Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.

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The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 19,901-20,000 of 21,939)

  1. Toward a social archaeology of food in later Newfoundland pre/history (2017)
  2. Toward a Social Geoarchaeology of Aegean Burial and Ritual at Eleon, Greece (2024)
  3. Toward a Sovereignty-Driven Paradigm for Transdisciplinary Research on Social-Ecological Systems (2015)
  4. Toward a Theory of Dispersal as an Adaptive Strategy: Adoption, Migration, and Cultural Survival in the Archaeological Record (2015)
  5. Toward a Transformative Maritime Archaeology of the Slave Trade: Reflections from the Slave Wrecks Project Research Programs in Mozambique and South Africa (2021)
  6. Toward a Typology of Late Postclassic Period Figurines from Tututepec, Oaxaca, Mexico (2023)
  7. Toward an Archaeology of Indigenous Conquerors: Household Ritual Life at Tepeticpac, Tlaxcala (2023)
  8. Toward an Automated Model for Archaeological Site Detection in Eastern Botswana, a Clustering Method (2018)
  9. Toward an Epidemiological Model of Sarcoptic Mange among Andean Camelids (2021)
  10. Toward an Ideology of Mesoamerican Ritual Sacrifice: An Interdisciplinary Approach (2021)
  11. Toward an Ulúa World: Defining, Delimiting, and Interpreting Interaction Networks (2018)
  12. Toward complexity in the osseous raw material work at the beginning of the Early Upper Palaeolithic in Eurasia: the Manot Cave (Israel) osseous tools in the Aurignacian emergence and diffusion context (2017)
  13. Toward Developing an Economic Model of Fish Rank for Late Nineteenth-Century Pacific Northwest Households (2017)
  14. Toward effective cyber-infrastructure support of socio-environmental research (2015)
  15. Toward Establishing a High-Resolution Chronological Record of the Atlatl-and-Dart to Bow-and-Arrow Transition in the Great Basin (2024)
  16. Toward Slow Data in Archaeology (2016)
  17. Toward standardization of lithic use-wear identification in conjunction with technological organization and raw material variability (2017)
  18. Toward the Remote Identification of Stone Tools in Submerged, Buried Contexts Using Acoustics (2019)
  19. Towards a Comparative Analysis of African-Influenced Ceramic Motifs in the Spanish Americas: Hispaniola and Peru (2019)
  20. Towards a Deep History of Southern Appalachian Copper Mining: New Agendas and Approaches (2017)
  21. Towards a Food Production Calendar for the Lower Salt Valley (2015)
  22. Towards a Further Understanding of Samoan Star Mounds: Considering the Intersection of Ecology, Politics, and Ritual in Ancient Samoa (2017)
  23. Towards a historical archaeology of heiau: Hawaiian traditions, colonialism, and religious transformation in the recent past (2015)
  24. Towards a Historical Ecology of An Alluvial Plain in North-Central Puerto Rico: Preliminary Geoarchaeological Results (2019)
  25. Towards a More Systematic Approach to Analyzing Artistic Influences: A View from the Pacific Coast of Southeastern Mesoamerica (2018)
  26. Towards a Multivariate Model for Accurately Identifying Cutmarks (2015)
  27. Towards a Museum Quality Artifact: 3D Documentation of Maya Artifacts from Blue Creek, Nojol Nah, Tz’unun, and Xno’ha in Belize (2019)
  28. Towards a Nonlinear History of Lake Cocibolca, Nicaragua (2018)
  29. Towards a Quantitative Analysis of Aronze Axe Metalwork Wear (2016)
  30. Towards a Recursive Relationship between Archaeological and Evolutionary Theory (2018)
  31. Towards a situated ontology of bodies and landscapes in the archaeology of the southern Andes (first millennium AD northwest Argentina) (2016)
  32. Towards a Social Paleoethnobotany of Urbanization: Integrating Macrobotanical and Microbotanical Data to Explore Foodways at La Blanca, Guatemala (2018)
  33. Towards a Socio-Ecological Understanding of Agrarian-Based, Low-Density Urbanism in Early Tropical State Formations (2015)
  34. Towards a synchronic view of Aurignacian lithic economy (2015)
  35. Towards a Synthesis of California Archaeobotany (2024)
  36. Towards a Unified 'Heritage Ecology': Developing a Systems-Based Approach to Research in Archaeology and Heritage (2017)
  37. Towards a Wave-of-Advance Model for Predicting the Spread of Prismatic Blade Technology in Mesoamerica (2018)
  38. Towards an Approach to Building Mobile Digital Experiences For Campus Heritage & Archaeology (2018)
  39. Towards an Archaeology of Black Atlantic Sovereignty: Materializing Political Agency in the Kingdoms of Dahomey and Haiti (2018)
  40. Towards an Archaeology of Prows - An Ontological Approach to Geoglyphs and Petroglyphs in the North European Bronze Age (2018)
  41. Towards an Integrated Socio-ecological History for Residential Patterning, Agricultural Practices, and Water Management at the Classical Burmese (Bama) Capital of Bagan, Myanmar (11th to 14th Centuries CE) (2019)
  42. Towards an Interpretive Framework for Burnt Ostrich Eggshell: An Experimental Study (2017)
  43. Towards an understanding of the transition from Paracas to Nasca from a household perspective: Interpreting changes in ceramic consumption at Uchuchuma (2015)
  44. Towards the Development of a Temporal GIS for the Study of the Peopling of the Americas (2024)
  45. Towers in the Northern Periphery (2023)
  46. The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse: Emergence of Pest-Host and Commensal Relationships at Aşıklı Höyük, Turkey (2016)
  47. Towns and Household Groups during a Period of Urban Transition in Native North America: A Case from the Early Mississippian Era in the Cahokia Region (2017)
  48. Towns and Villages of an African Empire: Eastern Tigrai Archaeological Project (ETAP) Archaeological Survey 2005-2008 (2017)
  49. Towns under the Microscope: Revising Historical Narratives on the Development of Medieval Towns and their Markets in Northwestern Europe (2019)
  50. Toxic Taphonomy (2024)
  51. Toyah Mitotes: Feasting in the Terminal Late Pre-Hispanic Southern Plains (2018)
  52. The Toyah Phase Paradox: In Three Dimensions (2021)
  53. Toying with Classic Maya Society: Ceramic Figurine Whistles and Children’s Socialization at Ceibal, Guatemala (2024)
  54. Toys or Totems? Exploring Ritual and Play in the Middle Rio Grande (2019)
  55. Trabajo arqueológico desde la bodega: Una revisión de los objetos funerarios asociados a las tumbas de La Nopalera (2024)
  56. Trabajos de Conservación Arquitectónica en el Sitio Arqueológico de San Pedro Nexicho, Colaboración INAH-FAHHO-Comunidad (2018)
  57. Trabajos de recorrido de superficie y excavación en el sitio Santa Lucía 1, resultados preliminares de un hueco regional en la arqueología del noroeste de la cuenca de México (2021)
  58. Trace Elements in Archaeological Shells: Limits and Potential for Seasonality and Paleoclimate Studies (2016)
  59. Trace Metals in Soils as Indicators of Past Human Activities at Hanwangdu East, Anyang, China (2017)
  60. Traceología: Identificación de instrumentos sacrificatorios y de manipulación póstuma en el Osario 15 de Toniná (2024)
  61. Traces of Carib Ancestors: The Incised and Punctate Horizon Style in Eastern Amazonia (2016)
  62. Traces of complexity: connecting model output with archaeological reality (2016)
  63. Traces of Integration: A Study of Early Colonial Ware by Imagenology Methods (2023)
  64. Traces of Prehispanic Primary Smelting in Present Traditional Copper Work from Santa Clara del Cobre, Mexico: Historical and Ethnographical Evidence (2023)
  65. Tracing Cannabis in the Historic Past: New Insights from Chemical Residue Analysis (2024)
  66. Tracing Collection Histories for Repatriation: The Fisher Mound Group (2024)
  67. Tracing Early Farming Communities in Southern Mozambique by Geophysical Prospection: Current State of Activities, Part 1 (2021)
  68. Tracing Early Farming Communities in Southern Mozambique by Geophysical Prospection: Current State of Activities, Part 2 (2021)
  69. Tracing Health Outcomes of Africans Who Were Enslaved in North Florida, Pre- and Post-Emancipation (2024)
  70. Tracing Ice Age Artistic Communities: 3D Digital Modeling Finger Flutings (2018)
  71. Tracing Interaction Networks in a Mosaic of Politico-Geographical Regions at the Site of Wimba, Amazonas, Peru (2018)
  72. Tracing Late Quaternary Highland-Dryland Social Connectivity in Southern Africa with Ostrich Eggshell Bead Strontium Values: Preliminary Results (2018)
  73. Tracing Lineages and Regional Interaction in the Upper Mimbres Valley: Preliminary Bioarchaeological Indicators at the Elk Ridge Site (2018)
  74. Tracing Long-Term Human-Fish Interactions in Hokkaido, Japan, through Ancient DNA Analysis of Pacific Cod (Gadus macrocephalus) Remains (2023)
  75. Tracing Marks in the Dark: Documenting Mud Glyph Cave by Drawing on Methodology of the Past and Present (2024)
  76. Tracing Mobility in Pacific Coast and Highlands of Southern Mexico during the Classic Period (2018)
  77. Tracing mortuary trends at Cahal Pech using Stable Isotope data (2016)
  78. Tracing Paleoamerican adaptations to South American Tropics: new data from lithics analyses in Brazil (2024)
  79. Tracing Paleoindian Projectile Point Diversity in the American Southeast (2018)
  80. Tracing Pathways of Power, Identity, and Landscape at Río Amarillo, Copan Valley, Honduras (2017)
  81. Tracing Purpose: An emic view of pottery making in prehistory and beyond (2017)
  82. Tracing Relationships Among Buffalo Soldiers in 19th Century Fort Davis, Texas (2015)
  83. Tracing Relationships over Time: Models of Exchange in the Greater Ica Region during the Paracas-Nasca Transition (2021)
  84. Tracing Sixteenth-Century Beads in South America to Understand Their Impact on Indigenous Ritual Practices and Material Culture at the Time of the Spanish Conquest (2018)
  85. Tracing stylistic influences in Chachapoya art and imagery (2015)
  86. Tracing the Emergence of Maya Lordship at Secondary Centers of the Copan Polity: An Examination of Residential Differentiation and Access at Centers in the Cucuyagua and El Paraiso Valleys (2017)
  87. Tracing the Emergence of Pan-Indian Conventions of Dress in the Collections of the American Museum of Natural History (2017)
  88. Tracing the Footsteps of the Mapa Tradition in the Central Mexican Highlands (2015)
  89. Tracing the Growth of Historic Preservation in the U.S. and the Arc of Tom Windes’s Career (2015)
  90. Tracing the Human Exploitation of Salmonids on the Pacific Coast of North America (2019)
  91. Tracing the movement of Quispisisa obsidian during the Middle Horizon, Peru (2016)
  92. Tracing the Post-Emancipation Landscape of Dominica’s Lime Industry (2017)
  93. Tracing the Production of Fourteenth-century Red Ware in East-central Arizona (2016)
  94. Tracing the Relationship between E Groups and Emerging Social Integration at the Site of Actuncan, Belize (2021)
  95. Tracing the Relationships between the Lower Ohio and Central Mississippi River Valleys through the Bradley Off-Site Remediation Project (2024)
  96. Tracing the World’s Edge:Northwest Coast interactions with the external world (2017)
  97. Tracing Theoretical Approaches to Constructing and Contesting Whiteness in Southeastern Archaeology (2024)
  98. Tracing Tides of Change: Perspectives on Mobility and Materiality in Precolonial Central America (2024)
  99. Tracing Zea mays through the Americas using Maize Cob Phytoliths (2015)
  100. Tracking 1,600 Years of Ceramic Technology at Prehispanic Jecosh (Ancash, Peru) (2019)