Society for American Archaeology
This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.
Presenters can access and upload their presentations for FREE. If you would like to upload your presentation, please click here to find out more.
The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.
Site Name Keywords
44CE0085 •
La Quemada •
Nevada •
Alta Vista •
ontario •
Gordion •
Ceren •
El Teúl •
Las Ventanas •
Site Type Keywords
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Non-Domestic Structures •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Archaeological Feature •
Domestic Structures •
Settlements •
Rock Art •
Agricultural or Herding •
Ball Court •
Artifact Scatter
Other Keywords
Historic •
Zooarchaeology •
Cultural Resources and Heritage Management •
Maya: Classic •
Ceramic Analysis •
Material Culture and Technology •
Landscape Archaeology •
Subsistence and Foodways •
Historical Archaeology •
Bioarchaeology/Skeletal Analysis
Culture Keywords
Historic •
Ancestral Puebloan •
Historic Native American •
Mogollon •
Woodland •
Archaic •
Euroamerican •
Spanish •
PaleoIndian •
Investigation Types
Heritage Management •
Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis •
Collections Research •
Archaeological Overview •
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Systematic Survey •
Architectural Documentation •
Reconnaissance / Survey •
Ethnographic Research •
Ethnohistoric Research
Material Types
Ceramic •
Fauna •
Chipped Stone •
Macrobotanical •
Building Materials •
Human Remains •
Metal •
Wood •
Dating Sample •
Ground Stone
Temporal Keywords
Civil War •
Mimbres Classic period •
Ancestral Puebloan / Sedentary through Classic Period •
19th Century •
Historic •
Magdalenian •
1880-1920 •
Pueblo I and II •
Postclassic •
Geographic Keywords
North America (Continent) •
United States of America (Country) •
Belize (Country) •
USA (Country) •
United Mexican States (Country) •
Republic of Panama (Country) •
Republic of El Salvador (Country) •
Netherlands Antilles (Country) •
Aruba (Country) •
Republic of Guatemala (Country)
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 401-500 of 21,939)
- An Alternative Pattern of Coalescence: A Study of Architecture and Organization at a Non-fortified, Pre-Inca Town in the Southern Highlands of Peru (2019)
- Alternative Recipes: Exploring the Diversity of Foods Prepared in Prehistoric Earth Oven Cooking (2019)
- Alternative Strategies in Confronting Looting and Trafficking in Defense of Peruvian Portable Heritage. (2015)
- Altica and the Role of Middlemen in Formative Obsidian Exchange (2017)
- Altica ceramics and figurines: Stylistic and chronological analyses (2017)
- The Altica Project: Reframing the Formative Basin of Mexico (2017)
- Alutiiq Use of Birds during the Ocean Bay Period at Rice Ridge (49-KOD-363), Kodiak Island (2021)
- Always Changed But Never Gone: A Century of Farming in Southeastern Massachusetts. (2019)
- Always facing east…except when they’re not: Preliminary analysis of mortuary trends at Cahal Pech, Cayo, Belize (2015)
- Always Halfway There: Keeping Up with Digital Archaeological Data in Virginia (2018)
- Amacuzac archaeological project. (2016)
- Amateur and Professional Archaeologists: Who’s Who? (2016)
- An Amazing Deposit of Obsidian Blades in a Sector of Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala (2023)
- Amazonia as a Perpetual Elsewhere: The Possible and the Permissible in "Natural" Landscapes (2019)
- An Amazonian Crossroads: Results from Pilot Fieldwork on the Xingu-Amazon Confluence, Brazil (2016)
- Amazonian Landscapes: the characteristics of anthropic landscapes in the Middle Xingu River (Pará, Brazil) from pre-colonial to Contemporary times (2016)
- Amazonian mounds. When Human sciences met Earth sciences (2016)
- Amazonian Palm and Tree Fruits Fed Residents during the Pleistocene–Holocene Transition (2023)
- Amazonian Wetland Domestication: a spatial analysis of Pre-Columbian zigzag features in Lowland Bolivia (2024)
- Amber Runs through It: The Centralization of Wealth and Power in Late Prehistoric Lika, Croatia (2019)
- Ambiguous Archaeology: Eating and Ceramic Styles in the Early Modern Caribbean (2024)
- Ambiguous beings: the ontological autonomy of Inuit dogs (2016)
- Ambiguous Iconography: Queering the Shell Game (2015)
- Ambivalence and Apostasy at the Sixteenth century Visita Town of Hunacti, Yucatan (2024)
- The ambivalence of caves and rockshelters in medieval Norway (2017)
- Ambrose Bierce’s Indian Inscriptions: Biographic Art Along the Bozeman Trail (2019)
- American archaeological expeditions to Cuba related with Museo Antropológico Montané (2016)
- The American Falls obsidian source: near, far, or unknown? (2015)
- American Periphery, Sonoran Heartland: Recent Archaeological Explorations of Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument (2019)
- American Pompeii: Old evidence on Late Classic ties between the Pacific Coast and the Antigua valley (2017)
- American Southwest, Mexican Northwest: An Examination of Ground and Chipped Stone Artifacts from Garden Canyon Village (2016)
- American Spaces, Irish Places: Assessing Three Urban Communities in 19th Century Irish-America (2019)
- America’s Most Studied Battle: Twenty Years of Systematic Metal Detector Surveys at Pea Ridge National Military Park, Arkansas (2024)
- Amerind Foundation Collection and Archives (2016)
- Amerindian archaeological site DEM construction and analysis from UAV flights (2015)
- AMFOrA: Computer Vision for Macroscopic Ceramic Fabric Analysis (2024)
- Amino Acid d13C Analysis of Ancient Marine Consumers Quantifies Environmental Change in a Nearshore Ecosystem through the Late Holocene (2019)
- Amity Pueblo: A Different Sort of Horror (2015)
- Ampare y Perjuicios: Land and Legality in a Colesuyo Village during the Colonial Period (2016)
- Anachronology in the Study of the Precolumbian Maya: Toward a Post-Postclassic (2024)
- The anahuatl pectorals from the offerings of the Great Temple of Tenochtitlan (2017)
- Analogist Ontology at Chavín de Huantár (2016)
- Analyses of Pastes and Polychromy of Chupícuaro Pottery: A Diachronic Comparison Using a Noninvasive Approach (2024)
- Analysing cultural change (2015)
- Analysis and 3D Modeling of Pithouse Architecture during the Developmental-to-Coalition period Transition in the Albuquerque Basin (2016)
- Analysis and Comparison of the Paleo-ecological Reconstruction of Simpson Springs to the Archaeological Record of Camels Back Cave in the Bonneville Basin of Utah (2023)
- Analysis and Implications of Post-Depositional Bias in the Basin of Mexico (BOM) Surveys: A Preliminary Case Study of the Texcoco Survey Region (2021)
- Analysis and Interpretation of the Bandelier Landfill Site: Determining the Information Potential of a Multicomponent Historic Trash Site (2019)
- An Analysis of 3D Mapping Methods of Historic Burials at Bethel Cemetery (2023)
- Analysis of a Bayesian Network Methodology for Site Similarity Assessment (2023)
- Analysis of a Jun/Wasi Nut Cracking Stone from Western Ngamiland, Botswana: Implications for the Origins of Hominin Technology (2021)
- Analysis of a late Archaic hearth feature at the Debra L. Friedkin Site in central Texas (2017)
- An Analysis of a Middle Holocene Faunal Assemblage from the Matcharak Peninsula Site in Alaska’s Brooks Range (2016)
- An Analysis of an Early-to-Mid Holocene Projectile Point Assemblage from Little Steamboat Point Rockshelter, Warner Valley, Oregon (2015)
- Analysis of an Obsidian Source from the Cougar Pass Region of the Absaroka Mountain Range (2017)
- Analysis of Anatomical Dissection at Point San Jose Hospital, Fort Mason, San Francisco (2018)
- Analysis of Ancient Chinese Pottery Utilizing X-Ray Fluorescence and Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (2017)
- Analysis of animal bones in Panquilma and their relation with domestic and ritual spaces (2016)
- An Analysis of Architectural Form and Function at Cahal Pech, Belize: The Case of Structure B7 (2015)
- An Analysis of Bark Beaters from the Postclassic Site of Mayapán (2018)
- An Analysis of Biscuit Ware Ceramic Standardization in the Lower Chama Watershed, New Mexico (2018)
- Analysis of bones and objects from the Viking Age site of Hrísbrú, Iceland (2017)
- An Analysis of Botanical Remains from the Site of Quilcapampa (2019)
- Analysis of Burned Hematite from Boxed Springs Site (41UR30) (2024)
- An Analysis of Calluna Hill (59-73): Pequot Cultural Entanglement and Complex Consumption During the Pequot War (2017)
- An Analysis of Ceramic Compositions from Canchas Uckro, Ancash, Peru: Implications for Trade in the Formative Andes (2019)
- An Analysis of Ceramic Function from the Sacred Landscape Archaeological Project, La Milpa, Belize (2016)
- An Analysis of Ceramic Imitation and Trade at the Petrified Forest National Park (2019)
- Analysis of Ceramic Sherds from Woodpecker Cave (2016)
- An Analysis of Cherokee Foodways during European Colonization (2023)
- Analysis of color and fracture patterns on burned bones from the Békés 103 Bronze Age cemetery (2016)
- Analysis of Cuchimilcos from Coastal Peru (2019)
- Analysis of Cultural Retention in an Eighteenth-Century Enslaved African Community in the Dutch Caribbean (2021)
- Analysis of Culturally Derived Speleothem by INAA: An Analytic Approach to Sourcing (2018)
- Analysis of Culturally Derived Speleothem ny INAA: An Analytic Approach to Sourcing (2017)
- Analysis of Debitage from an Intentionally Burned House at the Greenbrier Site (3IN1), a Late Mississippian Town in the White River Valley of Arkansas (2023)
- Analysis of elasmobranches from offerings 126, 141 and 165 found at the Great Temple of Tenochtitlan (2017)
- Analysis of Entheses Development and Implications on Labor in Late Medieval Poland (2023)
- Analysis of Fatty Acids in Precontact Ceramics from Barbados, West Indies (2015)
- Analysis of Faunal Material from Sacred Spaces at Agua Lluvia and Along the Dos Hombres to Gran Cacao Archaeology Project in Northwestern Belize. (2015)
- An Analysis of Fetal Remains Discovered in a New York Privy (2019)
- Analysis of food remains in human coprolites from Furna do Estrago prehistoric site, Pernambuco State, Brazil. (2015)
- An Analysis of Funerary Food Offerings and Imagery in Theban Tombs from New Kingdom, Egypt (2017)
- An Analysis of Garbanzo Bean Remains at Mission San Luis de Talimali (2019)
- Analysis of ground stones found at a west-central Mojave Desert rock shelter site (2017)
- An Analysis of Historic Glass Containers from St. George’s Caye, Belize (2017)
- Analysis of Households in Calle de Isabel II, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1910 (2019)
- Analysis of Human Hair Bands from Old Man Cave, Utah (2017)
- Analysis of Human Skeletal Remains from Late Postclassic Iximché, Guatemala (2023)
- Analysis of In-tact Mummy Bundles from the 2014 Field Season at Panquilma (2015)
- The Analysis of Late Antiquity (c. 4th to 6th century AD) Human Remains from Veii-Campetti, Italy (2016)
- Analysis of Late Rio Grande Glaze Wares from a Post-Revolt Jemez Pueblo (2019)
- An Analysis of Lime Plaster Floor Samples from the Holmul Region, Guatemala (2021)
- Analysis of Lithic Material from the Boxed Springs Site (41UR30) (2024)
- An Analysis of Lithic Production at the La Milpa Sinkhole (RB-25-A5) (2015)
- Analysis of Marine Sediment by Chemical Signatures to Discover Evidence of Ancient Maya Activities at Site 74, Paynes Creek Salt Works, Belize (2019)
- Analysis of Marine Sediment of Ancient Maya Saltworks in Paynes Creek National Park, Southern Belize. (2017)
- Analysis of Marine Sediment to Explain Sea-level Rise in Paynes Creek National Park, Belize (2017)
- An Analysis of Maya Eccentric Forms from the Holmul Region, Petén, Guatemala (2024)
- Analysis of metallurgical artefacts using pXRF: Understanding metalwork during the contact period in Colombia (2015)