Society for American Archaeology
This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.
Presenters can access and upload their presentations for FREE. If you would like to upload your presentation, please click here to find out more.
The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.
Site Name Keywords
44CE0085 •
La Quemada •
Nevada •
Alta Vista •
ontario •
Gordion •
Ceren •
El Teúl •
Las Ventanas •
Site Type Keywords
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Non-Domestic Structures •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Archaeological Feature •
Domestic Structures •
Settlements •
Rock Art •
Agricultural or Herding •
Ball Court •
Artifact Scatter
Other Keywords
Historic •
Zooarchaeology •
Cultural Resources and Heritage Management •
Maya: Classic •
Ceramic Analysis •
Material Culture and Technology •
Landscape Archaeology •
Subsistence and Foodways •
Historical Archaeology •
Bioarchaeology/Skeletal Analysis
Culture Keywords
Historic •
Ancestral Puebloan •
Historic Native American •
Mogollon •
Woodland •
Archaic •
Euroamerican •
Spanish •
PaleoIndian •
Investigation Types
Heritage Management •
Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis •
Collections Research •
Archaeological Overview •
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Systematic Survey •
Architectural Documentation •
Reconnaissance / Survey •
Ethnographic Research •
Ethnohistoric Research
Material Types
Ceramic •
Fauna •
Chipped Stone •
Macrobotanical •
Building Materials •
Human Remains •
Metal •
Wood •
Dating Sample •
Ground Stone
Temporal Keywords
Civil War •
Mimbres Classic period •
Ancestral Puebloan / Sedentary through Classic Period •
19th Century •
Historic •
Magdalenian •
1880-1920 •
Pueblo I and II •
Postclassic •
Geographic Keywords
North America (Continent) •
United States of America (Country) •
Belize (Country) •
USA (Country) •
United Mexican States (Country) •
Republic of Panama (Country) •
Republic of El Salvador (Country) •
Netherlands Antilles (Country) •
Aruba (Country) •
Republic of Guatemala (Country)
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 201-300 of 21,939)
- Addressing NAGPRA, Contamination, and Policy in Museums (2024)
- Addressing Objects in Limbo: Using Digital Resources to Increase Access to Native American Material Culture (2019)
- Addressing Surface Site Palimpsests with GIS and Lithic Technology (2015)
- Addressing Taphonomic Complications in the Use of Archaeological Radiocarbon Assemblages as Population Proxies: A Case Study in the Bonneville Basin (2021)
- Addressing the Challenges of Developing a Standardized System for the Morphological and Functional Analysis of Archaeological Pottery (2015)
- Addressing the Curation Crisis through Research in University Legacy Collections (2015)
- Addressing the Inevitable: Site Preservation Efforts in the Face of Global Climate Change (2019)
- Addressing Today’s Issues with Yesterday’s Tools (2018)
- Admixture in the pre-Columbian Caribbean (2015)
- aDNA analysis of prehistoric salmon remains at Housepit54 (2024)
- Adobe and Sod: Recent Results from a Multi-instrument Geophysical Survey at Fort Larned National Historic Site, Kansas (2024)
- Adolf Bandelier’s 1892-1894 Expedition to the Central Coast of Peru (2017)
- Adolph Bandelier’s Legacy in the Lake Titicaca Basin: Tiwanaku and Qeya Ceramic Style (2018)
- The Adoption of Agriculture in the Tehuacan Valley, Mexico: Stable Isotope Data for 10,000 Years of Environmental and Dietary Change (2023)
- Adoption of Ceramic Technology: Case Study from Incipient Jomon of Southern Kyushu (ca. 13,500/14,000 – 12,000 cal yr BP) (2015)
- Adorning Localities: An Investigation of Shell Beads in Holocene Southwestern Madagascar (2023)
- ADS 3D Viewer: an example of open 3D real-time visualization system in archaeology (2015)
- Advanced AMS 14C Dating of Contaminated Bones Associated with North American Clovis and Pre-Clovis Butchering Sites (2018)
- Advanced GIS applications for bioarchaeology: methods and case studies (2016)
- Advanced Imaging of Saudi Arabian Petroglyphs: How Science Informs Art. (2017)
- Advanced Spatial Documentation of Cultural Resources at Southern Arizona National Parks (2015)
- Advances and changes in the surveying and mapping of Guatemalan archaeology aided by new information technologies (2015)
- Advances and Prospects in the Archaeological Sciences on the 40th Anniversary of the Society for Archaeological Sciences (II) (2018)
- Advances in Mineral Characterization of the Late Horizon Pottery from Incahuasi, Cañete (2019)
- Advances in Strategic Cultural Resources Support from the Air Force Civil Engineer Center and Argonne National Laboratory (2024)
- Advances in Technological Studies of Northern Chile Ceramics: Petrography and Geochemistry of Fabrics and Paintings (Iluga Túmulos, Tarapacá) (2023)
- Advances in the Study Archaeological Ceramics of the Epiclassic-Early Postclassic Basin of Mexico (2019)
- Advances in the Understanding and Interpretation of Ceramic Offering Caches in Great Kiva Contexts (2024)
- Advances in Viking Archaeology: Aligning Data, Theory, and the Interdisciplinary Perspective (2016)
- Advances in World-Systems Analysis in Mesoamerica (2024)
- The Advantages of Landscape-Scale Cultural Assessments for Public Land Management (2023)
- Adventures of the Mountain Hare: An Ancient DNA Study (2019)
- Adversaries and Ancestors: A Comparison of Two Skull Caches from Northwest Honduras (2024)
- Advertising the Empire: Purépecha Strategies in the Imperial Heartland at Angamuco, Michoacán (2017)
- Advocacy for Archaeology: How Does a 35-Year Effort End Up in Failure and What to Do about It? (2023)
- Advocating for the Morrow Jones Cabin: Archaeological Investigations at a Historic Homestead (2017)
- Adzes in Focus: A 2D vs. 3D Geometric Morphometric Analysis of Dalton Artifacts. (2024)
- Aeolian Geoforming at a Preceramic Mound in Coastal Peru (2017)
- Aerial Drone Photogrammetry of Aboveground Mortuary Architecture in the Amazonian Andes (2023)
- Aerial Imaging Using UAVs (Drones) in Chihuahua and Nayarit, Mexico, to Map and Archive Archaeological Sites (2018)
- Aerial Mapping Approaches for Long-Term Monitoring of Heritage Landscapes Impacted by Climate Change (2023)
- The Aesthetics and Poetics of Infrastructures in Ancient Andean Urbanism (2024)
- Afanasievo Settlement Archaeology in the Altai Republic (2024)
- The Aferlife of Archaeometry; the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Database Project (2015)
- Affective Foundations: The Dissolution of Human Sacrifice under the Western Zhou, 1046-771 BC (2021)
- Affectual Ecosystems of Color: Pigments and the Co-creation of Power in the Chaco World (2023)
- Affording Archaeology: How the Cost of Field School Keeps Archaeology Exclusive (2019)
- The Afghanistan Cultural Heritage Education Program: A Collaborative, International Education Model (2018)
- African American Community Building on Mulberry Island, Virginia during the “Jim Crow” Era (2024)
- African Ancestry or Neanderthal-Human Genetic Admixture in Eurasians? African Diversity Matters. (2017)
- African and Afro-Caribbean Cultural Identity, Vessel Function, and Inter-island Connectedness in Eighteenth- to Nineteenth-Century St. Croix, US Virgin Islands (2021)
- African Archaeology and the Ancestral Maya World (2023)
- The African Humid Period: Paleolimnological and Paleoecological Evidence (2018)
- African Power Plays: Inland Beads, Shells, and Shell Beads in Tanzania, AD 700-1350 (2016)
- The African-Caribbean Landscape of Wallblake Estate, Anguilla (2018)
- Afro-Caribbean Ceramics of St. Croix: The Intersection of Clay Sourcing Analyses and Afro-Crucian Heritage (2023)
- Afrocolonial Archaeology in Panama: La Villa de Santiago del Principe, the first free African peoples of the Americas (2015)
- After 3,000 years, the enduring site of Potrero Mendieta is still overlooking the Jubones River Basin (2016)
- After Dark: The Nocturnal Urban Landscape of Great Zimbabwe (2019)
- After Monumentality: The Late Paracas Component at the Site of Campanayuq Rumi in the Peruvian South-Central Highlands (2024)
- After the Crisis: Epigraphic Data on Political and Cultural Developments in the Maya Lowlands 800–1000 CE (2023)
- After the Dissolution: The Second Life of Monastic Stones (2016)
- After the Ice Age in the Ozarks (2019)
- After the War: An Analysis of the Mortality of American Soldiers from the Last Century (2017)
- The Afterlife in Exile: Butterfly Imagery on Teotihuacan-style Censers from the Pacific Coast of Guatemala (2017)
- The Afterlife of a Desert Estate: The Qasr Complex at al-Ḥumayma, Southern Jordan at the Turn of the Second Millennium AD (2024)
- The Afterlife of Feasts: Feasting and Ritualized Deposition in the Middle Woodland Tidewater (2024)
- The Afterlife of Pacatnamu: From Looting to Curanderismo (2024)
- The Afterlife of the Charnel Chapel at Rothwell (Northamptonshire, UK) (2017)
- The Afterlife of the Discovery of a Lifetime: Preservation of the Maya Murals of San Bartolo, Guatemala (2019)
- The Aftermath of Colonization: Wichita Subsistence Change in the Southern Plains (2021)
- Against the Alienability of Archaeology (2023)
- An Agate Basin Point from Michoacán, Mexico (2023)
- Agave Bloom Stalk Ovens in the Southern Chihuahuan Desert (2019)
- Agave Roasting Pits of the Mescalero Apache (2019)
- The Age and Distribution of the Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris ) in Tennessee and the Southeastern U.S. (2016)
- The Age and Function of Slab-Lined Stone Features Associated with a Fremont Foraging-Farming Landscape in Cub Creek, Dinosaur National Monument, Northeastern Utah (2023)
- Age and Sex Composition of Zooarchaeological Measurements via Bayesian Mixture Models (2016)
- Age Estimation Using Dental Development and Long Bone Length for the Children in the Late Classic Copan Maya Civilization (2023)
- Age of Heroes: elite warfare during the Eurasian Bronze Age (2016)
- Age-at-Death Estimations from Helton Mound 20 (2017)
- Ageing, childhood and social identity in the early Neolithic of central Europe (2016)
- Agelah and the Powershot: Digital Possibilities for Alternate Ways of Knowing in Archaeology (2017)
- Agency and Pilgrimage in a Living Landscape: Contemporary Lacandon Maya Visits to Ancient Ruins (2023)
- Agency of Access: Public Architecture in Mesa Verde National Park (2015)
- The Agency of Flowing Water in Human Mobility and Interaction (2018)
- The Agency of Monsoons in South Asia (2018)
- Agency, Structure and the Neo-Liberal Turn (2017)
- Agent Based Modeling (ABM) Approaches to Understanding Prehistoric Forager Ecology in Tokelau (2015)
- Agent Based Modelling on the origins of the sexual division of labour (2015)
- Agent Based Models of Ache Foraging and Grouping (2015)
- An Agent-Based Disaster Model: Marginality, Decision-Making, and Novel Resource Exploitation during ENSO Flooding Events in Chicama, Peru (2019)
- An Agent-Based Model to Explore the Relationship between Archaeological Assemblages, Past Social Networks, and Cultural Dynamics (2021)
- The Ages of Stemmed and Fluted Points in the Northwestern Plains and Rocky Mountains (2019)
- Aging and Funerary Practices at Monte Alban, Mexico (2018)
- Aging Mandibular Bison Teeth with ArcGIS (2017)
- Agouti commensalism? An open question in the prehistoric Lesser Antilles, West Indies (2017)
- Agrarian Landscapes of coastal Croatia: a view from Nadin-Gradina (2017)
- Agricultura ancestral y dinámica social en Quito desde el Formativo hasta la República Temprana (2021)
- Agricultural Diversification, Perennials and Complex Societies in Mesopotamia and the Yellow River (2017)