Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.

Presenters can access and upload their presentations for FREE. If you would like to upload your presentation, please click here to find out more.

The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1,401-1,500 of 21,939)

  1. Archaic Copper Economy and Exchange in the Western Great Lakes: A Comparative Study from Two Wisconsin Localities (2019)
  2. Archaic Era Vertebrate Faunal Remains from Cuba (2016)
  3. Archaic Estuarine Resource Use in the Lower Hudson Valley: New Information from the Old Place Neck Site, Staten Island, New York. (2015)
  4. Archaic Fishing in the Eastern Woodlands: An Examination of Social Causes and Environmental Variation (2017)
  5. Archaic Ingenuity through Continuous Change (2024)
  6. The Archaic Period Diet: Preliminary Isotope Results for Adult Individuals from the Phaleron Cemetery (2024)
  7. Archaic Period Lifeways on the South Pacific Coast of Mexico (2018)
  8. Archaic Period MRG-6 and the Deep Culinary Roots of Oaxacan Cuisine (2019)
  9. Archaic Period Obsidian Use in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: The 48PA551 Assemblage in Regional Context (2019)
  10. Archaic Tattooing and Bundle Keeping in Tennessee, ca. 1600 BC (2018)
  11. Archaic Women in the High Country: an Ethnoarchaeological Framework (2015)
  12. The ArchaMap Data Integration Tool: A Case Study from the Roosevelt Dam Archaeological Projects, Arizona (2023)
  13. ArchaMap: A Solution for Merging and Finding Archaeological Data (2023)
  14. Archeobotany of the Lower Illinois Valley: The Legacy of Stuart Struever (2024)
  15. The Archeological Dynamic Friction Cone Penetrometer (2015)
  17. Archeology as a Teaching Tool (2019)
  18. Archeology, Disability, Healthcare, and the Weimar Joint Sanatorium for Tuberculosis (2019)
  19. Archeomagnetic Dating of Ceramic Potsherds of the Tingambato Archeological Site (2018)
  20. Architecting the Underworld: What is a Southern Maya Lowland Chultun? (2017)
  21. Architectural Ambivalence: An Interpretation of the Nohoch Tunich Bedrock Outcrop Complex, Pacbitun, Belize (2015)
  22. Architectural and Functional Characterization of Sector 2 at Cerro Chepén (2015)
  23. Architectural and Technological Analyses from a Pueblo III Slab-lined Pit Structure in Northeastern Arizona (2024)
  24. The Architectural and Urban Design Principles of Tenochtitlan (2018)
  25. Architectural Caves and Glyphic Stepped Platforms (2015)
  26. Architectural Communities of Practice: Identifying Kiva Production Groups in the Northern Southwest (2017)
  27. Architectural Conformity vs. Slave Identity: An Example in Late Antebellum Georgia (2018)
  28. Architectural Conservation at Cuetlajuchitlán, an Archaeological Site in Northern Guerrero, Mexico (2023)
  29. Architectural Contexts in Quilcapampa (2019)
  30. Architectural Discourse and Sociocultural Structure at Los Guachimontones, Jalisco (2016)
  31. Architectural Documentation at the Montezuma Castle and Casa Grande Ruins National Monuments (2019)
  32. An architectural energetics analysis of ceremonial architecture from the shaft tomb culture of the highland lakes region of Jalisco, Mexico (2016)
  33. Architectural Features versus Historic Maps of Fort St. Pierre, 1719-1729, Vicksburg, Mississippi. (2015)
  34. Architectural Investigations at a Multicomponent Site on the Shivwits Plateau (2024)
  35. Architectural Planning and Shared Political Traditions in the Belize River Valley (2016)
  36. Architectural Specialization in Basketmaker III Proto-Villages (2015)
  37. Architectural Style and Urban Organization at the Patipampa sector of Huari (2018)
  38. Architectural Variation in the Tres Zapotes Region (2016)
  39. Architectural Visibility Analysis: Understanding Domestic Space in Roman Pompeii, Italy (2021)
  40. Architectural Wood Use in Chaco Kivas (2015)
  41. Architecture and Conservation Works at Chajul (2023)
  42. Architecture and Figurine art in Central Veracruz (2017)
  43. Architecture and Human Behavior at a Folsom Period Residential Camp (2019)
  44. Architecture and human sacrifice: political and ideological significance of the ritual deposits in monumental earthen architecture in South-Central Veracruz (2016)
  45. Architecture and Hydrology: Defining the Sacred Landscape of the Tayasal Hinterland amid the Shores of Lake Petén Itzá, Guatemala (2024)
  46. Architecture and Its Reflection of State Organization and Settlement Pattern in the Cochuah Region during the Terminal Classic Period (2015)
  47. Architecture and monuments as territorial markers among the hunter-gatherers of the Pacific coast, Atacama Desert (Northern Chile) (2016)
  48. Architecture and Ritual Abandonment Sequences at the BaahKu Archaeological Site, Taos Valley, NM (2019)
  49. Architecture and Spatial Organization of Urban Cercaduras at the Early Horizon Center of Caylán, Nepeña Valley, Peru (2017)
  50. Architecture and the Subjective Experience (2015)
  51. Architecture and Urban Planning of Inka Cusco (2023)
  52. Architecture and Urban Transformation in Formative Central Mexico: New Findings from the Tlalancaleca Archaeological Project, Puebla (2017)
  53. Architecture as an Expression of Maya Political Organization in the Cochuah Region, Quintana Roo during the Early Terminal Classic: The Perspective from Non-primary Sites (2018)
  54. Architecture in Negative: Mapping Social Space at Carrizales, Peru Using Low Altitude Aerial Photography and Photogrammetry (2015)
  55. The Architecture of Fear: Archaeological Evidence of Fear’s Influence on Built Environments (2024)
  56. Architecture of Pre-Columbian Northeast Honduras (2018)
  57. The Architecture of the Classic Maya Regal Palace of La Corona, Guatemala (2018)
  58. Architecture of the late Pueblo in southern Southwest and Northwest Mexico. (2016)
  59. The Architecture of the Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project (2019)
  60. Archival Oral Histories, Intellectual Property, and the Indigenous Community: The Legacy of Mary Kiona, “Grand Matriarch” of the Upper Cowlitz (2023)
  61. *Archival Photogrammetry: Repurposing Excavation Photographs to 3-D Model Previous Excavations in Faynan, Jordan (2021)
  62. ArchMatNet: An Agent-Based Model to Investigate the Validity of Social Networks in Archaeology (2023)
  63. Arctic Ceramic Traditions and Late Holocene Social Interaction; Revisiting Giddings’ Arctic Woodland Culture (2016)
  64. Arctic Heterotopias: Qariyit as Queer Spaces In Precontact Inuit Communities (2018)
  65. Arctic Horizons: Forging Priorities for Arctic Social Sciences and NSF Funding (2019)
  66. #Arctic: Social Media and the Communication of Arctic Archaeological Knowledge (2021)
  67. Are "Coastal Cajamarca" vessels local imitations? Petrographic analysis of ceramic vessels from the Late Moche (AD 600 – 850) settlement "Huaca Colorada" in the Jequetepeque Valley, Peru (2016)
  68. Are Changes in Rates of Technological Change Robust to Error? A Paired Bayesian and Simulation Approach to Assessing the Pleistocene Record (2023)
  69. Are Inka Khipu Knots Anything More than Numbers?: A Computational Investigation (2018)
  70. Are Lithics and Fauna a Match made in Prehistoric Heaven? (2017)
  71. Are Online Courses Less Engaging than Traditional Lectures? A Comparison of Student Results from Different Presentation Formats (2024)
  72. Are the Calusa Unique? Environmental Stewardship and Historical Contingency in the Pacific Northwest and Southwest Florida (2019)
  73. Are the Tohono O'odham Descendent from the Hohokam and Their Predecessors? A Rock Art Test of Occupation Continuity in Southern Arizona (2019)
  74. Are Two Heads Still Better than One? Considering a Unified Origin for American Social Complexity (2016)
  75. Are We Living in a Simulation? Digital Reconstructions of Early Sites in Coastal Peru (2018)
  76. Are we looking to discover the first Americans or the first successful Americans? (2016)
  77. Are websites doing what we want them to do? Evaluating the effectiveness of websites for public archaeology (2016)
  78. Are You a Tool? A Zooarchaeological Analysis of Worked Bone from Wupatki National Monument (2019)
  79. "Are You There Gods?" Offerings and Communication Between Worlds in Protohistoric France (2017)
  80. Arene Candide to Anzick: Ritual Use of Red Ochre (2021)
  81. ARIADNE: Building a European data infrastructure for archaeology (2016)
  82. Arisen from the Ashes: Archaeology as Tabletop Gaming in “The Age of Silence” (2023)
  83. The Arkansas Connection and David G. Anderson (2024)
  84. Arlington Springs Chronostratigraphy and Implications for Early Human Settlement along North America's Pacific Coast (2023)
  85. Arm Chair Archaeology: GIS-ing the 1733 St. Jan Slave Rebellion (2017)
  86. Armchair Archaeothanatology: Post-Excavation Archaeothanatology in the Caribbean (2015)
  87. An Army of Winged Souls: Butterfly Iconography in Teotihuacan (2017)
  88. Around the Lower Pecos in 1,095 Days: A Baseline Rock Art Documentation Project (2017)
  89. Around the Neighboring Watering Hole: Comparative Analysis of Fountains in Pompeii and Herculaneum (2021)
  90. Around the Watering Hole: An In-Depth Analysis of Pompeii’s Fountains (2019)
  91. ARPA and Confidentiality in the Digital Age (2019)
  92. Arqueoastronomy and built landscape: the spatial orientation of geometric enclosures in Western Amazonia (2016)
  93. Arqueologia y Comunidad en la provincia de Manabi, dos casos de estudio (2019)
  94. Arqueologos: Integrating 3d Visualization, Spatial Databases, and Desktop GIS Software to Improve the Management and Analysis of Archaeological Data (2016)
  95. Arqueología Comunitaria en la Región Ixil de Guatemala (2015)
  96. Arqueología de la infancia en la Frontera Norte Mesoamericana durante el Epiclásico. El caso de El Ocote, Aguascalientes. (2018)
  97. Arqueología de los repartos mercantiles en los Andes coloniales: endeudamiento, elites locales y cultura material. (2017)
  98. Arqueología de transiciones: Enfoques teórico metodológicos para investigar el cambio desde la perspectiva de la cerámica Formativa y Cásica de Mazapa, La Sierra y El Escobillal, Veracruz (2024)
  99. Arqueología del agua y las montañas: paisaje y patrón de asentamiento en la costa este de Los Tuxtlas. (2019)
  100. Arqueología en la Sierra Sur de Oaxaca: El sitio fortaleza de Quiavicuzas (2017)