Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.

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The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 4,301-4,400 of 21,939)

  1. The Context and Meaning of Medio Period Casas Grandes Stone Effigies (2024)
  2. Context for Petroglyphs: Recent Results from the Valley of Fire Archaeological Project (2024)
  3. The Context of Tlatilco Figurines (2019)
  4. Context-Free Archaeology: Private Collections, Data Quality Assessment, and Achieving Meaningful Research at Heavily Looted Sheltered Sites—A Case Study from West Texas (2019)
  5. Context-Specific Applications of Space Syntax on African Urban Sites (2018)
  6. Contextos Funerarios Posclásicos en San Pedro Nexicho Oaxaca, Análisis Preliminares de un Sitio de la Sierra Juárez (2017)
  7. Contextos y Narraciones del Clásico: Las Figurillas de Tabasco, México (2019)
  8. Contexts and Meanings of Prehispanic Underwater Offerings Discovered in the Volcanic Lakes of Nevado de Toluca, Mexico (2024)
  9. Contexts of Ash Deposits in Jornada Mogollon Pithouse and Pueblo Settlements and Reflections on Their Meanings (2018)
  10. A Contextual Analysis of Special Finds from the Medicinal Trail site in Northwestern Belize (2016)
  11. A Contextual Analysis of the Homol'ovi I Fauna (2023)
  12. A Contextual and Iconographic Analysis of Precolumbian Stamps from the Lower Rio Verde Valley (2017)
  13. Contextual Implications: Excavating Open Air Sites Adjacent to Cache Cave (2015)
  14. Contextual Taphonomy in Zooarchaeology: From Refuse Behavior to Site-Occupation Intensity in Levantine Epipaleolithic Camps (2018)
  15. Contextualing Cahokia's Collapse (2016)
  16. Contextualizing a Collection: Compositional, Morphological, and Trade Network Insights from an Iron Age Collection of Rare Southeast Asian Glass Ornaments (2023)
  17. Contextualizing a Middle Archaic Component at the Cajamarca Site of Callacpuma in the Northern Peruvian Andes (2019)
  18. Contextualizing Campsites: Survey Results and Comparisons from Two Parajes along El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro (2019)
  19. Contextualizing Conflict: Social Theory in the Bioarchaeology of Central Anatolia (2021)
  20. Contextualizing Iron Age Cypriot State Formation in the Eastern Mediterranean (2016)
  21. Contextualizing Mid–Late Archaic Period Copper Complex Sites of the Western Great Lakes (2021)
  22. Contextualizing Ritual and Collapse in Eastern and Southern African Chiefdoms and States (2017)
  23. Contextualizing Ritual Violence: Kinship, Ethnicity, and Human Sacrifice in Epiclassic Central Mexico (2019)
  24. Contextualizing the Ancient Cultivated Landscape of the Bajo el Laberinto Region, Campeche, Mexico (2024)
  25. Contextualizing the Art: Excavations at Oxtotitlán Cave, Guerrero, Mexico (2016)
  26. Contextualizing the Differences Between Upper Gila and Mimbres River Valley Ceramic Design Elements (2019)
  27. Contextualizing the Influence of Climate and Culture on Mollusk Collection: *Donax obesulus Malacology from the Jequetepeque and Nepeña Valleys, Peru (2021)
  28. Contextualizing the theory of archaeological theorization (2015)
  29. Contextualizing the “Tuxtla” Statuette: Epi-Olmec Writing and Representation in Tres Zapotes, Veracruz, Mexico and Its Hinterland (2023)
  30. Contextualizing Tibes and the Local Landscape (2016)
  31. Contextualizing Xunantunich in the Late Classic Belize Valley through Investigations of Structure A9 (2018)
  32. Continental Connections: Development of the Yayoi People (2024)
  33. Continental Dynamics and the Shaping of Island Societies (2024)
  34. Continental Roots and Coastal Routes? Merging Archaeological, Bio-Geographic and Genomic Evidence of the Peopling of the Americas (2016)
  35. Continued Work on the Ray Robinson Collection – Preliminary Investigations into the Clont’s Farm site, John’s Farm site and other nearby sites in the Safford Basin of Southeastern Arizona (2024)
  36. Continued Work on the Ray Robinson Collection: Four Salado Sites in the Northern San Pedro Valley Region of Southeastern Arizona (2023)
  37. Continuidad y cambio: un estudio comparativo e interpretativo de los espacios domésticos de Mawchu Llacta (2017)
  38. The Continuing Archaeological Investigations on the Northeast Coast of San Salvador Island, Bahamas (2019)
  39. Continuing Collaborations at Homol’ovi: A View from the Corn Roasting Pit (2018)
  40. Continuing Heritage Education: Reaching Adult and Senior Learners (2016)
  41. Continuing the Search for Pre-Clovis Aged Cutmarked Bones in the Great Basin: Recent Results (2016)
  42. Continuities and Discontinuities in a Thousand Year Old Fishing Village on Huanchaco Bay, North Coast of Peru: The Pampa la Cruz Case (2018)
  43. Continuities and Transformations: A Sociopolitical History of the Central E-Group of Yaxnohcah, Campeche, Mexico (2024)
  44. Continuities in Urban Provisioning in Early Medieval Ipswich (2023)
  45. Continuity and Change Between Late Prehistoric and Early Historic Periods: Visually Reconstructing Two Successive Occupations of Housepit 54 at the Bridge River Village Site, Mid-Fraser Region, British Columbia, Canada (2015)
  46. Continuity and Change in Chiriquí Period Village Organization (2018)
  47. Continuity and Change in Contact Period Caddo Communities in the Ouachita Mountains (2024)
  48. Continuity and Change in Early Colonial-Era Hawai‘i: An Examination of Foreign Artifacts from Nu‘alolo Kai, Kaua‘i Island (2018)
  49. Continuity and Change in Prehispanic and Colonial Pottery Production at Tzintzuntzan (2019)
  50. Continuity and Change in the Pisgah Built Environment (2016)
  51. Continuity and Change on the Gobi Frontier: Geoarchaeology of Human Adaptations to Desertification in Southern Mongolia (2023)
  52. Continuity and Change: What the Late Intermediate Period at Pisanay Can Tell Us About Middle Horizon Arequipa (2018)
  53. Continuity and Discontinuity: Ritual from the Iron Age to the Early Medieval Period in Ireland (2024)
  54. Continuity and Evolution in the Taiwanese Sailing Raft (2017)
  55. Continuity and Hiatus in the Archaeology of Mobility: A Case Study from Southern Peru/Northern Chile (2019)
  56. Continuity or Change: A GIS Analysis of Artifact Distributions from Pre-colonial Housepit 54 (2018)
  57. Continuous Spatial Modles of Artifact Relative Frequency Data as an Aid for Sourcing Chert Materials: Two Examples from Patagonia and the Pampas of Argentina (2015)
  58. Contract Archaeology and the Center for American Archeology (2024)
  59. Contrast and Connection in a Colonial-Era Hawaiian Hinterland: A Study of Nineteenth-Century Households on the Nā Pali Coast, Kaua‘i Island (2019)
  60. Contrasting Cartographies: Mapping a Maya Site Using Multiple Perspectives (2018)
  61. Contrasting Commensality in Colonial Mesoamerica and the Borderlands East (2024)
  62. Contrasting Communities: Relationship Change in the Western Isles of Scotland (2017)
  63. Contrasting Human Demography Trends between Hunter-Gatherers and Farmers as Response to Climate Change: Central Western Argentina as Study Case (2018)
  64. Contrasting Use of Space among Neighbors: Puna versus Quechua/Suni Residential Settlements of the Rapayán/Tantamayo Region during the LIP (2019)
  65. Contrasting worldviews in Hispaniola: Places and Taskscapes at the age of Colonial Encounter (2017)
  66. Contribuciones científicas de un coleccionista. Francisco Plancarte y Navarrete y el Preclásico (2017)
  67. Contribución al estudio de la ocupación Tiwanaku (A.D. 500-1050) e Inca (A.D. 1430-1530) en el lago Titicaca, Bolivia : aportación de la Arqueología Subacuática. (2016)
  68. Contributing Bodies: The Foundation of the Modern Human Skeletal Collection of the University of Athens in Greece (2018)
  69. The Contribution of Canímar Abajo, Cuba to an Understanding of Early Populations in the Greater Antilles (2015)
  70. The contribution of Northwestern Argentina to the metallurgical Andean tradition (2017)
  71. Contribution of Stephan F. de Borhegyi to the Archaeology in Guatemala: Investigation in the Borhegyi’s Archives at the Milwaukee Public Museum (2018)
  72. The Contribution of Tree-Ring Studies to Archaeological Research in Northwestern Mesoamerica (2019)
  73. Contribution to Rock Art Interpretation with New Decipherments of Hand Prints (2024)
  74. Contributions and Perspectives about Household Archaeology in the Andes: A Homage to Bradley J. Parker (2019)
  75. Contributions from the Archaeological Record: Climate Proxies and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (2019)
  76. Contributions of a Three-K’atun Archaeologist to Theorizing the Classic Maya Past (2019)
  77. Contributions of Archaeological Research in Panama to the Early Human History of the American Tropics (2015)
  78. The Contributions of Archaeology to the Story of the African World (2023)
  79. The Contributions of Belize Archaeology to Our Understanding of Ancient Maya Economies (2024)
  80. Contributions of Belize Cave Research to Ancient Maya Studies (2024)
  81. Contributions of Dolores Piperno to the history and folklore of coastal Ecuador (2015)
  82. Contributions of Experimental Archaeology and Use-Wear Analysis to the Study of Limpets (Patella Sp.) (2023)
  83. Contributions of IRSL to the Issue of Initial Settlement in the New World: The Case of the McDonald Creek Archaeological Site (2021)
  84. Contributions of Osteological Evidence to Repatriation Assessments (2018)
  85. Contributions of Richard G. Cooke, PhD, MBE, to the Study of Isthmo-Colombian Iconography (2024)
  86. Contributions of the Kerr Corpus to Maya Paleography: Aspects of Sign Development, Regional Variation, and Idiosyncratic Style in Maya Writing (2024)
  87. Contributions of the Proyecto Santa Maria (PSM) to the Prehistory of Central Pacific Panama and Beyond (2024)
  88. The Contributions of Vance T. Holliday to the Earth Sciences (2018)
  89. The Contributions of Vernon Scarborough: Introductory Remarks (2016)
  90. Contributions to Paleolithic Research: In the Steps of Albert I, Prince of Monaco (2023)
  91. Contributions to understanding demography and settlement patterns in the Valle del Quimi, Zamora-Chinchipe Province, Ecuador (2016)
  92. Contribuyendo a la Viabilidad y a la Calidad en la Práctica Arqueológica desde la Sociedad sin Fronteras del Patrimonio Cultural A.C. (2019)
  93. Control, Visibility, and Storage at Monte Sierpe, a Late Horizon Site in the Pisco Valley, Peru (2018)
  94. Controlling for Carnivores and Shaft Fragmentation in Skeletal Element Analysis: Some Insights from Southern Idaho Cave Deposits (2015)
  95. Controlling the Flow: Interregional Interaction, Community Prosperity, and Politics at the Highland/Pacific Frontier of Lake Atitlan, Guatemala (2017)
  96. The Convergence of Metal Projectile Points: Assessing the Relative Influence of Function in Nonhomologous Technological Traditions (2023)
  97. Convergence of Tears at Momonga: Spiritual, Social and Personal Interactions of the Multiethnic Mourning Ceremony (2018)
  98. Convergence Research and the Coalition for Archaeological Synthesis (2018)
  99. Convergence Zone Politics and Cultural Affiliations at the Archaeological Site of Ucanal, Peten, Guatemala (2019)
  100. Convergent Pathways of Enslaved Materialities: The Case of Eighteenth-Century Bermuda and Virginia (2019)