Fauna Proximal-Distal/Portion Ontology — Proximal end & shaft {broken}
Ontology: Fauna Proximal-Distal/Portion Ontology
Parent: Proximal
Datasets that use Proximal end & shaft {broken}
- Guadalupe Ruin Fauna
- Gran Quivira Fauna
- Aztec West Ruin Rooms 202 and 221
- Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1980 Fauna dataset-West Shelter 1/4 inch waterscreen
- Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1953 Fauna dataset Central Pit 1/4" Screen
- EMVPP Fauna
- Gran Quivira faunal data
- Salmon Ruins Room 129
- Napoleon Hollow, IL (11PK500)-Fauna dataset 1/16" flotation
- Koster-N Horizon 8A-10B Macro Identified File
- Salmon Ruins Faunal Data
- Albert Porter Pueblo Fauna
- Pueblo Colorado faunal data
- Koster-N Horizon 11 Flotation
- Kite Pueblo (LA 199) Fauna
- Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1984 East Pillar 1/4" Faunal data
- Yellow Jacket Pueblo Fauna
- Hill Horizon 11
- Woods Canyon Pueblo faunal dataset
- Pueblo Blanco Fauna
- Shields Pueblo faunal dataset
- Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1984 West Pillar 1/4" Faunal data
- Sand Canyon Locality site testing program faunal dataset
- CARP Fauna
- Chaves-Hummingbird (LA 578) Fauna
- LA 135290
- Koster-N Horizon 11 Macro
- HARP Fauna
- Boon Horizon Eleven Dataset
- Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1984 Unit D 1/4" Faunal data
- Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/4" screen
- Pena Blanca Fauna
- Sand Canyon Locality site testing program faunal dataset
- Alameda School Site (LA 421) Fauna
- Rowe Pueblo Fauna
- Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1987 Fauna dataset-East Pillar-1/4" screen
- LA 86534
- Woods Canyon Pueblo Fauna
- Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1987 Fauna dataset-East Pillar-Flotation 1/16" mesh
- San Antonio de Padua (LA 24) Fauna
- Castle Rock Pueblo faunal dataset
- Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic
- RCAP Fauna
- ULCPP Fauna
- Pueblo Blanco faunal data
- Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1984 Main Trench 1/4" Fauna
- Roosevelt Platform Mound Study Faunal Data
- Napoleon Hollow, IL (11PK500)-Fauna dataset 1/4" screen
- Arroyo Hondo Fauna Old
- Nambe fauna
- Castle Rock Pueblo Fauna
- Yellow Jacket Pueblo faunal dataset
- Arroyo Hondo Fauna
- 20BY28 faunal dataset
- Salmon Faunal Data for Room 100
- Koster-N HILL Other Horizons (4,6,9AB and 12) Macro
- Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2
- Franks Ruin (LA 9032) Fauna
- Sierra Blanca faunal datasets
- Sand Canyon Pueblo faunal dataset
- LA 4618 Fauna
- Quarai Pueblo Fauna
- LA 12587 Fauna
- Pueblo Colorado Fauna
- Koster-N Horizon 8A-10B Macro Indeterminate File
- Shields Pueblo Fauna
- Quarai Pueblo Faunal Data
- Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/16" flotation
- Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)-Vertebrate Fauna, 1/4" screen
- Weber I Middle Archaic faunal dataset
- Pottery Mound (LA 416) Fauna
- OBAP (Ojo Bonito) Fauna
- Albert Porter Pueblo faunal dataset
- Horizon Eleven Trial Dataset
- Sand Canyon Pueblo Fauna