Society for American Archaeology
This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.
Presenters can access and upload their presentations for FREE. If you would like to upload your presentation, please click here to find out more.
The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.
Site Name Keywords
44CE0085 •
La Quemada •
Nevada •
Alta Vista •
ontario •
Gordion •
Ceren •
El Teúl •
Las Ventanas •
Site Type Keywords
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Non-Domestic Structures •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Archaeological Feature •
Domestic Structures •
Settlements •
Rock Art •
Agricultural or Herding •
Ball Court •
Artifact Scatter
Other Keywords
Historic •
Zooarchaeology •
Cultural Resources and Heritage Management •
Maya: Classic •
Ceramic Analysis •
Material Culture and Technology •
Landscape Archaeology •
Subsistence and Foodways •
Historical Archaeology •
Bioarchaeology/Skeletal Analysis
Culture Keywords
Historic •
Ancestral Puebloan •
Historic Native American •
Mogollon •
Woodland •
Archaic •
Euroamerican •
Spanish •
PaleoIndian •
Investigation Types
Heritage Management •
Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis •
Collections Research •
Archaeological Overview •
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Systematic Survey •
Architectural Documentation •
Reconnaissance / Survey •
Ethnographic Research •
Ethnohistoric Research
Material Types
Ceramic •
Fauna •
Chipped Stone •
Macrobotanical •
Building Materials •
Human Remains •
Metal •
Wood •
Dating Sample •
Ground Stone
Temporal Keywords
Civil War •
Mimbres Classic period •
Ancestral Puebloan / Sedentary through Classic Period •
19th Century •
Historic •
Magdalenian •
1880-1920 •
Pueblo I and II •
Postclassic •
Geographic Keywords
North America (Continent) •
United States of America (Country) •
Belize (Country) •
USA (Country) •
United Mexican States (Country) •
Republic of Panama (Country) •
Republic of El Salvador (Country) •
Netherlands Antilles (Country) •
Aruba (Country) •
Republic of Guatemala (Country)
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 21,701-21,800 of 21,939)
- The Women of Fort St. Joseph, a French Colonial Settlement on the North American Frontier (2024)
- Women Warriors among Central California Hunter-Gatherers: Egalitarians to the Last Arrow (2019)
- Women weaving individual and collective identities in Kosrae, Micronesia (1824-1924) (2017)
- Women Who Create and Feed the Gods: Female Priestly Work in Mesoamerica and the Andean Area (2021)
- Women's Leadership and Ritual Specialization in Coast Miwok and Kashia Pomo Cultures (2024)
- Women's Mobility and Inter-Pueblo Exchange in the Salinas area, AD 1100–1300 (2017)
- Women's Networks and the Foundations of Mississippian Politics (2019)
- Women's Portages: Colonial Encounters, Gender, and Indigenous Worldview in the Great Lakes (2024)
- Women, metaphors of alterity. Expressing elites interactions at Cacaxtla-Xochitecatl (Tlaxcala) and Xochicalco (Morelos) (2015)
- Women, Reproduction, and Fertility: How "Common-Sense" Assumptions of the Present Filter into the Mesoamerican Past (2015)
- Women, Sex and Sacrifice in Moche Iconography (2018)
- Women’s Dress in Ritual and Non-ritual Contexts (2023)
- Women’s Hands in the Rock Art of Mensabak Lake, Chiapas, Mexico: An Approach from the Agency Theory (2021)
- Women’s Labor and Scholarship Production in Archaeology: Celebrating the Mentorship of Rita P. Wright (2018)
- Women’s Power and Prestige in the Pre-Hispanic and Early Colonial Andes (2018)
- Women’s Territorialities within Indigenous Societies in Brazil: Past Discourses, Present Relations (2019)
- Women’s Time Allocation Trade-Offs in an Intensive Foraging Economy Led to Future Discounting Reproductive Behavior (2021)
- Wonderful Things: Using Legacy Archaeological Collections for Research (2018)
- "A Wondrously Fertile Country": Agricultural Diversity and Landscape Change in French Guiana (2018)
- Wood foraging in the tree-limited environment of the Cape Floral Region of South Africa (2015)
- Wood Identification of Trees and Shrubs in the Great Basin and Snake River Plain (2015)
- Wood Preservation Dilemmas of Florida's Prehistoric Saltwater Sites: Famous Key Marco and Recent Weedon Island (2016)
- The Wooden Club: The Oldest Weapon or Myth? (2023)
- Wooden Features on the Jicarilla Apache Nation: An Analysis of Navajo and Apache Land Use (2024)
- Wooden Post Architecture and the Origins of Woodland Civic-Ceremonial Centers: New Evidence from the Spring Warrior Complex, Florida (2024)
- Wooden Posts and an Ontology of “Treeness” (2024)
- Wooden scepters in the offerings of Tenochtitlan’s Great Temple: A symbolic interpretation (2015)
- Woodhenges in Northwest Europe (2019)
- Woodland and Late Precontact Interaction along the Saint Croix River Corridor in Minnesota and Wisconsin (2021)
- Woodland Period Occupations Along the Savannah River: An Update of the Late Prehistoric Investigations at the Topper Site (38AL23), Allendale, SC (2017)
- Woodland Period Settlement Patterns at Letchworth Mounds (8JE337), Jefferson County, Florida (2016)
- Woodland Subsistence in Upper East Tennessee (2018)
- Woodland Systematics and Monumentality: A Preliminary Discussion of the Re-discovery of the Caldwell Mound (2017)
- Woodland Tradition Plant Use and Foodways in the Western Great Lakes: A View from Southeastern Wisconsin (2021)
- Woodland Villages in the Upper Connecticut River Valley: Landscape-scale geophysics as evidence for large sedentary settlements in Northern New England (2024)
- Woodrats Rule! Climbing and Coring in Southeast Utah Cliff Dwellings (2015)
- Woot There It Is: Ground-Truthing LiDAR Survey Results at El Peru-Waka’, Petén, Guatemala (2019)
- Word Path: Connecting People to the Landscape and Traditional Indigenous Land Use through Language Preservation: A Collaborative Journey between the Kalispel Tribe of Indians and the Colville National Forest (2023)
- Words for domestic animals used as metaphors in coastal naming (2017)
- Work and Models of Efficiency in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Sugar Factories: A Caribbean Case Study. (2015)
- Work and Specialization in the Epiclassic Period (650-950 CE) at Xochitecatl-Cacaxtla, Tlaxcala (2017)
- Work Is the Curse of the Drinking Class: Beer, Labor, and Class in the Ancient Near East (2021)
- The Work of Feline Bones and Feline Imagery at Early Horizon Etlatongo, Oaxaca, Mexico (2021)
- Worked Bone Harpoon Technological Persistance and Variation Through Time and Geography (Turkana/Omo Basin, Kenya/Ethiopia) (2015)
- Working at Our Edges: Managing Traditional Cultural Properties in the Desert Southwest (2018)
- Working for the Dead: The Role of Gravediggers and Their Impact on Burial Practices as Evidence in Transylvanian, Hungarian-Szekler Communities (AD 1050–1800) (2024)
- Working for the Palace, Working for the House:how households became a neighborhood in late 3rd Millennium BC Tell Asmar (ancient Eshnunna), Iraq (2017)
- Working Like Dogs: a systematic evaluation of spinal pathologies as indicators of dog transport in the archaeological record (2017)
- Working on the Margins of the Modern World and Within Archaeology: The Historical Archaeology of Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentith-Century Ireland (2017)
- Working Together for the Past: Developing a Stewardship Program for Oklahoma (2019)
- Working Together for the Past: Maine's Casco Bay Islands Public Archaeology (2023)
- Working Together to Save Our Culture: Creating a Tribal Register of Historical Places (2017)
- Working toward a Lost Cause? Comparing Handheld XRF Analysis to Neutron Activation Analysis and Petrography Using Maya Ceramics from Holtun, Guatemala (2021)
- Working toward Collective Benefit? Reflections on Community Based Participatory Research in Cangahua, Ecuador (2019)
- Working Towards an Exportable Indigenous Heritage Management and Cultural Ranger Program in the Ikh Nart Nature Reserve, Mongolia. (2015)
- Working Towards Collaboration: a Model of Interaction between Archaeology Professionals and Avocationalists (2019)
- Working with Scotty: Perspectives on A Peripheral Paper Designed for the Ayacucho-Huanta Archaeological-Botanical Project (2018)
- Working with the Ejido: Negotiating Archaeology and Local Politics in Michoacán, Mexico (2015)
- Working Within the Curves: Examining Issues of Resolution and Accuracy When Using Sea-Level Curves in Archaeological Contexts (2016)
- Working, Living, and Dying Together: Rethinking Marginality, Sex, and Heterarchy in Kayenta Communities (AD 900-1150) (2019)
- The Workings of Classic Maya Marketplace Exchange from the Perspective of the Buenavista del Cayo Marketplace (2016)
- The Works Progress Administration, Tennessee Valley Authority, and Geophysics: Bringing Together Digital Geophysical Data and Historic Excavation Results for Comprehensive Data Sets (2018)
- The World around Us: Challenges in the Analysis of 3D Scenes (2024)
- The World as His Oyster: Our Journey with Alan Simmons (2019)
- The World Bank’s Approaches To Valuing Cultural Heritage (2016)
- World Heritage Listings, Changing Climate, and the Salalah Doctrine: Archaeological Heritage Management at Nan Madol Monument, Pohnpei, FSM (2018)
- "The World is a Garden": Human-Animal Relations and Sustainability Comparative Studies of Classic Maya and Early China (2024)
- The World of Secret Societies: Dynamics from the Northwest (2015)
- The World of the Living and the World of the Dead - A Bronze Age Monumental Landscape in Central Mongolia (2019)
- A World of Wrapped Symbols: Bundling and Iconography on Southeastern Ceramics from the Lemley Collection (2016)
- World prehistories and the development of a global archaeological narrative (2017)
- World Visions: Plains Vision Questing as Epistemology (2024)
- World War II Archaeology in the Galápagos Islands: The Soldiers and Convicts at the Wall of Tears (1940–1959) (2024)
- Worlds Prefigured: Settler-Colonialism, Anarchism, Indigeneity, and the Dawn of Everything (2024)
- The World’s Largest Archaeological Jigsaw Puzzle: Excavations at Juukan Gorge 2022–2023 (2024)
- A Worm’s Eye View of Chimú Domestic Practice (2019)
- Worn Down: Dental Attrition and Dietary Differences at an Early Medieval Settlement in Central Europe (2021)
- Woven Traces: Evidence of Basketry from Masis Blur (Armenia) (2023)
- The WPA Ceramics Laboratories of the Penn Museum: A Collaborative Legacy (2024)
- WPA Murals as Historical Artifacts: What is Archaeology’s Role in the Preservation, Protection, and Analysis of Early 20th-century American Art? (2024)
- Wrestling That 200-Pound Gorilla in the Room: Practical Solutions for the Care and Management of Associated Records (2018)
- Wrinkle-free Clothing: Conservation and Rehousing of Prehistoric Cotton Textiles from Navajo, Walnut Canyon, and Wupatki National Monuments, Arizona (2016)
- Writers on the Storm: A Terminal Classic Migrant Maya Scribal Household (2016)
- Writing on the Wall: Patterns of Discourse in Undergraduate Graffitti (2021)
- Written in Stone: 10,000 Years of Activity at the Acushnet LNG Site (2018)
- Written in Stone: Lithic Analysis at the Acushnet LNG Site (2019)
- WTF do API, JSON, CSV, and LOD mean? Instruction and professional development in digital archaeology (2017)
- The Wupatki Petroglyph Project (2018)
- WWII Battlefield Archaeology of Tarawa (2017)
- WWPAED? (2019)
- WyoARCH: An Update on Digital Developments to Improve Professional and Public Interaction with Federal Repositories (2019)
- WyoARCH: Increasing the Impact of Archaeological Repositories through Spatially-Enabled Collections Management (2018)
- Wyoming Dinwoody Tradition Rock Art Superimpositions (2016)
- X-Ray Analysis of Mandibles from a 2000 Year-Old Bison Kill Site in Western Oklahoma (2015)
- X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and Morphological Analysis of Trade Beads from Palau, Micronesia (2017)
- Xalla, Teotihuacan: A Multifunctional Palace for the Ruling Elite of Teotihuacan (2017)
- Xaltocan, resultados preliminares del salvamento en la interconexión aeroportuaria (2021)
- Xanamus and Petroglyphs: A Study of the Construction Techniques of the Tzintzuntzan Yácata Lining System (2024)
- Xanthosoma violaceum and the Maya Diet: Root Crop Use in Ancient Maya Agriculture (2015)
- Xibalba in Technicolor: The Popol Wuj and the Interpretation of Ancient Maya Art (2023)