Cibola Prehistory Project (Collection)

Information resources associated with projects in the Cibola area directed or overseen by Keith Kintigh, Arizona State University, plus the Cibola Archaeological Research Project directed by Patty Jo Watson, Steve LeBlanc, and Charles Redman (in which Kintigh participated). IT includes CARP, EMVPP, HARP, OBAP, RCAP, and ULCPP projects.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 101-200 of 202)

Documents Images
  • Heshotauthla Plan (1991)
    IMAGE Keith Kintigh.

    Plans of Heshotauthla. Hemenway Expedition Map, Fewkes Published Map, 1991 map based on Fewkes published map showing Arizona State University 1990-1991 excavation units in approximate locations, Heshotauthla location map. Additional, better maps will be added.

  • CARP Ceramic Database (Slipped Ceramics, Excav & Survey) (2016)
    DATASET Keith Kintigh.

    Ceramic data on slipped ceramics from the Cibola Archaeological Research Project excavation and survey. Suzanne Eckert did the ceramic identifications.

  • CARP Ceramic Database (Utility, Excavation) (2017)
    DATASET Keith Kintigh.

    Utility Ceramic Counts for Cibola Archaeological Research Project excavations. Note corrugated grayware not differentiated by color (Gray, Intermediate, Buff-Orange).

  • CARP Fauna (2007)
    DATASET Tiffany Clark.

    Cibola Archaeological Research Project faunal database. 25,547 elements recorded.

  • CARP Macrobotanical Database (2016)
    DATASET Sarah Oas.

    Macrobotanical data from the Cibola Archaeological Project (CARP) collected during the summers of 1972 and 1973.

  • CARP Master Sample Sheet for Macrobotanical Database (2016)
    DATASET Sarah Oas.

    Master sample sheet for macrobotanical data from the Cibola Archaeological Project (CARP) collected during the summers of 1972 and 1973.

  • Cibola Plant Remains Macrobotanical Database (2017)
    DATASET Sarah Oas.

    The Cibola Plant Remains macrobotanical database consists of macrobotanical data gathered from reports of analyzed flotation and macrofossil samples from 19 excavation projects of settlements spanning the Pueblo II-IV periods (AD 900-1400) across the greater Cibola region.

  • Cibola Prehistory Project Integrated Ceramic Data (2017)
    DATASET Keith Kintigh.

    Integrated dataset of ceramic survey and excavation data from CARP, OBAP, HARP, ULCPP, EMVPP, and RCAP projects. Dataset has provenience, collection type, ceramic type and ceramic form. It has 45,995 entries representing 242,592 potsherds. This integrated database was created using the public integration at

  • Cibola Prehistory Project Tree Ring Dates (2015)
    DATASET Keith Kintigh.

    Tree ring dates from projects associated with the Cibola Prehistory Project

  • Cibola Prehistory Project Tree Ring Dates (2016)
    DATASET Keith Kintigh.

    Compiled tree ring samples for Cibola-area sites (American Southwest). Samples all processed by the Laboratory for Tree-Ring Research at the University of Arizona. Samples derived from Cibola Archaeological Research Project, Upper Little Colorado Prehistory Project, El Morro Valley Archaeology Project, Heshotauthla Archaeological Research Project, and Richard woodbury's 1950s excavations at Atsinna.

  • CPP - Correspondence of Cibola Prehistory Project Ceramic Coding Sheets (2016)
    DATASET Keith Kintigh.

    Correlation of different ceramic coding sheets used for the component projects

  • CPP Integrated Faunal Data (2019)
    DATASET Keith Kintigh.

    This is the integrated dataset created by the data integration It includes the combined results of the faunal analysis of all Cibola Prehistory Project projects: CARP, EMVPP, HARP, OBAP, RCAP, and ULCPP. SOme aggregation is done for burning and completeness but not for element or taxon. SOme variables were not included. The integration cited above can be copied and modified to get different aggregations or add additional variables. It includes...

  • EMVPP Ceramic Database (2016)
    DATASET Keith Kintigh.

    Classified ceramics from the El Morro Valley Prehistory Project, both survey and excavation.

  • EMVPP Fauna (2006)
    DATASET Tiffany Clark.

    EL Morro Valley Prehistory Project faunal database. All project fauna analyzed. Ca. 350 elements recorded.

  • EMVPP Macrobotanical Database (2016)
    DATASET Sarah Oas.

    Macrobotanical database from the El Morro Valley Prehistory Project (EMVPP) conducted in the El Morro Valley of New Mexico between 2000 and 2004.

  • EMVPP Obsidian Sourcing Data Table (2005)
    DATASET Steven Shackley.

    These samples were selected by Brandy Guthrie, an undergraduate at ASU for an unfinished honors thesis. They were selected from lithics collected during the 2003 field season and represent nearly all pieces of obsidian collected that year. The samples have been returned to their original bags along with a sample number and source information. Source information comes from Shackley 2005, a short report from the Berkeley Archaeological Laboratory.

  • HARP Excavation Ceramic Database (2016)
    DATASET Keith Kintigh. Suzanne Eckert.

    Ceramic data from the Heshotauthla Archaeological Research Project excavations at the site of Heshotauthla. Suzanne Eckert did the ceramic identifications.

  • HARP Fauna (1996)
    DATASET J. Homer Thiel.

    Heshotauthla Archaeological Research Project faunal database. All project fauna analyzed. Ca. 2100 elements recorded.

  • HARP Survey Ceramic Database (2016)
    DATASET Keith Kintigh. Suzanne Eckert.

    Ceramic data from the Heshotauthla Archaeological Research Project survey around the site of Heshotauthla. Suzanne Eckert did the ceramic identifications.

  • OBAP (Ojo Bonito) Fauna (1998)
    DATASET Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh

    Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project faunal database. 7275 elements recorded.

  • OBAP Ceramic Database (2016)
    DATASET Keith Kintigh.

    Classified ceramics from the Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project, both survey and excavation.

  • OBAP Macrobotanical Database (2016)
    DATASET Sarah Oas.

    Macrobotanical database for the Ojo Bonito Research Project.

  • RCAP Ceramic Database (2016)
    DATASET Suzanne Eckert. Keith Kintigh.

    Coded ceramics from the Rudd Creek Archaeological Project, Rudd Creek Pueblo.

  • RCAP Fauna (1998)
    DATASET Tiffany Clark.

    Rudd Creek Archaeological Project faunal database. Rudd Creek Pueblo dates from A.D. 1225 and 1300. Ca. 975 elements recorded. Corrected from original with one value for Bone Artifact value 20 (unfinished bone tool) changed to 21 (awl blank [halved bone]) to correspond with CARP Coding Sheet. Note comment says "halved radius"

  • RCAP Macrobotanical Database (2017)
    DATASET Sarah Oas.

    Macrobotanical database from the Rudd Creek Archaeological Project (RCAP).

  • ULCPP Ceramic Database (2016)
    DATASET Keith Kintigh. Andrew Duff.

    Coded ceramics from the Upper Little Colorado Prehistory Project survey and excavations at Rattlesnake Point Pueblo and Baca Pueblo.

  • ULCPP Fauna (2008)
    DATASET Tiffany Clark.

    Fauna Database from all project excavations. Ca 28,000 elements recorded.

  • ULCPP Macrobotanical Database (2017)
    DATASET Sarah Oas.

    Macrobotanical database from the Upper Little Colorado Prehistory Project (ULCPP)

  • Cibola Archaeological Research Project (CARP)
    PROJECT Steven LeBlanc. Patty Jo Watson. Charles Redman. National Science Foundation.

    This NSF-funded research project was directed by Patty Jo Watson, Steven LeBlanc, and Charles Redman. In the summers of 1972 and 1973 it accomplished survey and excavation in the El Morro Valley of New Mexico.

  • Cibola Prehistory Project (Project)
    PROJECT Keith Kintigh. Andrew Duff. Greg Schachner. Matthew Peeples. Todd Howell.

    Project for documents and data that pertain to more than one project among the following: El Morro Valley Prehistory Project, the Heshotauthla Archaeological Research Project, the Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project, and the Upper Little Colorado Prehistory Project directed by Keith Kintigh, the Cibola Archaeological Research Project directed by Patty Jo Watson, Steve LeBlanc, and Charles Redman, and the Rudd Creek Archaeological Project directed by Todd Howell.

  • El Morro Valley Prehistory Project (EMVPP)
    PROJECT Keith Kintigh. Greg Schachner. Keith Kintigh. Arizona State University (ASU).

    The El Morro Valley Prehistory Project conducted survey and excavation in the El Morro Valley of New Mexico between 1999 and 2004. This Arizona State University project was initially directed by Keith Kintigh and, in the final two season, co-directed by Gregson Schachner. Systematic survey was carried out in a number of locations across the valley. Excavations were focused on Los Gigantes, a post-Chacoan great house. Sites discovered and investigated were overwhelmingly late Pueblo III in...

  • Heshotauthla Archaeological Research Project (HARP)
    PROJECT Keith Kintigh. Arizona State University (ASU).

    The Heshotauthla Archaeological Research Project (HARP) did limited excavation at the Pueblo IV site of Heshotauthla and intensive systematic survey in the area of the site on the Zuni Indian Reservation. Excavation was limited to areas threatened by erosion and areas thought t have been previously excavated by the Hemenway Southwestern Archaeological Expedition in the late 1880s. HARP survey recorded 305 prehistoric and historic sites in 10.4 square kilometers, including a post-Chaocan great...

  • Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project (OBAP)
    PROJECT Keith Kintigh. Arizona State University (ASU). Arizona State Parks.

    A survey and excavation project directed by Keith Kintigh and executed from 1983 through 1994. Approximate 58km2 were surveyed and 560 sites were recorded. Substantial excavations were undertaken at the Hinkson Site great house complex and Jaralosa Pueblo. Test excavations were completed at H-Spear, a Chacoan Great House located by the project and Ojo Bonito Pueblo. The project took place on the ranch of Mrs. Everett (Mabel) Hinkson (deceased). Most of the project work was done as a part of...

  • Rudd Creek Archaeological Project (RCAP)
    PROJECT Arizona Game and Fish.

    The Rudd Creek Archaeological Project was an Arizona State University Summer Archaeological Field School Project, sponsored in part by Arizona Game and Fish. It resulted in an exhibit at the visitor center for the ranch.

  • Upper Little Colorado Prehistory Project (ULCPP)
    PROJECT Keith Kintigh. Andrew Duff. Arizona State Parks.

    The Upper Little Colorado Prehistory Project (ULCPP) is an Arizona State University Project that was in the field between 1992 and 1994. It included both ASU Summer Archaeological Field Schools and summer archaeology programs for K-12 teachers sponsored by a Heritage Fund Grant administered by Arizona State Parks. The project was based at Lyman Lake State Park. Excavation was accomplished at Rattlesnake Point Pueblo and Baca Pueblo both in Lyman Lake State Park. Some of the excavations at...

Ontologies Coding Sheets