Browse all Datasets in tDAR
2010 Field Season Photograph Log (2010)
2014 Southeastern Archaeology Publication Survey Data (2014)
2014 total station data (2014)
2015 total station data (2015)
2015 total station data (2015)
2015, Artifact Inventory 251, Fort Sam Houston (2015)
2016 total station data (2016)
2016 total station data (2016)
2019 Total Station data (2019)
20BY28 faunal dataset (2002)
20BY387 faunal dataset (2002)
21PL72 and 21PL74 Database (2005)
24CT30_6754_7460 (2016)
300 Queen Street - Artefact Catalogue (2011)
32MO0296-0306-1374-1375 Database (2005)
34CO120 (2016)
34HP194_775 (2016)
34HP45_369 (2016)
34HP45_466 (2016)
34HP45_494 (2016)
34HP45_740 (2016)
34HP45_746 (2016)
34HP45_768 (2016)
34HP45_768 (2016)
34HP45_774 (2016)
34HP45_811 (2016)
34HP45_830 (2016)
34HP60_24 (2016)
40DV7 (Tennesse) Faunal Dataset, 2010 and 2012 (2010)
40RD299, TN Faunal Data (2015)
41HM51_tDAR_File_List.xls (2020)
41MS99_tDAR_Files.xls (2020)
41SM490 Photo Log (2024)
41WB933 Photo Log 062-143_152.csv (2022)
45GR630 Faunal Analysis (2012)
47GT0593 Kieler I Database (2010)
47GT0594 Kieler II Database (2010)
47GT0628 Roling Database (2010)
47GT0693 Bend in the Creek Database (2010)
48NO201 (2016)
4E Survey Catalog (1981)
5MT10631 Map Log (2021)
5MT10631 Photo Log (2021)
5MT10647 Map Log (2021)
5MT10647 Photo Log (2021)
5MT10684 Map Log (2021)
5MT10684 Photo Log (2021)
5MT10686 Map Log (2021)
5MT10686 Photo Log (2021)
5MT10687 Map Log (2021)
5MT10687 Photo Log (2021)
5MT10709 Map Log (2021)
5MT10709 Photo Log (2021)
5MT10711 Map Log (2021)
5MT10711 Photo Log (2021)
5MT10718 Map Log (2021)
5MT10718 Photo Log (2021)
5MT10719 Map Log (2021)
5MT10719 Photo Log (2021)
5MT10736 Map Log (2021)
5MT10736 Photo Log (2021)
5MT2032 Map Log (2021)
5MT2032 Photo Log (2021)
5MT2037 Map Log (2021)
5MT2037 Photo Log (2021)
5MT3875 Map Log (2021)
5MT3875 Photo Log (2021)
5MT3890 Photo Log (2021)
Accumulations Data by Region by Site.xlsx (2021)
Ache Small Game Taphonomy (2005)
Adams Site Ceramic Data (1970)
Adelphi (ADI) Inventory Spreadsheet (2018)
Adelphi (ADI) Oversized Document Inventory Spreadsheet (2018)
Adelphi (BPI) Oversized Document Inventory Spreadsheet (2018)
Adena Age & Sex Revisions (2019)
Adena Cervicometric Data (2019)
Adena Cranial Nonmetric Data (2019)
Administrative Documentation – 2003 Stage IB (NBHSS) (2003)
Advancing Predictive Modeling in Archaeology - Supplementary Data (2020)
Agricultural Temple Communities at Angkor, Cambodia (2021)
Akins_Northern Rio Grande_Accompaniments and Ornaments_Table 4 (2011)
Akins_Northern Rio Grande_Biological Data Sources_Table 2 (2011)
Akins_Northern Rio Grande_Mortuary Data Sources_Table 1 (2011)
Akins_Northern Rio Grande_Mortuary Patterns_Table 3 (2011)
Akurvik Access Database (2005)
Alameda School Site (LA 421) Fauna (2012)
Albert Porter Pueblo Fauna (2018)
Albert Porter Pueblo faunal dataset (2011)
Alexandria Dataset w/ Translated with New Coding Sheet 04142011 (2011)
Alexandria DB Fish only nutrition, body portion, distribution post 1680 (2011)
Alexandria fauna dataset (2009)
Alexandria Fuana
All Kenya Ochre Sources Sampled (2012)
all tooth wear HST (2009)
AMS Radiocarbon Dates and Context Information for 10 16th-17th Century Attiwandaron and Tionontate Sites in Southern Ontario, Canada (2022)
Analytical Graphs and Data Derived from Rock Analyses from Transects at Pueblo la Plata (2004)
Analytical Graphs Derived from Artifact Analyses from Transects at Pueblo la Plata (2004)
Analytical Graphs Derived from Woody Plant Analyses from Transects at Pueblo la Plata (2004)
The Anasazi Origins Project Laboratory of Anthropology Database (2013)
Antelope Springs, CO, Debitage raw data, NG_MIE comparison (2024)
Anthropogenic Fire and the Development of Neolithic Agricultural Landscapes: Connecting Archaeology, Paleoecology, and Fire Science to Evaluate Human Impacts on Fire Regimes - Charcoal Data (2019)
Appendix - 'Nueva Cadiz' in the Americas (2021)
Appendix 1.1: Furniture and Furniture Ornaments by Field Number, Object, Material, Location, Building (2011)
Appendix 10.2: Obsidian (2012)
Appendix 10.3: Turquoise (2012)
Appendix 11.10. Provenience and Comparisons of Cord-Marked Sand-Tempered Shards (2012)
Appendix 11.11. Provenience of Balls, Coils and Lumps of Clay (2012)
Appendix 11.1: Provenience of Pinch Pot Sherds (2012)
Appendix 11.2: Provenience of Modified Jar Sherds (2012)
Appendix 11.3: Proveneince of Scored and Broken Sherds (2012)
Appendix 11.4: Provenience of Punctated Sherds (2012)
Appendix 11.5: Provenience of Incised and Trailed Sherds (2012)
Appendix 11.6: Shell Tempered Cord-marked Sherds (2012)
Appendix 11.7. Provenience of Red-Slipped Sherds (2012)
Appendix 11.8. Provenience of Shell-Tempered Caddoan Sherds (2012)
Appendix 11.9. Provenience and Comparisons of Plain Sand-Tempered Sherds (2012)
Appendix 13.1. Indentifiable and non-identifiable fauna. (2012)
Appendix 13.2: MNE and MNI by site and by species (2012)
Appendix 13.3: Butchering marks by site and species (2012)
Appendix 13.4. Use Classification of Selected Features Based on Faunal Remains. (2012)
Appendix 15.1. Macroscopic archaeobotanical remains (2012)
Appendix 2.1: Catalogue of the Hasanlu IVB Textiles (2011)
Appendix 3 (2008)
Appendix 3 - The Archaeology of Hittite Imperialism and Ceramic Production in Late Bronze Age IIA Tarsus-Gözlükule, Turkey (2014)
Appendix 3.1: Hasanlu IVB Textiles (2011)
Appendix 4 (2008)
Appendix 4 - The Archaeology of Hittite Imperialism and Ceramic Production in Late Bronze Age IIA Tarsus-Gözlükule, Turkey (2014)
Appendix 41.1. Shell by Depth. (2012)
Appendix 5 (2008)
Appendix 5 - The Archaeology of Hittite Imperialism and Ceramic Production in Late Bronze Age IIA Tarsus-Gözlükule, Turkey (2014)
Appendix 6.1: Database of Arrowheads from Hasanlu IVB (2011)
Appendix 6.2: Database of Spearheads from Hasanlu IVB (2011)
Appendix 6.3: Database of Swords/Daggers from Hasanlu IVB (2011)
Appendix 6.4: Concordance of Artifacts (2011)
Appendix 7.1, Feature descriptions and dimensions (2012)
Appendix 7.1: Skeletal Material from Hasanlu IVB Showing Interpersonal Violence (2011)
Appendix 8.1: All artifact classes, all features (2012)
Appendix 8.2:All Artifact Classes from Sampled Features (2012)
Appendix B - Glass Bead Descriptions by Provenience (2015)
Appendix C - Glass Bead Compositional Data (2015)
Appendix C: Proveniences for Excavation Lots (2012)
Appendix C: Proveniences of All Defined Lots that Produced Material Other Than Potsherds (2003)
Appendix C: Vegetation Survey, Localities (2010)
Appendix C: Vegetation Survey, Plant list (2010)
Appendix D: Artifacts (2012)
Appendix D: Seed Measures, Barley measurements (2010)
Appendix D: Seed Measures, Einkorn measurements (2010)
Appendix D: Seed Measures, Emmer measurements (2010)
Appendix D: Seed Measures, Flax measurements (2010)
Appendix D: Seed Measures, Lentil measurements 1 (2010)
Appendix D: Seed Measures, Lentil measurements 2 (2010)
Appendix D: Seed Measures, Naked wheat measurements (2010)
Appendix D: Seed Measures, Other Poaceae measurements (2010)
Appendix D: Special Deposit Proveniences (2003)
Appendix E: Charcoal Samples, Data from hand-picked charcoal samples, Burned Buildings (2010)
Appendix E: Charcoal Samples, Data from hand-picked charcoal samples, Debris Samples (2010)
Appendix E: Charcoal Samples, Inventory of hand-picked charcoal samples (2010)
Appendix E: Charcoal Samples, Inventory of hand-picked charcoal samples, Burned Buildings (2010)
Appendix E: Charcoal Samples, Inventory of hand-picked charcoal samples, Debris Samples (2010)
Appendix E: Charcoal Samples, Inventory of hand-picked charcoal samples, No Charcoal Samples Analyzed (2010)
Appendix E: Charcoal Samples, Inventory of hand-picked charcoal samples, Poor Provenience (2010)
Appendix E: Excavated Structure Groups and Number of Excavated Lots by Half-Kilometer Zone (2003)
Appendix F: All the Artifacts and Materials Reported in TR 27B (2003)
Appendix F: Data from flotation samples (2010)
Appendix10.1: Distribution of Nonlocal Stone, Debitage and Tools (2012)
Apportioned pottery assemblages from Roman Britain (long form) (2023)
Apportioned pottery assemblages from Roman Britain (wide form) (2023)
Archaeological data analyzed in Ortman et al. Cities: Complexity, Theory and History. (2020)
Archaeological Investigations for the Sigurd to Red Butte No. 2 – 345kV Transmission Project: Bead Analysis Table (2017)
Archaeological Investigations for the Sigurd to Red Butte No. 2 – 345kV Transmission Project: Ceramics Analysis Table (2017)
Archaeological Investigations for the Sigurd to Red Butte No. 2 – 345kV Transmission Project: Chipped Stone Core Analysis Table (2017)
Archaeological Investigations for the Sigurd to Red Butte No. 2 – 345kV Transmission Project: Chipped Stone Tool Analysis Table (2017)
Archaeological Investigations for the Sigurd to Red Butte No. 2 – 345kV Transmission Project: Debitage Analysis Table (2017)
Archaeological Investigations for the Sigurd to Red Butte No. 2 – 345kV Transmission Project: Faunal Analysis Table (2017)
Archaeological Investigations for the Sigurd to Red Butte No. 2 – 345kV Transmission Project: Figurines Analysis Table (2017)
Archaeological Investigations for the Sigurd to Red Butte No. 2 – 345kV Transmission Project: Fire-Cracked Rock Analysis Table (2017)
Archaeological Investigations for the Sigurd to Red Butte No. 2 – 345kV Transmission Project: Ground Stone Analysis Table (2017)
Archaeological Investigations for the Sigurd to Red Butte No. 2 – 345kV Transmission Project: Incised Stone Analysis Table (2017)
Archaeological Investigations for the Sigurd to Red Butte No. 2 – 345kV Transmission Project: Pendants Analysis Table (2017)
Archaeological Investigations for the Sigurd to Red Butte No. 2 – 345kV Transmission Project: Radiocarbon Analysis Table (2017)
Archaeological Study of Colonial Chesapeake Culture, Coding Conventions for Comprehensive Artifact Catalog (2004)
Archaeological Study of Colonial Chesapeake Culture, Comprehensive Artifact Catalog (2004)
Archaeology Jobs USA 1999-2012 (2012)
The Archaeology of Cape Cod Project: Characteristics and Locations of Sites in Chapters, IV Report (2010)
Architectural data from the Tarma and Upper Mantaro Drainages, Peru (2016)
Architectural Database of a Sample of Early Ceramic Through Sedentary Period Hohokam Pithouses in the Tucson Basin, Arizona (2015)
Architecture Data from greater Cibola Region (2018)
Armenia Ceramics: Compositional and Descriptive Data (2014)
Armstrong-Rogers Site (7NC-F-135) Phase I Artifact Catalog (2017)
Armstrong-Rogers Site (7NC-F-135) Phase II Artifact Catalog (2017)
Armstrong-Rogers Site (7NC-F-135) Phase III Artifact Catalog (2017)
Arroyo Hondo Fauna (2019)
Arroyo Hondo Fauna Old (1974)
Artifact Analysis for Plowzone Collections, 18ST233, Webster Field Annex (2014)
Artifact Analysis for Plowzone Collections, 18ST329, Webster Field Annex (2014)
Artifact Attributes: All Analyzed (Non-Mortuary) Specimens (2017)
Artifact Catalog #1, Coffey Site 1970-1975 (2012)
Artifact Catalog #10, Coffey Site 1970-1975 (2012)
Artifact Catalog #2, Coffey Site 1970-1975 (2012)
Artifact Catalog #3, Coffey Site 1970-1975 (2012)
Artifact Catalog #4, Coffey Site 1970-1975 (2012)
Artifact Catalog #5, Coffey Site 1970-1975 (2012)
Artifact Catalog #6, Coffey Site 1970-1975 (2012)
Artifact Catalog #7, Coffey Site 1970-1975 (2012)
Artifact Catalog #8, Coffey Site 1970-1975 (2012)
Artifact Catalog #9, Coffey Site 1970-1975 (2012)
Artifact Catalog, 44HT27, Fort Monroe (2007)
Artifact Catalog, Arbitrary Collections at Bluestone Reservoir (2018)
Artifact Catalog, Archaeological and Historical Survey, Fort Lee (2011)
Artifact Catalog, Archaeological Data Recovery from 22LA545, Lafayette County, Mississippi (2018)
Artifact Catalog, Archaeological Evaluations of Significance, Fort Lee (2011)
Artifact Catalog, Archaeological Excavations for the Jenkins House Site (46CB41) 2002-2003 (2018)
Artifact Catalog, Archaeological Investigation of Fort Norfolk (44NR1) 1977 (2015)
Artifact Catalog, Archaeological Investigation of Site 46SU633 1997 (2019)
Artifact Catalog, Archaeological Investigations at Indian Cove (9LC24) 1985 (2014)
Artifact Catalog, Archaeological Recovery and Analysis of an Indian Dugout Canoe (Site 22 WS 776) Discovered in the Bank of Steele Bayou Swan Lake Washington County Mississippi (2018)
Artifact Catalog, Archaeological Survey and Test Excavations in the Burnsville Reservoir 1971-1975 (2018)
Artifact Catalog, Archaeological Survey of Beech Fork Lake 1973-1975 (2019)
Artifact Catalog, Archaeological Survey of East Lynn Reservoir 1964-1965 (2019)
Artifact Catalog, Archaeological Survey of Pender Camp Wastewater Force Main, Fort A.P. Hill (2011)
Artifact Catalog, Askew Refuge Reforestation (2018)
Artifact Catalog, Bull Hill Run Site 44PG316, Fort Lee (2012)
Artifact Catalog, Burnsville Surface Collection (46BX23) N.D. (2019)
Artifact Catalog, Cemochechobee (2012)
Artifact Catalog, Confiscated Shoreline Collection from Strom Thurmond Lake 2001 (2014)
Artifact Catalog, Data Recovery at the Milner (22YZ515) and O'Neil Creek (22YZ624) Sites Yazoo County Mississippi (2018)
Artifact Catalog, Demonstration Erosion Control Six Watersheds Phase I/II (2018)
Artifact Catalog, Four Disposal Areas, Three Water-Control Structures and a Portion of the Tallahatchie River (2018)
Artifact Catalog, FY 92 Timber Sales (2018)
Artifact Catalog, Gilliam Site 44PG317, Fort Lee (2012)
Artifact Catalog, Greenville Urban Protection Project (2018)
Artifact Catalog, Lake George Mitigation (2018)
Artifact Catalog, Line Creek Drainage Investigation 1983 (2018)
Artifact Catalog, Maner-Garnett House, Webb Wildlife Management Area 1996 (2013)
Artifact Catalog, Millers Ferry 1963-1968 (2014)
Artifact Catalog, Pomme de Terre Unprovenienced Material N.D. (2014)
Artifact Catalog, Posey Site (18CH281), Colonial Encounters (2014)
Artifact Catalog, QTR Survey, Fort Lee (2011)
Artifact Catalog, Rena Lara Landside Berm (2018)
Artifact Catalog, Roods Landing (9SW1) Arbitrary 1968-1979 (2012)
Artifact Catalog, Rucker's Bottom Group 1980-1981 (2014)
Artifact Catalog, Sardis Lake Investigations (2018)
Artifact Catalog, Second Quarter Site Assessments, Fort Lee (2011)
Artifact Catalog, Site 18CH233, Colonial Encounters (2014)
Artifact Catalog, Site 18ST390, Colonial Encounters (2013)
Artifact Catalog, Site 23PO309 Investigation 1967 (2015)
Artifact Catalog, Site 44PG163, Fort Lee (2010)
Artifact Catalog, Site 44PG185, Fort Lee (1993)
Artifact Catalog, Site 44PG195, Fort Lee (2009)
Artifact Catalog, Site 44PG317, Fort Lee (2012)