Society for American Archaeology
This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.
Presenters can access and upload their presentations for FREE. If you would like to upload your presentation, please click here to find out more.
The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.
Site Name Keywords
44CE0085 •
La Quemada •
Nevada •
Alta Vista •
ontario •
Gordion •
Ceren •
El Teúl •
Las Ventanas •
Site Type Keywords
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Non-Domestic Structures •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Archaeological Feature •
Domestic Structures •
Settlements •
Rock Art •
Agricultural or Herding •
Ball Court •
Artifact Scatter
Other Keywords
Historic •
Zooarchaeology •
Cultural Resources and Heritage Management •
Maya: Classic •
Ceramic Analysis •
Material Culture and Technology •
Landscape Archaeology •
Subsistence and Foodways •
Historical Archaeology •
Bioarchaeology/Skeletal Analysis
Culture Keywords
Historic •
Ancestral Puebloan •
Historic Native American •
Mogollon •
Woodland •
Archaic •
Euroamerican •
Spanish •
PaleoIndian •
Investigation Types
Heritage Management •
Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis •
Collections Research •
Archaeological Overview •
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Systematic Survey •
Architectural Documentation •
Reconnaissance / Survey •
Ethnographic Research •
Ethnohistoric Research
Material Types
Ceramic •
Fauna •
Chipped Stone •
Macrobotanical •
Building Materials •
Human Remains •
Metal •
Wood •
Dating Sample •
Ground Stone
Temporal Keywords
Civil War •
Mimbres Classic period •
Ancestral Puebloan / Sedentary through Classic Period •
19th Century •
Historic •
Magdalenian •
1880-1920 •
Pueblo I and II •
Postclassic •
Geographic Keywords
North America (Continent) •
United States of America (Country) •
Belize (Country) •
USA (Country) •
United Mexican States (Country) •
Republic of Panama (Country) •
Republic of El Salvador (Country) •
Netherlands Antilles (Country) •
Aruba (Country) •
Republic of Guatemala (Country)
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 21,501-21,600 of 21,939)
- Where Have All of the Artifacts Gone: Examining the Impact of Structural and Environmental Racism on Site Preservation (2023)
- Where Have All the Collections Gone? Mexican Archaeology in World Museums (2018)
- Where Have All the Red Elderberries Gone? A Collaborative Macrobotanical Analysis of Settler-Colonial Impacts on a Vital Coast Salish First Food (2024)
- Where Have All the Women in Archaeology Gone: Gender (In)Equity in Tenure-Track / Tenured Academic Jobs (2023)
- ‘Where Individuals Are Nameless and Unknown’: Osteobiography Reveals the ‘Big Man’, the Ritualist, the Heiress, and the Priest (2017)
- Where is Camaxtli? Assessing the Iconography of Tlaxcallan Collective Government (2018)
- Where is Tak’alik Ab’aj Within the Fabric of Preclassic Interrelations? (2017)
- Where is Temple? : Construction and Use of Ceremonial Group at Tayasal (2015)
- Where Is the Chief? A Reevaluation of the Concepts of Chiefdoms and Cacicazgos in Caribbean Archaeology (2023)
- Where is the evidence for selection? (2016)
- Where Is the Waterline? Integrating Terrestrial and Underwater Investigations in the Aucilla River, Florida (2021)
- Where Men Get Their Meat: Predicting Jump Locations at the Grapevine Creek Buffalo Jump Complex (2016)
- Where My Ladies At? The Fight to Erase the Gender Gap in Publication (2021)
- Where No Mestiza Has Gone Before: Brokering Colonialism, Ethnogenesis, and Gendered Landscapes in Alta California, 1775-1845 (2019)
- Where Power, Policy, and Practice Intersect: Archaeology within Block Island’s Great Salt Pond Archaeological District (2024)
- Where Rivers Flow: Mandan and Hidatsa Subsistence Economies from an Archaeomalacological Perspective (2015)
- Where Text Meets Trowel: Using an Integrative Approach to Consider Internal Sociopolitical Dynamics at Postclassic Etlatongo (2021)
- Where the Buffalo Groan: Topographic Variables Governing the Placement and Spatial Organization of Wold Bison Jump, Wyoming (2016)
- Where the Buffalo Roam and the Antelope Play: A Comparison of Soils in the Walnut River Valley of South-Central Kansas and associated Woodland and Late Prehistoric Period Settlements Using ArcGIS . (2015)
- Where the Buffalo Still Roam: Archeology of a Buffalo Jump and Prehistoric Village Site at Wind Cave National Park (2015)
- Where the Conventional and Unconventional Meet: Marrying Tradition and Innovation in Lithic Use-wear Analysis (2016)
- Where the Devil Don’t Stay: The Role of Moonshine Production in the Mountains of North Carolina (2018)
- Where the Hunters Hunted: Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the submerged archaeological landscapes of the Alpena-Amberley Ridge, Lake Huron (2015)
- Where the Land Meets the Sea: Preceramic Complexities on the North Coast of Peru (2017)
- Where the Laugh Died: The Archaeological Contexts of the Smiling Figurines, a Comparative Analysis (2019)
- "Where the Mountains Meet the Plains": Plains-Pueblo Connections on the Park and Chaquaqua Plateaus During the Diversification Period, AD 1050-1450 (2015)
- Where the River Flows: Water Politics and Textile Production in Colonial Peru (2019)
- "Where the Stone Wall Ends": Exploring Community Development through Great House Architecture (2018)
- Where the Temple Meets the Road: Salvage Burial Excavation in San Ignacio, Cayo District, Belize (2023)
- Where There's a Weir, There's a Way (2024)
- Where There's Fire, There's Smoke: Contemporary Lacandon Maya Incense Burners and Ritual Transformation (2015)
- Where to Inhabit First? Interpreting Western Stemmed Tradition Land-Use with the Ideal Free Distribution Model in Lake County, Oregon (2021)
- Where was Chachapoyas? A view from the South (2015)
- Where was the forest in the Upper and Norwest Amazon before the arrival of the Europeans? (2016)
- Where We Are Five Years Later: A Reexamination of Gender Disparities in Publication Trends in North American Archaeological Journals (2021)
- Where We Live: Houses, Households, Barrios, and Towns in Postclassic Oaxaca (2015)
- Where we sleep: Ethnoarchaeological perspectives on the Near Eastern Neolithic House and Households (2015)
- Where Were the Children Learning? A Spatial Analysis of Childhood Potting Practices in Fifteenth-Century Great Lakes Villages (2021)
- Where You Least Expect It: A Preliminary Report on Excavations at 26EK16689 (2023)
- Where's the Party? An Investigation of Communal Feasting among the Fremont (2016)
- Where's your Mummy? The Business of Mummification in Late and Roman Period Egypt (2015)
- Where-felines? An XRF-Based Sourcing of Tiwanaku's Chachapuma Sculptures (2019)
- Where’s the beef? The value of an interdisciplinary approach to PPN features (2015)
- "Where’s the Beef?" and Other Meat-Related Questions: Pre- and Post-Emancipation Foodways on James Island, South Carolina (2019)
- Where’s the Cod?: Toward a Predictive Model of Prehistoric Land-use and Migration in the Aleutian Islands (2015)
- Which Neolithic House? Pithouses and Pueblos in the U.S. Southwest. (2015)
- Which Serpent Are We Talking About? (2019)
- Which Stories for Which Storytelling? A Community-Based Approach to the Nineteenth- to Twentieth-Century Nunatsiavummiut Material Heritage (2024)
- Which Way Did They Go? Using Individual-Based Models to Identify Out of Africa Hominin Dispersal Routes (2018)
- Which Way Is Ashtabula? Recent Archaeological Investigations within Lake Erie Waters of Ashtabula County, Ohio (2019)
- Which Way to the Jook Joint?: Historical Archaeology of a Polk County, Florida Turpentine Camp (2016)
- Whirlwind of Power: Mississippian Tornado Iconography and Mythology (2021)
- White bones in black caves: cave burials and social memory (2017)
- White Caps and Laptops: Results from the 2019 and 2020 Surveys of Submerged Precontact Landscapes in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico (2021)
- White Eye Traditional Knowledge Camp: Exploring Prehistoric Subsistence Behavior through Gwich’in Traditional Ways of Knowing (2018)
- White Hot Polymorphs of Quartz Minerals in Archaeological and Experimental Heating Contexts (2023)
- White Iron and Red Gold: How to Identify Tin, Copper, and Bronze Derived from Rooiberg Mineral Deposits, South Africa (2024)
- White Mountains Alpine Village Pattern (2015)
- The White Shaman Mural: The Story Behind the Book (2017)
- White, Red, and Plain Wares in the Tonto Basin: Precursor Correlate of Culture Change (2019)
- White-Tailed Deer Antlers as Proxies for Seasonal Climate Variations (2021)
- Whiteness in Relation: Black Studies and the Racializing Assemblages of the Antebellum South (2023)
- Who are the Martinez? A Report on and Examination of High Elevation Aspen Dendroglyphs in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico (2015)
- Who Are the Olmec in Eastern Guerrero? From Grafitti to Monuments in the Caves of Guerrero (2017)
- Who Attended Their Funerals? A Petrographic Comparison of Pottery from the Majiayao Culture of Neolithic China (2019)
- Who Died Prematurely?: A Demographic Profile of Middle and Late Period San Francisco Bay Area Juveniles (2024)
- Who Founded Quilcapampa? Wari Agents, Social Network Analysis, and the Unfurling of a Middle Horizon State (2018)
- Who Goes There? Tracing San Pedro Phase Migration and Social Dynamics in the Borderlands with a Revised Projectile Point Typology (2015)
- Who Holds Your Light? Revealing relationships through a forensic approach to Upper Paleolithic cave art (2017)
- Who Hunted the Most Bison? (2021)
- Who invited the Secret Police? (2015)
- Who Let the Beads Out? The Importance of Bead Manufacture and Exchange at Grassridge Rockshelter, South Africa, and Implications for Understanding Holocene Social Networks in Southern Africa (2019)
- Who made the China’s Terracotta Warriors and how? --- spatial interpretation on marking evidence (2016)
- Who Makes the List: An Examination of Inclusion and Representation in the Society for American Archaeology’s Annual Meetings (2023)
- Who Makes the Rules in Egalitarian Cities? A View from Bronze Age South Asia (2024)
- Who Owns the Anthropocene and Does It Matter? (2018)
- Who owns the cosmogram? Adaptations in ritual activity in the wake of political transformation at Dainzú, Oaxaca Valley of Mexico (2017)
- Who Owns the Past? The Murder of James Wakasa and His Memorial Stone (2023)
- Who Shot First?: Codified Categories Creating Imaginary Archaeological Pasts (2015)
- Who Tells Your Story? Utilizing Legacy Collections to Serve a Living Culture (2019)
- Who Wants to Live Forever? The Practice of Mass Human Sacrifice During Early State Formation in the Nubian Classic Kerma Period (2015)
- Who Was Where: Georectification and Radiometric Dating of a Mississippian Mortuary Complex (2018)
- Who were the urban Liao? - The cultural salience of ‘urban’ life in a mobile society (2017)
- Who Will Remember the Dead? Embodying the People of the Past in Novel Ways (2015)
- Who Works in African Archaeology? (2018)
- Who's Gonna Know? Resolving Personal Privacy While Respecting Cultural Edicts in Repatriation (2024)
- Who, what, where, when and how: a comprehensive archival investigation of the Milwaukee County Institution Grounds Cemeteries, 1882-1925 (2015)
- Whole Assemblage Behavioral Indicators: Examining Pattern in the Late Pleistocene of the Wadi al-Hasa, Jordan (2023)
- Whole Assemblage Behavioral Indicators: Expectations and Inferences from Surface and Excavated Records at Elandsfontein, South Africa (2018)
- Whole Pots and Harvard Drops: Understanding the Pottery from Turpin (2024)
- Whole Vessel Caches: A Comparison of Offerings at Cerro de la Virgen with lower Río Verde Valley Public Space Offerings (2017)
- Whose Ancestors, les Gaulois? (2015)
- Whose Bone is this? An Investigation into Modern Histological Methods of Species Identification with Application to Archaeological Faunal Assemblages in the Pacific (2015)
- Whose Donkey? Domestication and Variability (2019)
- Whose Land? Governance of Land Tenure, Property, and Inequality in the Maya Lowlands (2024)
- Whose Lime Is It Anyway? Burnt Lime as Commodity in the Classic Period Northern Lowlands (2023)
- Who’s Who? Investigating Historic Burials at Chavín de Huantar Peru Using Radiogenic Strontium Isotope (87Sr/86Sr) Analysis (2018)
- Who’s “Public”? Whose “Outreach”? (2024)
- Why a Bayesian Archaeology? A Pain-Free Introduction (2021)
- The WHY and HOW of integrating archaeological findings into wildlife management efforts (2015)