Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.

Presenters can access and upload their presentations for FREE. If you would like to upload your presentation, please click here to find out more.

The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 3,101-3,200 of 21,939)

  1. Chacoan Trade, Interaction, and Influence at Point Pueblo in the Middle San Juan Region of Northwestern New Mexico (2021)
  2. Chacras in the Clouds: Documenting High-Altitude Agricultural Landscapes in the Tambillo Valley of Chachapoyas, Peru (2017)
  3. A Chained Melody: Queering Ceramic Industries in 19th century South Carolina (2016)
  4. Chajul and the Ixil Region during Prehispanic Times (2023)
  5. Chalcatzingo Monument 5: A Middle Formative Mesoamerican Expression of the Celestial Paradise (2016)
  6. The Chalcatzingo Reliefs Seen from a Critical Perspective (2021)
  7. Chalchihuites*: Jade Histories of Value and Matter in the Early Modern World (2021)
  8. The Challenge of the Grid: A Conceptual Frontier in Angkor? (2018)
  9. The Challenges and Benefits of Comparing Archaeological and Oral Records (2017)
  10. Challenges and opportunities of archeology in urban parks: An example from the Arch (2015)
  11. Challenges and opportunities to the lidar mapping of the Tres Zapotes region (2017)
  12. The Challenges and Prospects of Developing Radiocarbon "Big Data" for the Study of Prehistoric Demography (2017)
  13. Challenges and Prospects of Richness and Diversity Measures in Paleoethnobotany (2019)
  14. Challenges and Successes of Mapping Royal Tombs and a Newly Discovered Mound Feature Using a Total Station at Nuri, Sudan (2019)
  15. Challenges and successes of some Mesoamerican exhibits in small university museums around the turn of the 21st century (2016)
  16. Challenges for Archaeologists: A Changing Climate Is Only One Development (2018)
  17. Challenges in Assisting Removal Tribes in the Reburial Stage of the NAGPRA Process (2024)
  18. Challenges in Dating Maroon Contexts in the Great Dismal Swamp (2024)
  19. Challenges in Integrating Archaeology into Late-Period Preservation Projects: An Example from Menorca, Spain (2015)
  20. Challenges in the Identification of Fresh Volcanic Glass Shards in Ancient Maya Pottery Sherds (2023)
  21. Challenges of Archaeology in the Wilderness at South Diamond Creek Pueblo (2018)
  22. The Challenges of Bioarchaeological Research in Peru: Archaeological Field-School Project "Pachacamac Valley" (1991-) (2017)
  23. The Challenges of Co-authoring a Background Chapter for an Open Textbook (2018)
  24. Challenges of Community-Based Heritage Work: Rights Holders, Stakeholders, and the Palimpsest Nature of the Archaeological Record (2024)
  25. The Challenges of Dealing with Multiple Sets of Human Remains in the Cultural Resource Management Setting where Tribal Resources are Limited (2017)
  26. Challenges of Using NGS to Detect T. cruzi in Human Remains from Pre-Columbian South America (2017)
  27. Challenges on the Road from 9th Avenue to Professional Archaeology (2024)
  28. Challenges to Managing Tribal Knowledge and Physical Places within the Homelands of the Confederated Klamath Tribes (2023)
  29. Challenges to the Wisconsin Burial Sites Preservation Statute (WisStats 157.70) (2017)
  30. Challenges, Opportunities, and Kuleana: Historic Preservation in Hawaii (2019)
  31. Challenging Birdstone Typologies: A Southern Ontario Legacy Collection Revisited (2023)
  32. Challenging Current Perspectives on Late Pleistocene Stone Toolkits across Beringia through Use-Wear Analysis (2024)
  33. Challenging environments: ancient DNA research in the circum-Caribbean (2016)
  34. Challenging Structured Space at Sea: The Case of Nineteenth-Century Migrants (2021)
  35. Chamá Vessels Revisited: Advances and Questions on a Northern Maya Highland Painting Style (2023)
  36. Change and Adaptation in Stone Tool Technology in Jordan ca. 1000 BCE (2021)
  37. The Change and Chronology of Preceramic Mound-building Practices at the Cruz Verde Site in the Chicama Valley, Peru (2018)
  38. Change and Continuity in Agricultural Production in Iraqi Kurdistan, ca. 4000 BCE–1000 CE (2018)
  39. Change and continuity in ceramic production at Cerro de Oro, Cañete (2015)
  40. Change and Continuity in the Greater Nicoya Region of Pacific Central America: A Comparison of Two Bagaces to Sapoa Transitional Areas (2016)
  41. Change Detection Modeling at Eagle Nest Canyon (2024)
  42. Change in Mobility and Site Occupation during the Late Pleistocene in Korea (2019)
  43. A Change of Hearth: Stages of Production in Hot-Rock Technology at a Late Woodland Rockshelter (2018)
  44. Change, Continuity and Foodways: Indigenous Diet at Mission Santa Clara (1777-1836) (2021)
  45. Changes along a Native Transportation Corridor in Western Massachusetts: The Fife Brook Sites and the Deerfield River (2019)
  46. Changes and Continuities on Recent Past Human Occupations in Continental Southern Patagonia (2024)
  47. Changes and Innovations in Yucatecan Beekeeping Production on Ranchos and Haciendas in the Early Twentieth Century (2024)
  48. Changes and Reactions: Hunting and Gathering by Agriculturalist in the Woodland Period (2019)
  49. Changes in Decoration Through Time: An Analysis of Salinar Pottery found in Huanchaco, Moche Valley, North Coast of Peru (2024)
  50. Changes in household organization and the development of Classic Period Mimbres pueblos (2017)
  51. Changes in Indigenous Occupation Strategies in Eastern Pennsylvania: An Exploration of Changing Land Use at the Red Hole Site (2023)
  52. Changes in Land Use and Landscape in Twentieth-Century Chengdu Plain Survey Area (2023)
  53. Changes in Obsidian Procurement and Use from the Preclassic to the Classic Periods at Holtun, Guatemala (2024)
  56. Changes in occupational patterns during the Middle Paleolithic: the case of Teixoneres Cave Unit III (MIS 3, Moià, Barcelona, Spain) (2016)
  57. Changes in production and distribution patterns of olivine-tempered ceramics in the Arizona Strip and adjacent areas (2016)
  58. Changes in Resource Use during the Mississippian Period on St. Catherines Island, Georgia (2018)
  59. Changes in Ritual Practice: A Diachronic Example from Xunantunich, Group D (2016)
  60. Changes in Settlement, Resource Extraction, and Trade in the Lower Río Verde Valley, Oaxaca, Mexico, between the Late Classic and Late Postclassic Periods (CE 500–1522) (2021)
  61. Changes in the Size and Organization of Storage in the Neolithic and Chalcolithic of the Southern Levant (2024)
  62. Changes in the Sources of Olivine-Tempered Ceramics and the Social Interaction Patterns among the Virgin Branch Ancestral Pueblo (2018)
  63. Changes in the Temporality of the Landscape during the Chacoan Period in the American Southwest (2023)
  64. Changes in Turkey and Artiodactyl Abundance in Central Mesa Verde and Northern Rio Grande Archaeological Assemblages (2017)
  65. Changes on the Land: Gordion in the 1st mill BCE (2017)
  66. Changes Palates and Resources: Modeling Diachronic Plant Use in Prehistoric California (2015)
  67. Changes to the Western Eurasian Hominin Climate Niche (2019)
  68. Changing and Exchanging Social Values of Metals: The Integration of Tumbaga and Iron Objects in Indigenous Graves in the Colombia’s Caribbean Region (2024)
  69. Changing Angkorian Stoneware Production Modes: Bang Kong Kiln and Thnal Mrech Kiln (2018)
  70. Changing Art? Changing Identity?: Visual Culture in Ancient Veracruz during the Late Classic-Early Postclassic Transition (2016)
  71. Changing Attitudes and Perspectives on Public Participation in Archaeology: The Case of the Southwest Archaeology Team (2016)
  72. Changing Attitudes at Chavin de Huantar (Peru): Archaeology, Heritage, and Landslides (2024)
  73. Changing Channels: Simulating Irrigation Management on Evolving Canal Systems for the Prehistoric Hohokam of Central Arizona (2015)
  74. Changing Curation Practices When Indigenous Voices Are Included (2024)
  75. Changing Diets: Using Stable Isotopic Micro-sampling Approaches to Explore Dietary Changes throughout Life (2023)
  76. Changing Ecologies and Altered Landscapes: A 13,500 year Paleoecological Record from Galiano Island, British Columbia (2017)
  77. Changing Environments and Economies: A Zooarchaeological Study of the Eastern Pequot (2015)
  78. Changing Faces: Evolutions in Art at Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala (2017)
  79. Changing Food Choices from Paleoindian to Classic Maya Periods: A Zooarchaeological Analysis (2016)
  80. Changing Food Practices at Tequendama, Aguazuque, and Zipacon (Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia) (2016)
  81. Changing Foodways in Culture Contact Contexts on the Northern Great Plains: Lipid Residue Analysis at the Double Ditch Site, North Dakota (2016)
  82. Changing Foodways in Pre-Columbian Illinois (2015)
  83. Changing House Forms on the Northwest Coast of North America (2015)
  84. Changing Interpretations of the Archaeology of Caribbean western Panama. (2017)
  85. The Changing Job Market in Academic Archaeology: Analysis of a Decade of Data from the Archaeology Academic Jobs Wiki (2024)
  86. Changing landscapes of the Paleolithic/Neolithic transition in Taiwan (2017)
  87. Changing Landscapes: Settlement Strategies, Cultural Dynamics, and Material Evidence on Kos, Dodecanese, during the Final Neolithic and the Bronze Age (2018)
  88. Changing Life Styles: New lithic finding from small sites in Casas Grades, Chihuahua Mexico (2015)
  89. Changing Paradigms in Oaxaca Archaeology: Examining the Past to Understand Our Future (2021)
  90. Changing Patterns of Plant Use at Formative and Classic Period Matacanela (2019)
  91. Changing Patterns of Production and Exchange in "Borderland" Economies: The Case of the Classic Maya Civilization (2018)
  92. Changing Patterns of Status among White Soldiers and Africans at Brimstone Hill Fortress (2016)
  93. Changing Perspectives for the Palaeolithic Research of the Japanese Archipelago (2019)
  94. Changing Plant Economies and Diverse Plant Practices at Piedras Negras (2018)
  95. Changing Representations of Gender in Ceramic Figurines During the Emergence of the Teotihuacan State (2018)
  96. The Changing Role of the Domestic Dog: New Evidence from the American Bottom Region of Illinois (2017)
  97. Changing Rural Production Strategies during Urbanization in Medieval Lucca (2024)
  98. The Changing Scale of Integrative Pueblo Communities in the Northern San Juan Region: Basketmaker III through Pueblo III. (2015)
  99. Changing Shorelines and Maritime Foraging during the Terminal Pleistocene and Early Holocene along California’s Northern Channel Islands: Assessing Settlement Patterns with Chirp Subbottom Data (2023)
  100. Changing Social Spatiality in Mounded Funerary Landscapes (2017)