Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.

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The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 3,501-3,600 of 21,939)

  1. Cleaning Up Claiborne: Revising the Radiocarbon Dates of Six Decades of Research Using Chronometric Hygiene (2024)
  2. Cleaning up History: Historic preservation at Formally Used Defense Sites (2019)
  3. Clear Views from the Ground: 3D Modeling of Architecture and Rock Art from Chaco to Anguilla (2015)
  4. Clearing Away the Cobwebs: The AVCAR Orphaned Collections and Innovative Undergraduate Research (2024)
  5. Clearing the Fog: Contributions to Central Aleutian Island Archaeology (2019)
  6. A CLG in the Wilderness: Cooperative Local Preservation in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (2016)
  7. Climate Adaptations in Persistent Places: Relational Solutions in Yucatán, Mexico (2024)
  8. Climate Amelioration and the Rise of the Xiongnu Empire (2017)
  9. Climate and Cultural Responses in Belizean Prehistory (2024)
  10. Climate and Culture in the Caribbean and Western Atlantic Regions (2019)
  11. Climate and Heritage in the Arctic: Environmental Monitoring and a New European Standard (2023)
  12. Climate and Human Behavior Studies for our Warming World: An Introduction to the Models, Methods, and Data (2024)
  13. Climate and Migration: Using Radiocarbon Date Frequencies to Identify Population Movement in the Bighorn Basin of Wyoming (2019)
  14. Climate Change (Global and SE Asia) (2018)
  15. Climate Change Adaptation: Implementing Indigenous and Local Knowledge to Increase Community Resilience (2018)
  16. Climate Change and Archaeological Research: An Analysis of NSF-Funded Archaeological Research Projects (2024)
  17. Climate Change and Archaeology (2023)
  18. Climate Change and Chiefdom Ecodynamics in the Eastern Andean Cordillera of Colombia (2016)
  19. Climate Change and Cultural Response in Holocene Southeastern North America (2016)
  20. Climate Change and Culture in Late Pre-Columbian Amazonia (2019)
  21. Climate Change and Environment in Cahokia’s History (2024)
  22. Climate Change and Moche Politics: A View from the Northern Chicama Valley, Peru (2017)
  23. Climate Change and Other Effects to Aboriginal Medicine (2024)
  24. Climate Change and Out of Africa Dispersals (2016)
  25. Climate Change and Polyculture Agroforestry Systems: Examples from Amazonian Dark Earths (2018)
  26. Climate Change and Resource Management in Eastern Settlement Norse Greenland: Zooarchaeological Perspective (2015)
  27. Climate Change and Rural Livelihood in Calabria, Italy (2024)
  28. Climate Change and Social Sustainability: The Case of the 8.2-kyBP Climate Event and the Demise of the Neolithic Community at Çatalhöyük in Anatolia (2024)
  29. Climate change and societal change in the western Mediterranean area 4.2 ka BP (2016)
  30. Climate change and subsistence shifts: Wet-rice agriculture in Ifugao, Philippines (2015)
  31. Climate Change and the Foraging-Farming Transition on the Great Plains (2019)
  32. Climate Change and the Middle Holocene "missing millennia" in the Southeast Asian Archaeological Record (2018)
  33. Climate Change and the Predicament of Archaeology in the U.S. Middle Atlantic Region (2017)
  34. Climate change and the preservation of archaeological sites in Greenland (2016)
  35. Climate Change and the Rapid Loss of Organic Deposits in West Greenland (2018)
  36. Climate Change and Threatened Paleoecological Landscapes of South Florida (2017)
  37. Climate Change Challenges at Bandelier National Monument: Adapting Conservation and Monitoring Responses for Cultural Sites in the Desert Southwest (2016)
  38. Climate Change Has a History and Landscape Learning Is One of Its Storytellers (2023)
  39. Climate Change Impacts on Archaeological Sites of the Middle Atlantic Uplands (U.S.) (2019)
  40. Climate Change in Coastal Ecuador (2021)
  41. Climate Change Intensifies Violence in the South Central Andean Highlands, 1.5–0.5 ka (2023)
  42. Climate Change or Muslims? Collapse of the Late Antique Sasanian Settlements, Mughan Steppe, Iranian Azerbaijan (2018)
  43. Climate change risk assessment of coastal archaeological resources in San Diego County (2017)
  44. Climate Change, Archaeology, and Native Expertise: an Ice Patch Success Story (2016)
  45. Climate Change, Capacity-Building and Local Engagement: Report on the 2018 Arctic Viking Field School, Vatnahverfi, South Greenland (2019)
  46. Climate Change, Disease, and the Collapse of Swahili Urbanism (2024)
  47. Climate Change, Dissonance and Urban Diaspora in the Southern Maya Lowlands (2015)
  48. Climate Change, Economies of Scale, and Population Growth in Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherer Societies: A Case Study from Southwestern Wyoming (2018)
  49. Climate Change, Population Migration, and Ritual Continuity in the Lower Mississippi Valley (2019)
  50. Climate Change, Subsistence and Warfare during the Late Pre-Columbian Period in the Lower Midwest (2016)
  51. Climate Change, Sustainability, and the Ancient City of Angamuco, Michoacán, Mexico (2019)
  52. Climate instability and the origin of farming in Southwest Asia (2015)
  53. Climate Stability and Societal Decline on the Margins of the Byzantine Empire in the Negev Desert (2021)
  54. Climate Teleconnections Synchronize Human Population Dynamics (2024)
  55. Climate, Chronology, and Collapse: Comparing the Classic Maya and the Roman Empire (2016)
  56. Climate, Prey Choice, Signaling, and Risk: An Integrated Analysis of Holocene Hunting in the Bonneville and Wyoming Basins, USA (2023)
  57. Climate, resources and strategies: simulating prehistoric populations in semi-arid environments (2015)
  58. Climate, Vulcanism, and Agricultural Terrace Construction in Late Bronze Age Crete (2024)
  59. Climate-Induced Hurricane Risks and Heritage Preservation in Southwest Florida: A Case Study of Hurricane Ian's Impact on Pineland Archaeological Site Complex (2024)
  60. Climates of History in Ancient China: Lessons from Deep-Time and Cross-Cultural Perspectives (2015)
  61. The Climates of Pueblo Emergence (2019)
  62. Climatic and Demographic Changes in the South Central Andean Highlands during the Late Holocene (2019)
  63. Climatic Changes and Ceramics during the Terminal Classic at Chichén Itzá. (2016)
  64. Climatic Controls on Prehistoric Utah Populations (2019)
  65. A climatic imperative? Testing the connection between climate and crop adoption in the Indus and the Hexi corridor (2015)
  66. Climatic Narratives across Eurasia: A Comparative Study of the 4.2k Event in Western and Eastern Asia (2018)
  67. Climatic variability and hominin dispersal: the accumulated plasticity hypothesis (2015)
  68. Climbing the Home of the Rain Gods: Mountain Cults in Ancient Central Mexico (2017)
  69. Close to Home: bringing heritage management graduate programs to descendant communities (2015)
  70. Close to Home: Public and Institutional Archaeology in the University Setting (2023)
  71. Close to the Edge; 19th Century Maya refugees at Tikal, Guatemala. (2015)
  72. Close-Range Photogrammetry Applications in Outdoor Forensic Scene Documentation (2018)
  73. "Closed by Refurbishment": A General Overview of Teotihuacan from Classic to Epiclassic Times (2021)
  74. Closely Observed Layers: Small Stories and the Heart (2017)
  75. A Closer Look at Immigrant Life Expectancies from German Cemeteries in Southeastern Wisconsin (2015)
  76. A Closer Look at the Big Picture: Great House Community Dynamics at Aztec Ruins National Monument, Northwest New Mexico (2021)
  77. A Closer Look at the Use of Cueva de Sangre through Skeletal Remains (2019)
  78. Closing the Gap at Aztec Ruins: Refining the Dating Sequence Using Corn and Pottery (2017)
  79. Closing the Portal at Itzmal Ch’en: Termination Rituals at Mayapan (2015)
  80. Clothing for the mexica gods: shell garments from the Great Temple of Tenochtitlan (2015)
  81. Clothing the World in a Social Skin: Recognizing the Role of Materialities of Dressing and Metaphor in the Ancient North American Southwest (2016)
  82. Clouds for Water, Forest for Healing: Prehispanic Cultural Dynamics in the Cloud Forests of the Northern Andes (2023)
  83. Clovis and Folsom from the Central Plains: Projectile point breakage, distributions, and material types as indicators of prehistoric land use and subsistence strategies (2016)
  84. Clovis and the Chronology of Megafaunal Extinctions in the Southern Great Lakes (2019)
  85. Clovis in the Petrified Forest (2019)
  86. Clovis knapping behaviors: What were they thinking!? (2016)
  87. The Clovis Lithic Component of Fin del Mundo, Sonora, Mexico. (2016)
  88. The Clovis Lithic Technology at El Fin del Mundo: Early Paleoindian Mobility and Land Use Patterns in North-Central Sonora, Mexico (2017)
  89. Clovis Origins: A Global Perspective (2016)
  90. Clovis Points Were Likely Knives: An Evaluation of the Evidence (2019)
  91. Clovis Points, Trade Beads, and Everything in Between: Collections at the University of Wyoming Archaeological Repository (2016)
  92. Clovis Style Hafted Bifaces: A Pan-Regional Perspective (2017)
  93. Clovis Technology on the Southern Colorado Plateau: An Analysis of the Glen Quarry Locality (2019)
  94. Clovis to San Pedro: Projectile Points and Land Use in the Southern Colorado Plateau (2017)
  95. Clovis Use of Obsidian in the Southwest (2019)
  96. The Clovis-Cumberland-Dalton Succession: The Evolution of Behavioral Adaptations During the Pleistocene/Holocene Transition (2016)
  97. Clovis-Folsom Overlap at the La Prele Mammoth Site (2024)
  98. Clovis-Killed Mammals (2017)
  99. Clovis/Folsom Endscrapers and Gendered Hideworking: Ethnographic Analogy or Inference to the Best Argument? (2019)
  100. Clues about Neanderthal Fire Technology and Climate from a Microstratrigraphic Study of Unit XXIV at Crvena Stijena, Montenegro (2023)