School of Human Evolution and Social Change


This collection serves as a digital archive of archaeological investigations carried out by faculty, staff, and students from the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University.

The collection includes resources from projects around the globe and includes documents, images, and data.

SHESC strives to meet the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) and CARE (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsible, Ethical) principles of data stewardship.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 3,801-3,900 of 5,342)

  • EMVPP LZ1204 Excavation Forms (2004)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Oas

    Excavation forms from LZ1204

  • EMVPP LZ1209 Excavation Forms (2003)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Oas

    EMVPP excavation forms for LZ1209

  • EMVPP Macrobotanical Database (2016)
    DATASET [not managed] Sarah Oas.

    Macrobotanical database from the El Morro Valley Prehistory Project (EMVPP) conducted in the El Morro Valley of New Mexico between 2000 and 2004.

  • EMVPP Obsidian Sourcing Data Table (2005)
    DATASET [not managed] Steven Shackley.

    These samples were selected by Brandy Guthrie, an undergraduate at ASU for an unfinished honors thesis. They were selected from lithics collected during the 2003 field season and represent nearly all pieces of obsidian collected that year. The samples have been returned to their original bags along with a sample number and source information. Source information comes from Shackley 2005, a short report from the Berkeley Archaeological Laboratory.

  • The End of Casas Grandes: The Legacy of Charles C. Di Peso Fifty Years after the Joint Casas Grandes Project (2009)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text David A. Phillips, Jr..

    Charles Di Peso believed that Paquime, the primary center for the Casas Grandes culture, succumbed to an attack in A.D. 1340. He further argued that the culture survived in the Sierra Madre, where it was encountered by early Spanish military adventurers. Other reviews of the data have come to different conclusions. In this essay, I examine and discuss the available chronometric data.

  • End of Field Work Report, Data Recovery for the Las Canopas Project, Phoenix, Arizona (2006)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text John Czarzasty. Glen E. Rice.

    This is a report on the end of fieldwork for the data recovery program conducted on the Helen Smith property from June 27, 2005 to January 12, 2006 at the site of Las Canopas (AZ T:12:137 [ASM]) in Phoenix, Arizona. The excavation was conducted to assist the property owner in complying with Arizona Statute A.R.S. 41-865 regarding the repatriation of burials and the City of Phoenix Ordinance on Historic Preservation (Chapter 8, Section 802). The Las Canopas project is Pueblo Grande Museum...

  • End of Field Work: Report Data Recovery for the GWH Project, Las Cremaciones, Phoenix, Arizona (2006)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Glen E. Rice. John Gooding.

    This is a report on the end of field work for a data recovery program conducted from September 23 to November 30, 2005, at the site of Las Cremaciones (AZ T:12:220 [ASM]) in Phoenix, Arizona. The excavation was conducted to assist the K. Hovnanian Great Western Homes (GWH) in complying with Arizona Statute A.R.S. 41-865 on the repatriation of burials and the City of Phoenix Ordinance on Historic Preservation (Chapter 8, Section 802). The K. Hovnanian Great Western Homes data recovery project is...

  • End Of Fieldwork Interim Report: Archaeological Data Recovery And Burial Removal For A Proposed Building Footprint And Utilities Along A New Alignment Of Monroe Street, East Of 44th Street, at Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)), Phoenix, Arizona - DRAFT REPORT (2007)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Banks L. Leonard. Rebecca Hill.

    Between May 24 and June 13, 2007, Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) archaeologists conducted a limited data recovery and burial removal excavations for Sun America, Inc. to mitigate the adverse effects of construction in the Washington Park development in Phoenix, Arizona. The construction project was a proposed new building footprint and associated utilities along a proposed re-alignment of Monroe St, east of 44th St. Soil Systems personnel had already completed archaeological work in this area, but the...

  • End of Fieldwork Interim Report: Archaeological Data Recovery and Clearance of the SunAmerica Washington Park Property, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2006)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Cory Dale Breternitz. Christine K. Robinson. Banks L. Leonard.

    Between September 1997 and March 2002, Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) conducted archaeological excavations on approximately 32.5 ac of private lands at the large Classic Period Hohokam village of Pueblo Grande in Phoenix, Arizona. The property owned by SunAmerica is referred to as Washington Park. The excavations included testing and data recovery of prehistoric features to clear the parcel for proposed building construction. The excavations recovered human burials, architecture, and other features,...

  • End of Fieldwork Interim Report: Archaeological Data Recovery at AZ U:9:264 (ASM) and a Portion of La Lomita [AZ U:9:67 (ASM)], for the Centergate Distribution Park Property in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2007)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Cory Dale Breternitz. Christine K. Robinson. Banks L. Leonard.

    Under contract to Higgins Development Partners, Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) conducted archaeological data recovery excavations between February and October 2007 at AZ U:9:264 (ASM) and a portion of La Lomita [AZ U:9:67 (ASM)] on approximately 60 acres of State Trust land in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona. This parcel of State Trust land has been leased by Higgins Development Partners (ASLD Lease No. 03-105720) to be developed as the Centergate Distribution Park. The excavations at two...

  • End of Fieldwork Report, Data Recovery of the North End of the Frank Luke Addition, City of Phoenix Housing Department (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Glen Rice. Erik Steinbach.

    Archaeological data recovery was conducted in the north end of the Frank Luke Addition in the City of Phoenix within a portion of the Hohokam site of La Ciudad, also known as AZ T:12:1 (ASM). The City of Phoenix Housing Department plans to construct affordable housing on the site of the Frank Luke Addition housing project originally constructed in 1952 by the City. The project is divided into two construction phases, and this report pertains to the northern part of the Phase 2 area. The area of...

  • End of Fieldwork Report: Archaeological Data Recovery and Burial Removal for a Proposed Building Footprint and Utilities Along a New Street Alignment; Excavations Related to Monitoring For Other Utilities Installations; and Excavations Related to Unanticipated Discoveries in the Washington Park Development at Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:7[ASM]), Phoenix, Arizona, 2007-2008 (2008)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Banks L. Leonard. Brian E. Yunker. Rebecca J. Hill.

    Three categories of activities are described in this report. A) Construction of a building and associated utilities would result in excavation below the grade to which previous archaeological data recovery and burial removal had occurred. In addition, the proposed construction would include modification to a landscaping easement, sidewalk, and curb along where the new street alignment would form an intersection, where no previous archaeological data recovery or burial removal had occurred....

  • End of Fieldwork Report: Archaeological Data Recovery at AZ AA:12:311 (ASM) for the Coventry Homes Sewer Line (1996)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text David B. Tucker.

    Archaeologists from SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants excavated within site AZ AA:12:311 (ASM) from September 4th to September 20th, 1996. A total of 41 person-days were spent investigating nine features and seven sub-features. These excavations were located along a proposed sewer line for Del Webb’s Coventry Homes. Prior archaeological testing utilized a backhoe to dig trenches in accessible areas along the line (Terzis 1996). Four features were noted in the profiles of these trenches, all...

  • End of Fieldwork Report: Archaeological Testing at AZ AA:12:130 (ASM) for the Effluent Pipe Outfall Realignment, Pima County Landfill, Pima County, Arizona (1997)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: system user

    Archaeologists from SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants, conducted test excavations at site AZ AA:12:130 (ASM) on November 21 and 22, 1996. These excavations consisted of five backhoe trenches long the centerline of a planned effluent pipe outfall realignment for Pima County Waste Water Management. This document summarizes the results of archaeological testing on the segment of the pipeline that crosses the plotted location of a known Middle Archaic site. Four features were identified during...

  • Environment and Subsistence in the Classic Period Tonto Basin, The Roosevelt Archaeology Studies, 1989 to 1998 (1998)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Katherine Spielmann. Marc Baker. Judi Cameron. J. Philip Dering. Suzanne K. Fish. Michael Waters.

    This volume serves two purposes. It summarizes the subsistence data from the RPMS project and explores what we have learned from the subsistence-related data from the RMPS investigations, as well as the related Roosevelt Rural Sites Study and the Community Development Study. The Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RMPS) research design was particularly concerned with Classic period sociopolitical organization. Because platform mounds similar to those of the Hohokam were built across the basin...

  • Eolian Deposition and Soil Fertility in a Prehistoric Agricultural Complex in Central Arizona (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Dana Nakase.

    Prehistoric farmers in the semi-arid American Southwest were challenged by marked spatial and temporal variation in, and overall low levels of, precipitation with which to grow their crops. One strategy they employed was to modify their landscape with rock alignments in order to concentrate surface water flow on their fields. A second challenge that has been less focused on by archaeologists is the need to maintain soil fertility by replenishing nutrients removed from the soil by agricultural...

  • Erratum sheet for "R code for Phillips, Wearing, and Clark essay on EIDs in the prehistoric SW/NW" (2017)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text David Phillips. Helen Wearing. Jeffery Clark.

    Erratum sheet for two comment fields

  • The Esteban Park Apartments Data Recovery Project: End of Fieldwork Report (2005)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Kris Dobscheutz.

    Between January 18 and July 1, 2005, archaeologists from Environmental Planning Group (EPG) conducted data recovery at a portion of the Las Canopas Site (AZ T:12:137[ASM]) within the City of Phoenix. Las Canopas is a large Hohokam village that extends more than 1 mile. Previous testing at the site identified at total of 46 features, including 5 cremations and 5 inhumations (Dobschuetz 2004b). Data recovery efforts focused on expanding those areas where human remains were identified to determine...

  • Ethics and Permission to Access MimPIDD (2022)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Michelle Hegmon.

    This document describes the steps needed to request access to the professional researcher version of the MimPIDD database. It discusses the problems associated with the antiquities trade, looted archaeological sites, and the ethical use of MimPIDD information.

  • The Evolution of Hohokam Ceremonial Systems (1987)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text David R. Wilcox.

    The close similarity in the cosmological structure of the Mesoamerican and historic Pueblo cultures is shown to extend to the Hohokam as well. P.H. Cushing's proposal of this hypothesis is reviewed and date from the Casa Grande, the site structure of Hohokam villages, and the distributional parameters of Hohokam ballcourts are brought into relation to construct a general model of the evolution of Hohokam ceremonial systems. Further comparisons with the Chacoan system are suggested and the...

  • An Examination of the Archaeology of Northwestern Mexico and Southern Arizona and New Mexico (1957)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text James C. Gifford.

    This report provides an examination of the archaeology of northwestern Mexico, southern Arizona, and New Mexico and an exploration of the relationship between the areas to each other. In order to consider the archaeology of southern Arizona and New Mexico and that of northwestern Mexico, the extensive geographical area has been delimited into two major subareas. These areas have been termed the Sonoran Subarea and the Sinaloan Subarea. This is approached by consideration of stages suggested by...

  • An Examination of the Relationship Between Data Recording Strategies and Intrasite Spatial Analysis: San Xavier Archaeological Project (1985)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Jeffrey Altschul. Martin R. Rose.

    During the course of the San Xavier Archaeological Project over 18 square miles in the southern Tucson Basin were intensively surveyed. This work resulted in the recording of 150 sites, of which 147 contained components dated to either the prehistoric or protohistoric periods. In a previous study (Altschul and Rose, Statistical Research Technical Series 3) block cluster analysis was used to derive a site classification. Each site with a prehistoric and/or protohistoric component was classified...

  • Excavaciones de casas postclásicas en la zona urbana de Yautepec, Morelos: informe final (2006)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Michael E. Smith.

    This is an unpublished report submitted to the Mexican government describing excavations and artifacts from excavations of houses at the site of Yautepec in the Mexican state of Morelos. All materials date to the Aztec period (AD 1100-1520) or to the early Spanish colonial period (AD 1520-1550). The report was submitted as two volumes.

  • Excavated Archaeofaunal Data from the Agua Fria National Monument (2004)
    DATASET [not managed] Legacies on the Landscape Project, Arizona State University.

    Excavated Archaeofaunal Data from the Agua Fria National Monument

  • Excavated Paleoethnobotanical Data from the Agua Fria National Monument (2004)
    DATASET [not managed] Legacies on the Landscape Project, Arizona State University.

    Excavated Paleoethnobotanical Data from the Agua Fria National Monument

  • Excavation of the Gibbon Springs Site: A Classic Period Village in the Northeastern Tuson Basin (1996)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Mark Slaughter. Heidi Roberts.

    This volume summarizes data recovered from the Gibbon Springs site, AZ BB:9:50 (ASM), located in the northeastern Tucson Basin. This large Classic period site had a central compound surrounded by houses. Data and materials were obtained from 24 structures and hundreds of other features (e.g., pits, cremations, middens). Materials from Gibbon Springs suggest that either a non-indigenous population inhabited the site or there was another social arrangement between the Tucson Basin Hohokam and...

  • Excavations at AZ BB:13:74 (ASM): An Examination of Three Middle Rincon Phase Loci (2003)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Michael W. Lindeman.

    This report details archaeological investigations at AZ BB:13:74 (ASM), a Middle Rincon phase (A.D. 1000¬ 1100) hamlet. The excavations discussed in this report are part of a larger project related to the expansion of the Desert Vista Campus, Pima Community Colleges. The other portion of this project focused on the site of Valencia Vieja (AZ BB:13:15 [ASM]), a large Tortolita phase village located south and west of BB:13:74. The results of those excavations are reported in a separate volume...

  • Excavations at Casa Buena: Changing Hohokam Land Use Along the Squaw Peak Parkway Volume 1 (1988)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Joshua Watts

    This report presents the results of archaeological data recovery at two prehistoric loci in Phoenix, Arizona. The major component investigated is a portion of the Classic period Hohokam village of Casa Buena (AZ T:12:37(ASM)). The smaller loci contains two temporal/functional components, a late Colonial period fieldhouse site and a Colonial to Sedentary period transition farmstead. The sites are located within the Squaw Peak Parkway corridor. The data recovery program was funded by the City of...

  • Excavations at Casa Buena: Changing Hohokam Land Use Along the Squaw Peak Parkway Volume 2 (1988)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Joshua Watts

    This report presents the results of archaeological data recovery at two prehistoric loci in Phoenix, Arizona. The major component investigated is a portion of the Classic period Hohokam village of Casa Buena (AZ T:12:37(ASM)). The smaller loci contains two temporal/functional components, a late Colonial period fieldhouse site and a Colonial to Sedentary period transition farmstead. The sites are located within the Squaw Peak Parkway corridor. The data recovery program was funded by the City of...

  • Excavations at Casa Grande Arizona, 1906-1907 (1907)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Jesse W. Fewkes.

    This document is a book by Jesse Walter Fewkes, published by the Smithsonian Institution. It details excavations done in Compound A at the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. It contains sketches and photographs of this compound.

  • Excavations at Gu Achi, Appendix B: Prehistoric Maize from the North-Central Papagueria (1980)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Charles Miksicek.

    Analysis of maize recovered from excavations at the Gu Achi site in the Arizona Papaqueria. This is Appendix B of the larger publication, "Excavations at Gu Achi: A Reappraisal of Hohokam Settlement and Subsistence in the Arizona Papagueria." The full text can be found at

  • Excavations at Gu Achi: A Reappraisal of Hohokam Settlement and Subsistence in the Arizona Papagueria (1980)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text W. Bruce Masse.

    In the spring of 1973, the Western Archeological Center, National Park Service, conducted extensive surveys in the Papago Indian Reservation because of improvements proposed for several roadways (Stacy 1973). Among the numerous archeological features encountered were two prehistoric Hohokam sites. One of these, Gu Achi (AZ Z:12:l3 ASM) , is a major pre-Classic period Hohokam settlement a few miles west of Santa Rosa on Papago Indian Road (PIR) 34; the other site, Pisinimo, is a pre-Classic...

  • Excavations at La Lomita Pequeña: A Santa Cruz/Sacaton Phase Hamlet in the Salt River Valley (1988)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Joshua Watts

    This report is a result of archaeological investigations at the prehistoric Hohokam site of La Lomita Pequeña (AZ U:9:66(ASM)) by Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI), Arizona. in the city of Phoenix, The site is within the path of the East Papago Freeway, a state funded freeway system in the Phoenix being constructed by the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT). The site was tested, located initially by survey, was subsequently and was finally subjected to an intensive data recovery program sponsored...

  • Excavations at La Villa: Continuity and Change at an Agricultural Village (2015)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: system user

    The archaeological excavations documented in this volume examine the Hohokam village of La Villa, AZ T:12:148 (ASM). From its founding in the sixth century A.D., until abandonment in the eleventh century, La Villa was one of the largest villages in the Phoenix Basin. Current excavations preceded the installation of a storm drain that was part of the larger Storm Drain project and provided a rare glimpse of a large pre-Classic period village. Fieldwork occurred in multiple phases. Archaeological...

  • Excavations at Pueblo del Rio (AZ T:12:116[ASM]), A Hohokam Village in West Phoenix, Arizona (2010)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Gina s. Gage. Douglas B. Craig Ph.D..

    Northland Research, Inc. (Northland) has completed archaeological investigations within a portion of the Pueblo del Rio site, AZ T:12:116(ASM), a large Hohokam habitation site located in southwest Phoenix. The investigations were designed to collect information and analyze materials from a sample of features at the site in order to mitigate the impacts of commercial development (Moore and Stahman 2007). The work was sponsored by the Stravinski Development Group, LLC, in conformance with Section...

  • Excavations at Sunset Mesa Ruin (2000)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Michael W. Lindeman.

    This report details the results of excavations at the Sunset Mesa Ruin, AZ AA:12:10 (ASM). The predominant occupation of Sunset Mesa Ruin was during the Middle Rincon phase (A.D. 1000-1100). However, limited use of the area was identified during the Early Agricultural period (800 B.C.-A.D. 100) and the later Tucson phase (A.D. 1300-1450). Evidence of Historic period use, first as a turn-of-the-century homestead and later as a dairy, has also been documented (Ciolek-Torrello, Huber, and Neily...

  • Excavations at the Fence Site, AZ AA:16:97 (ASM), a Rillito Phase Farmstead in the Avra Valley, Pima County, Arizona (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Michael W. Lindeman.

    The slopes of the Avra Valley, lacking perennial water sources, would seem an unlikely place for a large prehistoric community. Yet during the Hohokam Colonial period (ca. A.D. 750-950), a community sprang up along the western slopes of the Tucson Mountains. Centered on the ballcourt village of Water World, AZ AA:16:94 (ASM), numerous households thrived in the area, both in the primary village and in outlying farmsteads (Czaplicki and Ravesloot 1988, 1989a, 1989b, 1989c; Dart 1994; Downum et....

  • Excavations at the Mound 3 Precinct Southeast Cemetery, Las Colinas, AZ T:12:10(ASM) (2008)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text K.J. Schroeder.

    Advanced Mobile Storage, Inc . (AMS) Phoenix. Arizona, undertook upgrades and modifications to its existing storage facility in the Fall of 2007, during which time all ground disturbing activities were monitored by Roadrunner Archaeology & Consulting (RAC) staff. The storage facility is an irregular L-shaped area within a 385 x 460 ft area consisting of approximately 3.074 acres of privately owned property. In addition, an area approximately 20 x 17 5 meters of Phoenix City property was...

  • Excavations in Compound A, Casa Grande National Monument 1963 (1963)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Charlie R. Steen.

    This document is a 1963 report by Charlie Steen. It includes sketches and maps of Compound A illustrating both the outer buildings and the Great House along with charts and photographs about the artifacts found during excavation. It discusses the damage done by previous archaeologists and superintendents to the plaza in terms of future archaeology efforts and the inability to capture information going forward.

  • Excavations in the Santa Cruz Floodplain: Further Investigations at Los Pozos (2007)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text David A. Gregory. Michelle N. Stevens. Fred L. Nials. Mark R. Schurr. Michael W. Diehl.

    The current volume, the third of four, acts as a final report for the excavations that were conducted at Los Pozos, AZ AA:12:91 (ASM) in the fall of 1998. Hoping to build on earlier work conducted by Desert Archaeology at other Early Agricultural period sites along the Santa Cruz, these volumes combine data with those from both seasons at Los Pozos and those garnered from Las Capas to explore the implications of this total body of work for current understanding of this important and lengthy...

  • Excavations in the Southern Avra Valley: Results of the SAVSARP Project (2009)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

    The Southern Avra Valley Storage and Recovery Project (SAVSARP) project examined three sites, AZ AA:16:312 (ASM), AZ AA:16:468 (ASM), and AZ AA:16:469 (ASM), and a non-site artifact concentration, Locality A, on the floor of the Avra Valley. The surface manifestations of the sites mirrored those of other sites in the valley bottom, low-density artifact scatters covering broad expanses. Locales of higher artifact density were defined as archaeological sites, but surface artifacts continued...

  • Excavations of Feature 32, a Canal at AZ BB:13:794 (ASM), Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (2016)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Gary Huckleberry. Michael W. Lindeman.

    In this document, the results of data recovery at AZ BB:13:794 (ASM) are reported. The work was done prior to construction by Pima County of a paved multiuse path along the western bank of the Santa Cruz River. BB:13:794 was recommended to be eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (National Register) under Criterion D, based on the potential of Feature 32 to yield significant information about prehistoric irrigation and farming in the Santa Cruz floodplain....

  • The Excavations of Los Muertos and Neighboring Ruins in the Salt River Valley, Southern Arizona (1945)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Emil W. Haury.

    This publication which originally was Emil W. Haury's doctoral dissertation for the Department of Anthropology, Harvard University, is based on the work of the Hemenway Southwestern Archaeological Expedition of 1887-1888. The fieldwork was organized and overseen by Frank Hamilton Cushing. The Hemenway Expedition's work in the Salt River Valley was in truth a pioneering effort. Neither here nor in the adjoining Gila Valley had any systematic work of any sort been done. Although seen by some...

  • An Experiment in Removing Spray Paint Graffiti from Hohokam Rock Art with Graffiti-B-Gone (1997)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Todd W. Bostwick. J. Claire Dean.

    In December 1994, an Arizona Site Steward notified the Phoenix City Archaeologist that a major rock art panel in South Mountain Park had been spray painted with graffiti. At least 700 years old, this Hohokam petroglyph panel is located on a dense, patinated, granodiorite boulder near a city street at the northern edge of the park's boundary. Spray paint graffiti had previously been placed on city structures along the street, as well as on several petroglyph boulders within the park, but this act...

  • Exploring the Barrio Libre: Investigations at Block 136, Tucson, Arizona (2002)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text J. Homer Thiel.

    What lies beneath the vacant lots of the Barrio Libre? This old barrio lies on the south side of the downtown core of Tucson and has been occupied as a primarily Mexican- American neighborhood for 100 years. During the Historic period, the Barrio Libre has been home to thousands of people, many of whom have left behind the physical traces of their lives in the form of architectural remains and artifacts. Archaeological excavations of homes, businesses, and the trash created and disposed of by...

  • The Fairbank Data Recovery Project: Prehistoric and Historic Era Excavations along the San Pedro River (2007)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: adam brin

    The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and HDR Engineering, Inc., proposed a highway- widening project along State Route 82 (SR82) in Cochise County, Arizona. The proposed project included the addition of a turn lane and relocation of the entrance into the historic Fairbank Townsite, AZ EE:8:3 (ASM), an archaeological site and historic property administered by the BLM. The project was initiated for safety issues related to visibility concerns. The...

  • Farming on the Floodplain: Archaeology fo the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport Center Runway (Runway 7L-25R) Reconstruction Project, Part 2: Appendices (2007)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: system user

    Between December 2000 and June 2005 Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) of Tempe, Arizona, completed five field sessions of archaeological monitoring, testing/data recovery I, and data recovery II. The entire airport is highly modified by grading, modern fill, paving, and building; thus, the ground surface offers few clues to what lies beneath. However, the airport is bounded by known historic and prehistoric archaeological sites, including Pueblo Salado to the immediate west and...

  • Farming on the Floodplain: The Archaeology of the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport Center Runway (Runway 7L-25R) Reconstruction Project, Part 1: The Report (2007)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: system user

    Between December 2000 and June 2005 Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) of Tempe, Arizona, completed five field sessions of archaeological monitoring, testing/data recovery I, and data recovery II at the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport Runway 7L-25R and Taxiways D-E (collectively referred to hereinafter as the Center Runway project). The first session monitored geotechnical boring and coring (Ryan 2001); the second through fourth seasons included additional monitoring plus...

  • Farming the Floodplain: A Look at Prehistoric and Historic Land-Use along the Rillito (1992)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Karen G. Harry. Richard Ciolek-Torello.

    This report presents the results of a National Register evaluation of eight archaeological sites along the Rillito River in Tucson, Arizona. These sites were investigated at the request of the U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers in conjunction with a proposed channelization project along the river. One of the sites, AZ BB:9:689, has since been obscured by the channelization of Wildwood Wash by the Pima County Flood Control District. This site was monitored by SRI archaeologists during the construction...

  • Fauna Species Data from Transects at Pueblo la Plata (2004)
    DATASET [not managed] Legacies on the Landscape Project, Arizona State University.

    Fauna Species Data from Transects at Pueblo la Plata

  • Faunal Analysis for Phase II Data Recovery at Pozos de Sonoqui/AZ U:14:49 (ASM) Within the Proposed Alignment of Riggs Road (2018)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Andrea Gregory.

    A total of 3,757 faunal fragments was recovered from Phase II data recovery investigations at Pozos de Sonoqui, AZ U:14:49(ASM). The project area is situated within saltbush communities bordered by creosote-bursage with pockets of denser, shrubbier vegetation associated with drainages and areas along nearby Queen Creek, Sonoqui Wash, and the Gila River; irrigation canals were present prehistorically and upland resources are also located in proximity to the site (Chenault and Stubing 2012). The...

  • Faunal Material from the Gillespie Dam Site, AZ T:13:18 (ASM) (2010)
    DATASET [not managed] Tiffany Clark.

    Data recovery efforts undertaken by Desert Archaeology, Inc. at the Gillespie Dam site (AZ T:13:18 [ASM]) in central Arizona resulted in the recovery of relatively small faunal assemblage. This report provides a brief description of the 37 bone specimens that were obtained from these excavations. Though conclusions are limited by the size of the assemblage, the findings of this study indicate that the residents of the Sedentary or early Classic period village followed a fairly typical Hohokam...

  • A Few Summer Ceremonials at the Tusayan Pueblos / Natal Ceremonies of the Hopi Indians / On The Present Condition of a Ruin in Arizona Called Casa Grande (1892)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Jesse W. Fewkes. J. G. Owens.

    The first chapter of the document provides insight into the ceremonies and rituals of Ancestral Puebloan Indians of the Tusayan Pueblos. It relates the dynamics of the rituals and ceremonies in terms of preparation and performance and significance. There are detailed sketches of sacred items used in the ceremonies along with many photographs of the ceremonies and rituals in progress. Also included are translations to English provided. The second chapter of the document regards ceremonies...

  • Fiber Production of Three Varieties of Agave Found on Perry Mesa (2007)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Will Russell

    Agave has been exploited throughout time and space for its sap, edible flesh, and fibers. Cultivation of this productive, multi-purpose plant took place within what is now Agua Fria National Monument at the pueblos of La Plata and Pato on Perry Mesa and Richinbar on Black Mesa. At these sites, the heart of the plant was removed for roasting and, subsequently, consumption. This is an experimental archaeology project that examines another aspect of agave exploitation: the fiber processing...

  • Field Investigations At the Marana Community Complex (1987)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text T. Kathleen Henderson.

    This report describes the results of the field investigations of several sites located in the vicinity of Marana, Arizona. These investigations were undertaken by the Office of Cultural Resource Management, Arizona State University on behalf of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation to mitigate the impacts on prehistoric sites resulting from the construction of the Reach 3 segment of the Tucson Aqueduct. The report provides a review of the field strategies and techniques used in the recovery of data and...

  • Field Notes - Anderson (LA37690) Unit 101 (1982)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Carey. Hockett.

    This site was excavated prior to the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon that began in 1993. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995 both...

  • Field Notes - Anderson (LA37690) Unit 102 (1982)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Hayes. Gilman.

    This site was excavated prior to the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon that began in 1993. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995 both...

  • Field Notes - Anderson (LA37690) Unit 103 (1982)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Callahan. Simpson.

    This site was excavated prior to the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon that began in 1993. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995 both...

  • Field Notes - Anderson (LA37690) Unit 104 (1982)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Eva Shinager.

    This site was excavated prior to the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon that began in 1993. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995 both...

  • Field Notes - Anderson (LA37690) Unit 105 (1982)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Carey. Hockett.

    This site was excavated prior to the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon that began in 1993. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995 both...

  • Field Notes - Anderson (LA37690) Unit 2 (2015)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Messer. Bilger.

    This site was excavated prior to the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon that began in 1993. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995 both...

  • Field Notes - Anderson (LA37690) Unit 201 (1982)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text E. Shinagel. M. McClary.

    This site was excavated prior to the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon that began in 1993. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995 both...

  • Field Notes - Anderson (LA37690) Unit 21 (1982)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Price.

    This site was excavated prior to the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon that began in 1993. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995 both...

  • Field Notes - Anderson (LA37690) Unit 22 (1982)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Coggins.

    This site was excavated prior to the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon that began in 1993. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995 both...

  • Field Notes - Anderson (LA37690) Unit 23 (1982)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text T. J. Ferguson. C. LeBlanc.

    This site was excavated prior to the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon that began in 1993. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995 both...

  • Field Notes - Anderson (LA37690) Unit 3 (2015)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Hand. LeCount.

    This site was excavated prior to the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon that began in 1993. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995 both...

  • Field Notes - Anderson (LA37690) Unit 41 (1982)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Price. Callahan.

    This site was excavated prior to the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon that began in 1993. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995 both...

  • Field Notes - Anderson (LA37690) Unit 902 (1982)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Mills.

    This site was excavated prior to the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon that began in 1993. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995 both...

  • Field Notes - Anderson (LA37690) Unit 904 (1982)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Margaret Nelson.

    This site was excavated prior to the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon that began in 1993. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995 both...

  • Field Notes - Anderson (LA37690) Unit 905 (1982)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text L. Levount. Hand.

    This site was excavated prior to the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon that began in 1993. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995 both...

  • Field Notes - Anderson (LA37690) Unit 951 (1982)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Callahan. Price.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • Field Notes - Anderson (LA37690) Unit 952 (1982)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Price. Callahan.

    This site was excavated prior to the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon that began in 1993. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995 both...

  • A Field Plan for Salado Research (2000)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Glen Rice. Arleyn Simon. David Jacobs. Owen Lindauer.

    This guideline describes the field recording procedures, codes, techniques of recording, taking photos, illustrating excavations units and other field methods and techniques used as part of the Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (1989-1998).

  • Field Report for Excavation Unit 1E (2004)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Legacies on the Landscape Project, Arizona State University.

    Excavation Unit 1E is one of six surface collection units around Pueblo LaPlata. The surface collection locations were determined by visually scanning the surface and selecting areas of high artifact concentration. Unit 1E is on the east side of the pueblo, approximately 7 meters from the extent of wall fall. The unit is slightly down slope in an area of high artifact concentration.

  • Field Report for the Legacies Project: February 6-7, 2004 (2004)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Katherine Spielmann.

    Four graduate students (Kruse, Lei, Horn, and Schollmeyer), two undergraduate students (Osgood and Wichlacz), Hegmon and Spielmann worked at Pueblo La Plata February 6 and 7. Hegmon directed the continuation of the bonding and abutting study while Spielmann directed the initiation of the midden excavations.

  • Final Data Recovery And Burial Removal At Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15, The Former Maricopa Counry Sheriff's Substation, Washington And 48th Streets, Phoenix, Arizona (2008)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Banks L. Leonard. Donelle Huffer. Rebecca J. Hill. Andrew D. Lack. David R. Abbott. Blayne R. Brown.

    In a development plan proposed in 1999, two areas were to be excavated below grade for a building foundation and a runoff detention basin and the rest of the parcel was to be resurfaced at grade. Because this parcel is immediately east of the Iarge Hohokam village site of Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)), a two-phase testing program determined the distribution of intact prehistoric cultural remains and established that mortuary features with human remains would be impacted if the existing...

  • Final Reort of the Investigations among the Indians of the South Western United States (1890)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Bandelier Adolph.

    A look at Adolph Bandelier's work done on the American Southwest.

  • Final Report for Class III Pedestrian Survey, Shovel Probe Testing, Limited Nonsite Backhoe Trenching, and Magnetometer Sampling for the San Xavier District Farm Rehabilitation Project, Tohono O’odham Nation, Pima County, Arizona (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Robert J. Stokes.

    This is part of the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project. Additional entries related to this project can be found at the following link: The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) assisted the Tohono O’odham Nation’s (Nation) San Xavier District’s (District) Farm Cooperative (CoOp) in developing some 1,400 acres of new farm land along both sides of Interstate 19 south of the existing CoOp farm fields. This project was in accordance with the...

  • Final Report For Phased Data Recovery At AZ U:15:1(REC) on SCIDD Property and Trenching for Additional Canal (AZ U:15:8[REC]) Exposures on Federal Land Near Ashurst-Hayden Diversion Dam, Pinal County, Arizona: Ceramic Data (2012)
    DATASET [not managed] Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd..

    As authorized under the Arizona Water Settlements Act of 2004, the San Carlos and Irrigation Drainage District (SCIDD) is undertaking a 10-year rehabilitation project of its irrigation system. SCIDD is the non-Indian irrigation component of the San Carlos Irrigation Project (SCIP), which provides irrigation water to the communities of Florence, Coolidge, and Casa Grande in Pinal County, Arizona. The initial focus of the SCIDD Rehabilitation Project is the rehabilitation of the Ashurst-Hayden...

  • Final Report For Phased Data Recovery At AZ U:15:1(REC) on SCIDD Property and Trenching for Additional Canal (AZ U:15:8[REC]) Exposures on Federal Land Near Ashurst-Hayden Diversion Dam, Pinal County, Arizona: Flotation Data (2012)
    DATASET [not managed] Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd..

    As authorized under the Arizona Water Settlements Act of 2004, the San Carlos and Irrigation Drainage District (SCIDD) is undertaking a 10-year rehabilitation project of its irrigation system. SCIDD is the non-Indian irrigation component of the San Carlos Irrigation Project (SCIP), which provides irrigation water to the communities of Florence, Coolidge, and Casa Grande in Pinal County, Arizona. The initial focus of the SCIDD Rehabilitation Project is the rehabilitation of the Ashurst-Hayden...

  • Final Report For Phased Data Recovery At AZ U:15:1(REC) on SCIDD Property and Trenching for Additional Canal (AZ U:15:8[REC]) Exposures on Federal Land Near Ashurst-Hayden Diversion Dam, Pinal County, Arizona: Lithic Data (2012)
    DATASET [not managed] Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd..

    As authorized under the Arizona Water Settlements Act of 2004, the San Carlos and Irrigation Drainage District (SCIDD) is undertaking a 10-year rehabilitation project of its irrigation system. SCIDD is the non-Indian irrigation component of the San Carlos Irrigation Project (SCIP), which provides irrigation water to the communities of Florence, Coolidge, and Casa Grande in Pinal County, Arizona. The initial focus of the SCIDD Rehabilitation Project is the rehabilitation of the Ashurst-Hayden...

  • Final Report For Phased Data Recovery At AZ U:15:1(REC) on SCIDD Property and Trenching for Additional Canal (AZ U:15:8[REC]) Exposures on Federal Land Near Ashurst-Hayden Diversion Dam, Pinal County, Arizona: Photolog (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd..

    As authorized under the Arizona Water Settlements Act of 2004, the San Carlos and Irrigation Drainage District (SCIDD) is undertaking a 10-year rehabilitation project of its irrigation system. SCIDD is the non-Indian irrigation component of the San Carlos Irrigation Project (SCIP), which provides irrigation water to the communities of Florence, Coolidge, and Casa Grande in Pinal County, Arizona. The initial focus of the SCIDD Rehabilitation Project is the rehabilitation of the Ashurst-Hayden...

  • Final Report For Phased Data Recovery At AZ U:15:1(REC) on SCIDD Property and Trenching for Additional Canal (AZ U:15:8[REC]) Exposures on Federal Land Near Ashurst-Hayden Diversion Dam, Pinal County, Arizona: Photos (2012)
    IMAGE [not managed] Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd..

    As authorized under the Arizona Water Settlements Act of 2004, the San Carlos and Irrigation Drainage District (SCIDD) is undertaking a 10-year rehabilitation project of its irrigation system. SCIDD is the non-Indian irrigation component of the San Carlos Irrigation Project (SCIP), which provides irrigation water to the communities of Florence, Coolidge, and Casa Grande in Pinal County, Arizona. The initial focus of the SCIDD Rehabilitation Project is the rehabilitation of the Ashurst-Hayden...

  • Final Report For Phased Data Recovery At AZ U:15:1(REC) on SCIDD Property and Trenching for Additional Canal (AZ U:15:8[REC]) Exposures on Federal Land Near Ashurst-Hayden Diversion Dam, Pinal County, Arizona: Pollen Data (2012)
    DATASET [not managed] Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd..

    As authorized under the Arizona Water Settlements Act of 2004, the San Carlos and Irrigation Drainage District (SCIDD) is undertaking a 10-year rehabilitation project of its irrigation system. SCIDD is the non-Indian irrigation component of the San Carlos Irrigation Project (SCIP), which provides irrigation water to the communities of Florence, Coolidge, and Casa Grande in Pinal County, Arizona. The initial focus of the SCIDD Rehabilitation Project is the rehabilitation of the Ashurst-Hayden...

  • Final Report for Phased Data Recovery at AZ U:15:1(REC) on SCIDD Property and Trenching for Additional Canal (AZ U:15:8[REC]) Exposures on Federal Land Near Ashurst-Hayden Diversion Dam, Pinal County, Arizona: Redacted Pages (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: ACS Tempe

    As authorized under the Arizona Water Settlements Act of 2004, the San Carlos and Irrigation Drainage District (SCIDD) is undertaking a 10-year rehabilitation project of its irrigation system. SCIDD is the non-Indian irrigation component of the San Carlos Irrigation Project (SCIP), which provides irrigation water to the communities of Florence, Coolidge, and Casa Grande in Pinal County, Arizona. The initial focus of the SCIDD Rehabilitation Project is the rehabilitation of the Ashurst-Hayden...

  • Final Report For Phased Data Recovery At AZ U:15:1(REC) on SCIDD Property and Trenching for Additional Canal (AZ U:15:8[REC]) Exposures on Federal Land Near Ashurst-Hayden Diversion Dam, Pinal County, Arizona: Redacted Report (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: ACS Tempe

    As authorized under the Arizona Water Settlements Act of 2004, the San Carlos and Irrigation Drainage District (SCIDD) is undertaking a 10-year rehabilitation project of its irrigation system. SCIDD is the non-Indian irrigation component of the San Carlos Irrigation Project (SCIP), which provides irrigation water to the communities of Florence, Coolidge, and Casa Grande in Pinal County, Arizona. The initial focus of the SCIDD Rehabilitation Project is the rehabilitation of the Ashurst-Hayden...

  • Final Report For Phased Data Recovery At AZ U:15:1(REC) on SCIDD Property and Trenching for Additional Canal (AZ U:15:8[REC]) Exposures on Federal Land Near Ashurst-Hayden Diversion Dam, Pinal County, Arizona: Shell Data (2012)
    DATASET [not managed] Archaeological Consulting Sevices, Ltd..

    As authorized under the Arizona Water Settlements Act of 2004, the San Carlos and Irrigation Drainage District (SCIDD) is undertaking a 10-year rehabilitation project of its irrigation system. SCIDD is the non-Indian irrigation component of the San Carlos Irrigation Project (SCIP), which provides irrigation water to the communities of Florence, Coolidge, and Casa Grande in Pinal County, Arizona. The initial focus of the SCIDD Rehabilitation Project is the rehabilitation of the Ashurst-Hayden...

  • Final Report for Plan 6 Supplemental Cultural Resource Surveys (1985)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Margerie Green. R. W. Effland, Jr.. J. H. King.

    This final report reflects a year of on-call Class III cultural resource surveys for Plan 6, the Regulatory Storage Division of the Central Arizona Project. Included are eight reports representing close to 6000 acres of survey performed in the vicinity of the planned New Waddell Dam by Archaeological Consulting Services for the Arizona Projects Office, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Because New Waddell Dam is designed to be rock filled, one of the focal points of the contract was to survey proposed...

  • Final Report for Plan 6 Supplemental Cultural Resource Surveys (1985)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Margerie Green.

    This final report includes eight reports representing close to 6,000 acres of survey performed in the vicinity of the planned New Waddell Dam. The survey areas include locations for geologic test trenches, road relocations, borrow areas, spillways, and the Waddell Canal. These surveys yielded a total of 43 sites and 2018 loci of isolated artifacts. All but one of the sites were located in two borrow areas. These two study areas evidence differences in use of habitation, agriculture and artifact...

  • Final Report of Class III Cultural Resource Survey for the SCIDD Florence Canal, Phase I: Station 45+00 to 1224+00, Pinal County, Arizona: Photo Log (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd..

    As authorized under the Arizona Water Settlements Act of 2004, the San Carlos and Irrigation Drainage District (SCIDD) is undertaking a 10-year rehabilitation project of its irrigation system. SCIDD is the non-Indian irrigation component of the San Carlos Irrigation Project (SCIP), which provides irrigation water to the communities of Florence, Coolidge, and Casa Grande in Pinal County, Arizona. The Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office (Reclamation) directed Archaeological Consulting...

  • Final Report of Class III Cultural Resource Survey for the SCIDD Florence Canal, Phase I: Station 45+00 to 1224+00, Pinal County, Arizona: Photos (2011)
    IMAGE [not managed] Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.. E. M. Ryan. Linda Schilling. Thomas E. Jones.

    As authorized under the Arizona Water Settlements Act of 2004, the San Carlos and Irrigation Drainage District (SCIDD) is undertaking a 10-year rehabilitation project of its irrigation system. SCIDD is the non-Indian irrigation component of the San Carlos Irrigation Project (SCIP), which provides irrigation water to the communities of Florence, Coolidge, and Casa Grande in Pinal County, Arizona. The Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office (Reclamation) directed Archaeological Consulting...

  • Final Report of Class III Cultural Resource Survey for the SCIDD Florence Canal, Phase I: Station 45+00 to 1224+00, Pinal County, Arizona: Report (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Melanie Ryan. Thomas E. Jones. Robert Stokes.

    As authorized under the Arizona Water Settlements Act of 2004, the San Carlos and Irrigation Drainage District (SCIDD) is undertaking a 10-year rehabilitation project of its irrigation system. SCIDD is the non-Indian irrigation component of the San Carlos Irrigation Project (SCIP), which provides irrigation water to the communities of Florence, Coolidge, and Casa Grande in Pinal County, Arizona. The Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office (Reclamation) directed Archaeological Consulting...

  • Final Report of Findings: Phase 1 Data Recovery at AZ T:7:366(ASM) for the Northern Parkway Project, Near El Mirage, Maricopa County, Arizona (2013)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Glennda Gene Luhnow.

    Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) plans to improve Northern Avenue to be a parkway in the Phoenix metropolitan area where no freeways are planned. At the request of Mr. Robin Shishido of Parsons, a cultural resource assessment of the project area of potential effects (APE) was conducted by Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS). The purpose of the cultural resource assessment was to identify any historic properties in the APE that could be affected by the undertaking...

  • Final Report of Monitoring for the Southwest Gas 2" Steel Main Replacement Project, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2013)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Glennda Gene Luhnow.

    Monitoring for the Southwest Gas 2" Steel Main Replacement Project identified two features within AZ T:12:37(ASM)-Casa Buena, and three canal exposures representing two canals (designated at AZ T:12:416 and T:417[ASM]). All feature recording protocols followed those methods set forth in the approved City of Phoenix blanket work plan (Montero and Stubing 2004). ACS’ monitoring for the Southwest Gas 2" Steel Main Replacement Project resulted in the monitoring of 98 new excavations, and the...

  • Final Report of the Spring 2007 Field Season - Legacies on the Landscape: Archaeological and Ecological Research at Agua Fria National Monument and Tonto National Forest (2007)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Katherine A. Spielmann.

    Final Report of the Spring 2007 Field Season - Legacies on the Landscape: Archaeological and Ecological Research at Agua Fria National Monument and Tonto National Forest

  • Final Report on an Archaeological Survey of 880 Acres for the Tucson Aqueduct System Reliability Investigations Within the Avra Valley (1993)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Steven M. Troncone.

    Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) conducted a cultural resource survey of 880 acres of private land located in the Tucson, Arizona area just south of Valencia Road approximately 4 miles west-southwest of Black Mountain. The survey, requested by the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), was undertaken to identify and assess the cultural resources that might be affected by the development of the Tucson Aqueduct System Reliability Investigations (TASRI) Reservoir. It was one of two...

  • Final Report on Archaeological Survey of 320 Acres on the Pascua Yaqui Reservation (1993)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Holly S. DeMaagd.

    At the request of the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) performed an archaeological survey of 320 acres on the Pascua Yaqui Reservation in southern Arizona. This survey was conducted prior to the planned construction of the Pascua Yaqui Central Arizona Project (CAP) Farm Development. It was one of two tasks identified under Delivery Order No. 3-PD-32-01820-009 of the Cultural Resources Class III Inventories contract between Reclamation and ACS...

  • Final Report on Arizona - and National Register of Historic Places - Eligibility Testing Within Portions of Site AZ P:2:8 (GP), and Monitoring for a Prehistoric Canal Alignment, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2002)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text J. Scott Courtright.

    Logan Simpson Design Inc. (LSD) has completed Arizona- and National Register of Historic Places (NRHP)-eligibility testing within portions of AZ P:2:8 (GP). Monitoring to identify a prehistoric canal was also undertaken. Greeley and Hansen Engineers (Greeley and Hansen), on behalf of the City of Phoenix Water Services Department, retained LSD to conduct archaeological testing to determine whether remains were present that could contribute scientifically important information on the prehistoric...

  • Final Report on Phased Archaeological Data Recovery at the Boulder Bend Site, AZ W:16:7 (ASM)/AR-03-01-03-233 (ASNF), Arizona State Route 78, Greenlee County, Arizona (2009)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

    Desert Archaeology, Inc., personnel conducted phased archaeological data recovery at the Boulder Bend site. The site includes a small architectural mound located on Apache-Gravesides National Forests (ASNF) land west of the State Route (SR) 78 right-of-way, and an associated potsherd and flaked stone scatter that extends east of the SR 78 right-of-way, and is migrating down slope from the vicinity of the architectural mound. The Boulder Bend site straddles SR 78. The area of the site west of SR...

  • Final Report: Archaeological Survey on the Lower Zuni River - 1984 Season (1984)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Keith Kintigh.

    This report provides a substantive and administrative summary of the results of an intensive archaeological survey of about 9 square kilometers along the Zuni River in east-central Arizona that was conducted by the University of Arizona, Arizona State Museum. This survey was funded by a Survey and Planning Grant from the National Park Service administered by the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office and by matching funds provided by the University of Arizona. Because this final report for...