Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.

Presenters can access and upload their presentations for FREE. If you would like to upload your presentation, please click here to find out more.

The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 20,801-20,900 of 21,939)

  1. Using remote sensing to detect late Holocene mound sites along the Calapooia River, Willamette Valley, Oregon (2015)
  2. Using Remote Sensing to Monitor and Predict the Inundation of the Abu Simbel Temples, Egypt (2017)
  3. Using Remote Sensing to Re-evaluate Prehistoric Land Use in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (2019)
  4. Using Rock Art as a Medium for Teaching STEM Concepts (2018)
  5. Using Rock Art to Infer the Migration of Peoples (2015)
  6. Using Rules from the Texas Lower Pecos to Interpret Jornada Mogollon Rock Art (2018)
  7. Using Sacred Landscape Model of Indigenous Cave Use in the Philippines (2018)
  8. Using Sediment Chemistry to Define Ancient Activities (2024)
  9. Using Site Condition Data to Manage Heritage Sites for Climate Change Impacts (2016)
  10. Using soil geomorphology to understand dry-farmed agriculture in eolian sediments in northeastern Arizona (2017)
  11. Using Sourcing Studies to Examine Paleoindian Lithic Technological and Socioeconomic Organization in the Great Basin (2017)
  12. Using Species Richness To Examine Paleoenvironmental Conditions Of The Northern Everglades: A Preliminary Faunal Analysis Of Wedgworth Midden (8PB16175) And The Bryant Site (8PB46) (2016)
  13. Using spiked, fired clay samples for developing robust quantification algorithms for pXRF of pottery (2015)
  14. Using stable isotope analyses to assess the geographical origins of pork and beef products in a historical New World population center (2016)
  15. Using Stable Isotope Analysis to Demonstrate Humans' Role in Faunal Diet Construction at the Collier Lodge Site (12PR36) (2016)
  16. Using stable isotopes to explore ancient wildebeest mobility in the context of pastoral expansion (2017)
  17. Using stable isotopes to identify childhood and infant feeding practices in prehistoric Taumako (2017)
  18. Using STEM to Educate the Public about Cultural Diversity in the San Antonio Missions (2019)
  19. Using Strontium Isotope Analysis to Source Nonlocal Bighorn Sheep, Northeast Arizona (2019)
  20. Using Surface Archaeology to Estimate Ancestral Jemez Population Dynamics, AD 1300-1700 (2015)
  21. Using surface chemical markers to identify patterns of human activity: the case of Tierras Nuevas, Puerto Rico (2017)
  22. Using Surface Roughness to Identify Heat Treatment in Lithic Technology (2018)
  23. Using Technologically Diagnostic Debitage to Better Determine the Integrity of an Archaeological Site (2023)
  24. Using the Anasazi Origins Project Faunal Remains to Determine Archaic Subsistence Patterns (2015)
  25. Using the Archaeological Record to Better Understand Models: An Australian Case Study (2017)
  26. Using the City Simulator Tool to Aid in Preservation during Resiliency Planning (2018)
  27. Using the Index of Care on a Bronze Age Teenager with Poliomyelitis: From Speculation to Strong Inference (2015)
  28. Using the Lithic Technological Organization at Procurement Sites to Parse the Multiple Occurrences of Browns Bench Obsidian in Southern Idaho (2015)
  29. Using the Neotoma Paleoecology Database for Specimen Level Stable Isotope Data (2019)
  30. Using the NHL framework to Advance the Development of Applied Archaeology (2017)
  31. Using the Past to Inform the Future: Employing Empirical Data to Guide Future Land Management Decisions (2018)
  32. Using the Present to Uncover the Past: Reconstructing the Ecology and Behaviour of Extinct Large Mammals on the Palaeo-Agulhas Plain (South Coast, South Africa) (2019)
  33. Using the State Archaeological Repository of Iowa: Collections Long Held Re-examined and Application of New Technologies (2019)
  34. Using Traditional and Nontraditional Isotopic Tracers of Diet and Mobility of Brazilian Shell Mound Populations (ca. 8000–1000 years BP) (2023)
  35. Using Trauma Distributions, Victim Profiles, and Differential Scavenging to Infer Characteristics of Prehistoric Warfare: A Case Study from the Peruvian Late Intermediate Period (AD 1000–1450) (2019)
  36. Using Ungulate Bones to Retouch and (Re)Sharpen Middle Stone Age End-Scrapers at Bushman Rock Shelter, South Africa (2023)
  37. Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Photography to Develop Preservation and Management Plans at S’eḏav Va’aki, Arizona (2024)
  38. Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Aerial Photogrammetry on the San Diego Coastline (2015)
  39. Using VR Phenomenological Landscape Analysis to explore Diachronic Ritual Space at Cerros, Belize (2015)
  40. Using X-radiography to Reveal an Ancient Zapotec Urn (2015)
  41. Using XRF Analysis on Historic Choctaw Ceramics from Chickasawhay Creek, Kemper County, MS (2018)
  42. Using Zooarchaeology to Explore the Origins of Medieval Urbanism: Evidence from Badia Pozzeveri near Lucca, Antwerp, and Ipswich (2021)
  43. Using Zooarchaeology to Study Urban Origins in Antwerp, Belgium: Evidence from the Burcht and Gorterstraat Sites (2019)
  44. Using ZooMS to Evaluate Targeted Species Harvest of Pacific Salmon (2023)
  45. Using ZooMS to Reconstruct Neanderthal Faunal Exploitation in the Early Sequence of Crvena Stijena, Montenegro (2023)
  46. Using ZooMS to Understand Hunting and Fishing in the Roman Mediterranean (2024)
  47. Uso de Dispositivos Open Hardware en Proyectos Arqueológicos en México (2019)
  48. Uso de resinas en el Centro de Veracruz: El caso de los braseros y sahumadores de los sitios arqueológicos de Nopiloa y El Zapotal (2021)
  49. Uso de un Espacio Sagrado: Excavaciones de la Sacristía de una Reducción Colonial en la Sierra sur del Perú (2017)
  50. The Ust’-Menza 14 (Lagernaya) Site and Its Place in the Middle Upper Paleolithic of Southern Siberia (2024)
  51. The Usulután Ceramics of Central America: Using Izalco-Usulutám Wares to Understand Interregional Relationships and Local Social Complexity (2024)
  52. Usulután Pottery in the Southern Maya Region: Paste Composition & Potting Communities (2024)
  53. Ute "Prayer Trees", the Cultural Resource that Never Existed (2019)
  54. Ute Ethnographic Cultural Landscapes in Southeast Utah (2019)
  55. Ute Mountain Ute Tribal Historic Presevation Office Reflections on Tribal-Archaeologist Collaborations (2019)
  56. Utilitarian Lithics as Commodities: Comparing Classic Period Specialized and Multi-craft Producers in the Maya Lowlands (2023)
  57. Utility Lines Straddling State Boundaries: Cultural Resources Angle on Accumulated Knowledge and Knock-On Effects (2024)
  58. Utility of low-cost drones to generate 3D models of archaeological sites from multisensory data (2015)
  59. The Utility of Metal Detector Surveys in CRM (2019)
  60. The Utility of Nestedness in Zooarchaeological Assemblages: A Study from the Northern Maya Lowlands (2017)
  61. The Utility of Portable XRF for Preliminary Site Prospection at Contaminated Colonial Period Mining Sites (Puno, Peru) (2019)
  62. The Utility of Public LiDAR Data for Detecting and Documenting Low-Relief Archaeological Sites: A Case Study from the Pockoy Island Shell Rings, Charleston County, South Carolina (2018)
  63. Utilization and Field Testing of LiDAR in the Maya Hinterlands (2018)
  64. Utilization of Fish Resources at the Hopoate Site on Tongatapu, Kingdom of Tonga (2018)
  65. Utilization of Quartz Crystal Lithics During the El Paso Phase Jornada Mogollon (2019)
  66. Utilizing Ancient Oral Microbes to Track Human Migrations across the Pacific Islands: Insights from Palau and Beyond (2021)
  67. Utilizing Corrugated Wares to Explore Regional Variations in the Virgin Branch Puebloan Culture (2015)
  68. Utilizing Cumulative Viewshed Analysis to Explore Virgin Branch Ancestral Pueblo Settlement Choice (2019)
  69. Utilizing Drone Modeling to Facilitate Targeted Pedestrian Survey in Central Western Patagonia (2024)
  70. Utilizing LED and Solar Power at a Remote Field Site in the Holmul Region (2016)
  71. Utilizing Tablets for Mobile Data Recording in a CRM Context (2015)
  72. Utilizing Visual Resource Management to Assess Effects on Historic Properties; Working within the BLM VRM Framework (2015)
  73. Utopia through the Kaleidoscope: The Colors of Silk in Colonial Mexico (2021)
  74. UW MIA Recovery and Identification Project: A Multidisciplinary Approach to DPAA Partner Missions (2021)
  75. Vacationing in Wonderland: Archaeology of Tourism in Yellowstone National Park (2019)
  76. Validating niche-construction theory through path analysis (2015)
  77. Validation of a Non-Destructive DNA Extraction Protocol for Ancient DNA Analyses (2015)
  78. Valle de Bonanza (Zacatecas, Mexico): Desert Varnish and Technology in a Surface Lithic Assemblage (2019)
  79. The Valle de Mairana, Bolivia (c. 1000-1532 CE): Elucidating the Everyday (2024)
  80. Valley of No Masters: Exchanging Experiences at the Valley of the Masters, Northeastern Brazil (2018)
  81. The Value and Availability of Quality Obsidian at Antelope Creek (2017)
  82. Value and Impact: The New Philanthropy and Funding Archaeology (2017)
  83. The Value of 3-D Models in the Classroom (2024)
  84. The Value of all that Glitters: Beads in the Tombs around Pylos, Greece (2016)
  85. The Value of Anthropological Research for the Pueblo of Pojoaque (2019)
  86. The Value of Children in Ancient Egypt (2019)
  87. The Value of Colonialism as a Model for Anglo-Caribbean Material Practices at Emancipation (2016)
  88. The Value of Forensic Archaeology Training for All Law Enforcement Officers: A Case Example (2016)
  89. The Value of Legacy Collections for Recognizing and Reducing Error in Artifact Analysis (2019)
  90. VAMPing Up Stewardship in the National Parks: Preliminary Lessons from the Volunteer Archeological Monitoring Program (2023)
  91. The Vanishing Treasures Training Program- Closing the Skills Gap (2019)
  92. Vapaki: Akimel O’Odham Cultural Knowledge Regarding Classic Period Platform Mound Villages in the Phoenix Basin (2024)
  93. Variability among the Dead: Population Structure and Inferred Cultural Adaptations to the Changing Environmental and Sociopolitical Landscapes during the Late Moche (AD 650–800) Era in the Jequetepeque Valley, Peru (2018)
  94. Variability in Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Ratios in Banana Yucca (Yucca Baccata) from Cedar Mesa, Utah: Environmental, Inter-Organ and Processing-based Effects (2015)
  95. Variability in Clovis Biface Morphology from the Type-site, Blackwater Draw Locality 1 (2019)
  96. Variability in Human-Animal Interactions at the Emergence of Animal Domestication in Southwest Asia (2024)
  97. Variability in Large-Area Magnetic Surveys at Hopewell Earthworks and the Challenges of Big Data (2016)
  98. Variability in Molluscan Assemblages: Indicators of Changing Cultural and Environmental Factors in Lucayan Life (2019)
  99. Variability in Neolithic Cattle Populations: a Case Study from the Orkney Islands (2015)
  100. Variability in northern and southern Preceramic lomas sites of coastal Peru (2015)