This collection serves as a digital archive of archaeological investigations carried out by faculty, staff, and students from the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University.
The collection includes resources from projects around the globe and includes documents, images, and data.
SHESC strives to meet the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) and CARE (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsible, Ethical) principles of data stewardship.
Site Name Keywords
Swarts •
Mattocks •
Casa Grande Ruins National Monument •
Eby •
Perry Mesa •
Pueblo Grande •
AZ U:9:1(ASM) •
AZ U:9:7(ASM) •
Jan-79 •
Flying Fish - LA 37767
Site Type Keywords
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Archaeological Feature •
Domestic Structures •
Non-Domestic Structures •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Artifact Scatter •
Funerary and Burial Structures or Features •
Settlements •
Pit •
Agricultural or Herding
Other Keywords
Ceramic Analysis •
Artifact Analysis •
Pollen Analysis •
Salt River Project •
Archaeological Monitoring •
Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project •
Culture Keywords
Mogollon •
Mimbres •
Hohokam •
Historic •
Huhugam •
Ancestral Puebloan •
Archaic •
Salado •
Euroamerican •
Historic Native American
Investigation Types
Collections Research •
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Systematic Survey •
Research Design / Data Recovery Plan •
Site Evaluation / Testing •
Archaeological Overview •
Historic Background Research •
Records Search / Inventory Checking •
Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis •
Architectural Documentation
Material Types
Ceramic •
Chipped Stone •
Ground Stone •
Fauna •
Shell •
Macrobotanical •
Dating Sample •
Mineral •
Wood •
Temporal Keywords
Early Mogollon Pithouse Period •
Late Mogollon Pithouse Period •
Mimbres Reorganization Phase •
Black Mountain Phase •
Classic Mimbres Period •
Classic Period •
Prehistoric •
Sedentary Period •
Historic •
Pueblo IV
Geographic Keywords
North America (Continent) •
United States of America (Country) •
Arizona (State / Territory) •
USA (Country) •
US (ISO Country Code) •
New Mexico (State / Territory) •
Maricopa County (County) •
Palomas Drainage •
Southwest New Mexico •
Eastern Mimbres
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 4,101-4,200 of 5,282)
- Coding Sheets (119)
- Datasets (398)
- Documents (2,062)
- GIS (14)
- Images (2,537)
- Ontologies (13)
- Projects (139)
Legacies on the Landscape: Agricultural Production on Perry Mesa, Agua Fria National Monument (2005)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text
This document presents the scope of work proposed for Spring 2005 at Agua Fria National Monument. The research is one phase of an on-going project concerned with the long-term effects of prehistoric agriculture on contemporary ecosystem structure and function at Agua Fria National Monument (see Kruse et al. 2004; Schollmeyer 2004; Schollmeyer et al. 2004). Accompanying this document is a copy of our recently submitted NSF proposal that provides more detail on the overall research plan. This...
Legacies on the Landscape: Overview of the 2003-04 Pilot Study (2004)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text
In 2003-04, the Legacies on the Landscape project began research concerning the long-term legacies of prehistoric and modern human land use in the desert grassland environment of the Agua Fria National Monument. This project is a collaborative effort between archaeologists and ecologists. During the first year of project research, faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates from the Department of Anthropology and the School of Life Sciences at Arizona State University worked with...
Legacies on the Landscsape: The Enduring Effects of Long-Term Human Ecosystem Interactions (2011)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text
The Legacies on the Landscape Project is an ongoing collaboration between ecology and archaeology faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students at Arizona State University. The project was born out of the recognition that strongly integrated interdisciplinary research was essential for understanding human-ecosystem interactions. Our particular case study is focused on understanding the long-term legacy of prehistoric human land use on the ecology of semi-desert grasslands in the Southwestern...
The Legacy of Terracing (2005)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text
When trying to analyze human impact on the environment one of the first questions that comes to mind is what long-term effects agriculture has on the land. This research examines the effect of agricultural terracing in terms of soil content and fertility. Specifically, does prehistoric agricultural terracing affect the number and type of seeds in the soil, and thereby the soil’s fertility? Soil fertility is a complex question and studies have been done to analyze the chemical content of soils...
Lessons from the Great House: Condition and treatment history as prologue to site conservation and management at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument (1999)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text
This report is a recap by the project manager of the research that the University of Pennsylvania performed in 1998 on the Great House at the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. The recap explains the objectives and structure of the research involving documentation and assessment of conditions of the Great House. It also recalls the efforts over time of all individuals involved in past restoration and stabilization of the Casa Grande Ruins. The characteristics of the materials used are...
Letter Preliminary Report of Phase 2 Data Recovery at AZ U:15:1(REC) on SCIDD Property and Trenching for Additional Canal Exposures on Federal Land Near Ashurst-Hayden Diversion Dam, Pinal County, Arizona (2012)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text
As authorized under the Arizona Water Settlements Act of 2004, the San Carlos and Irrigation Drainage District (SCIDD) is undertaking a 10-year rehabilitation project of its irrigation system. SCIDD is the non-Indian irrigation component of the San Carlos Irrigation Project (SCIP), which provides irrigation water to the communities of Florence, Coolidge, and Casa Grande in Pinal County, Arizona. The initial focus of the SCIDD Rehabilitation Project is the rehabilitation of the Ashurst-Hayden...
A Letter Report on Archaeological Testing on the Prologis Property at Pueblo del Alamo, Site AZ T:12:52 (ASM), Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2009)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text
The Cultural Resource Division of the Louis Berger Group, Inc. (Berger) was retained by ProLogis to conduct archaeological testing on private land for the subsequent sale and future development of 160 acres of farmland located at Lower Buckeye Road and 55th Avenue in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona. This letter report details the results of the archaeological testing conducted on this property. Report revised September 4, 2009 and final report submitted September 30, 2009
Letter Report: Archaeological Survey of 20 acres in the Old Fort Lowell Neighborhood (1984)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text
Letter report from the Institute for American Research to Cella Barr Associates detailing the completion of archaeological survey of 20 acres in the Old Fort Lowell Neighborhood, on March 26, 1984. The entire project area had been previously developed for agricultural purposes. These land modifications included land grading, plowing and cultivation of fields, construction of water ditches, a reservoir, three houses, a horse barn, two silage pits, silos, and corrals. As a result of the...
Life at the River's Edge: Hohokam Irrigation and Settlement Along the Red Mountain Freeway Between the Price Freeway and McKellips Road (1998)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: adam brin
Archaeological testing and data recovery were conducted along a segment of the Red Mountain Freeway (Loop 202) corridor between the Price Freeway and McKellips Road, including a realigned segment of Dobson Road in Mesa, Arizona. Conducted under contract to Stanley Consultants, Inc., for the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), the work was done in four phases (testing and data recovery for each of two segments) between October 1994 and April 1996. One site (AZ U:9:6 [ARS]) was found to...
Life Away from the River: A Class II Cultural Resources Survey of Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Tucson, Arizona (1988)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text
Results of an intensive archaeological survey of 4,675 acres at Davis-Monthan AFB are presented in this report. The surveyed areas represent about 45 percent of the total airbase and nearly 66 percent of all non-developed land at Davis-Monthan AFB. The intensity of the survey varied over the base. Areas of proposed development were inventoried completely as were undisturbed portions of the base. Remaining areas were sampled through a systematic survey design. Eight sites and 139 non-sites and...
Life in the Foothills: Archaeological Investigations in the Tortolita Mountains of Southern Arizona (2008)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez
The Dove Mountain sites are situated on the southern flanks of the Tortolita Mountains in the northern Tucson Basin. The parcel is bounded by Cochie Canyon on the west and contains Wild Burro Canyon and Ruelas Canyon within its boundaries. The project was conducted for Cottonwood Properties prior to residential development. Thirty-three sites were investigated during one of three testing and data recovery phases. An additional 15 sites were recorded, although no additional archaeological...
Life in the Valley of Gold: Archaeological Investigations at Honey Bee Village, a Prehistoric Hohokam Ballcourt Village Part 1 (2012)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez
Approximately 61 percent (74 percent if only the extant portions of the site are considered) of the 60.5-acre Hohokam settlement known as Honey Bee Village, AZ BB:9:88 (ASM) (Arizona State Museum site files designation) was mechanically tested and horizontally exposed during excavations in 2006-2007 by Desert Archaeology, Inc., under contract with Pima County and Rancho Vistoso Partners, LLC. Honey Bee Village is located in the Town of Oro Valley north of Tucson. The core of the village was...
Life in the Valley of Gold: Archaeological Investigations at Honey Bee Village, a Prehistoric Hohokam Ballcourt Village Part 2 (2012)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez
Approximately 61 percent (74 percent if only the extant portions of the site are considered) of the 60.5-acre Hohokam settlement known as Honey Bee Village, AZ BB:9:88 (ASM) (Arizona State Museum site files designation) was mechanically tested and horizontally exposed during excavations in 2006-2007 by Desert Archaeology, Inc., under contract with Pima County and Rancho Vistoso Partners, LLC. Honey Bee Village is located in the Town of Oro Valley north of Tucson. The core of the village was...
Life on the Floodplain: Further Investigations at Pueblo Salado for Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, Volume 1, Preliminary Investigations and Research Design (1996)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: system user
SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants conducted archaeological investigations for the City of Phoenix Aviation Department for work relating to future expansion of Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. The Federal Aviation Administration served as the lead agency, with the City of Phoenix Aviation Department administering the project. The project initially consisted of a Class I (archival and literature review) and later a Class II (testing) survey within portions of planned...
Life on the Floodplain: Further Investigations at Pueblo Salado, for Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, Volume 2, Data Recovery and Re-evaluation (1996)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: system user
This is the second volume of the report produced on archaeological investigations (data recovery excavations) conducted for the City of Phoenix Aviation Administration relating to future expansion of Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. The Federal Aviation Administration served as the lead agency, with the City of Phoenix Aviation Department as administrator of the project. Results of excavations at Areas 6, 15, and 16 of Pueblo Salado (AZ T:12:47[ASM]) and additional investigations of...
Life on the Lehi Terrace: The Archeology of the Red Mountain Freeway Between State Route 87 and Gilbert Road (2004)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is in the process of extending the Red Mountain Freeway (Loop 202) through Mesa, Arizona from State Route (SR) 87 to US Highway 60 (US 60, Superstition Freeway). The undertaking entails the construction of 17.8 mi (28.6 km) of new limited-access six-lane freeway parallel to and south of the Salt River. Under contract to Entranco Engineering, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.(ACS) performed initial survey of the proposed alternatives...
Life on the Lehi Terrace: The Archeology of the Red Mountain Freeway Between State Route 87 and Gilbert Road, Appendix A (2004)
DATASET [not managed]
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is in the process of extending the Red Mountain Freeway (Loop 202) through Mesa, Arizona from State Route (SR) 87 to US Highway 60 (US 60, Superstition Freeway). The undertaking entails the construction of 17.8 mi (28.6 km) of new limited access six-lane freeway parallel to and south of the Salt River. Under contract to Entranco Engineering, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.(ACS) performed initial survey of the proposed alternatives...
Life on the Lehi Terrace: The Archeology of the Red Mountain Freeway Between State Route 87 and Gilbert Road, Appendix B (2004)
DATASET [not managed]
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is in the process of extending the Red Mountain Freeway (Loop 202) through Mesa, Arizona from State Route (SR) 87 to US Highway 60 (US 60, Superstition Freeway). The undertaking entails the construction of 17.8 mi (28.6 km) of new limited access six-lane freeway parallel to and south of the Salt River. Under contract to Entranco Engineering, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.(ACS) performed initial survey of the proposed alternatives...
Life on the Lehi Terrace: The Archeology of the Red Mountain Freeway Between State Route 87 and Gilbert Road, Appendix C (2004)
DATASET [not managed]
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is in the process of extending the Red Mountain Freeway (Loop 202) through Mesa, Arizona from State Route (SR) 87 to US Highway 60 (US 60, Superstition Freeway). The undertaking entails the construction of 17.8 mi (28.6 km) of new limited access six-lane freeway parallel to and south of the Salt River. Under contract to Entranco Engineering, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.(ACS) performed initial survey of the proposed alternatives...
Life on the Lehi Terrace: The Archeology of the Red Mountain Freeway Between State Route 87 and Gilbert Road, Appendix D (2004)
DATASET [not managed]
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is in the process of extending the Red Mountain Freeway (Loop 202) through Mesa, Arizona from State Route (SR) 87 to US Highway 60 (US 60, Superstition Freeway). The undertaking entails the construction of 17.8 mi (28.6 km) of new limited access six-lane freeway parallel to and south of the Salt River. Under contract to Entranco Engineering, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.(ACS) performed initial survey of the proposed alternatives...
Life on the Lehi Terrace: The Archeology of the Red Mountain Freeway Between State Route 87 and Gilbert Road, Appendix E (2004)
DATASET [not managed]
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is in the process of extending the Red Mountain Freeway (Loop 202) through Mesa, Arizona from State Route (SR) 87 to US Highway 60 (US 60, Superstition Freeway). The undertaking entails the construction of 17.8 mi (28.6 km) of new limited access six-lane freeway parallel to and south of the Salt River. Under contract to Entranco Engineering, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.(ACS) performed initial survey of the proposed alternatives...
Life on the Lehi Terrace: The Archeology of the Red Mountain Freeway Between State Route 87 and Gilbert Road, Appendix F (2004)
DATASET [not managed]
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is in the process of extending the Red Mountain Freeway (Loop 202) through Mesa, Arizona from State Route (SR) 87 to US Highway 60 (US 60, Superstition Freeway). The undertaking entails the construction of 17.8 mi (28.6 km) of new limited access six-lane freeway parallel to and south of the Salt River. Under contract to Entranco Engineering, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.(ACS) performed initial survey of the proposed alternatives...
Life on the Lehi Terrace: The Archeology of the Red Mountain Freeway Between State Route 87 and Gilbert Road, Appendix G (2004)
DATASET [not managed]
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is in the process of extending the Red Mountain Freeway (Loop 202) through Mesa, Arizona from State Route (SR) 87 to US Highway 60 (US 60, Superstition Freeway). The undertaking entails the construction of 17.8 mi (28.6 km) of new limited access six-lane freeway parallel to and south of the Salt River. Under contract to Entranco Engineering, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.(ACS) performed initial survey of the proposed alternatives...
Life on the Lehi Terrace: The Archeology of the Red Mountain Freeway Between State Route 87 and Gilbert Road, Appendix J (2004)
DATASET [not managed]
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is in the process of extending the Red Mountain Freeway (Loop 202) through Mesa, Arizona from State Route (SR) 87 to US Highway 60 (US 60, Superstition Freeway). The undertaking entails the construction of 17.8 mi (28.6 km) of new limited access six-lane freeway parallel to and south of the Salt River. Under contract to Entranco Engineering, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.(ACS) performed initial survey of the proposed alternatives...
Life on the Lehi Terrace: The Archeology of the Red Mountain Freeway Between State Route 87 and Gilbert Road, Appendix K (2004)
DATASET [not managed]
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is in the process of extending the Red Mountain Freeway (Loop 202) through Mesa, Arizona from State Route (SR) 87 to US Highway 60 (US 60, Superstition Freeway). The undertaking entails the construction of 17.8 mi (28.6 km) of new limited access six-lane freeway parallel to and south of the Salt River. Under contract to Entranco Engineering, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.(ACS) performed initial survey of the proposed alternatives...
Life on the Lehi Terrace: The Archeology of the Red Mountain Freeway Between State Route 87 and Gilbert Road, Appendix M (2004)
DATASET [not managed]
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is in the process of extending the Red Mountain Freeway (Loop 202) through Mesa, Arizona from State Route (SR) 87 to US Highway 60 (US 60, Superstition Freeway). The undertaking entails the construction of 17.8 mi (28.6 km) of new limited access six-lane freeway parallel to and south of the Salt River. Under contract to Entranco Engineering, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.(ACS) performed initial survey of the proposed alternatives...
Limited Archaeological Testing at Site AZ EE:2:50 In the Pima County Cienega Creek Preserve, Arizona (1996)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text
Between December 1 and 13, 1995, SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants (SWCA), conducted archaeological monitoring on a 9.7-ha (24-acre) parcel of land in the Pima County Cienega Creek Preserve. The Pima County Flood Control District, which administers the preserve, proposes to restore the mesquite bosque and sacaton plant communities that formerly dominated the parcel, in order to provide wildlife habitat. A grant (FWS No. 1448-00002-95-__) from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will support...
Limited Data Recovery for the Proposed Kindred TCC Facility within the Boundaries of La Ciudad (AZ T:12:1[ASM]), Phoenix, Arizona (2014)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text
PaleoWest Archaeology was contracted to conduct data recovery in advance of the development of a new medical building on St. Luke’s campus. Limited archaeological data recovery was conducted in the project area because of the presence of prehistoric features and the possibility of human remains existing in the area. The parcel is within the boundaries of a large prehistoric site known as La Ciudad (AZ T:12:1[ASM]). The data recovery project included the excavation of 100 m of trench and...
Limited Excavation at the Eastern Margin of the Hodges Site (1996)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text
The excavations conducted on the fire station parcel for the Flowing Wells Fire District were situated on the eastern margin of the Hodges site, AZ AA:12:18 (ASM). During the testing phase, 24 features were identified in backhoe trenches, and the eastern boundary of the Hodges site, AZ AA:12:18 (ASM), was defined. The limited excavation phase focused solely on features that would be impacted by construction. Two pit-houses and two trash concentrations were excavated or sampled. Although the...
Linear Ground Features Upon and Adjacent to Perry Mesa, Yavapai County, Arizona (2007)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text
Although not ubiquitous, unique cultural features known as “racetracks” are characteristic (Ahlstrom et al. 1992) of the Perry Mesa Tradition (Fish et al. 1975), which existed in Central Arizona’s mesa and canyon complex between ca A.D. 1300 and 1400 (Ahlstrom et al. 1992) . Prior to this season’s research, eight racetracks had been identified at pueblos upon Perry Mesa and neighboring Black Mesa (Wilcox et al. 2001). As a result of research this semester, the number of confirmed and likely...
Lithic cortex coding sheet (2015)
CODING SHEET [not managed]
This coding key translates the abbreviations for dorsel cortex in the Quarai lithics database.
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:112 (ASM): Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts presents a summary of decorated ceramic vessels recovered from all contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists designated archaeological contexts -...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:112 (ASM): Groundstone from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table Groundstone from All Contexts presents a summary of decorated ceramic vessels recovered from all contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table Groundstone from All Contexts presents a summary of the...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:112 (ASM): Lithic Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table Lithics from All Contexts presents a summary of the lithic artifacts recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites and designated...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:112 (ASM): Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts presents a summary of the plain ware ceramic vessels recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:112 (ASM): Shell Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Shell Artifacts from All Contexts," presents a summary of the shell artifacts recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites and...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:112 (ASM): Strata (1997)
The strata represent major natural or cultural depositional events such as erosional fill, roof fall, floor contexts, and sterile substrate. Strata are depicted as horizontal rows of interconnected boxes on a Harris Matrix. Within a feature, each stratum is designated by the feature number (e.g., 10, 11, 12, etc.) and a letter that designates a particular stratum (e.g., A, B, C). The letters are assigned in descending order. Mixed levels and artifacts collected out of context are designated by a...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:119 (ASM): Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts presents a summary of decorated ceramic vessels recovered from all contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The report volumes and data summarize results from the...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:119 (ASM): Groundstone from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Groundstone from All Contexts," presents a summary of decorated ceramic vessels recovered from all contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites and designated...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:119 (ASM): Lithic Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Lithics from All Contexts," presents a summary of the lithic artifacts recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites and designated...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:119 (ASM): Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts," presents a summary of the plain ware ceramic vessels recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:119 (ASM): Shell Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Shell Artifacts from All Contexts," presents a summary of the shell artifacts recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites and...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:119 (ASM): Special Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Special Artifacts from All Contexts," presents a summary of fine, elaborate, rare, and/or otherwise special goods recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. In general, it...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:119 (ASM): Strata (1997)
The strata represent major natural or cultural depositional events such as erosional fill, roof fall, floor contexts, and sterile substrate. Strata are depicted as horizontal rows of interconnected boxes on a Harris Matrix. Within a feature, each stratum is designated by the feature number (e.g., 10, 11, 12, etc.) and a letter that designates a particular stratum (e.g., A, B, C). The letters are assigned in descending order. Mixed levels and artifacts collected out of context are designated by a...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:120 (ASM): Lithic Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Lithics from All Contexts," presents a summary of the lithic artifacts recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites and designated...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:120 (ASM): Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts," presents a summary of the plain ware ceramic vessels recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:120 (ASM): Special Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Special Artifacts from All Contexts," presents a summary of fine, elaborate, rare, and/or otherwise special goods recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. In general, it...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:121 (ASM): Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts," presents a summary of decorated ceramic vessels recovered from all contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists designated archaeological contexts -...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:121 (ASM): Groundstone from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Groundstone from All Contexts," presents a summary of decorated ceramic vessels recovered from all contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites and designated...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:121 (ASM): Lithic Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Lithics from All Contexts," presents a summary of the lithic artifacts recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites and designated...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:121 (ASM): Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts," presents a summary of the plain ware ceramic vessels recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:121 (ASM): Shell Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Shell Artifacts from All Contexts," presents a summary of the shell artifacts recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites and...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:121 (ASM): Special Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Special Artifacts from All Contexts," presents a summary of fine, elaborate, rare, and/or otherwise special goods recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. In general, it...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:121 (ASM): Strata (1997)
The strata represent major natural or cultural depositional events such as erosional fill, roof fall, floor contexts, and sterile substrate. Strata are depicted as horizontal rows of interconnected boxes on a Harris Matrix. Within a feature, each stratum is designated by the feature number (e.g., 10, 11, 12, etc.) and a letter that designates a particular stratum (e.g., A, B, C). The letters are assigned in descending order. Mixed levels and artifacts collected out of context are designated by a...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:125 (ASM): Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts," presents a summary of decorated ceramic vessels recovered from all contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists designated archaeological contexts -...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:125 (ASM): Lithic Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Lithics from All Contexts," presents a summary of the lithic artifacts recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites and designated...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:125 (ASM): Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts," presents a summary of the plain ware ceramic vessels recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:128 (ASM): Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts," presents a summary of decorated ceramic vessels recovered from all contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists designated archaeological contexts -...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:128 (ASM): Groundstone from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Groundstone from All Contexts," presents a summary of decorated ceramic vessels recovered from all contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites and designated...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:128 (ASM): Lithic Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Lithics from All Contexts," presents a summary of the lithic artifacts recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites and designated...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:128 (ASM): Plain Ware Ceramics from All Context (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts," presents a summary of the plain ware ceramic vessels recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:128 (ASM): Shell Artifacts from All Context (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Shell Artifacts from All Contexts," presents a summary of the shell artifacts recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites and...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:128 (ASM): Special Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Special Artifacts from All Contexts," presents a summary of fine, elaborate, rare, and/or otherwise special goods recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. In general, it...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:128 (ASM): Strata (1997)
The strata represent major natural or cultural depositional events such as erosional fill, roof fall, floor contexts, and sterile substrate. Strata are depicted as horizontal rows of interconnected boxes on a Harris Matrix. Within a feature, each stratum is designated by the feature number (e.g., 10, 11, 12, etc.) and a letter that designates a particular stratum (e.g., A, B, C). The letters are assigned in descending order. Mixed levels and artifacts collected out of context are designated by a...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:130 (ASM): Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts," presents a summary of decorated ceramic vessels recovered from all contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists designated archaeological contexts -...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:130 (ASM): Groundstone from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Groundstone from All Contexts," presents a summary of decorated ceramic vessels recovered from all contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites and designated...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:130 (ASM): Lithic Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Lithics from All Contexts," presents a summary of the lithic artifacts recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites and designated...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:130 (ASM): Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts," presents a summary of the plain ware ceramic vessels recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:130 (ASM): Shell Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Shell Artifacts from All Contexts," presents a summary of the shell artifacts recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites and...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:130 (ASM): Special Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Special Artifacts from All Contexts," presents a summary of fine, elaborate, rare, and/or otherwise special goods recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. In general, it...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:130 (ASM): Strata (1997)
The strata represent major natural or cultural depositional events such as erosional fill, roof fall, floor contexts, and sterile substrate. Strata are depicted as horizontal rows of interconnected boxes on a Harris Matrix. Within a feature, each stratum is designated by the feature number (e.g., 10, 11, 12, etc.) and a letter that designates a particular stratum (e.g., A, B, C). The letters are assigned in descending order. Mixed levels and artifacts collected out of context are designated by a...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:139 (ASM): Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts," presents a summary of decorated ceramic vessels recovered from all contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists designated archaeological contexts -...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:139 (ASM): Groundstone from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Groundstone from All Contexts," presents a summary of decorated ceramic vessels recovered from all contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites and designated...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:139 (ASM): Lithic Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Lithics from All Contexts," presents a summary of the lithic artifacts recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites and designated...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:139 (ASM): Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts," presents a summary of the plain ware ceramic vessels recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:139 (ASM): Shell Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The table lists archaeological sites and designated archaeological contexts - strata - at each site. The strata represent major natural or cultural depositional events such as erosional fill, roof fall, floor contexts, and sterile...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:139 (ASM): Special Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Special Artifacts from All Contexts," presents a summary of fine, elaborate, rare, and/or otherwise special goods recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. In general, it...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:139 (ASM): Strata (1997)
The strata represent major natural or cultural depositional events such as erosional fill, roof fall, floor contexts, and sterile substrate. Strata are depicted as horizontal rows of interconnected boxes on a Harris Matrix. Within a feature, each stratum is designated by the feature number (e.g., 10, 11, 12, etc.) and a letter that designates a particular stratum (e.g., A, B, C). The letters are assigned in descending order. Mixed levels and artifacts collected out of context are designated by a...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:141 (ASM): Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts," presents a summary of decorated ceramic vessels recovered from all contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists designated archaeological contexts -...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:141 (ASM): Groundstone from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Groundstone from All Contexts," presents a summary of decorated ceramic vessels recovered from all contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites and designated...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:141 (ASM): Lithic Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Lithics from All Contexts," presents a summary of the lithic artifacts recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites and designated...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:141 (ASM): Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts," presents a summary of the plain ware ceramic vessels recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:141 (ASM): Shell Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Shell Artifacts from All Contexts," presents a summary of the shell artifacts recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites and...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:141 (ASM): Special Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Special Artifacts from All Contexts," presents a summary of fine, elaborate, rare, and/or otherwise special goods recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. In general, it...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:65 (ASM): Strata (1997)
The strata represent major natural or cultural depositional events such as erosional fill, roof fall, floor contexts, and sterile substrate. Strata are depicted as horizontal rows of interconnected boxes on a Harris Matrix. Within a feature, each stratum is designated by the feature number (e.g., 10, 11, 12, etc.) and a letter that designates a particular stratum (e.g., A, B, C). The letters are assigned in descending order. Mixed levels and artifacts collected out of context are designated by a...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:66 (ASM): Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts," presents a summary of decorated ceramic vessels recovered from all contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists designated archaeological contexts -...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:66 (ASM): Groundstone from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Groundstone from All Contexts," presents a summary of decorated ceramic vessels recovered from all contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites and designated...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:66 (ASM): Lithic Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Lithics from All Contexts," presents a summary of the lithic artifacts recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites and designated...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:66 (ASM): Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts," presents a summary of the plain ware ceramic vessels recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:66 (ASM): Shell Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Shell Artifacts from All Contexts," presents a summary of the shell artifacts recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites and...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:66 (ASM): Special Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Special Artifacts from All Contexts," presents a summary of fine, elaborate, rare, and/or otherwise special goods recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. In general, it...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:76 (ASM): Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts," presents a summary of decorated ceramic vessels recovered from all contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists designated archaeological contexts -...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:76 (ASM): Groundstone from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Groundstone from All Contexts," presents a summary of decorated ceramic vessels recovered from all contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites and designated...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:76 (ASM): Lithic Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Lithics from All Contexts," presents a summary of the lithic artifacts recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites and designated...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:76 (ASM): Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts," presents a summary of the plain ware ceramic vessels recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:76 (ASM): Shell Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Shell Artifacts from All Contexts," presents a summary of the shell artifacts recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists archaeological sites and...
Livingston Data, AZ V:5:76 (ASM): Special Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table, "Special Artifacts from All Contexts," presents a summary of fine, elaborate, rare, and/or otherwise special goods recovered from all investigated contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. In general, it...
Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex Data: Ceramic Bowl and Jar Data from Screened Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) research at 52 sites located in four study areas in the bajadas and foothill-transition zone that surround and define the Tonto Basin. The Livingston Data table Ceramic Bowls and Jars from All Contexts presents a summary of the basic ceramic vessel forms - bowls and jars - recovered from excavated,...
Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex Data: Data Matrix for Two Sites (1997)
The Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) research at 52 sites located in four study areas in the bajadas and foothill-transition zone that surround and define the Tonto Basin.The Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex Data Matrix presents data on selected artifact types excavated at two...
Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex Data: Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
The Livingston Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. The Livingston table Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts presents a summary of decorated ceramic vessels recovered from all contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists designated archaeological contexts -...