Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.

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The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 19,401-19,500 of 21,939)

  1. Technological styles and production practices in the Río Grande de San Juan Basin (Argentinean-Bolivian border) during the Late Intermediate Period (2015)
  2. Technological Transmission between Different Levels of Specialization in Proto-historic NE Asia (2019)
  3. Technological variability and Change in the Lithic Assemblages from M5 at Dmanisi, Republic of Georgia (2016)
  4. Technological variability in ceramics of the Neolithic to Early Bronze Age transition at Phaistos, Crete: an integrated approach (2015)
  6. Technological Variability in Woodland and Plains Village Period Ceramics from Central and Eastern North Dakota (2015)
  7. Technological variability of pottery in long-term perspective: a case of the Neolithic settlement at Bylany (Czech Republic) (2016)
  8. Technological, Typological and Forensic Analysis of the Small Finds from the Early Middle Paleolithic Beds at Tabun Cave, Israel. (2015)
  9. Technologies and the State: analyzing the impact of economic growth through archaeological science (2017)
  10. Technologies of Clay: Pottery, Architecture, and the Transformation of Mud in the Atacama Desert (South-Central Andes) (2018)
  11. Technologies of replication in Maya figurines (2017)
  12. Technologies of Surveillance, Technologies of Care? Colonial Census, Biopolitics, and Networks of Surveillance in Southern Guatemala (2024)
  13. Technology and Social identity on the North Coast of Peru (2018)
  14. The Technology and Trade of Glass in SE Europe: Analysis of 12th-9th c. BC beads from Lofkënd and Methone (2015)
  15. Technology and Typology in the Upper Gila: Flaked Stone from the 3-Up and Fornholt Sites, Mule Creek, New Mexico (2015)
  16. Technology Compilation in View (2023)
  17. The Technology of Aztec Featherworking: Glyphic Clues in the Florentine Codex (2015)
  18. The Technology of Capturing Color: Complementary Analyses of Pigment Cakes and Chalks (2019)
  19. The Technology of Metallurgy and Evolving Views of Its Development in Prehistoric Thailand (2019)
  20. Technology on the Move: The Influence of Mobility on Pottery Production on the Ancient Russian Steppe (2019)
  21. Technology transfer, Variability, and Adaptation of Glass Production in Colonial Mexico: Preliminary Results from a Local and Global Perspective (2017)
  22. Technology, subsistence and territoriality: changing patterns in the middle to late Holocene on the Central Brazilian plateau (2015)
  23. Tecnología cerámica, análisis petrográfico y técnicas arqueometricas en cerámicas policromas de las fronteras de Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy, Argentina (2018)
  24. Tecnología lítica y movilidad durante el poblamiento temprano del Desierto de Atacama Meridional (Chile) (2017)
  25. Tectonic Origin of Desert Wetlands at Pozuelo, Peru (2024)
  26. Teeth as tools: Paramasticatory dental modifications reflecting habitual behavior in the Danube Gorges, Serbia (9500 - 5500 B.C.) (2015)
  27. The Teeth Tell All: Dentition, Demography, and Paleopathology at Early Classical Mayan Site of Tulix Muul, Belize (2018)
  28. Tehuelche (Aonikenk) site variability during XIXth to XXIst century in Southern Patagonia (Argentina and Chile) (2016)
  29. A Tehuelche/Aonikenk Camp on the Northern Bank of the Middle Course of the Gallegos River (Santa Cruz Province, Patagonia, Argentina): Implications for the Use of Space in Historical Moments (2024)
  30. Tektaş Burnu: the Process of Rendering a Period-Accurate Model of a Classical Greek Shipwreck (2016)
  31. Tel Esur: Summary of Fourteen Seasons of Excavations and a Long-Lasting Community Archaeology Project (2024)
  32. Telepresence Enabled Maritime Archaeology (2018)
  33. "Tell me what you are eating and I tell you who are you": Differences in Subsistence Systems of Elite and Non-Elite Gamo Society of the Ethiopia Highlands during Historical Times (2018)
  34. Tell Yunatsite, Southern Bulgaria: New Insights on the Fifth millennium BC in the Balkans (2021)
  35. Telling Localized Indigenous Histories of Trade through AMS Dating and Bayesian Chronological Modeling in Southern Ontario, Canada (2019)
  36. Tello and Carrión Cachot on Recuay Culture: A Visual Archaeology (2018)
  37. Temper, Temper: Variability in Ceramic Paste Recipes at a Mississippian/Protohistoric Village in Northeastern Mississippi (2017)
  38. The Tempest: geoarchaeological investigations into the effects of a hurricane on a submerged prehistoric archaeological site, Apalachee Bay, Florida, U.S.A. (2017)
  39. The Temple of the Inscriptions at Palenque: Improving Architectural Analysis, Conservation Assessment, and Public Dissemination via Terrestrial LiDAR and 3-D Mapping (2019)
  40. Temple, Tavern, and Table: Zooarchaeology at the Area Sacra di Sant'Omobono from the 7th century BCE to the 13th century CE (2015)
  41. The Temples of the Classical Kingdom of Bagan, Myanmar: The Bundling of Royalty, Religion, and People (2019)
  42. Templo Mayor and Representations of the Flower World: agriculture, fire, sacrifice, death, rebirth, and imperialistic agendas (2019)
  43. Templo Mayor’s Gold (2015)
  45. Temporal and Spatial Liminality in Early Bronze Age Central Europe: A Bioarchaeological Analysis of a Mierzanowice Culture Cemetery (2016)
  46. Temporal and Spatial Variability in Pre-Aksumite Lithics from Mezber, NE. Ethiopia: Social and Economic Implications (2017)
  47. Temporal and Spatial Variability in Roosevelt Red Ware Painted Decoration (2015)
  48. Temporal and Spatial Variability of Mortuary Assemblages at Los Guachimontones, Jalisco, Mexico (2016)
  49. Temporal Changes in Obsidian Procurement Strategy during the Upper Paleolithic on Hokkaido (2019)
  50. Temporal Changes in Wall Trench Structures at the Upper Mississippian Village of Noble-Wieting, McLean County, Illinois (2019)
  51. Temporal Continuity in the Petrified Forest Expansion Lands (2019)
  52. Temporal Patterns in Diet and Population Movement within Greater Cahokia (2019)
  53. Temporal Persistence of Spear-Thrower Use in Uruguay: Evidence from the Late Pleistocene and Late Holocene (2024)
  54. Temporal Reasoning and Visualization across Periodized Archaeological Datasets: The Potential of the PeriodO Gazetteer (2021)
  55. Temporal Studies of Salmon Isotopes at Temyiq Tuyuryaq (2019)
  56. Temporal Trends in Reliance on Maize among Ancestral Huron-Wendat Villages, as reflected in δ13C from Human Enamel (2015)
  57. “Temporal, temporal, allá viene el temporal”: Memory, Disaster, and Change in Puerto Rico (2023)
  58. Temporalities of Disaster Taphonomy: A Contemporary Archaeological Case Study in Southern Puerto Rico (2024)
  59. Temporalities of Middle Bronze Age Cemeteries in Transylvania (2024)
  60. Temporary Aggregation Sites in the Past: Are They Really So Strange and Anomalous? (2019)
  61. Ten Right-Sided Sheep Femora and Other Peculiarities: What To Make of the Arch Street Faunal Assemblage (2019)
  62. Ten Years Later: A Study of Basketmaker III Black-on-white Bowl Motifs in the Four Corners Region (2019)
  63. Ten Years of DINAA: Lessons for Archaeological Methods, Practice, and Ethics from a Decade of Experience Compiling, Organizing, and Publishing Data with the Digital Index of North American Archaeology (2024)
  64. The Tenaxpi Egg: Ecology, Representation, and Conceptual Convergence in Olmec Art (2021)
  66. Tennessee Valley Authority Conservation and Management Initiatives at Painted Bluff, Alabama (2015)
  67. Tenochtitlan: A Cultural History of Water (2017)
  68. The Tension between Standardization and Regionalism in Cord-Keeping in Tawantinsuyu (2018)
  69. Tent City and Midden Islands: Spatial Organization and Domestic Architecture at the Eleventh-Century Los Batanes (Southern Peru) (2023)
  70. A Tenuous Prize: Archaeology of the Inka Conquest of Northern Highland Ecuador (2024)
  71. Teotihuacan and Its Interregional Interactions during the Epiclassic Period: New Data from the Suburban Neighborhood of Hacienda Metepec (2024)
  72. Teotihuacan and post-Teotihuacan Writing in the Central Highlands as seen from NW Oaxaca and Southern Puebla (2015)
  73. Teotihuacan at Night: Lighting a Prehispanic City (2017)
  74. Teotihuacan Influence in the Maya Area as Documented by Archaeological Fieldwork and Museum Collections (2017)
  75. Teotihuacan References Found within Classic Maya Inscriptions (2018)
  76. Teotihuacan Sound Mapping: Exploring the Sonic Sphere of the City of the Gods (2021)
  77. Teotihuacan Style in Maya Stone: New Evidence from La Sufricaya (2023)
  78. Teotihuacan, Chichen Itza, and a Cautionary Tale of Corporate Commerce (2024)
  79. Teotihuacán: Retos Actuales en la Protección de su Patrimonio Arqueológico (2024)
  80. Tephrostratigraphic Correlation and Ceramic Seriation in Bayesian Calibration: A Case Study from Coastal Ecuador (2021)
  81. "Teposcolula Viejo, Yucundaa, Oaxaca", Un proyecto Novedoso e Interdisciplinario, Modelo de Co-Participación Gubernamental y Privada en México (2018)
  82. Terminal Classic Ancestors and the Eastern Shrine of Chikin Chi’Ha, Belize (2021)
  83. Terminal Classic Chert Use at Nohmul, Belize (2017)
  84. Terminal Classic Maya Political Organization from the Perspective of a Secondary Site Cochuah Region, Quintana Roo (2016)
  85. Terminal Classic Practices Reflected in Diet and Geolocation: The B-4 Peri-abandonment Deposit at Xunantunich, Belize (2021)
  86. Terminal Classic Residential Groups at Holtun, Guatemala (2018)
  87. Terminal Classic Ritual Deposits and Reoccupation at Xunantunich, Belize (2023)
  88. Terminal Classic Terminal Deposits at Chan, Belize (2018)
  89. Terminal Classic to Early Contact Period Obsidian in the Petén Lakes Region: Inter- and Intra-Site Variation of Raw Materials (2016)
  90. Terminal Deposits and Terminal Classic Collapse: An Analysis of the Proportional Distribution of Artifacts from Terminal Deposition Events at the Site of Baking Pot, Belize (2018)
  91. Terminal Pleistocene and Early Holocene Exploitation of Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in the Bonneville Basin (2023)
  92. Terminal Pleistocene and early Holocene settlements in West Turkana (northern Kenya): New radiocarbon dates (2017)
  93. Terminal Pleistocene and Holocene Adaptive Strategies at the Paisley Caves, Oregon (2018)
  94. Terminal Pleistocene Climate Change and Shifting Paleoindian Landscapes in North Florida (2018)
  95. Terminal Pleistocene Depositional Patterns and their Hypothesized Impact on Human Populations in the Middle Atlantic Region, USA (2016)
  96. Terminal Pleistocene Foraging Societies in the Nile Valley (2015)
  97. Terminal Pleistocene Human Occupations in the North Pacific Basin of Alaska: Results and Implications of Test Excavation at Nataeł Na’ (2023)
  98. Terminal Pleistocene Lithic Technology and Adaptation from Bulbula River B1s4 Site, Ziway-Shala Basin, Ethiopia (2017)
  100. Terminal Pleistocene-Early Holocene occupation span and technological provisioning strategies at pluvial Lake Mojave, California (2017)