Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.

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The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 901-1,000 of 21,939)

  1. Applications of Cultural Heritage and Digital Preservation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education (2015)
  2. Applications of Geospatial Technologies in Known Archaeological Landscapes: Re-examining the Archaeological Settlement Pattern of Falefa Valley (2019)
  3. Applications Of Machine Learning To Classification And Analysis Of Southwestern US Ceramic Designs (2017)
  4. Applications of Microscopy and Thin Section Petrography in Iroquoian Ceramic Analysis (2018)
  5. Applications of Multipsectral Imagery to the Archaeology of Human Origins (2017)
  6. Applications of Photogrammetry in Understanding Spatial and Ritual Contexts of Caves in the La Montaña Region, Eastern Guerrero (2017)
  7. Applications of Rat Bone Collagen Stable Isotope Analysis towards Investigating Long-term Island Socio-ecosystem Dynamics: Case studies from Mangareva (French Polynesia) and Pemba Island (Zanzibar) (2017)
  8. Applications of the IFD and IDD to Complex Societies (2019)
  9. Applications of Wiggle-Match Dating in North American Historical Archaeology (2023)
  10. Applied Archaeological Ethics: Inclusive Pedagogical Practices (2023)
  11. Applied Archaeological Visualization: Technical advances and research insights from the effort to visualize Neanderthal/AMH interactions at deep time depth. (2015)
  12. Applied Digital Technologies and GIS Spatial Statistics at Tzak Naab, Northwestern Belize (2017)
  13. Applied Ethnobotany in Arid Lands: The Importance of Time, context and Collaboration (2017)
  14. Applied Systems Engineering Can Help See Into Non-Contiguous Debris Zones With New Eyes (2024)
  15. Applied Zooarchaeology and Oregon Coast Sea Otters (Enhydra lutris): Following up on Lyman 1988 (2017)
  16. Applied Zooarchaeology, food practices, conservation biology programs and contemporary cultural traditions in the Caribbean Region of Colombia. (2017)
  17. Appliyng environmental and etnographic frames of reference Northwestern Patagonia, Argentina. (2016)
  18. Applying a Life History Framework to Analyzing Metal Age Metal Assemblages from Thailand (2017)
  19. Applying a Social Autopsy Theoretical Framework to Bioarchaeological Analyses (2023)
  20. Applying Adaptive Cycles to the Life History of Ancient Maya Agricultural Systems (2015)
  21. Applying Circuit Theory to Colonial Expansion Modeling in the Great Bay Estuary, New England. (2021)
  22. Applying Continuous Process Improvement Methodologies to Evaluate and Rebuild the Air National Guard Cultural Resources Management Program (2018)
  23. Applying Digital Technologies to Older Sets of Data: A Study of the Spatio-Temporal Distribution, Design and Function of the Carved Stone Altars at Copán (2015)
  24. Applying Frames of Reference: The CLIMAP dataset and the Middle to Later Stone Age transition in the Namib Desert (2016)
  25. Applying Geophysical Prospection to Interpret Historical Burial Practices at Two Cemeteries on St. Eustatius, Dutch Caribbean (2021)
  26. Applying Glass Bead Chemistry to Examine Wendat Village Intrasite Organization (2024)
  27. Applying Indigenous Methodologies to Create an Indigenous Research Agenda Model (2024)
  28. Applying Innovation Diffusion Theory to Archaeology: a Case Study on the Rise of Iron Technology in Western Asia (2015)
  29. Applying Key Archaeology Concepts: Activities for the Undergraduate Classroom (2016)
  30. Applying Mean Thickness Measurements to Newly Recorded Cohonina Sites on the South Kaibab National Forest, Northern Arizona (2023)
  31. Applying North American Approaches to Community Archaeology in Khirbet al-Mukhayyat, Jordan (2015)
  32. Applying OSL Dating to Understand Relationships between the Teotônio Site and Surrounding Populations, Southwestern Amazonia (2016)
  33. Applying pXRF Technology to Repatriation at the National Museum of Natural History (2018)
  34. Applying Simple Magnetic Depth Estimation Techniques to Archaeo-geophysics (2019)
  35. Applying the Archaeological Resources Protection Act to Rock Art (2017)
  36. Applying the Index of Care to Antemortem Cranial Trauma at Bab adh-Dhra’ (2024)
  37. Applying the Power of Partnerships to the Search for America's Missing in Action (2021)
  38. Applying the Power of Partnerships to the Search for America's Missing in Action (2023)
  39. Applying the Principles of MATRIX in the Real World (2015)
  40. Applying ZooMS to Gault Site Faunal Material: Identifying the Unidentifiable and the Case for Database Expansion (2017)
  41. An Appraisal of the Middle Preclassic Pyrite Mirrors from Tomb 1 of Chiapa de Corzo (2024)
  42. An Approach to Fitting Transmission Models to Seriations for Regional-Scale Analysis (2015)
  43. An approach to the tombs and rituals in Area 49 in San José de Moro. (2015)
  44. Approaches for Producing Precise Archaeological Chronologies (2015)
  45. Approaches to assessing anthropogenic soil-landscape change in ancient agricultural systems (2015)
  46. Approaches to Lithic Technology: How Archaeological Practice Influences Interpretation of Past Lifeways through the Lens of Kharaneh IV (2023)
  47. Approaches to Scale in Highly Commingled Contexts: A Case Study from Roncesvalles (2024)
  48. Approaches to Scandinavian rock-art (2015)
  49. Approaches to Understanding Skeletal Part Frequencies in Roman Assemblages (2016)
  50. Approaches, Rationales, and Challenges to Maintaining Site Inventory in the National Parks (2018)
  51. Approaching (In)Equality in the Indus Civilization: A Preliminary Analysis of House Size at Mohenjo-daro (2023)
  52. Approaching Equifinality: Pollen and Non-pollen Palynomorphs as Complementary Paleoecological Proxies (2018)
  53. Approaching Extensive Damage at Historic Cemeteries Using Canine Detectors (2024)
  54. Approaching Identity and Gender Roles through the Alimentation Sphere in the Iberian Culture (5th - 1st century BC) (2024)
  55. Approaching Monument Diversity in the Woodland Societies of the Central Scioto Valley (2018)
  56. Approaching the Iconography of Epiclassic Censer Ornaments, a Typology from Los Mogotes, Estado de México (2019)
  57. The Appropriation of Native American Cultural Property: Comparing the U.S. and French Contexts (2015)
  58. Approximate Bayesian Computation Evaluation of the Interactive Effects of Climate Change and Subsistence Economic Intensification on Precontact Population Dynamics in Western North America (2024)
  59. An Approximation Towards the Function of Candeleros in the Plaza of the Columns Complex, Teotihuacan (2018)
  60. Apropiación de recursos naturales, configuración territorial y paisajística en torno al río Lerma, Zona Metropolitana La Piedad-Pénjamo (2015)
  61. Apropiación, síntesis y representación en la etapa Blanco y Negro de Chavín (2024)
  62. Aprovechamiento de la obsidiana por la población prehispánica del valle de Maltrata, Veracruz (2018)
  64. Aproximaciones a la estratigrafía y la fauna marina durante el pleistoceno en el sur de la base aérea de Santa Lucía (2021)
  65. Aproximación al estudio de forma-función de la cerámica de contextos rituales en dos sitios con arquitectura monumental en el Valle Central de Costa Rica: 750-1150 dC (2024)
  66. Aquaculture in the Ancient World: Ecosystem Engineering, Domesticated Landscapes, and the first Blue Revolution (2024)
  67. The Aquatic Imaginary of Ancestral Tiwa Landscapes (2018)
  68. Aquatic Neanderthals and Paleolithic Seafaring: Myth or Reality? Examples from the Mediterranean (2018)
  69. Arabian Late Pleistocene lithic variability and its implications for hominin behavior and demography (2016)
  70. Arboriculture, Translocated Flora, and Ecological Inheritance in the Marquesas Islands, East Polynesia (2018)
  71. ArcBurn: Measuring Fire Vulnerability in Southwestern Landscapes (2015)
  72. The Arch Street Project in the Classroom: The Multifaceted Benefits to the Student (2024)
  73. Arch Street Project: Sustainable Collaboration and Learning after Reburial Using Digitized Remains (2024)
  74. Archaelogical Analysis of a Colonial Copper Smelting Furnace from Santa Clara del Cobre, Michoacan, Mexico. (2019)
  75. Archaeo-anthropological analysis of the early to late Middle Age (7-14th century) parish church and graveyard from Sursee, Switzerland. (2016)
  76. Archaeo-rover: A Low-Cost Robotic System for the Collection of Geophysical Data (2019)
  77. Archaeo-Tourism and Heritage Policies: What Works, What Doesn’t, and How to Move Forward—Case Studies from Belize and the United States (2023)
  78. Archaeoacoustics at Chavín de Huántar: New Evidence for Social Complexity via Sonic Communication Technologies (2024)
  79. The Archaeoacoustics of Tenam Puente, Chiapas, Mexico: Auditory Monitoring of an Ancient Monumental Zone (2024)
  80. Archaeoastronomy, Beliefs, and Violence: Documentation, Methodology, and Visualization of Rock Art Panels from CANM, Colorado (USA) (2021)
  81. Archaeobotanical Analysis from the Cane River Site (31Yc91) (2017)
  82. An Archaeobotanical Analysis of Four Prehistoric Central Thai Sites: the Preliminary Results (2016)
  83. An Archaeobotanical Analysis of the Upward Sun River Site, Central Alaska (2016)
  84. Archaeobotanical Chenopodium Seeds from across Central Asia (2017)
  85. Archaeobotanical Data from Middle to Late Holocene Sites on the Central California Coast: Implications for Resource Use and Prescribed Burning (2019)
  86. Archaeobotanical Evidence and Diachronic Changes in Foodways of Indigenous Groups in the Central Coast and San Francisco Bay Regions, California (2015)
  87. Archaeobotanical Evidence of Swahili Cuisine at Unguja Ukuu, Zanzibar (2024)
  88. Archaeobotanical Realities at Yaxnohkah: A Pollen Grain of Truth on Preclassic Land Use (2017)
  89. Archaeobotanical records of the Middle and Late Neolithic plant food utilization from North Jiangsu Plain (2017)
  90. Archaeobotanical Remains from the Roman Harbor Vada Volaterrana (2024)
  91. Archaeobotany Foodscapes (2024)
  92. Archaeobotany in Southeast Asia: What have we learned so far (2015)
  93. Archaeobotany of Food & Craft near Bono Manso, Ghana, during the Transition from Trans-Saharan to Atlantic Trade (2019)
  94. Archaeobotany of Ka'ūpūlehu (2023)
  95. The Archaeobotany of Kelley Cave (41VV164): A Glimpse of Prehistoric Plant Use in the Lower Pecos Region of Texas (2015)
  96. The archaeobotany of plant microfossils in South Asia - History and Perspectives (2017)
  97. The Archaeobotany of Ritual: The Role of Palm (Arecaceae) in Ancient Maya Caves (2017)
  98. Archaeofauna and Archaeobotany studies in Northwestern South Asia: Past, Present, and Future (2017)
  99. The Archaeofaunal Dimension of Preceramic Human-Environment Dynamics in the Highlands of Southwestern Honduras (2021)
  100. Archaeogaming and Shell Mounds (2023)