Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.

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The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 2,901-3,000 of 21,939)

  1. Caught Between Two Regions: A Historical Perspective on How Archaeologists Understand the Fremont Regional System (2016)
  2. Caught Starch and Managed Hearths: Minimally Invasive and Restorative Methods in Gallina Paleoethnobotany (2024)
  3. Causalities, time-scales and processes of environmental and cultural change in Italy between the Final Upper Palaeolithic and Early Neolithic (2015)
  4. Cause and Effect: Human-Animal Relationships and Zoonotic Brucellosis in Long Term Perspective (2019)
  5. Causes and Consequences of Colonization in the Caribbean: What Is Known and What Is Unknowable (2017)
  6. Causes and Consequences of Pre- and Proto-historic Social Network Connectedness in Coastal Georgia (2017)
  7. Cautionary tales in the use of captive carnivore tooth mark data (2017)
  8. Cautious vs. Interesting: Cultural Interpretation of Absorbed Organic Pottery Residues (2017)
  9. Cavates and Roomblock Pueblos: A Reexamination of Site Types on the Pajarito Plateau (2023)
  10. Cave 1 at the Site of at the site of Chawak But’o’ob: An Interpretation of Subterranean Space in Northern Belize (2016)
  11. The Cave and the Cross: Agricultural Subsistence, Rainfall Prediction, and Ritual in the Sixteenth-Century Mixteca-Puebla Region (2023)
  12. Cave du Pont and the Western Basketmaker World (2024)
  13. Cave du Pont Revisited: New Excavations a Century after Nusbaum (2023)
  14. The cave dwellers of the Sierra Tarahumara (2017)
  15. Cave Life Histories of non-anthropogenic Sediments helps us "raise the bar" in our understandings of anthropogenic Sediments (2015)
  16. Cave Myths Past and Present: Cerro Bernal as a Sacred Landscape (2017)
  17. Cave of Wonder: A Sacred Topos of Maritime Identities on Kalymnos (2024)
  18. Cave Rituals in South Central California: Ethnographic and Archaeological Interpretations (2018)
  19. Cave sticks? An investigation in to the use and purpose of bifurcated sticks found in cache caves. (2015)
  20. Cave Vodou in Haiti: An Ethnoarchaeological approach. (2015)
  21. The Cave-Pyramid Complex: An Assessment of Its Impact after 25 Years (2023)
  22. Caves beyond the Dripline: Reconceptualizing the Subterranean-Surface Dichotomy (2019)
  23. Caves of the Badlands: A Geospatial Analysis of Cave Archaeology at El Malpais National Monument (2017)
  24. Caves, Ancestors, and the Underworld: Bedrock Manipulation as a Strategy in the Development of Middle Formative Period Maya Socio-Political Complexity, Based on Evidence from Ka’Kabish, Northern Belize (2018)
  25. Caves, Copper, and Pilgrimage: Reinterpretation of Quimistan Bell Cave in Northwestern Honduras (2018)
  26. Cavetuns: Unexplored Theoretical Implications of a Discovery at Mul Ch’en Witz, La Milpa, Belize (2018)
  27. The Caxcans of Nueva Galicia, Nahua Warriors of the Northern Mesoamerican Frontier (2015)
  28. Cazadores recolectores en Baja California Sur: Un campamento al sur de la Paz (2015)
  29. Cañon de Carnué: A Place of Connection (2023)
  30. CCGS 2022: More Data on Sources and Sourcing for Carboniferous Cherts in New Brunswick, Canada (2023)
  31. The CCitRes Initiative: Using Citizen Science and Public Archaeology to Build Heritage Management Capacity in Curaçao (2023)
  32. CCompositional Analysis of Low-Fired Coarse Earthenware Excavated Archaeologically from Two Anguillan Eighteenth- to Nineteenth-Century Plantation Sites (2023)
  33. Cedar Mesa Architecture: Analysis of Earthen Mortars, Decorated Plasters, and an Intact Wood Roof at Bare Ladder Ruin, Natural Bridges National Monument, Utah (2019)
  34. Celebrating an Outlier, and Managing Variation at Valles Caldera (2019)
  35. Celebrating Native Interpretations of "Rock Art" on the Gila National Forest (2016)
  36. Celebrating Partnerships and Investigating Historical Cultural Diversity in the Pacific Northwest Region of the US Forest Service (2016)
  37. Celebrating Partnerships in Preservation: The Southern Region of the U.S. Forest Service and the 50th Anniversary of the National Historic Preservation Act (2016)
  38. Celebrating the Design Work of Bettye J. Broyles (2021)
  39. Celebration and the mining way of life in Magistral del Oro Durango (2017)
  40. Celebrity Chefs and the Long View of Sustainable Agriculture in Yaxunah, Yucatán (2019)
  41. Cell Towers: Where the Archaeology Is a Mile Wide and an Inch Deep (2018)
  42. The Celtic community of the Heuneburg: An Energetics Approach to Their Building Activity between 600 B.C. and 540 B.C. (2016)
  43. Celtic Crosses and Quetzal Masks: On the (Re)production of the Archaeological Record (2017)
  44. Cemeteries of Enslaved Communities in Granville County, North Carolina (2023)
  45. Cemeteries, Settlement Development, and Becoming Hohokam in the Northern Tucson Basin (2017)
  46. The Cemetery at Qijiaping: New insights into the production and use of ceramics vessels (2015)
  47. Cemetery study at Emanu-El Jewish Cemetery in Victoria B.C.: A look at the potential benefits of simple, shrouded burials and the use of concrete fills (2017)
  48. Cenote Xbis: The House of Rain (2023)
  49. Cenote Xtoloc: Paying Attention to the Ignored Cenote (2018)
  50. Censer fragmentation and life history: rural domestic settlement enchainment and accumulation activities and the Classic-Postclassic transition of the Petén Lakes region, Guatemala. (2015)
  51. A Census of Women in the Upper Paleolithic (2017)
  52. Center and Satellites The Relationship of Templo Mayor to Similar 
twin-temple pyramids in Central Mexico (2015)
  53. The Center as Cosmos in Early Colonial period Campeche (2015)
  54. Center Posts, Thunder Symbolism, and Community Organization at Cahokia Mounds, Illinois (2021)
  55. Centering Alluitsoq: The Potential for an Indigenous Archaeology in Greenland (2018)
  56. Centering the Edge: The Preclassic Ceramics of Belize (2024)
  57. Centering the Periphery: The Case of Southeast China during the Early Imperial Period (2018)
  58. Centers of power and ritual: discussing the archaeological remains from two large Zhangzhung-Period Settlements on the Tibetan Plateau (2015)
  59. The central African Middle Stone Age in context: Comparisons of technological adaptations (2016)
  60. The Central American Ceramics Research Project: A Case Study on How to Make Old Museum Collections Relevant Again (2018)
  61. Central Andes Kotosh Religious Tradition, Third Millennium BCE: Hearth Designs as Andean Portals between Worlds (2017)
  62. The Central Arizona Project and Platform Mounds in Arizona (2019)
  63. The Central Maya Highlands during the Postclassic: a marginal region on the eve of the Spanish conquest? (2017)
  64. Central Peten Jato Black-on-Gray: A Look at Gray wares and Black Wares, Monkeys and Mortuaries (2016)
  65. Central Place Foraging Models and Early Holocene Coastal Adaptations in the Western Mediterranean (2019)
  66. The Central Plains Archaeological Survey: A Preliminary Report (2016)
  67. Central Plaza Excavations at El Mirador (2015)
  68. Central Texas Plant Baking (2019)
  69. The Centrality of Saplings: Trees and Archaeoecological Analysis (2024)
  70. The centrality of small islands in Arctic Norway from the Iron Age to the recent historic period (2015)
  71. Centralized Households and Decentralized Communities: Economic Integration in a Marpole Period Plankhouse Village (2017)
  72. Centralized Power/Decentralized production? Angkorian Stoneware and the Southern Production Complex of Cheung Ek, Cambodia (2019)
  73. Centralized Urban Planning and Economic Segregation: A Case Study Based on Wealth Inequality at Tell Asmar and Khafajah in Mesopotamia (2024)
  74. Centuries of warrior boat graves - the Valsgärde burial ground (2017)
  75. Ceramic Analysis at Chief Looking's Village (32BL3) in Bismarck, ND (2016)
  76. Ceramic Analysis of an Early 19th Century Plantation in the Piedmont Region of North Carolina (2019)
  77. A Ceramic Analysis of San Miguel de Carnué Plaza Complex (LA 12924) (2023)
  78. Ceramic analysis of site 291, a historic Casas Grandes site. (2016)
  79. Ceramic and starch grain evidence and the social factors behind pan-Amazonian occupation processes ca. 3,500 BP (2024)
  80. The Ceramic Assemblage from Washington Mounds: A Caddo Site in Southwestern Arkansas (2017)
  81. Ceramic Chronology and Current Visions of the "Terminal Classic" and Collapse in the Southern Maya Lowlands: A Brief Desultory Philippic (2017)
  82. Ceramic Chronology in the Absence of a Horizon (2021)
  83. The Ceramic Chronology of Vista Alegre: An Updated Typological Assessment (2024)
  84. Ceramic Classification and Social Process (2016)
  85. Ceramic Compositional Analysis from Chiquilistagua, Nicaragua (2017)
  86. Ceramic Differences at the Household/Neighborhood Level at Cerro Mejía: Evidence of a Possible Multiethnic "Mitmaqkuna" Community on the Southern Frontier of the Wari Empire (2017)
  87. Ceramic Distribution within the Upper Gila Region (2023)
  88. Ceramic Distribution, Migration, and Social Interaction at Mine Wash, a Late Prehistoric (1300-200 BP) Seasonal Habitation Site in San Diego County, California (2015)
  89. Ceramic Diversity in Hunter-Gatherers Societies from Atuel River Basin, Argentina (2018)
  90. Ceramic Ecology as Deep Ecology in Northern New Mexico (2018)
  91. Ceramic Emulation: Empires and Eminent Polities Seen from Afar (2015)
  92. Ceramic Evidence for Immigration among Households at Calixtlahuaca in the Toluca Valley (2019)
  93. Ceramic Evidence of Complex Social Boundaries in Central New Mexico (2019)
  94. Ceramic Evidence of Normal and Anomalous Diffusion from Mesoamerica into Northwest Nicaragua (2018)
  95. Ceramic Exchange and Community Organization of Middle Woodland Period Hopewell Groups in the Scioto Valley, Ohio (2021)
  96. Ceramic from the Early Components at Nancy Patterson Village (2019)
  97. A Ceramic Investigation into the Relationship between Emergent Complexity and Religion on the South Coast of Peru (2017)
  98. Ceramic Investment by the Enslaved Community at The Hermitage, TN (2016)
  99. Ceramic Manufacturing and Distribution Networks in Early Jamaica: Interpretive Implications of LA-ICP-MS and NAA Analyses on Coarse Earthenwares from 18th-Century Plantation Contexts (2018)
  100. Ceramic Molds for Mixtec Gold: New Insights into Lost Wax-Casting traditions of Late Postclassic Oaxaca (2015)