School of Human Evolution and Social Change


This collection serves as a digital archive of archaeological investigations carried out by faculty, staff, and students from the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University.

The collection includes resources from projects around the globe and includes documents, images, and data.

SHESC strives to meet the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) and CARE (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsible, Ethical) principles of data stewardship.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 3,901-4,000 of 5,282)

  1. GQ dorsal-ventral coding key
  2. GQ Element coding key (1984)
  3. GQ Fusion coding key
  4. GQ Modification coding key
  5. GQ origin fragmentation coding key
  6. GQ Proximal-distal coding key
  7. GQ sex coding key
  8. GQ side coding key
  9. GQ species coding key (1984)
  10. GQ Time period coding key (2004)
  11. Grades 4-12 Education Resources - Mimbres Pottery Digital Database
  12. Gran Quivira Archaeological Project
  13. Gran Quivira Faunal Report (2004)
  14. Gran Quivira faunal data (2003)
  15. Gran Quivira Lithic material type coding sheet (1985)
  16. Granite Reef: a Study In Desert Archaeology (1982)
  17. Graphs Comparing Nitrogen and Carbon Content in Soils from the Cave Creek and Perry Mesa Areas (2012)
  18. Graphs of Herbaceous Plant Data Comparisons (2005)
  19. Great House elevations (1977)
  20. Great House Fabric Preservation (1996)
  21. Great House images, Casa Grande Ruins National Mounment (1848)
  22. Greater Cibola Region Ceramic Design Analysis - Design Element Analysis (2018)
  23. Greater Cibola Region Ceramic Design Analysis - Repeating Design Configurations, Codes (2018)
  24. Greater Cibola Region Ceramic Design Analysis - Repeating Design Configurations, Raw Data (2018)
  25. The Greenway Road and 17th Avenue Petroglyph site (AZ T:8:102[ASU]) (1989)
  26. The Grewe Archaeological Research Project, Volume 1: Project Background and Feature Descriptions (2001)
  27. The Grewe Archaeological Research Project, Volume 2: Material Culture, Part I: Ceramic Studies (2001)
  28. The Grewe Archaeological Research Project, Volume 2: Material Culture, Part II: Stone, Shell, and Bone Artifacts and Biological Remains (2001)
  29. The Grewe Archaeological Research Project, Volume 3: Synthesis (2001)
  30. Grewe Archaeological Site and Compound F
  31. The Grewe Site (1931)
  32. Ground Plan of Compound A (1906)
  33. Hand Samples Petrographic Analysis of Sand Samples from Power's Gulch and Pinto Creek for the Carlota Testing Project (SWCA Project No. 31-93435) (1994)
  34. Handbook of North American Indians, Volume IX: The Southwest, Part 1: Regional Surveys A.D> 500-1540 (1983)
  35. Harold Gladwin's Excavations at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument
  36. HARP 1990 Excavation Forms (1990)
  37. HARP 1990 In-Field and Survey Lithic and Groundstone Tabulation Forms (1990)
  38. HARP 1990 In-Field Ceramic Tabulation Forms (1990)
  39. HARP 1990 Survey Ceramic Tabulation Forms (1990)
  40. HARP 1990 Survey Forms LZ500-LZ599 (1990)
  41. HARP 1990 Survey Forms LZ600-629, LZ650-659 (1990)
  42. HARP 1990-1991 Excavation and Survey Ceramic Tabulations (1991)
  43. HARP 1990-1991 Excavation Chipped Stone Tabulation Forms (1991)
  44. HARP 1990-1991 Photograph Logs (1991)
  45. HARP 1990-1991 Specimen Logs (1991)
  46. HARP 1990-1991 Survey Chipped Stone Tabulation Forms (1991)
  47. HARP 1991 Excavation Forms (1991)
  48. HARP 1991 In-Field Ceramic Tabulation Forms (1991)
  49. HARP 1991 Survey Forms LZ700-799 (1991)
  50. HARP 1991 Survey Forms LZ800-864 (1991)
  51. HARP Ceramic Tabulation Data Correction (2001)
  52. HARP Excavation Ceramic Database (2016)
  53. HARP Fauna (1996)
  54. HARP Fauna Burning Coding Sheet
  55. HARP Fauna Butchering Coding Sheet
  56. HARP Fauna Coding Key (1996)
  57. HARP Fauna Condition Coding Sheet (2012)
  58. HARP Fauna Dorsal/Ventral Coding Sheet
  59. HARP Fauna Element Coding Sheet (1991)
  60. HARP Fauna Fusion Coding Sheet
  61. HARP Fauna Modification Coding Sheet (1992)
  62. HARP Fauna Post-depositional Processes Coding Sheet (1991)
  63. HARP Fauna Proximal/Distal Coding Sheet
  64. HARP Fauna Side Coding Sheet
  65. HARP Fauna Species Coding Sheet (1991)
  66. HARP Faunal Analysis Letter Report (1996)
  67. HARP Heshotauthla Polychrome INAA Results (1996)
  68. HARP Supplemental Documents (1991)
  69. HARP Survey Ceramic Database (2016)
  70. The Hatch Site: A Preliminary Report on an Assemblage of Cremation and Inhumation Burials from Northwestern Chihuahua, Mexico (1994)
  71. Hayden Flour Mill: Landscape, Economy, and Community Diversity in Tempe, Arizona, Volume 2: Archaeology, Project Synthesis, and Management Summary (2008)
  72. Hayden Flour Mill: Landscape, Economy, and Community Diversity in Tempe, Arizona, Volume 1: Introduction, Historical Research, and Historic Architecture (2008)
  73. Hayden Flour Mill: Landscape, Economy, and Community Diversity in Tempe, Arizona, Volume 3: Hayden Flour Mill Historic Preservation Plan (2008)
  74. Hayden Rhodes Aqueduct Phase IV Small Sites Assessment, Central Arizona Project Canal: Photo Logs (2018)
  75. Hayden Rhodes Aqueduct Phase IV Small Sites Assessment, Central Arizona Project Canal: Photos (2018)
  76. Hayden Rhodes Aqueduct Phase IV Small Sites Assessment, Central Arizona Project Canal: Project Location Shapefiles (2018)
  77. Hayden Rhodes Aqueduct Phase IV Small Sites Assessment, Central Arizona Project Canal: Sites Location Shapefiles (2018)
  78. The Hayden Rhodes Large Site Resurvey: A Class III Cultural Resources Survey and Assessment Within 16 Archaeological Sites on Bureau of Reclamation Right-of-way Along the Hayden Rhodes Aqueduct (Central Arizona Project Canal) Between Quartzite and Phoenix, La Paz and Maricopa Counties, Arizona: Report (2014)
  79. Hecla I: A Preliminary Report on the Archaeological Investigations at the Lakeshore Project, Papago Reservation, South Central Arizona (1973)
  80. Hecla II and III, An Interpretive Study of Archeological Remains from the Lakeshore Project, Papago Reservation, South Central Arizona (1975)
  81. Hegmon et al. Mimbres Pottery Designs in their Social Context Database (2013)
  82. Herbaceous Plant Data from Agua Fria National Monument (2005)
  83. Herbaceous Plant Data from Transects at Pueblo la Plata (2004)
  84. Heshotauthla Archaeological Research Project (HARP)
  85. Heshotauthla Plan (1991)
  86. Hieroglyphic Canyon: A Petroglyph Record of a Changing Subsistence Pattern (1985)
  87. Historic American Engineering Record: Old Crosscut Canal, North Side of Salt River, Maricopa County, Arizona (1991)
  88. A Historic House Excavation Near Janos, Northwest Chihuahua, Mexico (1957)
  89. Historic Maps of the Salt River and Gila Valleys
  90. Historic Pima Occupation and Land Use on the Mesa Terrace of the Salt River Valley, Arizona: Introduction to the Beeline Highway Archaeological Project (1987)
  91. Historic Properties Treatment of Nine Sites within the Anthem at Merrill Ranch Development, Florence, Pinal County, Arizona (2008)
  92. The Historical Geography of Northwestern Chihuahua (1937)
  93. Historical Map of Salt River Valley (1905)
  94. A History of Indian Garden, An Administrative Site on the Tonto National Forest, Gila County, Arizona (2007)
  95. Hohokam - Those who are gone (1992)
  96. Hohokam and Historic Land Use of the Middle Gila River Valley Uplands: The Florence Army National Guard Survey, Pinal County, Arizona (1994)
  97. Hohokam Archaeology Along Phase B of the Tucson Aqueduct Central Arizona Project, Volume 1: Syntheses and Interpretations, Part I (1989)
  98. Hohokam Archaeology Along Phase B of the Tucson Aqueduct Central Arizona Project, Volume 1: Syntheses and Interpretations, Part II (1989)
  99. Hohokam Archaeology Along Phase B of the Tucson Aqueduct Central Arizona Project, Volume 5: Data Appendixes for AZ AA:12:384 (Fastimes), AZ AA 16:94 (Water World), AZ AA:12:484 (Hawk's Nest), and AZ AA:16:161 (1989)
  100. Hohokam Archaeology along the Salt-Gila Aqueduct Central Arizona Project, Volume VIII: Material Culture (1984)