Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.

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The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 20,901-21,000 of 21,939)

  1. Variability in Site Usage: a Comparison of Sites 16RA1758 and 16RA1811 in Kisatchie National Forest, Louisiana (2024)
  2. Variability in the Cultural Assemblage During the Formative Period in the Upper Colorado River Drainage Basin (2019)
  3. Variability in the Middle Stone Age of the Horn of Africa: a technical tradition of southeastern Ethiopia (2016)
  4. Variability of Clovis Lithic Assemblages from El Fin del Mundo and the San Pedro River Valley (2023)
  5. The Variable Resilience of Large and Small Holdings on the Svalbard Estate, NE Iceland: A Multidisciplinary Study of Farm Abandonments Circa AD 1300 (2018)
  6. Variation and Similarity in Obsidian Tool Styles and Technologies at the Zaragoza-Oyameles Source Area, Puebla, Mexico (2015)
  7. Variation in 5βstanols Excretion in Humans and Its Implications for the Application of Fecal Biomarkers in Archaeology (2018)
  8. Variation in Animal Predation and Processing Strategies at the Bridge River Winter Pithouse Village (EeRl4) Thru Time: A Zooarchaeological Analysis of Subsistence Change (2015)
  9. Variation in butchering intensity between glacial and interglacial cycles at Pinnacle Point 5-6 (2015)
  10. Variation in Household Kitchen Activities at Housepit 54, British Columbia: Reflections on Jeanne Arnold’s Legacy (2024)
  11. Variation in Large Sites from the Longshan Period of Northern China (2017)
  12. Variation in Obsidian Source Consumption within the Kingdom of Piedras Negras (2019)
  13. Variation in Response to Heat-Treatment in Jasper from the Perkinsville Valley, Arizona (2021)
  14. Variation in Site Use through Time: Find distribution at Knysna Eastern Heads Cave 1, (Western Cape, South Africa), from Marine Isotope Stage 3 through the Last Glacial Maximum (2016)
  15. Variation in the Architectural Morphology of Ancient Maya Palaces (2016)
  16. Variation in the Configuration of the Middle Snake River and its Relationship to Prehistoric Fishing Site Locations (2019)
  17. Variation in the Lithic Technological Organization Accompanying Household Expansion at Housepit 54, Bridge River site, British Columbia (2015)
  18. Variations in Connectivity: Mapping Long-distance interaction in the Prehistoric U.S Southwest (2016)
  19. Variations in Cranial Vault Modification at Uraca, Majes Valley, Peru (2015)
  20. Variations in Initial Period Ceremonial Architecture at the Caballo Muerto Complex (2016)
  21. Variations in Late and Terminal Classic Ceramic Firing Facilities within Southeastern Mesoamerica. (2015)
  22. Variations in Mochica Metalwork (2017)
  23. Variations in Settlement Patterns and Neighborhood Organization in Early Horizon Peru (2018)
  24. Variations on a Theme: Expanding Site Stewardship (2023)
  25. Variations on an Osirian Theme: Gendered Expressions of Identity in Osiris Funerary Shrouds from Roman Egypt (2015)
  26. Varied Outcomes of the Colonial Encounter in Hawaii Island's Hinterlands (2019)
  27. Variety Is the Spice of Life: Chili Pepper Domestication and Agrobiodiversity in the Americas (2019)
  28. A Variety of Cerendipitous Discoveries (2015)
  29. Variety of Rain Forest Subsistence Strategies. A Comparative Overview (2016)
  30. The variscite of Gavà, Spain: characterization and system of exploitation and diffusion in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula (2017)
  31. Vasagård Archaeological Project: A Causewayed Enclosure and Timber Circles in the Island of Bornholm, Denmark (2019)
  32. Vassals or Friendly Confederates: Disjuncture and Identity Imposition in the Late Horizon Northeastern Andean Montaña (2021)
  33. The vast and secret museum of Chiriqui: Stripping the sharpness and beauty from obsidian (2015)
  34. Vecinos: The Symbiotic Relationship between Picuris Pueblo and Its Indio-Hispano Neighbors (2024)
  35. Vegeculture Agriculture in the Ethiopian Highlands: The Archaeobotany of Enset (2024)
  36. Vegetation Change at Poverty Point, Louisiana (2018)
  37. Vegetation Survey Methods at Inland Shell Mound Sites (2024)
  38. Vegetative Agency and Social Memory in Houselots of Ancient Cobá (2018)
  39. Venerating Death and Fertility: Implications of Late Terminal Classic Maya Use of Monuments with Skeletal Imagery (2021)
  40. Veneration and Pilgrimage at a Hinterland Shrine: Evidence from the Medicinal Trail Community, Northwestern Belize (2019)
  41. The Venture Smith Site: An Eighteenth-Century African American Homestead in Haddam, Connecticut (2018)
  42. Venturing into the Borderland: Revisiting the 13th-Century Occupation of the Upper Gila (2015)
  43. Verdant Signs: The Making and Shaping of Foodstuffs in Mesoamerican Texts (2024)
  44. The VerHage Site: A Late Archaic Seasonal Village located in Wallkill Drainage of Southeastern New York. (2018)
  45. Vertebral Wedging: A potential tool for the determination of parity in archaeological samples? (2016)
  46. Vertebrate analysis of column samples taken from Hup’kisakuu7a (93T, DfSh-43) (2017)
  47. Vertebrate Fauna from the Grand Mound Shell Ring site (8Du1), Florida (2016)
  48. Vertebrate Faunal Assemblages and Bone Tool Use in the Early Agricultural Period (2015)
  49. Vertebrate Response to Little Ice Age Climate Change in the Ohio River Valley (2019)
  50. Vertical Economy of Prehispanic Pacific Coast Guatemala (2024)
  51. A Vertical Loess Cave Dwelling at Yangguanzhai? (2017)
  52. "A Very Good and Substantial Fort" or "More like a Child’s Playhouse": The History and Archaeology of Civilian Fortifications during the U.S. – Dakota War of 1862 in Minnesota (2018)
  53. Very Small Rocks: Exploring Specimen Size Limits in Trace-Element Analysis of Obsidian Flaked Stone with Portable XRF (2021)
  54. Vesicular Basalt Provenance Analysis: A Collaborative Research Effort among Southern Arizona Native American Communities and Archaeologists (2015)
  55. Vessels and Bones: Ritual Offerings from the Grupo Kuche Palace Throne Room (2024)
  56. Vessels at War: The Kerr Archive and the Study of Classic Maya Violence (2024)
  57. Vessels of Change: Everyday relationality in the rise and fall of Cahokia (2016)
  58. Vestigial Religion: The Legacy of Byzantine Christianity in Ottoman and Venetian Greece (2017)
  59. Vestigios de lo olmeca en la montaña. Contexto y contraste del depósito de hachas de piedra verde de Matacanela. (2019)
  60. The Vestments of My Mysteries: Craft Production and the Ritual Economy at Iron Age Gordion (2017)
  61. Veteran Archivists: The Harry S. Truman Reservoir Project (2018)
  62. Veterans Curation Program in the Time of Corona (2021)
  63. The Veterans Curation Program: Unintended Public Archaeology (2018)
  64. The Viability of Long-Distance Acorn Transport in Eastern California (2017)
  65. Vibrancy of Place and Cahokia's Emergence (2024)
  66. Vibrant Recipes: The Variability and Composition of Special Clay Linings in Mississippian Shrines from the Illinois Uplands of Greater Cahokia (2019)
  67. Vibrant Ruins and the Construction of Casma Ancestralized Landscapes: Preliminary Insights from the Lower Nepeña Valley (2019)
  68. Vicksburg before the Siege: Paleoenvironment, Population Expansion, and a Delayed Woodland to Mississippian Transition in the Lower Mississippi Valley (2024)
  69. Victims of Mesoamerican Royal Funerals: Companions of the Dead or Sacrificial Victims? (2024)
  70. Victims or Venerated? A Bioarchaeological Examination of Gendered Ritual Violence and Social Identity of the Possible Aqlla at Túcume, Peru (2018)
  71. Victorian Era Opiate Use at the Vanoli Red Light District of Ouray, Colorado (2016)
  72. Victorian Values: North American Archaeology at the British Museum during the Nineteenth Century (2023)
  73. Video Games, Virtual Reconstructions, and other Digital Avenues to Engage Children of All Ages in a Cosmopolitan Past (2016)
  74. The view from above: changing experiences of the built environment during the Andean Late Intermediate Period (2016)
  75. A View from Above: The Dynamic Human Landscapes of the East Mountains (2023)
  76. The View from Above: The Semi-Autonomous Elite Maya Hilltop Complex of Escalera al Cielo (2017)
  77. The View from Below: Plaza Spaces at Actuncan, Belize (2018)
  78. The View from Below: The Contemporaneous View and Role of the Rural, Marginal Areas of Anatolia during the Ottoman Period (2021)
  79. The View from Here: An Introduction to Nuevomexicano and Chicanx Theory for Archaeology (2019)
  80. The View from Mazique (22Ad502): Reconsidering the Coles Creek / Plaquemine Cultural Transition from the Perspective of the Natchez Bluffs Region of the Lower Mississippi Valley (2015)
  81. The view from one thousand houses: a macro-regional approach to household archaeology in the Southeastern United States: (2015)
  82. The View from Rapa: Behavioral Ecology and Fortifications in Polynesia (2015)
  83. A View from Somewhere: Mapping 19th-Century Cholera Narratives (2017)
  84. A View from the Bridge: The Role of Anthropological Consultation in the Twenty-First Century (2023)
  85. The View from the Ground: How Geochemistry Informs Our Understanding of the Regal, Ritual, and Residential Character of Actuncan (2018)
  86. A View from the Hinterlands: Early Colonial Objects in Mortuary Contexts in Northern Highland Ecuador (2017)
  87. A View from the Mountains: A Test of a Predictive Model in the Southern Wind River Range, Wyoming (2018)
  88. The View from the North: Topará and Early Horizon Commoner Lifeways at Jahuay, Quebrada Topará, Peru (2019)
  89. A View from the Past: A Reanalysis of Archaeological Collections from the Sama Valley and its Implications for Current Models and Chronologies of the Southern Andean Valleys (2017)
  90. A View from the Periphery. Bioarchaeology and Funerary Archaeology at Al Khiday, Central Sudan (2017)
  91. The View from the Trenches: Tying Paleoenvironment to Archaeology at Rimrock Draw Rockshelter (35HA3855) (2019)
  92. A View from the Virú: Place and Sight in the Virú Valley Project Reconsidered (2021)
  93. A view from the weaver’s fingertips: gesture and complexity in the South Central Andes (2016)
  94. A View on Late Pleistocene Megafauna Extinction in Sahul: An Emu Hunt Revisited (2015)
  95. A View to Wilderness – The Salmo Lookout Tower and the Salmo-Priest Wilderness Area (2018)
  96. Viewing Ceramic "Types," "Varieties," and "Modes" from a Practice-Based Perspective: Case Studies from the Greater Southwest (2018)
  97. Viewshed and Network Analysis of Late Formative (600 BCE - 200 CE) Chit'apampa Cuzco, Peru (2024)
  98. Viewsheds and Variability: the Red Ochre Burial Complex Revisited Geographically (2015)
  99. Viking Age Grave Reentry within the Context of Mortuary Drama (2017)
  100. Viking Age Port of Trade in Gotland, Sweden: Understanding Inter- and Intra-site Logistics through Faunal Analysis (2019)