Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.

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The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 2,201-2,300 of 21,939)

  1. A Bioarchaeological Analysis of Antemortem Post-cranial Trauma Patterns within the Archaic Greek Cemetery of Phaleron (2024)
  2. Bioarchaeological Analysis of Bronze Age Populations in Xiaohe Cemetery Using Dental Nonmetric Traits (2016)
  3. A Bioarchaeological Analysis of Human Remains on the Summit of Tigre Pyramid, El Mirador, Guatemala (2015)
  4. Bioarchaeological Analysis of Human Skeletal Remains from Site 15Wa916, Warren County, Kentucky (2016)
  5. Bioarchaeological Analysis of Human Skeletal Remains from the Historic First Baptist Church Cemetery, Philadelphia (ca. 1700–1860): Preliminary Results (2018)
  6. Bioarchaeological Analysis of Preclassic Human Remains Recovered from a Lime Kiln, El Mirador, Guatemala (2021)
  7. Bioarchaeological and Genetic Analysis of the Tzintzuntzan Ossuary (2024)
  8. Bioarchaeological and Mortuary Indicators of Social Order in Mimbres Society: Seated Burials, Occupational Stress, Health, and Trauma (2019)
  9. The Bioarchaeological and Mortuary Patterns at Holtun, Guatemala: an Analysis of Residential and Plaza Burials (2021)
  10. A Bioarchaeological Approach to Contested Mountain Landscapes in Transylvania’s Golden Quadrangle (2019)
  11. A Bioarchaeological Approach to Demographic Patterns and Preadult Deaths in the Andean Late Intermediate Period (2023)
  12. A Bioarchaeological Approach to Diversity and Complexity of Ancient Maya Society at Copan: Results from New Strontium and Biodistance Data (2015)
  13. A Bioarchaeological Approach to the Social Construction of Community Identities in Mountain Landscapes (2019)
  14. A Bioarchaeological Approach to Ychsma Regional Interactions: Stable Oxygen and Radiogenic Strontium Isotopes and Late Intermediate Period Mobility on the Central Peruvian Coast (2016)
  15. Bioarchaeological Approaches to Investigating Supply, Demand and Authenticity in the Colonial-era Human Remains Trade (2018)
  16. Bioarchaeological Approaches to Kinship and Social Organization at Paquimé (2017)
  17. Bioarchaeological Assemblages at Çatalhöyük: A Relational Examination of Porotic Hyperostosis and Cribra Orbitalia Etiologies and Transmissions (2017)
  18. A Bioarchaeological Assessment of Diet and Dental Health During the New Kingdom/Napatan Transition in Ancient Nubia (Tombos, Sudan) (2015)
  19. Bioarchaeological Conservation and Ethics in Mainland Southeast Asia (2017)
  20. Bioarchaeological Ethics and Considerations for the Deceased (2019)
  21. Bioarchaeological evidence for diet in a Latte Period assemblage from Saipan, CNMI (2017)
  22. The Bioarchaeological Evidence for Elder Care in Roman Britain (2015)
  23. Bioarchaeological evidence for matrilineal descent in a 13th century Native American village (2015)
  24. Bioarchaeological Evidence of Occupational Stress and Specialized Task Activity at Spiro Mounds, Oklahoma (2024)
  25. Bioarchaeological Insights into Social Resilience and Change during the Postclassic at the Ancient Purépecha City of Angamuco, Michoacán, Mexico (2018)
  26. A Bioarchaeological Investigation of an Explosive Impacted Skeleton from Ifugao, Philippines Cordillera (2015)
  27. The Bioarchaeological paradigm of human remains decay in the Zapotec mortuary and funerary rituals (2015)
  28. Bioarchaeological Research at Castillo de Huarmey, Peru (2017)
  29. Bioarchaeological results of the Suchil River Valley project, Zacatecas and Durango, Mexico (2015)
  30. A Bioarchaeological Study of a Weaver Mummy from Hualmay, Peru (2023)
  31. A Bioarchaeological Survey of Skeletal Tuberculosis in Prehistoric Southern Peru (2017)
  32. Bioarchaeological versus Archaeological Data on the Beginnings of Southeast and Central European Early Neolithic (2023)
  33. A Bioarchaeological View on Long-Term Development in Prehistoric Central Thailand (2019)
  34. Bioarchaeologocal approaches to reconstructing Upper Palaeolithic environments in the Cantabrian Region, Northern Spain. (2017)
  35. Bioarchaeology and Bioethos (2019)
  36. Bioarchaeology and Genome Justice: What Are the Implications for Indigenous Peoples? (2019)
  37. Bioarchaeology and Looting: A Case Study from Sudan (2015)
  38. Bioarchaeology as Archaeology: Past Practices and Future Prospects (2019)
  39. Bioarchaeology at Las Capas: Uniformity and Continuity within the Early Agricultural Period (2015)
  40. Bioarchaeology in Coastal Ecuador (2016)
  41. Bioarchaeology Legacy Collections: Varying Perspectives, Perceptions, and Challenges (2019)
  42. Bioarchaeology of a demographic crisis in the baroque phase of the cemetery St. Benedict in Prague- a multidisciplinary approach (2015)
  43. Bioarchaeology of Care in Three San Francisco Bay Area Muwekma Ohlone Ancestral Sites (2023)
  44. Bioarchaeology of Care of Fishing Community at Tzintzuntzan, Western Mexico: A Multimethod Approach (2023)
  45. The Bioarchaeology of Colonization and Missionization at San Bernabé, Lake Petén Itzá (2016)
  46. The Bioarchaeology of Diversity: A Case Study in the Roman Empire (2018)
  47. The Bioarchaeology of Fetuses (2016)
  48. The Bioarchaeology of Greater Chiriquí: Challenges, Finds, and Future Directions (2018)
  49. Bioarchaeology of Imperial Relations: Chanka and Inca Interactions at Sondor (2023)
  50. The Bioarchaeology of La Corona, Guatemala (2018)
  51. Bioarchaeology of Madness: A biocultural perspective on transgression, strangeness, folly, and delirium in the past (2019)
  52. The Bioarchaeology of None: Recovery and Analysis of an Historic Coffin from Fort McAllister State Park, Georgia. (2016)
  53. Bioarchaeology of Postclassic West Mexico: A Research Framework and Preliminary Results (2023)
  54. The Bioarchaeology of Social Order: Cooperation and Conflict among the Mimbres (AD 550-1300) (2015)
  55. Bioarchaeology of the Arabian Bronze Age: Humeral Entheseal Changes and Burial Patterns at Tell Abraq (2015)
  56. The Bioarchaeology of the Cerro de la Cruz Cemetery (2015)
  57. Bioarchaeology of the Chincha Kingdom: Life history patterns in a chullpa population from the Late Intermediate Period and Late Horizon mid-Chincha Valley, Peru (2015)
  58. Bioarchaeology of the Little Bear Creek Site: New Insights into Health, Violence, Mortuary Behavior, and Identity in Prehistoric North Alabama (2019)
  59. Bioarchaeology, Barbados, Eastern Caribbean: Isotopic Analyses of Teeth and Bone from Human Remains (2015)
  60. Bioarchaeology, human ecology, and subsistence change in ancient China (2015)
  61. A Bioarcheological Study of a Trepanation Case with Special Reference to the Medical Care System during the Western Zhou Dynasty China (1045–771 BCE) (2023)
  62. Biocultural Analysis of Atypical Mortuary Pattern Symbolism in Three Medieval Transylvanian Millstone Burials (2019)
  63. A Biocultural Analysis of the Impacts of Interactions between West Africans and Europeans during the Transatlantic Trade at Elmina, Ghana (2023)
  64. A Biocultural Assessment of Gene Flow, the Andes and the Himalayas (2016)
  65. Biocultural Evolution of the Oral Complex in Coastal Atacama and the Interplay of Selection, Plasticity, and Population Histories (2017)
  66. Biodistance Comparisons for the Chimú-Era (AD 1000–1450) Child Sacrificial Remains from Pampa la Cruz, Huanchaco, North Coast of Peru: A Preliminary Report (2023)
  67. Biodistance Studies of Riverine Shell-Mound Builders from Ribeira de Iguape Valley (São Paulo and Paraná, Brazil) (2024)
  68. A biodistance study of Shang Dynasty human sacrifice (2017)
  69. A Biogeographic Approach to Hunter-Gatherer Dispersion Constraints in Northern Patagonia (2019)
  70. Biogeographic Barriers, Marginality and Explicit Analytical Scales in the Northern Archipelago of Western Patagonia, Chile. (2019)
  71. Biogeography of Hunter-Gatherer Diet (2024)
  72. Biogeography of Neandertals: The Southern Italian Middle Paleolithic (2015)
  73. Biographical approach for evaluating archaeological landscapes. A case-study from Estonia (2017)
  74. Biographies of enclosure: an introduction (2015)
  75. Biographies of Northwest Coast Copper: A material investigation (2017)
  76. Biography and Symbolism of Sicán Painted Textiles: First Approximation (2015)
  77. A Biography of the Yumbos (2024)
  78. The Biological Baseline in Zooarchaeology: Unpacking the Domestication of South American Camelids (2024)
  79. Biological distance among Huastec, Veracruz, and Maya groups (2015)
  80. Biological Diversity in Medieval Uzbekistan: Examining Community Expression under the Qarakhanid State (2017)
  81. Biological exchange in the Swahili world: archaeofaunal and biomolecular evidence (2016)
  82. Biological Kinship and Cemetery Organization in Eastern Zhou Period China (2018)
  83. A Biological Profile of an Individual from Xultún Using Bioarchaeological, Starch, and Isotopic Analyses (2018)
  84. The Biological Relatedness between the Salinar (400 BC–AD 100) and Other Prehistoric Populations of the North Coast of Peru: A First Approximation Using Nonmetric Dental Traits (2021)
  85. The Biology and Mythology of Ancestor Lithification in the Andes (2018)
  86. Biomolecular and Micromorphological Analysis of Suspected Fecal Deposits at Neolithic Aşıklı Höyük, Turkey (2018)
  87. Biomolecular Approaches to Documenting Ancient Maya Turkey Husbandry and Use (2016)
  88. Biomolecular Archaeology: New Insights from the Past (2017)
  89. Biomolecular Preservation in Dental Calculus from the Teotihuacan Ritual Landscape (2019)
  90. Bipolar reduction and lithic miniaturization: experimental results and archaeological implications (2017)
  91. Bipolar Reduction Revisited (2021)
  92. Birch Island: The Archaeology and Memory of Resettlement (2017)
  93. Bird and Fish Remains from Isla Cilvituk: Evidence of Ecological and Market Niche Construction in a Postclassic Maya Lacustrine Environment (2015)
  94. Bird Behavior and Biology: A Consideration of the Agentive Role of Birds in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (2018)
  95. A Bird's-Eye View: Utilizing Wartime Aerial Imagery to Recover the Remains of a US Servicemember from the Vietnam War (2021)
  96. Birds in Ritual Practice and Ceremonial Organization in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (2019)
  97. Birds of a Feather? Bird Conservation and Archaeology in the Gulf of Alaska (2017)
  98. Birds, Circles, and Landscapes Enclosed with Soil: Geoarchaeology at the Eastern Edge of Pinson Mounds, Tennessee, USA (2024)
  99. Birds, Monkeys, and Shapes, Oh My!:Investigating Intersecting Motifs on Ceramic Vessels, Stamps, and Candeleros (2015)
  100. A Bird’s-Eye View: Historic Aircraft Navigation Arrows in Northern Arizona (2019)