Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.

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The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 3,901-4,000 of 21,939)

  1. Community Engaged Scholarship and the Oklahoma Public Archaeology Network (2023)
  2. Community Engagement in Archaeology through Photogrammetry (2019)
  3. Community Entanglements: Archaeology, Heritage, and Community Partnership at the Little Bay Plantation, Montserrat, West Indies (2015)
  4. Community Formation and Integration in Colonial Alta California (2015)
  5. Community Formation through Movement: Focal Nodes and Community Landscapes of the Mopan River Valley, Belize (2019)
  6. Community from the Ground Up: Launching the 1857 Slave Dwelling Project at Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest (2024)
  7. Community Identity in the Jornada: Untangling Patterns of Aggregation and Abandonment at Cottonwood Spring Pueblo (LA 175), an El Paso Phase Village (2019)
  8. Community Involvement in Kyrgyzstan The Value of Heritages (2016)
  9. Community Matters: Enhancing Student Learning Opportunities through the Development of Community Partnerships (2019)
  10. Community memories? Ritual animal use of "Qijia Culture", Evidence from Mogou Cemetery, Lintan County, Gansu Province, China (2017)
  11. A Community of Heritage Practitioners: Keeping the Past in the Present at Grand Ronde (2018)
  12. Community Organization and Urban Dynamics at Copan, Honduras (2019)
  13. Community Organization on the Edge of the Mesa Verde Region: Recent Investigations at Cowboy Wash Pueblo, Moqui Springs Pueblo, and Yucca House (2023)
  14. Community Outreach in Cultural Preservation (2023)
  15. Community Perceptions and Effects of the Bridge River Community Archaeological Project, 2012-2016 (2017)
  16. Community Resilience and Connection on the Middle Nile: The Es-Selim R4 Archaeology Project in Sudan (2024)
  17. Community Resilience in the Río Amarillo East Pocket: Commoner Occupation around Río Amarillo and Quebrada Piedras Negras at the end of Late Classic through Postclassic Periods (2017)
  18. Community Spaces at Pueblo III Pithouse Villages in Northeastern Arizona (2015)
  19. Community Structure in Times of Stress and Change: Communal Dining in the Northern Southwest (2021)
  20. Community Training and Traditions: Accessing Archaeological Methodology In Creating a Baseline for Trail Stewardship (2021)
  21. Community Ways and Historical Paths in Brazilian Southern Coast (5000–600 BP) (2019)
  22. Community, Co-design, and Climate: Case Studies in Designing Public Outreach for Arctic Archaeology (2023)
  23. Community, Territory, and Polity in Postclassic Highland Oaxaca (2017)
  24. Community- Engaged Archaeology with Abiquiú, New Mexico (2018)
  25. Community-Based and Collaborative Archaeology in South Greenland: Past, Present, Future (2019)
  26. Community-based Economic Development: Is it Pragmatic? Should it Be? (2018)
  27. Community-Based Ethnoarchaeology to Inform Experimental Archaeological Research: Learning from the Diasporic Tigrayan Community in Vancouver, British Colombia (2024)
  28. Community-based Research in the Archaeological Classroom (2016)
  29. Community-Defined Heritage and Uncertain Futures (2024)
  30. A Community-Engaging Data Recovery of the Fennell Plantation: A Journey from Enslavement to Black Landownership in North Alabama (2024)
  31. Companions or Counterparts: Considering the Role of Animal Depictions in Moche Ceramics from Northern Peru (2015)
  32. Comparability of Photogrammetry and Laser Scanners for Generating 3D Surfaces for Archaeological Questions (2019)
  33. A Comparative Analysis of a Potential Tavern Site in Jackson, North Carolina (2015)
  34. A comparative analysis of a traditional western Polynesian tupua at Swains Island, American Samoa. (2015)
  35. Comparative analysis of ceramic assemblages from 18th century Caribbean enslaved populations (2015)
  36. A Comparative Analysis of Ceramic Assemblages from Slave Plantation Sites in the Valley and Piedmont of Virginia (2019)
  38. Comparative Analysis of Food Production, Waste, and Socioeconomic Dynamics in Red Light Districts and Brothel Sites across Three Port Cities during the American Industrial Revolution (2024)
  39. A Comparative Analysis of Historical Artifacts Recovered from Room 28 (2018)
  40. Comparative Analysis of Imperial Inca Pottery from Ecuador using INAA (2019)
  41. Comparative Analysis of Incised Stone Artifacts from Gatecliff Shelter and Ruby Cave, Great Basin, Nevada (2015)
  42. A Comparative Analysis of Mortuary and Domestic Artifacts from Petra’s North Ridge (2023)
  43. A Comparative Analysis of Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Ceramics in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (2023)
  44. Comparative Analysis of Pathological and Ontogenetic Variation within Archaeological Macaw and Turkey Assemblages Using Micro-CT Data (2024)
  45. Comparative Analysis of Petroglyphs at the Crack-in-Rock Community (2017)
  46. A Comparative Analysis of Ritual Architecture in the Northern Maya Lowlands (2016)
  47. A Comparative Analysis of Settlement, Environment, and the Social Landscape at the Ancient Maya Centers of Uxbenká and Ix Kuku'il, Toledo District, Belize (2015)
  48. A Comparative Analysis of the Reactions of Native Groups to Spanish Colonization (2019)
  49. A Comparative Analysis of Trincheras Tradition and Hohokam Subsistence Practices from ~400 to 1450 CE (2024)
  50. A Comparative Approach to Deciphering Past Agricultural Strategies in the Tropics: The Shared Trends of Resiliency, Vulnerability, and Complexity (2017)
  51. A Comparative Approach to Understanding Ancient Agriculture Complexity in the Tropics (2016)
  52. Comparative Approaches to Casas Grandes Taphonomy and Violence (2015)
  53. A Comparative Archaeological Exploration of Question-Oriented Sampling Strategies to Integrate ZooMS into Zooarchaeological Methods (2023)
  54. The comparative archaeology of the Channel Islands (2015)
  55. A comparative assessment of Upper Paleolithic lissoir (smoother) manufacture and use (2017)
  56. A Comparative Bioarchaeology of Health and Status in Pre-Classical K’axob and Cuello (2018)
  57. A Comparative Ceramic Analysis of Motifs from Three Sites in the Cambria Locality, Minnesota (2017)
  58. Comparative characterization and sourcing of pottery styles from the Lurin valley, central coast of Peru (2016)
  59. Comparative Compositional Analysis of Parkin Phase Red-slipped Pottery and Red Ochre Deposits Using PXRF and Petrography (2017)
  60. A Comparative Consideration of the Institutions of Governance of the Native American Polities of Florida (2024)
  61. Comparative Distribution of Kayenta Ground Stone in Hohokam and Mogollon Salado Sites (2023)
  62. Comparative Ecodynamics of North Atlantic Islands: A progress report (2016)
  63. A Comparative Ethnoarchaeological Approach to Gender and Landscape: Livelihood and Viewshed (2018)
  64. Comparative Eurasian Statecraft: al-Andalus in the context of the Medieval West (2019)
  65. Comparative Evidence of Maritime Activity in the Early Swahili Harbours of Zanzibar (2018)
  66. Comparative Faunal Analysis of Four Early Thule House Features from Cape Espenberg, Alaska, and Inglefield Land, Greenland (2015)
  67. A Comparative Functional Analysis of Old Copper Culture Utilitarian Implements via Artifact Replication, Materials Testing, and Ballistic Analyses (2019)
  68. Comparative Geochemical Analyses of Lime-Plaster from a Cave Site in Belize, C.A. (2016)
  69. Comparative Histories of Community Depopulation in the Mesa Verde and Northern Rio Grande Regions of the American Southwest (2023)
  70. Comparative Micro-Usewear and Residue Analyses on Late Pleistocene Unifacial Tools from Huaca Prieta, Peru, and Monte Verde, Chile (2018)
  71. Comparative Multiethnic Predation in Borderland Context (2023)
  72. A Comparative Paleoethnobotanical Analysis of Geographically Disparate Salado Sites (2023)
  73. Comparative Social Inequality and Class Structure in Ancient Cities (2015)
  74. A Comparative Spatial Analysis of Ancient Palaces (2018)
  75. Comparative Stable Isotopic Analyses between Dental Enamel and Bone Collagen among Central American Archaeological Samples Spanning 8,000 Years (2019)
  76. A Comparative Study of the Barn Owl (Tyto Alba) Pellet Taphonomic Signature Across Regions: Implications for Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions in Archaeological Sites. (2015)
  77. A Comparative Study on Ceramic Production from Central Plain China and South China in Early Shang Dynasty (2017)
  78. Comparative Stylistic Analysis of Calixtlahuaca Projectile Points (2023)
  79. A Comparative Synthesis of Depopulation in the North American Southwest, 1100 to 1450 (2019)
  80. Comparative Techniques to Uncover Networks of Ceramic Technology in Southern Vietnam (2017)
  81. Comparative Water Histories: An Outline of Contrastive Juxtaposition as Method in Anthropological Archaeology (2016)
  82. Comparing a NextEngine 3D Scanner with Casting Mediums for Making Positives of Cord-Impressed Pottery (2018)
  83. Comparing Age-at-Death Profiles from Cemeteries on Sint Eustatius, Dutch Caribbean (2019)
  84. Comparing Ancient Human-Nature Reslationships at Tikal, Guatemala and Caracol, Belize (2016)
  85. Comparing and Contrasting Community Structure across the Northwest/Southwest (2017)
  86. Comparing and Contrasting Data from Drone-based Lidar with Other Remote Sensing Technologies (2024)
  87. Comparing Archaeology and Oral Tradition at the Tlákw.aan (Old Town) Site, Yakutat Bay, Alaska (2018)
  88. Comparing bone structure and domestic sheep management strategies using microcomputed tomography (microCT) (2017)
  89. Comparing Demographic Patterns of Archaeological and Modern Cemetery Data: A Novel Application of GPS Technology (2024)
  90. Comparing Demographic Shifts versus Permanence across the Maya Lowlands: A Multiproxy Approach to the Centuries Surrounding the “Maya Collapse” (2023)
  91. Comparing Energy Expenditures of Mortar and Pestle and Grinding Slab Technologies (2021)
  92. Comparing Isotopic Data for Diet and Mobility of Males and Females in the Lower Río Verde Valley, Oaxaca, Mexico (2018)
  93. Comparing Labor Regimes: Debt Peons in the Northeastern Yucatan versus Free Laborers in British Honduras (2017)
  94. Comparing Late Archaic Oyster Paleobiology and Volumetric Data from Different Sites along the South Atlantic Coast of Georgia (2023)
  95. Comparing Lithic Procurement and Use Within the Foxe Basin, Nunavut (2018)
  96. Comparing Methodologies for Documenting Commingled and Fragmentary Human Remains (2016)
  97. Comparing Methods for Determining Particle-Size Distribution (2016)
  98. Comparing Middle Woodland and Mississippian Period Agglomerations in the Eastern Woodlands of North America (2019)
  99. Comparing Multiple Methods of Fish Size Estimation Using Sheepshead Remains from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
  100. Comparing Patterns of Skeletal Pathology in Enslaved Africans from an Eighteenth-Century Cemetery on St. Eustatius (2021)