancient Greek Archaeological Record (2024)
  22. No Smoking Gun: The Potential and Limitations of Isotopic Sourcing of Archaeological Cinnabar in the Central Andean Region (2024)
  23. No Source, No Problem: Evaluating Connectedness from Geochemical Analysis of Pottery with a New Python Tool (2024)
  24. Nominal Ruptures in Archaeological Heritage Governance? Heritage Ethics vs. Embedded Politics in the Participatory Paradigm of Peru’s Qhapaq Ñan Project (2024)
  25. Non-Local White Ware in Montezuma Canyon and its Implications (2024)
  26. Nondestructive DNA Sampling Method of Human Teeth (2024)
  27. Normalizing Culturally Informed Collections Stewardship (2024)
  28. North Norwegian Heritage at Risk (2024)
  29. North of the Wall: Archaeo-ecological Approaches to Scotland’s elusive Paleolithic Past (2024)
  30. The North Plaza Marketplace at Chan Chich, Belize (2024)
  31. Northern Brooks Range Caribou Hunting Architecture (2024)
  32. Northern Great Basin Cordage: A Regional Overview of Chronology, Technology, and Materials (2024)
  33. The Northern Question: The Kaanu'l Kingdom and its Legacy in Yucatan (2024)
  34. Nossa Senhora do Freixo, Portugal: A Late Antiquity Roman Basilica and the Continued Reuse of Sacred Space (2024)
  35. Not Afraid of Conflict: The Feisty Rulers, Communities, and Scholars of Ancient Southern Mesoamerica—Retrospective of a Lived Tradition of Rivalry (2024)
  36. Not Biting Off More Than We Can Chew: Experimental Archaeology in an Online Classroom (2024)
  37. Not just Jed and Jethro: Erasing Diversity from Public Memory in the Ozarks (2024)
  38. Not-so-Set in Stone: An Investigation of Rock Art Digitization Methods and Scale of Applicability (2024)
  39. A Novel Application of δ15N Values to Segregate Human and Non-Human Remains (2024)
  40. Nubian Ceramic Traditions on Elephantine Island, Egypt (2024)
  41. Nuevas exploraciones en el asentamiento prehispanico de Dzibanché, Quintana Roo (2024)
  42. Nuevos hallazgos de la Sala del Imaginario Moche en Pañamarca (2024)
  43. The Nunalleq Project: Yup’ik Heritage and Community-Based Archaeology in Quinhagak, Alaska (2024)
  44. Object itineraries of metal artifacts from the Stark Farm Site Complex (22OK778) (2024)
  45. Objects Conservation and Materials Analysis at Pañamarca (2024)
  46. Obsidian across the Formative-Classic Period Transition at Teotepec, Veracruz, Mexico (2024)
  47. The Obsidian Artifacts of Uaxactun. (2024)
  48. Obsidian Networks of the Southern Yukon-Alaska Borderlands (2024)
  49. Obsidian Procurement in the Northern Tiwa Homeland (2024)
  50. Occupational History and Site Function at Two Sites within Montezuma Castle National Monument (2024)
  51. Oceanic Tendencies: Ritual Landscapes, Oyster Shells, and the Social Worlds of Marine Resource Exploitation in Early Medieval Britain (2024)
  52. Of Pigments and Tools: Lithic and Ochre Raw Material Procurement Strategies during MIS 5 at Mwulu’s Cave (Limpopo, South Africa) (2024)
  53. Of Pigs and People in Colonial Guatemala: A Zooarchaeological Historical Approach (2024)
  54. The Offerings to the Ceremonial Center of Chavín de Huántar: New Perspectives from the Explanada Canals (2024)
  55. Old Data, New Format: Digitizing to Increase the Accessibility of Mortuary Information at S'edav Va'aki, Phoenix, Arizona (2024)
  56. Old Union Cemetery, Indiana (2024)
  57. The Oldest Dates from the Ocean State: New Data for Late Paleoindian Habitation in Rhode Island (2024)
  58. Olive Oil and Urbanism: Specialized Production in late 4th millennium South-West Asia (2024)
  59. Olmec Iron-Ore Mirrors from San Lorenzo, Veracruz / Los Espejos Olmecas de Mineral de Hierro de San Lorenzo, Veracruz (2024)
  60. The “On Colors” Chapter in the Historia General de Sahagún: Its Structure, Contents, and Contribution to the Knowledge of Technology and Artistic Practices in Ancient Nahua Society (2024)
  61. On Effective Theories of Macroarchaeology (2024)
  62. On Taro, Tridacna, and Turtles: Using a Multiproxy Method to Explore Food, Fishing, and Agriculture on Pingelap, a Micronesian Atoll (2024)
  63. On the Periphery of the Iron Age World System: “Animal Style Art” in Southeastern Kazakhstan (2024)
  64. On the Shoulders of Giants: A History of Archaeological Research in the Mogollon (2024)
  65. The Once and Future Sindaguas of Barbacoas: A Reflection (2024)
  66. One Step at a Time- Preliminary Evidence for Human and Mega Fauna Trackways Located Along the Ancient Shorelines of Lake Lucero, White Sands Missile Range. (2024)
  67. Ongoing Excavations at Big Village (42EM2861) in Range Creek Canyon, Utah (2024)
  68. Ongoing Investigations into Late Woodland and Early Caddo Subsistence in the Bois d’Arc Creek Watershed, Northeast Texas (2024)
  69. Only Murders in the Cavespace? Considering Archaeological Assumptions about Human Interments (2024)
  70. The Ontological Mammoth Body: Varieties of the Human-Mammoth Ritual Drama Mediated by Cultural Interactions with Mammoth Remains in Pavlonian Moravia and Mezinian Ukraine (2024)
  71. The Ontology of Landscape and Hunter-Gatherer Rock Writing (2024)
  72. Open Ocean Fisheries of Indigenous California: Origins and Technological Inferences (2024)
  73. Opening Up a Can of Worms: Putting Archaeological Evidence for Intestinal Parasites in Conversation with Early Medieval Medical Manuscripts (2024)
  74. Optimization of a Minimally Invasive DNA Extraction Protocol for Teeth (2024)
  75. Oral Histories of Southwestern Paleoethnobotanists: A Karen Adams and Vorsila Bohrer Appreciation (2024)
  76. Orbiting the Oasis: Protein Residue Analysis Illuminates Past Interspecies Interactions in Jordan (2024)
  77. Orientation of Tsukuriyama Kofun Tumulus: Examination from Lidar Survey (2024)
  78. The Origin and Dispersion of the Bow in the Andes (16–37°S) Based on a Controlled Database of Projectile Point Metrics (2024)
  79. Origin of Northwest Coast Microblade Tradition: Insights from Shuká Káa Cave (SKKC) (2024)
  80. Origins and Tenacity of Myth: Part II—Ethnography (2024)
  81. Origins and Tenacity of Myth: Part I—Archaeology (2024)
  82. The Origins of Amazonian Cuisine: Archaeobotanical Study of Hunter-Gatherer Subsistence Systems in Limoncillos, Colombia (2024)
  83. The Origins of the Capacocha Victims: Results of Stable Isotope Analyses of Individuals Sacrificed at Ampato, Misti, and Pichu Pichu Volcanos (2024)
  84. The Osceola Mudflow: Dropping into the Valley and Standing Up Next to the Mountain in Southern Puget Sound (2024)
  85. The Osteobiography of Human Remains from the Seaview and Indian Town Trail Archaeological Sites (2024)
  86. An Osteobiography of Tomb Op. 42, Ent. 5 from Copán, Honduras (2024)
  87. Osteogrammetry: The Efficacy of SfM Photogrammetry for Documenting Human Skeletal Remains (2024)
  88. Osteological Evidence from a Civil War–Era Grave and Surgeon’s Pit in Colonial Williamsburg (2024)
  89. Otras formas de observar Monte Negro: Arqueología digital en un sitio del Preclásico (2024)
  90. Our Ancestor’s Hands Made These Ceramics: A Comparative Ceramic Analysis in the Coca-Nahua Community of Mezcala, Jalisco, Mexico (2024)
  91. Our World: Archaeologists and Zuni Knowledge Keepers Create a Shared Narrative of Life in the Mogollon Highlands (2024)
  92. Outcomes of Site Stewardship: Exploring the Vast Archives of Site Preservation (2024)
  93. Over a Decade of Design-Build Archaeology on the California High-Speed Rail, Construction Package 1 from Madera to Fresno, California (2024)
  94. Overcoming Centralization in the Ancient Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta: Toward a Novel Model of Indigenous Low-Density Urbanism in Northern Colombia (2024)
  95. Overland Travel Routes and Exchange Spheres of Pacific Nicaragua Using Obsidian and Ceramic Data from Chiquilistagua (2024)
  96. Overview of a Photogrammetry / Map-Stories Approach to Heritage Management on Barbuda (2024)
  97. An Overview of Ancient Funerary Practices in Oriental Amazonia: A Regional Bioarchaeological Approach for Amapá, Brazil (2024)
  98. An Overview of Autosacrificial Instruments in Mesoamerica: Ethnohistory, Iconography, and Archaeology (2024)
  99. An Overview of Paleoindian and Archaic Finds from August Pine Ridge, Belize, Central America (2024)
  100. Overview of the Archaeological Work in Barbuda: A 20-Year Retrospective (2024)