Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.

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The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 4,001-4,100 of 21,939)

  1. Comparing plane-based and drone-based LiDAR to pedestrian surveys in the American Southwest (2024)
  2. Comparing Population Dynamics in the Inland and the Coastal Regions during the Chulmun Period (10,000–3500 cal BP) in Korea (2023)
  3. Comparing Prehistoric Freshwater Mussel Shell Ring Site Locations in the Mississippi Yazoo Basin with Other Archaeological Site Types Using a Modern Flood Model (2016)
  4. Comparing Short-Term Dietary Variability throughout Early Life between Trophy and Non-Trophy Head Individuals from Uraca, Arequipa, Peru (2023)
  5. Comparing Starch Granules from Wild and Cultivated Solanum jamesii to Determine the Effects of Domestication (2018)
  6. Comparing Technological Choices for Grain Processing at Aşıklı Höyük, an Early Neolithic Village in Turkey: Experimental Removal of Chaff from Barley (*Hordeum vulgare) (2021)
  7. Comparing the Durability and Robusticity of Obsidian and Chert Projectile Points (2023)
  8. Comparing the Household Activities from Cerro la Guitarra (Zaña Valley, Peru) (2018)
  9. Comparing the Megalopolises of New and Old Worlds: Examining the Urban Infrastructure of Teotihuacan and Imperial Rome (2023)
  10. Comparing the Performance of Machine Learning and Traditional Approaches to Archaeological Site Modeling and Prediction (2019)
  11. Comparing Traditional and Photogrammetric 3D Model Based Measurements of Lithic Artifacts (2017)
  12. Comparing Two Archaeological Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Predictive Models: The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem versus the Pinelands, New Jersey (2018)
  13. Comparing World-Systems: Empire Upsweeps and Non-core marcher states Since the Bronze Age (2015)
  14. Comparision of Fish Habit and Exploitation—A Comparison of Two Third-Millennium BCE Sites in the Arabian Gulf Region (2019)
  15. Comparison by Non-Metrical Traits of Xaltocan's Shrine vs. Teotihuacan in Mexico by Using a Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling Method (2019)
  16. A Comparison of "Scenes" in Parietal and Non-Parietal Upper Paleolithic Imagery: Formal Differences and Ontological Implications (2017)
  17. Comparison of a Community-Scale Classic Maya Political Adaptive Cycle with a Bimonthly-Resolved Paleoclimate Record from Uxbenká, Belize (2017)
  18. The comparison of central and peripheral household compounds at the site of Panquilma, Peruvian Central Coast (2015)
  19. A Comparison of Ceramic Compositions from Canchas Uckro (Ancash) and the Cave of the Owls (Huánuco), Peru: Implications for an Upper Amazon Interaction Sphere (2021)
  20. A Comparison of Ceramic Function between the Virgin Branch and Kayenta Ancestral Puebloan Cultures (2016)
  21. A Comparison of Changing Reduction Sequences of Obsidian from the Grandad Site in the Central Sierra, California (2023)
  22. Comparison of Circuit and Least Cost Path Modeling for Maritime Peopling of the Americas (2019)
  23. A Comparison of DNA Metabarcoding and Macroremains Analysis for Dietary Reconstruction using Coprolites from Bonneville Estates Rockshelter, Nevada (2023)
  24. A Comparison of Dog Shoulder Height in European and Native American Contexts (2017)
  25. A Comparison of Elemental Analysis Methods for Sediment Geochemistry (2017)
  26. A Comparison of Expediant Tools from Four Sites in Belize (2017)
  27. Comparison of Hafting Adhesive Strengths in Lithic Tools (2023)
  28. A Comparison of Late Mississippian Complicated Stamped Designs from the Georgia Coast (2018)
  29. A comparison of lithic and ceramic artifacts from two adjacent Late Woodland villages (2015)
  30. A Comparison of Lithic Caches from Ucanal and Xunantunich: Is It Possible to Identify Eccentric Traditions as Communities of Practice at the Regional Level? (2019)
  31. A Comparison of Lithic Types from a Multi-stratified Site in West Central Colorado (13,000-3,000 BP) (2017)
  32. A comparison of macro botanical materials recovered from a multi-stratified site in west central Colorado: dating from 200-13,000BP (2016)
  33. A Comparison of Mesolithic Danish Logboats and Pacific Northwest Canoes (2023)
  34. A Comparison of Miniature Pottery Vessels from the Reserve and Mimbres Branches of the Mogollon of Southwestern New Mexico (2017)
  35. A Comparison of Mock Excavations and Active Case Excavations (2018)
  36. Comparison of Nubian and Egyptian patterns of physical activity at New Kingdom Tombos (2017)
  37. Comparison of Preparative Chemistry Methods for the Radiocarbon Dating of Anzick Site, Montana (2018)
  38. Comparison of Proboscidean Bone Notches to Experimental Dynamic and Static Notches on Cow Bone (2017)
  39. Comparison of Radiometric Dating Techniques: Pacific Northwest (2015)
  41. Comparison of Slip Colors from Andean Styles (2019)
  42. Comparison of Surface Data Collection Methods at Freshwater Mussel Shell Rings in the Mississippi Delta: When is Enough, Enough? (2016)
  43. A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Instrumental Techniques at Differentiating Outcrops of Edwards Plateau Chert at the Hyper-Local Scale (2015)
  44. A Comparison of the Glass Bead Trade at Unguja Ukuu and Kizimkazi Dimbani, Zanzibar (2023)
  45. A Comparison of the Lithic Assemblages from the Shavano Springs site (5MN40) and Christmas Rock Shelter (5DT2), Western Colorado (2017)
  46. A Comparison of the Surface Variation of Burned and Weathered Bone (2019)
  47. A Comparison of Three Chemical Methods for Phosphorus Activity Area Analysis (2016)
  48. A comparison of two African Mediterranean MSA adaptations: the Cape Floral Region and the Maghreb (2015)
  49. A Comparison of Two Bluff Top Prehistoric Sites at Fort Riley, Kansas (2017)
  50. A Comparison of Two Late Woodland Features: Helton 20-36 and Carter 2-15 (2016)
  51. A Comparison of Various Technologies to Capture Low-Altitude Aerial Photography as Alternative Methods in Mapping Archaeological Landscapes (2016)
  52. A Comparison of XRF and Visual Sourcing Methods in the Identification of Guadalupe Victoria Obsidian at Matacanela, Sierra de los Tuxtlas (2018)
  53. Comparison Study of Ceramic Traditions in Neolithic Southeast Mainland China and Taiwan and Their Possible Interaction Modes (2017)
  54. A Comparison: Two Methods for Timing Linear Enamel Hypoplasia among a 19th Century African American Population from Newburgh, New York (2019)
  55. Comparisons and Connections between Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Glass Bead Assemblages in Paugvik, AK, and Beatty Curve, OR (2023)
  56. Comparisons and Contrasts of Digital Imaging Technologies in Subterranean Mesoamerica (2017)
  57. Compendia and Collaboration: A Case Study from Hawai`i (2015)
  58. Competing Cultures: A New Age in Chaco Canyon (2019)
  59. Competing with the Crown: Early Spanish Mission Settlement Decisions in a Human Behavioral Ecology Model (2018)
  60. Competition for Resources: How Commensal Competition Informs Us of Past Human Activity (2018)
  61. Compiling Tikal Report 15 (2015)
  62. The Complement of Geochemical Soil Data to Artifact Patterns in the Study of Craft Production: A Case Study from Cancuen, Guatemala (2017)
  63. Complementary Economic Specialization in an Emerging Decentralized Exchange System: A Case from the Late Classic Naco Valley, Honduras (2018)
  64. Complementary Use of Spaces in Central-South Argentinian Patagonia during the Late Holocene (2021)
  65. Complementing and Complicating: Integrating Isotopic and Phenotypic Evidence at the Early Medieval Cemetery of Five Mile Lane (2024)
  66. Complete and Commingled Juveniles: Comparison and Interpretation (2024)
  67. The complete genome sequence of a 45,000-year-old modern human from Eurasia (2015)
  68. Complete vs. broken:exploring assemblage variation in two Natufian sites from Jordan (2017)
  69. Complex but Equal: Developing an Archaeological Inequality Index to Investigate Social Inequality at the Bronze Age III site of Numayra, Jordan (2016)
  70. Complex Closure Practices Involving Ash at a Small Pueblo in Northeastern Arizona (2018)
  71. The Complex Community of Cerén, El Salvador: a Classic Maya Example of Heterogeneity (2018)
  72. A Complex History of Human-Environment Interaction Revealed by the Study of Metal Production Industries in Imperial China (2018)
  73. Complex Journeys: The Repatriation Experience and Tribal-Museum Relations (2016)
  74. Complex Lives, Simple Stories: Relations of Power Embedded in Museum Interpretation (2019)
  75. The Complex Story of Complex Beads: Elemental Analysis of Some Early Types from the Southeastern US (2015)
  76. A complex systems and network science approach to the emergence of social complexity on Cyprus during the Prehistoric Bronze Age (2016)
  77. Complexes, Colonizations, and Climates: Paleoenvironmental Perspectives on Human Biogeography (2016)
  78. The complexities and implications of animal translocations in Pacific prehistory (2015)
  79. Complexities and Opportunities in a Living Landscape: Developing a Cooperative Management Strategy for Historic Navajo Architecture in Canyon de Chelly (2019)
  80. The Complexities of Managing Global Forensic Archaeology with Differing Archaeological Entities, including CRM Firms, Private NGOs, University Researchers, and Field Schools in the Search for Missing US Servicemen. (2019)
  81. Complexity during the Aguas Buenas Period of Greater Chiriquí: Initial Comparisons between El Cholo, Cantarero, and Pejeperro Sites, Southern Costa Rica (2021)
  82. Complexity in space and time: spatio-temporal variability and scale in simulations of social-ecological systems (2015)
  83. The Complexity of (Un)charred Seeds: Unearthing the Taphonomic and Cultural Processes at a Stó:lō-Coast Salish Settlement in the Upper Fraser Valley (2015)
  84. The Complexity of Archaeological Site Revisits: A Case Study from Labrador (2018)
  85. The Complexity of Trash: Reframing Construction Fill (2017)
  86. Complexity, Rituality, and the Origins of Paquimé (Casas Grandes), Chihuahua (2021)
  87. A Complicated Healing Process: Community Engagement at the First Baptist Church and Powder Magazine Burial Grounds (2024)
  88. Complicating the Religious/Secular Dichotomy Through Object Biographies: An Investigation of Mesa Verde Style Mugs (2018)
  89. Complying with NAGPRA at the Largest Public Utility: It’s Complicated (2016)
  90. Composing the Late Cahokian Countryside: A View from the Rhea Site, St. Clair County, Illinois (2018)
  91. Composite Bone Black Kunwarddebim at Madjedbebe, the Alligator Rivers Regions, Northern Australia (2024)
  92. Compositional Analysis in Historical Archaeology (2024)
  93. Compositional Analysis of Ceramics from the Las Trancas Valley, Nasca, Perú. (2015)
  94. Compositional Analysis of Ceramics from the Medieval Port of Madayi, Kerala, India (2024)
  95. Compositional Analysis of Copper-base Metal Artifacts from Michigan (2017)
  96. Compositional Analysis of Glass Beads from Missouri Historic Sites Using Laser Ablation–Inductively Coupled Plasma–Mass Spectrometry (2024)
  97. Compositional Analysis of Obsidian Artifacts from the Great Temple of Tenochtitlan Using pXRF (2024)
  98. Compositional Analysis of Prosser Molded Beads Found in Southeast Idaho (2023)
  99. Compositional Analysis of Roman and Late Medieval Terracotta Figurines found in Worms (antique Borbetomagus) (2017)
  100. Compositional and Lead Isotope Analyses of Carretas and Huerigos Polychrome from Northwestern Chihuahua (2017)