Society for American Archaeology
This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.
Presenters can access and upload their presentations for FREE. If you would like to upload your presentation, please click here to find out more.
The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.
Site Name Keywords
44CE0085 •
La Quemada •
Nevada •
Alta Vista •
ontario •
Gordion •
Ceren •
El Teúl •
Las Ventanas •
Site Type Keywords
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Non-Domestic Structures •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Archaeological Feature •
Domestic Structures •
Settlements •
Rock Art •
Agricultural or Herding •
Ball Court •
Artifact Scatter
Other Keywords
Historic •
Zooarchaeology •
Cultural Resources and Heritage Management •
Maya: Classic •
Ceramic Analysis •
Material Culture and Technology •
Landscape Archaeology •
Subsistence and Foodways •
Historical Archaeology •
Bioarchaeology/Skeletal Analysis
Culture Keywords
Historic •
Ancestral Puebloan •
Historic Native American •
Mogollon •
Woodland •
Archaic •
Euroamerican •
Spanish •
PaleoIndian •
Investigation Types
Heritage Management •
Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis •
Collections Research •
Archaeological Overview •
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Systematic Survey •
Architectural Documentation •
Reconnaissance / Survey •
Ethnographic Research •
Ethnohistoric Research
Material Types
Ceramic •
Fauna •
Chipped Stone •
Macrobotanical •
Building Materials •
Human Remains •
Metal •
Wood •
Dating Sample •
Ground Stone
Temporal Keywords
Civil War •
Mimbres Classic period •
Ancestral Puebloan / Sedentary through Classic Period •
19th Century •
Historic •
Magdalenian •
1880-1920 •
Pueblo I and II •
Postclassic •
Geographic Keywords
North America (Continent) •
United States of America (Country) •
Belize (Country) •
USA (Country) •
United Mexican States (Country) •
Republic of Panama (Country) •
Republic of El Salvador (Country) •
Netherlands Antilles (Country) •
Aruba (Country) •
Republic of Guatemala (Country)
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 21,101-21,200 of 21,939)
- Walk with Me: Reflections on Almost a Lifetime with Dr. James Skibo (2019)
- The Walker Lake Landscape: Combining Geophysical Studies to Clarify Regional Change and the Archaeological Record (2021)
- Walking a Trail Like Reading a Book (2023)
- Walking before running. Late Palaeolithic regional dynamics in the Spanish Mediterranean region previous to the "last big transition" (17 - 10 ky cal BP) (2017)
- The Walking Dead: Osteological and isotopic indicators of mobility from Middle Bronze Age commingled human and faunal burials in Naxcivan, Azerbaijan (2015)
- Walking in Tiwanaku Shoes: Small Things, Quotidian Cues and Tiwanaku Identities in Diaspora (2018)
- Walking in Winter Landscapes: Reflections on Temporality and Seasonality in Stone Age Rock Art of Northern Europe (2024)
- Walking into the Shadows in the Iberian Ritual Caves (6th–1st Centuries BC) (2018)
- Walking the Footwear Landscape on the Western Plains Margin: The Implications of 3,500 Years of Footwear from Franktown Cave, Colorado (2023)
- Walking the Line: Settlement Patterning in Interior Southern New England as Identified by Utility Corridor Survey (2019)
- Walking the Migrant Trail: Mobilizing Landscape to Contest Border Enforcement Policies and Negotiate the Boundaries of Social Belonging (2019)
- Walking through Mayapán (2018)
- Walking to (a)muse: exploring senses of place with Ruth (2015)
- Walled In: Borderlands, Frontiers, and the Future of Archaeology (2023)
- Walled Rock Wak’as on Inka Royal Estates in the Heartland (2021)
- Walled Sites beyond the Wall: Labeling Liao Towns in Archaeology and Historical Geography (2023)
- Walls and Pathways: GIS Analyses of Defensibility and Spatial Organization, Huamanga Province, Peru (2021)
- Walls Speak: Architectural "Neighborhoods" in Late Intermediate Period Peru (2015)
- Walls, Ditches and Spoil: Methodological Issues in the Study of Pre-Columbian Fortifications (2017)
- The Walter Landgraf Soapstone Quarry State Archaeological Preserve: Honoring a Man and Preserving a Site (2018)
- War and Peace and the Origins of Political Control in the Central Andean Coast: 3000 BC–AD 600 (2023)
- War and Peace in the Sixteenth-Century Southwest: Objected-Oriented Approaches to Native-European Encounters and Trajectories (2017)
- War Milpas: Wetlands and Institutional Agriculture during the Late Postclassic in Tlaxcallan, Mexico (2021)
- War of Jenkins Ear: Battle of Gully Hole Creek (2023)
- War related social and ritual traits in Rock Art (2015)
- War, Power, and History in the Mississippian Period Central Illinois Valley (2023)
- Warehousing the Past: Are We Doing the Right Thing? (2021)
- Wares in moving: people, technology and political issues in Northwest Argentina (2015)
- Warfare and Captive Sacrifice in the Moche World: New Data from Excavations at Pampa la Cruz, Moche Valley, Northern Coastal Peru (2023)
- Warfare and the Origins of Social Complexity in Southern Central America (2023)
- Warfare and the Polity in Early China (2023)
- Warfare and the Rise of Sociopolitical Complexity in Southeast Asia (2023)
- Warfare and Topography in the Middle Missouri (2018)
- Warfare in the Mississippian World: Comparing Variation in War across Small and Multi-Mound Centers (2017)
- The Warfare Paradox, or All Quiet on the Western Tennessee Valley Archaic (2017)
- Warfare, Captive-Taking, Enslavement, and the Creation of Power (2023)
- Warfare, Fortifications, and Archaeological Formation Processes: The Case of Mensabak, Chiapas, Mexico (2019)
- Warfare, Invasion, and Ethnogenesis during the Protohistoric Period in Sonora (2015)
- Wari and the Southern Peruvian Coast: A Reevaluation (2021)
- Wari Bats? An Iconographic Analysis of Some Very Curious Zoomorphic Figures on Middle Horizon Andean Pottery (2019)
- Wari Ceramic Production in the Heartland and Provinces (2016)
- Wari D-Temples: Inferring Function from Shape, Distribution, and Orientation (2023)
- Wari Foodways: A Comparison across Space (2019)
- Wari funerary contexts: An elite funerary chamber in Cerro de Oro, Cañete Valley (2015)
- Wari Huamani, Tiwanaku Apu, and the Political Work of Things (2018)
- Wari Imperial Presence in Cajamarca: A view from Yamobamba (2016)
- The Wari Occupation of the Site of Kaninkunka in the Cusco Region of Peru (2024)
- Wari State Expansion and Middle Horizon Roads in the Majes-Chuquibamba Region, Southern Peru (2019)
- Wari Textiles for the Everyday and the Afterlife (2018)
- Wari-Style Khipus from El Castillo de Huarmey (2017)
- Warior Regalia and Questions of Inalienable Possessions in the Aztec World (2015)
- Wari’s Hallowed Ground: Interpreting the Mortuary Complex of Cotocotuyoc, Cuzco, Peru (2018)
- Warm or Cold Season of Capture? Oyster Middens from Block Island, Rhode Island (2017)
- Warming to the Tempo of Change in Old Hawai`i (2017)
- Warren Grove Survey and Evaluation Project: A Study Of Historic Charcoal Production Within The Pine Barrens Of New Jersey. (2018)
- Warrior Art, Osteological Evidence of Violence, and Colonial-Era Changes in Warfare and Male Status on the Western Great Plains (2023)
- Warrior, Priestess, Queen: Scythian Women & Their Roles (2024)
- Warrior-Women: Strategic use of violence by women moving towards a broader understanding of the poetics of violence (2019)
- Warriors and Violence in the Iconography of Chichén Itzá (2018)
- Wars and battles as cultural phenomena in Bronze and Early Iron Age of Japan (2015)
- "Wars are good for the economy": Warfare and Industrialization in Sweden (2019)
- Wars of the Western Maya Kings: Military Conflicts in Lacandon Selva at the Turn of the Seventh to Eighth Centuries (2021)
- Was Acheulean Technology Genetically Transmitted? Comparing Variation in Acheulean Tools to Variation in North American Bird Nests (2018)
- Was Setaria Domesticated in Tehuacan? (2023)
- Was the Elaborate Chert Eccentric from San Andres, El Salvador, made by the Rosalila Copan "El Maestro"? (2019)
- Washed Away? Was Tse-whit-zen Deserted in the Aftermath of Cascadian Earthquakes? (2017)
- The Washington Archaeology Mentorship Program: Community Tools for Addressing Systemic Inequalities (2023)
- Washington Women’s Homesteading, 1862–1949: Developing a Historic Context of Women’s Homesteading Experiences (2023)
- Washington's Board of Public Works and the Burial of Black Georgetown (2023)
- Waste Landscapes at UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Challenging the Criteria (2023)
- Waste not, want not: A multi-proxy perspective on soil formation at Marco Gonzalez, Ambergris Caye, Belize (2015)
- Waste Not, Want Not: Exploring the Archaeological Significance of a Copper Production Waste Mound at Khirbat al-Jariya, Faynan, Jordan (2016)
- Watch Out For Landslides and Gopher Holes! using obsidian hydration to measure post-depositional site disturbance in the VCNP (2017)
- Watch out for rocks: a GIS and Agent-Based Modeling approach to the rock art of Northwestern Iberia (2015)
- “The Watchers Belonging to the Warriors”: Military Surveillance among the Maya (2024)
- Watching Me, Watching You, Watching Me: Greek Helots and Their Masters (2024)
- Water Access and World-Systems: Aquarian versus Terrestially Oriented Polities (2024)
- Water and Hydraulic Technology in the Eastern Andean Mountains: The Amarete Valley (2024)
- Water and Land: A Case Study of Panlongcheng in the Middle of Yangtze River (2024)
- Water and Pasture Infrastructure of Mobile Pastoralists in Southeastern Turkey (2018)
- The Water and the Land: How the Private Sector and Government Work Together to Plan for Climate Change Impacts to Cultural Resources (2021)
- Water for the Keep: Hydrological Flow and Accumulation (2023)
- The Water Is Not Wasted: Tailwater Ponds, Habitat Conservation, and the Perpetuation of Akimel O’Odham Water Culture (2024)
- Water Management and City Founding at Yaxuná, Yucatán (2015)
- Water Management and Symbolism in the Agrarian Landscape of the Sondondo Valley, Peru (2024)
- Water management from the Maya Lowlands: Implementing archaeology in mutual aid (2024)
- Water Management in the Ancient States of South India and Sri Lanka (2016)
- Water Management in the Land of the Terribly Hot: A Hydrological Study of the Bagan Settlement Zone (2019)
- Water Management on the Mesa: The Horseshoe Ridge Reservoir Community and the Occupation of Park Mesa, Colorado (2018)
- Water Management, Pastoralism and Settlement Shifts in the Andean Apolobamba Region (2018)
- Water Management, Ritual Ideology, and Environmental Change in Bronze Age Sardinia (2016)
- Water Mountain, Ritual, and Maya Community Cohesion at Mensabak, Chiapas, Mexico (2024)
- Water Mountains and Water Trails: The View from Northwest Peten (2016)
- Water Social Relations in Transition: Local Populations and Foreign Empires in Tension over Natural Resources in Mid and Lower Lurin Valley, Peru (2019)
- Water Technology and Symbolism in the Andes (Cordillera Blanca, Ancash, Peru) (2024)
- Water Wars: The St. Francis Dam Disaster and Resource Competition in the American West (2017)
- Water, Creation, and Celestial Phenomena at La Casa de las Golondrinas, Guatemala (2024)
- Water, Hospitality and Difference in Everyday Life (2015)
- Water, Maps, and Mountains: Shifting Water Taskways in the Andes (2024)
- Water, mines and wak’a at Belen valley in the highlands of Arica: the Inca making of a central place within the Andean transect of Arica and Parinacota (18°S) (2017)