Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.

Presenters can access and upload their presentations for FREE. If you would like to upload your presentation, please click here to find out more.

The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 20,701-20,800 of 21,939)

  1. Using Adaptive Capacity to Assess the Water Management System of Koh Ker, Cambodia (2016)
  2. Using Aerial Remote Sensing to Assess Error and Uncertainty in Archaeological Site Mapping (2017)
  3. Using Agent-Based Modeling to Study Constraints on the Social Learning of Lithic Technology (2018)
  4. Using Agent-Based Models to Explore How Behavior Affects Archaeological Networks (2024)
  5. Using Analytical Nodules to Assess the Integrity of Paleoindian Surface Lithic Scatters in Eastern Nevada (2016)
  6. Using Ancient Plant Macroremains to Understand Resource Consumption in the Past and Present (2017)
  7. Using Archaeobotany and Historical Archaeology to Identify the Influence of Early English Science on Southeastern Plantation Development (2024)
  8. Using Archaeogeophysical and 3D Laser Surveying to Visualize an Integrated Landscape (2015)
  9. Using Archaeological and Genomic Data to Investigate the Evolutionary History of Celiac Disease (2017)
  10. Using archaeological data and historic documents to reconstruct a colonial landscape (2015)
  11. Using Archaeological Training to Help Tribal Communities (2019)
  12. Using Archaeology to Pursue Social Justice at Punta Laguna, Mexico (2016)
  13. Using ArchaMap to Help Datasets Talk to Each Other: A Case Study from Southwest Archaeology (2024)
  14. Using Architectural Sculpture to Think about Center and Periphery in the Puuc Region (2019)
  15. Using ArcMap to Create a Database for an Historic Cemetery in Northeast Pennsylvania (2018)
  16. Using Augmented Reality to Increase Collections Access: Examples from the University of Saskatchewan Archaeological Collections (2019)
  17. Using Avifaunal Trends to Evaluate Environmental Shifts on the Eurasian Forest-Steppe with the Expansion of Agropastoralism (2019)
  18. Using Barn Owl (Tyto alba) Pellets to Build Environmental Profiles: A 1,500-Year-Old Record from Barn Owl Cave, Santa Barbara Island, California, USA (2019)
  19. Using Bayesian Radiocarbon Chronologies in Conjunction with Artifact Inventories to Reconstruct the Timing and Formation of Peri-abandonment Deposits at Baking Pot, Belize (2018)
  21. Using Building Information Modeling Programs to Understand the Built Environment of the Virgin Branch Puebloan Culture (2015)
  22. Using C and N stable isotopes in ostrich eggshells to develop paleoenvironmental records for Late Pleistocene East African rock shelter sequences (2017)
  23. Using Compound Specific Isotope Analysis of Amino Acids to Distinguish Aquatic and Terrestrial Diets of Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherers in Southern Sweden (2023)
  24. Using computer models and art stylistic similarities to evaluate the impacts of geography and social processes on Magdalenian social networks (2015)
  25. Using Computer Vision and Deep Learning Algorithms to Predict Pottery Types: An Example Using Ancestral Pueblo Pottery from the Central Mesa Verde Region (2021)
  26. Using Computerized X-ray Tomography to track rates of Agricultural Domestication using Seed coat Thickness (2017)
  27. Using cremain weight from a Bronze Age cemetery in Eastern Hungary as an indicator of sex (2016)
  28. Using Cryptotephra in Archaeology: Precise Correlations and Improved Age Estimates (2019)
  29. Using Debitage Analysis, MANA, and Landscape Utilization to Illuminate the Archaic-Early Woodland Transition in Western New York (2018)
  30. Using Digital Data for a Landscape Approach at Fort Campbell, Kentucky and Tennessee (2019)
  31. Using Digital Technologies to Enhance Public Interpretation and Increase Access at Booker T. Washington National Monument (2023)
  32. Using Digitized Archaeological Literature as Big Data: Lessons from Using Open-Source Software to Text Mine Archaeological Site Numbers and Citation Information from JSTOR across the United States and Canada for the Digital Index of North American Archaeology (DINAA) (2023)
  33. Using DNA to Connect Living People to Enslaved Ironworkers at Catoctin Furnace (2024)
  34. Using Drones for Exploring the Links between Vegetation and Traditional Archaeological Survey: An Example from Arizona (2018)
  35. Using Environmental DNA to Examine Human-Animal Interactions on the California Channel Islands (2016)
  36. Using Ethnoarchaeology to Identify Spatial Patterns of Behavior in Domestic Dogs (2018)
  37. Using Ethnoarchaeology to Interpret Archaeological Blacksmithing Sites in Togo, West Africa (2017)
  38. Using Ethnographic Skills while Excavating: Exploring the Longevity of a Community Archaeology Project in Western Ireland (2024)
  39. Using Event History Methods to Analyze the Diffusion of Dynastic Rituals in Classic Maya Society (2019)
  40. Using Experimental Archaeology to Engage the Public in Arkansas (2024)
  41. Using Experimental Archaeology to Teach about Ancient Military Technology (2024)
  42. Using Extant Photographs of Ceramic Collections for Geometric Morphometric Archaeological Research (2024)
  43. Using Faunal Stable Isotopes to Assess Past Hunting Practices and Landscape Modification Along the Feather River, CA (2018)
  44. Using Fish Remains from Paisley Caves, Oregon to Explore Hunter-Gatherer Lifeways and Lake Level History in the Chewaucan Basin over the Past 14,000+ Calendar Years (2019)
  45. Using Flouride Analysis and Artifact Density to Examine Household Formation in Prehistoric Villages: A Fort Ancient Example (2017)
  46. Using Food Web Models to Examine Desert Networks in the American Southwest and Western Australia (2018)
  47. Using Geoarchaeological Methods to Evaluate Site Integrity at Dali, Kazakhstan (2015)
  48. Using Geoarchaeological Methods to Identify Intact Buried Mounds at the Mitchell Site, Illinois (2024)
  49. Using geochemistry, phytoliths and ethnographic analogy to interpret Neolithic settlements in southwest Asia (2017)
  50. Using Geophysical Survey to Relocate Missing World War II-Era American Graves and a Large Postwar Unmarked Cemetery near Stalag Luft VI, a German POW Camp in Macikai, Lithuania (2024)
  51. Using Geophysics for Cemetery Delineation on DOD Installations: Practical Advice, Pitfalls, and Project Examples (2024)
  52. Using Geospatial Strategies and Ground-Penetrating Radar to Study Sites in the American Southwest (2015)
  53. Using GIS and Archaeological Survey Data for the Reconstruction of Stone Age Settlement Patterns in the Elephant River Valley, Mozambique (2017)
  54. Using GIS in Archaeological Research: A New Look at Hunting Rock Art Sites (2015)
  55. Using GIS to Analyze the Mortuary Context and Taphonomy of the Bronze Age Commingled Tomb at Tell Abraq (2016)
  56. Using GIS to evaluate models of late Holocene settlement patterns in Northwest Alaska (2016)
  57. Using GIS to Explore the Strategic Location of Ancient Maya Centers Within the Vaca Plateau of Western Belize (2015)
  58. Using GIS to investigate mortuary practice and identity at the historic Spring Street Presbyterian Church, Manhattan (2016)
  59. Using GIS to Re-Associate Commingled Skeletal Remains (2015)
  60. Using glyphic variation to infer the social and spatial scale of learning among Classic Maya scribes (2015)
  61. Using Ground-Penetrating Radar to Re-evaluate the Chetro Ketl Field Complex in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (2016)
  62. Using High Quality Structure from Motion 3D Models for Petroglyph Visualization (2019)
  63. Using Historic Maps to Locate Trails and Understand Trail Building Practices on the Willamette National Forest, Detroit Ranger District (2023)
  64. Using Historical African American Scholars’ Writings to Understand the Materiality of Nineteenth-Century African America Communities in Annapolis, Maryland (2023)
  65. Using Isotopic Geochemistry to Relate Ceramics to Raw Materials (2024)
  66. Using Landscape Learning to Explore Diachronic Change within the Western Stemmed Tradition (2021)
  67. Using Landscape to Unbuild Binaries: Human-Environment Relationships at Aventura, Belize (2019)
  68. Using LiDAR and Environmental Suitability Models to Predict Probable Locations of Ancient Settlements in Manabí, Ecuador (2019)
  69. Using LiDAR and Ground Survey to Understand Regional Settlement Patterns in Terminal Classic Central Yucatan (2017)
  70. Using LiDAR and Relative Elevation Modeling (REM) to Identify and Analyze Archaeologically Sensitive Alluvial Landforms (2015)
  71. Using Lidar to Locate and Classify Ancient Maya Water Storage Features at Yaxnohcah, Campeche, Mexico (2017)
  72. Using LiDAR to Map an Ancient Purépecha Water Management System in ArcGIS (2018)
  73. Using Lithic Conveyance to Reconstruct Paleoindian Cultural Landscapes in the Great Basin (2018)
  74. Using Micro and Macrobotanical Analyses to Assess Socio-economic Strategies at 48PA551, the McKean Occupation in the Sunlight Basin, Wyoming (2019)
  75. Using Microartifacts to Investigate Prehistoric Cooking Methods at the Archaeological Site of Dust Cave (2018)
  76. Using Modern Ostrich Eggshell to Establish a Color Alteration Index and Determine the Physical and Chemical Effects of Heat Exposure (2023)
  77. Using Multi-Proxy Evidence to Evaluate Captive Animal Management in the Prehistoric Caribbean (2017)
  78. Using Multidimensional Analysis for the Presentation of Zooarchaeological Data (2017)
  79. Using Multiple Isotopic Analyses to Infer Population Mobility in Iron Age Britain (2019)
  80. Using multiple techniques to assess the crop marks of early medieval barrow cemeteries in Scotland (2017)
  81. Using Multiple Time Scales to Understand the Divergence of Prehistoric Social Trajectories in the Carpathian Basin (2018)
  82. Using Multispectral Drone Imagery for Identification of Prehispanic Agricultural Features (2018)
  83. Using Natural Breaks to Work Together: Compositional Analysis of Archaeological Ceramics using Petrography and NAA (2015)
  84. Using networks to investigate material identities in the Epipalaeolithic and early Neolithic of the Near East. (2015)
  85. Using Neuroimaging in Archaeology to investigate Cognitive Evolution (2015)
  86. Using oral health indicators as evidence of environmental instability and subsistence shifts in the Late Upper Paleolithic of Western Eurasia (2015)
  87. Using Organic Compound-Specific Stable Isotope Ratios to Identify Animals in Prehistoric Foodways of Southeast Asia (2016)
  88. Using Paleoenvironmental Data to Learn about Past Inuit Societies: A Case Study from the Rising Whale (KTZ304) Site at Cape Espenberg, Northwest Alaska (2024)
  89. Using Parry Fracture Data to Further Assess Violence in Andahuaylas during the Late Intermediate Period (2018)
  90. Using Petrographic Analysis to Identify Pottery Production: Shoshone Pottery Making at the Ravens Nest (48SU3871) Southwestern Wyoming (2016)
  91. Using Petrography to Fine-Tune Temper and Fabric Recognition of Indigenous Pottery in Florida (2024)
  92. Using Photogrammetry to Complement and Visualize the Paleolithic Excavation of the Arma Veirana Cave in Italy (2016)
  93. Using Practice Theory to Infer Household Behaviors at Islamic Ashkelon (2016)
  94. Using Predictive Modeling to Evaluate Changes in Great Basin Paleoindian Settlement Systems through Time (2023)
  95. Using Proteomics to Identify Ancient Pastoralism (2024)
  96. Using PXRF technology to aid in the recovery and analysis of human remains (2015)
  97. Using pXRF to test for the market exchange of obsidian at Postclassic Santa Rita Corozal, Belize. (2016)
  98. Using pXRF to Unravel Raw Material Choices in Early Holocene Lithic Assemblages from the Island of Cyprus, Eastern Mediterranean (2017)
  99. Using Quantitative Methods to Assess Network Change in Coupled Human/Natural Systems (2019)
  100. Using Ramped Pyrolysis and Oxidation (RPO) to Date and Characterize Geoarchaeological Deposits: A Pilot Study from the Ancient Mesopotamian City of Ur (2024)