Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.

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The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 2,801-2,900 of 21,939)

  1. Capstones and Competency across the Anthropology Major: Assessment of Student Learning with an Archaeological Case Study (2016)
  2. Captive Birds and Pet Keeping in Ancient Mesoamerica: The Case of Scarlet Macaws from Vista Hermosa (Tamaulipas, Mexico, 1300–1500 AD) (2018)
  3. Captive Bodies, Captive Power: Reexamining the Role of the Captive in Ancient Maya Art (2017)
  4. Captive management and sacrificial power: Using ancient genomics to study animal sacrifice in Teotihuacán (2021)
  5. Captives, Messengers, Pilgrims, Refugees, Wives: Classic Maya Written Accounts on Travel in the Upper Usumacinta (2015)
  6. The Capture of John Wilkes Booth (2015)
  7. Capturing and Sharing Vermont’s Past: 3D Imaging as a Tool for Undergraduate Research and Community Engagement (2024)
  8. Capturing People on the Move: Spatial Analysis and Remote Sensing in the Bantu Mobility Project, Basanga, Zambia (2018)
  9. Capturing the Fragrance of Ancient Copan Rituals: Floral Remains from Maya Tombs and Temples (2018)
  10. Capturing Time: 3D Preservation of California Central Valley Rock Art for Future Generations (2024)
  11. Cara Blanca Pool 6: Colonial Logging and the Evolving Landscape (2018)
  12. Caracterización química (MEB-EDS) y cristalográfica (DRX) de cerámica local del sitio arqueológico Santa Cruz Atizapán (2017)
  13. Carbohydrate Revolution Conceived: Alston Thoms’s Legacy (2023)
  14. Carbon and Nitrogen isotopic analysis on human and animal bones of Nanwa site, Henan Province, China (2017)
  15. Carbon Enamel Isotopes as Proxy for Dietary Changes in the Omo-Turkana Basin between 2 and 1.4 Ma (2019)
  16. Carbon Legacies of Dryland Agricultural Features in the Ancient Southwest (2018)
  17. Carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen Stable Isotope Ratios from Room 28 Lagomorphs (2018)
  18. Carbonate microfacies in shell middens of northern Iberia: implications for Holocene environment and Mesolithic settlement (2016)
  19. Carbonized Wood Remains from the Matacanela Site, Veracruz, Mexico (2019)
  20. The Carchi-Nariño’s mollusks shells aerophones of the Royal Museums of Art and History of Brussels. Analysis by CT scan. (2024)
  21. Care and the Disregard of Care in Medieval Ireland (2019)
  22. Care Provision for Victims of Violence in Late Prehistoric Tennessee (2019)
  23. Cared for or Outcasts? The bioarchaeological analysis of two individuals with potential disabilities from Aztec Ruins (2015)
  24. A Career to Celebrate: The Achievements of S. Terry Childs and Her Impact on Archaeological Collections (2019)
  25. CARI-Peru Past and Future (2023)
  26. Cariban Historical Linguistics: The State of the Art (2016)
  27. The Caribbean and the Beginnings of American Archaeology and Anthropology (2016)
  28. Caribbean Anthropogenic Paleozoogeography: Cultural and Ecological Significance of Animal Introductions in the Lesser Antilles (2016)
  29. Caribbean archaeological collections in European museums: an overview (2016)
  30. Caribbean Archaic Faunal Exploitation: Analysis of Museum Collections (2019)
  31. Caribbean landscapes during the late-precolonial and early-colonial periods (2016)
  32. Caribbean Landscapes in the Age of the Anthropocene: The First Colonizers (2016)
  33. Caribbean's First Farmers: The Story of St. John in southwestern Trinidad (2016)
  34. The caribou didn't come back: Modelling human migration variations through local ecological changes (2015)
  35. Caribou Exploitation Dynamics and Antler Tool Production in Late Thule Occupation of the Kvichak River Drainage, SW Alaska (2015)
  36. Caries from a Museum Skeletal Collections (2018)
  37. Caring for Ancestors and Their Belongings in Museum Settings (2024)
  38. Caring for Bodies or Simply Saving Souls: the emergence of institutional care in Spanish Colonial America (2015)
  39. Caring for Children in the Ancient Andes: Bioarchaeological and Biogeochemical Data from the Andean Middle Horizon (AD 500–1100) Tiwanaku Polity (2018)
  40. Caring for the Honuukvetam Pimuu've: Lessons from the Metropole Project, Avalon, Catalina Island, California (2015)
  41. Carlisle, NM: The Short Life of an Early Gold-Mine (2019)
  42. Carnelian Beads from the Site of Kish, Iraq: Differentiating Indus and Non-Indus Carnelian Beads Using Technological, Morphological, and Chemical Analysis (2024)
  43. Carnelian Beads in Korea and Japan (c. 100-700 CE): Style, Technology and Trade patterns (2017)
  44. Carnelian Beads of the Indus Tradition and West Asia circa 2600-1900 BC: A comparative study of technological stability and change (2015)
  45. Carolina's Cattle: Eighteenth-Century Livestock Production at Drayton Hall (2017)
  46. The Carpenter Quarry Site: A Unique Salvage Excavation Strategy (2023)
  47. Carrying on the Tradition: University of Arizona Fieldschool Excavations at University Indian Ruin (2017)
  48. Carved between Cartafuel and Coangue: Spatial Analysis of the Pasto Rock Art Sites of Carchi, Ecuador (2024)
  49. Carved footprints and prehistoric beliefs: examples of symbol and myth, practice and ideology. (2015)
  50. Carving a Space for Jainism: Jain Rock-Cut Caves in Early Historic to Medieval Tamil Nadu, South India (2017)
  51. Casa Crecida: A Buried Eighteenth Century Spanish Colonial Site in Bernalillo, New Mexico (2019)
  52. Casas Grandes Culture in the Sierra Madre of Sonora (2019)
  53. Casas Grandes Fauna (2019)
  54. The Casas Grandes Flower World and its Antecedents in Northwest Mesoamerica and the U.S. Southwest (2019)
  55. The Cascade Phase at the Kelly Forks Work Center Site, Idaho: Exploring Regional Variability Across the Intermountain West (2024)
  56. Cascade Phase Context and Chronology at the Connley Caves, Oregon (2019)
  57. Cascadia Cave, the Excavations (2023)
  58. A Case for Clan: Revisiting Sand Canyon Pueblo (2017)
  59. A Case for Digging (into Big Data) (2024)
  60. A Case for Early Outreach Designed to Recruit CRM Professionals at the High School and College Level (2023)
  61. A Case for Islam: Bioarchaeological Research on the Ottoman Period in Southeast Europe (2019)
  62. The Case for Radical Inclusivity in Museums (2019)
  63. The Case for Shipwreck Material Culture Studies: Identifying Sixteenth Century Spanish Provisioning Patterns Using Ceramic Analysis from the Emanuel Point II Shipwreck (2024)
  64. A Case Study in the Use of 3D Modeling for Hypothesis Generation and General Archaeological Illustration (2018)
  65. A Case Study in the Use of Photogrammetry for Management, Public Outreach, and Research Potential (2019)
  66. A Case Study of Engaged Archaeology within Graduate Education (2017)
  67. A Case Study of Legal and Practical Pitfalls of Forensic Archaeology Recovery of Human Remains from a New Orleans Pauper Cemetery (2019)
  68. Cash Potting in Soconusco: The Case of Tohil Plumbate (2018)
  69. Casma Domestic life at the El Campanario site, Huarmey Valley – Peru (2018)
  70. Casma Occupation at Pan de Azúcar de Nepeña: Findings from the 2017 and 2018 PIAPAN Field Seasons (2019)
  71. Casma Pottery Production at El Campanario Site, Huarmey Valley, Peru (2017)
  72. The Casma State Heartland: A Community-Centered Regional Perspective (2024)
  73. Cast Your Nets: The Island Economy and Ecology of Gotland Within the Larger Viking World (2024)
  74. Casta, Class, or Race? Social Transformations at the Colonial Port of Veracruz (2018)
  75. Castellated Rims and Silica Bodies: Rethinking Valdivia (2021)
  76. Castillo Decorated Ceramics as Boundaries Objects: A Reappraisal of the Tradición Norcosteña from Ceramic Technology (North Coast of Peru, Early Intermediate Period) (2023)
  77. Casting Experiment for a Small-Sized Bronze Statue of Buddha Dating to the Tang Dynasty (2019)
  78. Casting metals for the Qin First Emperor and his underground empire (2017)
  79. Casting Technology and Craft Production of Bronze Wares in the Central Plains of China in Late Shang Dynasty (13thBC-11th BC) (2015)
  80. Casting the Net: Evidence of Fishing and Fish Farming in Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico (2021)
  81. Castle Ballintober, County Roscommon, Ireland: The Castles in Communities Project (2019)
  82. Castle Ballintober, Roscommon, Ireland: Nothing but Tractors and Cows (2023)
  83. Castles and Colonialism: Exploring Meaning in Historic Irish Archaeology (2016)
  84. Castles and their Landscapes: A Gravity Model Experiment (2017)
  85. Castles in Communities Anthropology Settlement Survey: Preliminary data from 2015/2016 field seasons at Ballintober, Ireland (2017)
  86. Castles in Communities Ireland Field Program (2018)
  87. The Castles in Communities Model: An Integrative Approach to a Field School, Research Project and Community Collaborative in Ireland (2019)
  88. Castles in Communities: Recent Findings in the Field (2018)
  89. Castles of Conquest or Factionalism and the Creation of Political Landscapes (2019)
  90. Castros and Cordage: Recognizing Contextual Evidence of Iron Age Practice at São Martinho (2024)
  91. Cataloging Cave Features in the Southern Pacbitun Regional Archaeological Project using Virtual Reality and 3D Modeling (2018)
  92. The Catechism of Time Discipline in the Franciscan Missions of La Florida (2016)
  93. Categorical Identity and Decorative Style in an Ancestral Wendat Sequence (2015)
  94. Categorical Imperatives: Re-imagining the classificatory schema for Mayan ceramic vessels (2015)
  95. Categories, Space, and New Perspectives in A Late Classic Maya Community (2016)
  96. Catholic Burial as Native Resistance in Post-Dissolution Ireland (2015)
  97. Cattle Colonialism: A Comparative Perspective on Chickasaw Territory and Latin America (2021)
  98. Cattle Production and Strategic Meat Distribution in Egypt and Nubia (2024)
  99. Caught Between a Rock and a Soft Place: Using Optical Dating to Date Ancient Clam gardens on the Pacific Northwest (2017)
  100. Caught between East and West: Southern Calabrian Political Landscapes and the Mediterranean World, 400–900 CE (2018)