Department of the Air Force Cultural Resources Archive


The Department of the Air Force (DAF) is charged by federal law and statutes to identify, evaluate, and protect important cultural and historical properties on DAF land for the benefit of this and future generations of Americans. In executing these mandates, DAF has produced several thousand professional quality monographs, reports, and studies that record valuable data and insights on our Nation’s history and prehistory, as reflected on our installations and ranges. The Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) has partnered with Digital Antiquity and Argonne National Laboratory to curate these resources in the Digital Archaeological Record (tDAR).

Since 2011, Digital Antiquity has worked with Air Force installations to establish a system for digitally curating DAF cultural resources documents and making those documents available to approved users. Installations have the ability to organize their file types in a way that is useful for their needs, while providing controlled levels of access to approved users.

This is the main collection for DAF. Here you can find collections of documents, data, images, and other digital information generated from and/or related to archaeological and other cultural resources and investigations on or nearby DAF facilities. The collection was created by the Center for Digital Antiquity in cooperation with US Air Force, US Space Force, and Air National Guard Cultural Resources Management personnel.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1,901-2,000 of 7,782)

Holloman Air Force Base Resources
  1. Pritch Site (HAR-007/LA 99633) Disturbance Cultural Resource Investigation Holloman Air Force Base, Otero County, New Mexico (1995)
  2. Projectile Points, Potsherds, Horseshoes, and Hand Grenades Evidence of the Human Legacy on Holloman Air Force Base from a Cultural Resource Sample Survey, Otero County, New Mexico (1999)
  3. Property of the U.S. Government Return to White Sands Missile Range Environmental Cultural Resources Inventory Survey for the Holloman Air Force Base Commercial Vehicle Route (2006)
  4. Rams Procedural Manual (1982)
  5. RAMS Security Surveillance System Cultural Resource Survey White Sands Missile Range Sierra County, New Mexico (1996)
  6. RATSCAT Fiber Optics Cable Upgrade Cultural Resource Survey White Sands Missile Range, Otero County, New Mexico (1997)
  7. Reach for the Sky: The Military Architectural Legacy of Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, 1941 to 1961 (1994)
  8. Recommended National Register Status of Cold War-Era Buildings to be affected by the proposed relocation of the F-16 Flying Training Unit (FTU) to Holloman AFB (HAFB), New Mexico (NM) (2011)
  9. Red Rio I: An Archaeological Survey of 1,280 acres Near Chupadera Mesa, White Sands Missile Range, Socorro County, New Mexico (1985)
  10. Red Rio II: An Archaeological Survey of 2,280 acres Near Chupadera Mesa, White Sands Missile Range, Socorro County, New Mexico (1986)
  11. Report of Historic Status Aeromedical Complex Buildings 1200, 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1205, and 1206 (2016)
  12. Report of Historic Status Air Force Research Laboratory Balloon Operations Center Building 850 (2016)
  13. Report on Historic Status Building 1102 Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico (2013)
  14. Research and Work Plan: Data Recovery Investigations at Seven Archaeological Sites in the Proposed Atlas Photovoltaic Development Footprint, Holloman Air Force Base, Otero County, New Mexico (2015)
  15. Research Design and Work Plan: Data Recovery Investigations at Seven Archaeological Sites in the Proposed Atlas Photovoltaic Development Footprint, Holloman Air Force Base, Otero County, New Mexico (2015)
  16. Resources Impact Survey for the Mare Tank F-16 Mishap, Sierra County, NM (2016)
  17. Resurvey of 27 Archaeological Sites on the Red Rio Bombing Range, Socorro County, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico (1995)
  18. Review of Archaeological Photographs: Cinetheodolite Towers (1997)
  19. "Routine Training Flight" The Legacy of World War II Aircraft Training Accidents at Alamogordo Army Air Field, New Mexico (2000)
  20. Runway 22 Communications Cable Cultural Resource Survey Holloman Air Force Base, Otero County, New Mexico (1994)
  21. San Andreas Tank and Well Fence Previous Survey Documentation Holloman Air Force Base, Otero County, New Mexico (1993)
  22. Scope of Services Class III Cultural Resources Inventory Holloman Air Force Base, Otero County, New Mexico (2023)
  23. Scope of Work Documents for McGregor Range (Fort Bliss), NM (1999)
  24. Scope of Work for Artifact Analyses Site 67591 and IO 48 Holloman Test Track, Holloman Air Force Base, Otero County, New Mexico (2023)
  25. Scope of Work for Limited Testing Site LA 67591 and IO 48 Hollman Test Track, Holloman Air Force Base, Otero County, New Mexico (2023)
  26. A Sea of Sand: The White Sands Dune Field Cultural Resources Survey Holloman Air Force Base Otero County, New Mexico (1997)
  27. Section 110 Identification and Evaluation of Archaeological Sites at Weapons Impact Area, Oscura Range, Lincoln County, New Mexico Lands Administered by Holloman Air Force Base (2020)
  28. Section 110 Identification and Evaluation of Archaeological Sites at Weapons Impact Area, Oscura Range, Lincoln County, New Mexico Lands Administered by Holloman Air Force Base (2020)
  29. Security Police ATV Training Area Cultural Resource Survey Holloman Air Force Base, Otero County, New Mexico (1992)
  30. Sewer Effluent Line Trailer Pad and Parking Area Cultural Resource Survey Holloman Air Force Base, Otero County, New Mexico (1994)
  31. SHPO Correspondence A Sea of Sand: The White Sands Dune Field Cultural Resources Survey Holloman Air Force Base Otero County, New Mexico (1997)
  32. SHPO Correspondence for Lake Holloman Survey (1994-005) and the Main Base and West Area Survey (1004-006) on Holloman Air Force Base (1994)
  33. SHPO Correspondence National Historic Preservation Art (NHPA) Section 106 Compliance for Construction of a New Target Complex (NTC) on Otero Mesa, Fort Bliss (1998)
  34. SHPO Correspondence regarding A Class III Cultural Resource Inventory of 45 Parcels on Holloman AFB, New Mexico (1987)
  35. SHPO Correspondence regarding All Terrain Vehicle Course and Medical Clinic at Holloman Air Force Base (1987)
  36. SHPO correspondence regarding Archeological Clearance (NMSU/PRI Complex) (1988)
  37. SHPO Correspondence regarding Archeological Survey of Proposed Locations for a Wastewater Treatment Plant Near Holloman Air Force Base, Otero County, New Mexico (1993)
  38. SHPO Correspondence Regarding Archeological Testing at the Fairchild Site (LA 45732), Otero County, New Mexico (1983)
  39. SHPO Correspondence regarding final reports dealing with the Red Rio Bombing Range (1996)
  40. SHPO Correspondence regarding Four Proposed Construction Projects at Holloman Air Force Base (1988)
  41. SHPO Correspondence regarding Holloman Air Force Base Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) (1996)
  42. SHPO Correspondence regarding I Never Left a Place That I Didn't Clean Up (1994)
  43. SHPO Correspondence regarding NRHP Eligibility Evaluation for the South Main Base and High Speed Test Track Sites (1997)
  44. SHPO Correspondence regarding Rapid Runway Repair Exercise (1987)
  45. SHPO Correspondence regarding RATSCAT Environmental Assessment (1987)
  46. SHPO Correspondence regarding Red Rio Live Bombing Area (1992)
  47. SHPO Correspondence regarding Test Facility North Project and Large Scale Winged Target Facility, Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico (1988)
  48. SHPO Correspondence regarding Water Quality Drilling Project (1987)
  49. SHPO Correspondence: Construction Projects at Holloman Air Force Base (1989)
  50. SHPO Memo for Cultural Resources Publication "Full Moral and Material Strength" (HAFB No. 3) (1997)
  51. SHPO: Section 106 Consultation, Atlas Photovoltaic Control-Communication Line Project, Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico (2017)
  52. Site Forms for North Area, Tularosa Peak, and Boles Wells Cultural Resources Survey, Holloman Air Force Base, Otero County, New Mexico. (1995)
  53. Site Forms: Interim Report for the NRHP Eligibility Evaluation and Data Recovery Investigations at 13 Archaeological Sites in the Proposed Atlas Photovoltaic Development Footprint, Holloman Air Force Base Otero County, New Mexico (2014)
  54. Site Record for LA 105080 (2000)
  55. Site Record for Site 10,013 (1979)
  56. Site Record for Site FB-9942 (1979)
  57. Site Record LA 100170 (1995)
  58. Site Record LA 100705 (1993)
  59. Site Record LA 102577 (1993)
  60. Site Record LA 102578 (1993)
  61. Site Record LA 104242 (1996)
  62. Site Record LA 104243 (1996)
  63. Site Record LA 104244 (1996)
  64. Site Record LA 104245 (2015)
  65. Site Record LA 104246 (1993)
  66. Site Record LA 104247 (2023)
  67. Site Record LA 104248 (1993)
  68. Site Record LA 104249 (1996)
  69. Site Record LA 104250 (1993)
  70. Site Record LA 104251 (1993)
  71. Site Record LA 104252 (2015)
  72. Site Record LA 104253 (1996)
  73. Site Record LA 104254 (2000)
  74. Site Record LA 104255 (1996)
  75. Site Record LA 104256 (1996)
  76. Site Record LA 104257 (2015)
  77. Site Record LA 104258 (2015)
  78. Site Record LA 104270 (2000)
  79. Site Record LA 104274 (1994)
  80. Site Record LA 105442 (1996)
  81. Site Record LA 106843 (1994)
  82. Site Record LA 106844 (1994)
  83. Site Record LA 106845 (1994)
  84. Site Record LA 106846 (1994)
  85. Site Record LA 106854 (1994)
  86. Site Record LA 107798 (2023)
  87. Site Record LA 111244 (1995)
  88. Site Record LA 67583 (2015)
  89. Site Record LA 67591 (2015)
  90. Site Record LA 67594 (2015)
  91. Site Record LA 75258 (2015)
  92. Site Record LA 89412 (1993)
  93. Site Record LA 89413 (1992)
  94. Site Record LA 89414 (1992)
  95. Site Record LA 99318 (1996)
  96. Site Record LA 99445 (1982)
  97. Site Record LA 99446 (2015)
  98. Site Record LA 99457 (2023)
  99. Site Record LA 99633 (1982)
  100. Site Record LA 99634 (1996)