This collection serves as a digital archive of archaeological investigations carried out by faculty, staff, and students from the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University.
The collection includes resources from projects around the globe and includes documents, images, and data.
SHESC strives to meet the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) and CARE (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsible, Ethical) principles of data stewardship.
Site Name Keywords
Swarts •
Mattocks •
Casa Grande Ruins National Monument •
Eby •
Perry Mesa •
Pueblo Grande •
AZ U:9:1(ASM) •
AZ U:9:7(ASM) •
Jan-79 •
Flying Fish - LA 37767
Site Type Keywords
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Archaeological Feature •
Domestic Structures •
Non-Domestic Structures •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Artifact Scatter •
Funerary and Burial Structures or Features •
Settlements •
Pit •
Agricultural or Herding
Other Keywords
Ceramic Analysis •
Artifact Analysis •
Pollen Analysis •
Salt River Project •
Archaeological Monitoring •
Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project •
Culture Keywords
Mogollon •
Mimbres •
Hohokam •
Historic •
Huhugam •
Ancestral Puebloan •
Archaic •
Salado •
Euroamerican •
Historic Native American
Investigation Types
Collections Research •
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Systematic Survey •
Research Design / Data Recovery Plan •
Site Evaluation / Testing •
Archaeological Overview •
Historic Background Research •
Records Search / Inventory Checking •
Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis •
Architectural Documentation
Material Types
Ceramic •
Chipped Stone •
Ground Stone •
Fauna •
Shell •
Macrobotanical •
Dating Sample •
Mineral •
Wood •
Temporal Keywords
Early Mogollon Pithouse Period •
Late Mogollon Pithouse Period •
Mimbres Reorganization Phase •
Black Mountain Phase •
Classic Mimbres Period •
Classic Period •
Prehistoric •
Sedentary Period •
Historic •
Pueblo IV
Geographic Keywords
North America (Continent) •
United States of America (Country) •
Arizona (State / Territory) •
USA (Country) •
US (ISO Country Code) •
New Mexico (State / Territory) •
Maricopa County (County) •
Palomas Drainage •
Southwest New Mexico •
Eastern Mimbres
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 2,701-2,800 of 5,282)
- Coding Sheets (119)
- Datasets (398)
- Documents (2,062)
- GIS (14)
- Images (2,537)
- Ontologies (13)
- Projects (139)
- Archaeology in the City: A Hohokam Village in Phoenix Arizona (1986)
- The Archaeology of Schoolhouse Point Mesa, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study: Report on the Schoolhouse Point Mesa Sites, Schoolhouse Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex (1997)
- The Archaeology of Schoolhouse Point Mesa, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study: Report on the Schoolhouse Point Mesa Sites, Schoolhouse Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex (1997)
- Archaeology of the Ak Chin Indian Community West Side Farms Project: Material Cultural and Human Remains (1990)
- Archaeology of the Ak Chin Indian Community West Side Farms Project: Research Design (1986)
- Archaeology of the Ak Chin Indian Community West Side Farms Project: Subsistence Studies and Synthesis and Interpretation (1990)
- Archaeology of the Ak Chin Indian Community West Side Farms Project: The Archaeological Data Recovery Program (1990)
- Archaeology of the Ak Chin Indian Community West Side Farms Project: The Land and the People (1990)
- Archaeology of the Pueblo Grande Platform and Surrounding Features Volume 2 Features in the Central Precinct of the Pueblo Grande Community (1994)
- Archaeology of the Pueblo Grande Platform Mound and Surrounding Features Volume 1 Introduction to the Archival Project and History of Archaeological Research (1993)
- Archaeology of the Salado in the Livingston Area of Tonto Basin, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study: Report on the Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. Part 1 (1994)
- Archaeology of the Salado in the Livingston Area of Tonto Basin, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study: Report on the Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. Part 2 (1994)
- The Archaeology of Tohono O'Odham Nation, Arizona
- Archaeology on the Desert River: Cultural Resource Management on the Gila River Indian Community (2016)
- Archaeomagnetic Dates and the Hohokam Phase Sequence (1988)
- Archaic Occupation on the Santa Cruz Flats: the Tator Hills Archaeological Project (1993)
- Archeological Notes On Texas Canyon, Arizona No. 2 (1934)
- Archeological Notes On Texas Canyon, Arizona No. 3 (1938)
- Archeological Notes On Texas Canyon, Arizona No.1 (1934)
- Archeological Survey at Organ Pipe National Monument, Southwestern Arizona: 1989-1991 (1995)
- Archeological Survey in the Eastern Tucson Basin: Saguaro National Monument, Rincon Mountain Unit, Cactus Forest Area, Volume I (1983)
- Archeological Survey in the Eastern Tucson Basin: Saguaro National Monument, Rincon Mountain Unit, Tanque Verde Ridge, Rincon Creek, Mica Mountain Areas, Volume III (1984)
- Archeological Survey of Newly Acquired Lands in Saguaro National Park: 1996, 1997 and 1998 (2001)
- Archeological Survey of Saguaro National Monument, 1994: The Saguaro Land Acquisition and Trails Inventory (1994)
- An Archeological Survey of the Gila River Farms Expansion, Pinal County, Arizona (1987)
- Archeological Survey of the Sulphur Spring Valley, Southeast Arizona (1987)
- Archeomagnetic Dating (1978)
- Architectural Database of a Sample of Early Ceramic Through Sedentary Period Hohokam Pithouses in the Tucson Basin, Arizona (2015)
- Architecture Data from greater Cibola Region (2018)
- The Architecture of Casa Grande and Its Interpretations (1977)
- Archival and Archaeological Evaluation of the Proposed Evo A. DeConcini Federal Building and United States Courthouse Property, Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (1995)
- Arizona and National Registers of Historic Places Eligibility Testing Plan for AZ U:12:100 (ASM) Within the Boyce Thompson Arboretum State Park, Pinal County, Arizona (2007)
- Arizona Department of Transportation Archaeological Testing Program: Part 2, East Papago Freeway (1988)
- The Arizona Historical Pageant (1992)
- Arizona Public Service Company, Pinnacle Peak to Ocotillo 230 kV Project, Assessment of Cultural Resources (1984)
- Arizona State University: 1988 and 1990 Field Season Survey, Preliminary Reports (1991)
- Artifact and Rock Distributions at Pueblo la Plata (2004)
- Artifact Data from Surface Collections and Observations at Legacies Sites (2004)
- Artifact Description and Proveniences for the Ringo Site, Southeastern Arizona (1963)
- An Assessment of Cultural Resources for the Proposed APS Kyrene EHV Transmission Line Project (1980)
- An Assessment of Horseshoe Dam Road, Archaeological Resources, Class III Inventory Survey and Evaluation (1990)
- Astronomical Applications, Observations and Implications of the Great House at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument
- Astronomical correspondence (1971)
- Astronommical Implications of the Architecture at Casa Grande (1980)
- The ASU Fall Field School at Site AZ U:9:14 (ASM), The 1995 Season (1996)
- At Rest: The Excavation of Ten Graves within the Pima Tribe No. 10, Improved Order of Red Men Plot within the Court Street Cemetery, Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (2015)
- Athapaskans They Weren't: the Suma Rebels Executed at Casas Grandes in 1685 (1982)
- Avilas Canyon (LA44997 / LA45000) LA44997 Datum .shp (2017)
- Avilas Canyon (LA44997 / LA45000) LA44997 Features .shp (2017)
- Avilas Canyon (LA44997 / LA45000) LA45000 Datum .shp (2017)
- Avilas Canyon (LA44997 / LA45000) LA45000 Features .shp (2017)
- AzBAD: Arizona Biological Affiliation Database (2016)
- The Babocomari Village Site on the Babocomari River, Southeastern Arizona (1951)
- Banderas Bay, Nayarit Report (1972)
- The Beeline Archaeological Project (1990)
- Between Mimbres and Hohokam: Exploring the Archaeology and History of Southeastern Arizona and Southwestern New Mexico (2014)
- Between the River and the Terrace: Archaeological Investigations Within the Red Mountain Freeway Corridor, From Gilbert Road to Higley Road (2002)
- Birdseye View of the Salt River Valley (1934)
- A Block Clustering Approach to the Definition of Site Classes: San Xavier Archaeological Project (1985)
- Boundary Definition Testing at Hodges Ruin, AZ AA:12:18 (ASM), Pima County, Arizona (2009)
- BRG-DIR ceramics (DAI) (2006)
- Brief Park History (1992)
- Building a Village: Excavations at La Villa (2016)
- By the Field of Francisco Solano León, Further Exploration of the León Family Farmstead, AZ AA:13:505 (ASM), and the Eastside Canals, AZ BB:13:642 (ASM), Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (2015)
- C14 Dating Results Database as of 2015 (2015)
- CAGR-BH-TA-EI-A2.TIF (1977)
- CAGR-BH-TA-EI-B1.tif (1977)
- CAGR-BH-TA-EI-B2.tif (1977)
- CAGR-BH-TA-EI-C1.tif (1977)
- CAGR-BH-TA-NI-A1.TIF (1977)
- CAGR-BH-TA-SI-A7 (1977)
- CAGR-ICRP-98-1-02 (1998)
- CAGR-ICRP-98-1-03 (1998)
- CAGR-ICRP-98-1-04 (1998)
- CAGR-ICRP-98-1-05 (1998)
- CAGR-ICRP-98-1-06 (1998)
- CAGR-ICRP-98-1-07 (1998)
- CAGR-ICRP-98-1-08
- CAGR-ICRP-98-1-09 (1998)
- CAGR-ICRP-98-1-10 (1998)
- CAGR-ICRP-98-1-11 (1998)
- CAGR-ICRP-98-1-12 (1998)
- CAGR-ICRP-98-1-13 (1998)
- CAGR-ICRP-98-1-14 (1998)
- CAGR-ICRP-98-1-15 (1998)
- CAGR-ICRP-98-1-16 (1998)
- CAGR-ICRP-98-1-17 (1998)
- CAGR-ICRP-98-1-18 (1998)
- CAGR-ICRP-98-1-19 (1998)
- CAGR-ICRP-98-1-20 (1998)
- CAGR-ICRP-98-1-21 (1998)
- CAGR-ICRP-98-1-22 (1998)
- CAGR-ICRP-98-1-23 (1998)
- CAGR-ICRP-98-1-24 (1998)
- CAGR-ICRP-98-1-25 (1998)
- CAGR_BH_EX_A1 (1977)