School of Human Evolution and Social Change


This collection serves as a digital archive of archaeological investigations carried out by faculty, staff, and students from the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University.

The collection includes resources from projects around the globe and includes documents, images, and data.

SHESC strives to meet the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) and CARE (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsible, Ethical) principles of data stewardship.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 4,201-4,300 of 5,342)

  1. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:130 (ASM): Lithic Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
  2. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:130 (ASM): Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
  3. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:130 (ASM): Shell Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
  4. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:130 (ASM): Special Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
  5. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:130 (ASM): Strata (1997)
  6. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:139 (ASM): Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
  7. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:139 (ASM): Groundstone from All Contexts (1997)
  8. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:139 (ASM): Lithic Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
  9. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:139 (ASM): Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
  10. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:139 (ASM): Shell Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
  11. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:139 (ASM): Special Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
  12. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:139 (ASM): Strata (1997)
  13. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:141 (ASM): Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
  14. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:141 (ASM): Groundstone from All Contexts (1997)
  15. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:141 (ASM): Lithic Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
  16. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:141 (ASM): Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
  17. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:141 (ASM): Shell Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
  18. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:141 (ASM): Special Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
  19. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:65 (ASM): Strata (1997)
  20. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:66 (ASM): Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
  21. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:66 (ASM): Groundstone from All Contexts (1997)
  22. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:66 (ASM): Lithic Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
  23. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:66 (ASM): Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
  24. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:66 (ASM): Shell Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
  25. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:66 (ASM): Special Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
  26. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:76 (ASM): Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
  27. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:76 (ASM): Groundstone from All Contexts (1997)
  28. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:76 (ASM): Lithic Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
  29. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:76 (ASM): Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
  30. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:76 (ASM): Shell Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
  31. Livingston Data, AZ V:5:76 (ASM): Special Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
  32. Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex Data: Ceramic Bowl and Jar Data from Screened Contexts (1997)
  33. Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex Data: Data Matrix for Two Sites (1997)
  34. Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex Data: Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
  35. Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex Data: Decorated Ceramics from Screened Contexts (1995)
  36. Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex Data: Groundstone from All Contexts (1997)
  37. Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex Data: Groundstone from Screened Contexts (1995)
  38. Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex Data: Lithic Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
  39. Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex Data: Lithic Artifacts from Screened Contexts (1995)
  40. Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex Data: Lithic Material Types from Screened Contexts (1997)
  41. Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex Data: Lithic Size Class Data from Screened Contexts (1995)
  42. Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex Data: Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
  43. Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex Data: Plain Ware Ceramics from Screened Contexts (1995)
  44. Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex Data: Shell Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
  45. Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex Data: Shell Artifacts from Screened Contexts (1995)
  46. Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex Data: Shell Taxa from All Contexts (1997)
  47. Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex Data: Shell Taxa from Screened Contexts (1995)
  48. Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex Data: Special Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
  49. The Los Gigantes Community: Post-Chacoan Settlement in the Zuni Region of the American Southwest (1999)
  50. Los Guanacos: One Hundred Years Later, Recent Documentary and Archaeological Research Concerning a Prehistoric Hohokam Site First Investigated by the Hemenway Expedition of 1887 - 1888 (1988)
  51. The Los Hornos Pollen Study (1980)
  52. The Lower Zuni River Archaeological District National Register Nomination (1993)
  53. Macrobotanical Remains from EMAP Excavations at LA 3949, LA 37059, LA 37691, LA 37726, LA 37727, LA 37728, and LA 45103 (2001)
  55. Maja Site: Archaeological Investigations at a Hohokam Ak-Chin Fieldhouse in the Southern Avra Valley, Arizona (1993)
  56. Making Archaeological Data and Information Discoverable, Accessible, and Usable for 21st Century Research: The Theodore Roosevelt Dam Archaeological Project, Tonto Basin, Arizona (2016)
  57. Map of Archaeological Site Locations on Perry Mesa (2005)
  58. Map of Outlying Structures at Pueblo la Plata, with Icon Size Proportionate to Number of Rooms (2007)
  59. Map of Prehistoric Canal System, Gila Valley (1926)
  60. Mapping and Survey of Cultural Resources on the Martinez Ranch Property near San Xavier District, Tohono O’odham Nation, Arizona: Photo Log (2005)
  61. Mapping and Survey of Cultural Resources on the Martinez Ranch Property near San Xavier District, Tohono O’odham Nation, Arizona: Photos (2005)
  62. Mapping and Survey of Cultural Resources on the Martinez Ranch Property near San Xavier District, Tohono O’odham Nation, Arizona: Report (2005)
  63. Marking and Making Difference Appendix A: PIII Database (2015)
  64. Marking and Making Difference Appendix B: Early PIV Database (2015)
  65. Marking and Making Difference Appendix C: Late PIV Database (2015)
  66. Marking and Making Difference Appendix D: Early Proto Database (2015)
  67. Marking and Making Difference Appendix E: Late Proto Database (2015)
  68. Material Evidence of Immigrant Diversity within the Perry Mesa Tradition, Central Arizona (2012)
  69. Mead-Phoenix 500kV DC Transmission Line Project, Volume 1: Objectives, Procedures and Results (1983)
  70. Mead-Phoenix 500kV DC Transmission Line Project: Volume 4: Cultural Environment (1983)
  71. Memorandum (1990)
  72. Memorandum (1993)
  73. Memorandum for the Regional Director, Region 3 (1948)
  74. Metadata document for the paper, "Settlement patterns and urbanization in the Yautepec Valley of Central Mexico" (2021)
  75. Metadata for revision to GQ faunal coding key species variable (2010)
  76. The Middle Gila Basin: An Archaeological and Historical Overview (1982)
  77. Middle Gila Basin: An Archaeological and Historical Overview (1982)
  78. Migrants and Mounds: Classic Period Archaeology of the Lower San Pedro Valley (2012)
  79. Mimbres Lives and Landscapes: Education Prgram (1998)
  80. Mimbres Pottery Database (Public) (2013)
  81. Mimbres Pottery Designs in their Social Context (2015)
  82. MimPIDD Lesson - Searching tDAR Instructions (2020)
  83. MimPIDD Lesson College - Attribute Coding Activity - Coding Table (2020)
  84. MimPIDD Lesson College - Attribute Coding Activity Instructions (2020)
  85. MimPIDD Lesson College - Attribute Coding Activity Student Workbook (2020)
  86. MimPIDD Lesson Grades 4-12 - Mimbres Region Overview Reading (2020)
  87. MimPIDD Lesson Grades 4-12 - Student Workbook Eby (2020)
  88. MimPIDD Lesson Grades 4-12 - Student Workbook Mattocks (2020)
  89. MimPIDD Lesson Grades 4-12 - Student Workbook McSherry (2020)
  90. MimPIDD Lesson Grades 4-12 - Teacher Instructions (2020)
  91. MimPIDD Lesson K-3 - Mimbres Pot 1 (2020)
  92. MimPIDD Lesson K-3 - Mimbres Pot 2 (2020)
  93. MimPIDD Lesson K-3 - Student Worksheet (2020)
  94. MimPIDD Lesson K-3 - Teacher Instructions (2020)
  95. MimPIDD Research Database for Download (2019)
  96. MIMPIDD Users' Guide (2020)
  97. Miscellaneous Correspondence (1981)
  98. Mixing Water and Culture: Making the Canal Landscape in Phoenix (2002)
  99. Modified Compound B Profiles (2010)
  100. Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project (MPLP)